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We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME

11-22-2020 , 01:55 PM
  1. Years Trump serves as president (before being impeached, outvoted, dying in office after suspending the constitution and ruling for 25 years, etc)
  2. Years until a Trump executive order is struck down as unconstitutional
  3. Number of seats gained/lost by the GOP in 2018 midterm elections
  4. Number of electoral votes the GOP candidate gets in 2020
  5. Number of supreme court justices Trump replaces
  6. Months until Hillary is formally indicted/pardoned
  7. Date that UK formally leaves the EU
  8. %GDP damage caused by UK leaving the EU
  9. Years Theresa May serves as Prime Minister
  10. %age of the first round vote that Marine Le Pen gains in the first round of the French presidential elections
Bonuses: Names of the next non Trump, non May President/Prime Minister.

Feel like I can score the bolded and fudge the reds now, and it's a wrap.

The only problem is that the spreadsheet is on my old laptop. Not sure it works anymore.
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-14-2021 , 06:38 PM
I'll score a few of these over the weekend.
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-14-2021 , 08:01 PM
I'm just going to go ahead and declare victory Trump style right now.
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-14-2021 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Aaronk56 continues to dominate:
NameSupreme CourtNationalistsMidtermBrexitTotal
Booker Wolf Box135716
dark magus852419
King of NYC4.5610121.5
accobra kid104111237
Xander Biscuits87121138
I think you left out Teresa May in this table.

Looking forward to the wrap-up!
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-14-2021 , 08:51 PM
high score wins right?
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 11:33 AM
OK, by my count, this is the story so far:

Name UnconstitutionalMidterms   Brexit Date May as PMFrench FascistsTotal
aarondk56 3.01.0   2.0 6.01.013
Booker Wolf Box 1.05.0   7.0 5.03.021
dark magus 7.02.0   4.0 3.05.021
IANAWW 3.05.0   9.0 6.01.024
nails 7.08.0   3.0 1.08.027
King of NYC 3.010.0   1.0 12.06.032
lilrascal 12.04.0   6.0 1.011.034
JMurder3 3.07.0   5.0 10.09.034
pwnsall 2.09.0   8.0 6.010.035
accobra kid 10.011.0   12.0 3.04.040
Jedi 11.03.0   10.0 6.012.042
Xander Biscuits 7.012.0   11.0 10.07.047

And we've got to score:
- Trumps' length as president
- GOP candidate EC votes
- Supreme Court Justices

And throw out:
- Hillary's pardon
- GDP damage due to brexit

Last edited by kokiri; 01-31-2021 at 11:40 AM. Reason: fixed weird formula error
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 11:45 AM
Not a good one to get wrong, this:

Name 1. Years Trump serves as president (before being impeached, outvoted, dying in office after suspending the constitution and ruling for 25 years, etc)

Booker Wolf Box41
dark magus41
King of NYC41
accobra kid41
Xander Biscuits41
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 11:46 AM
AaronK56 experiences the equivalent of Nevada being called

 Trump's tenureUnconstitutionalMidterms   Brexit Date May as PMFrench FascistsTotal
Booker Wolf Box115   7 5322
dark magus172   4 3522
aarondk561131   2 6124
nails178   3 1828
King of NYC1310   1 12633
IANAWW1035   9 6134
JMurder3137   5 10935
pwnsall129   8 61036
accobra kid11011   12 3441
Jedi1113   10 61243
lilrascal12124   6 11146
Xander Biscuits1712   11 10748
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 11:53 AM
4. Number of electoral votes the GOP candidate gets in 2020

Answer: 232

Booker Wolf Box1996
dark magus2055
King of NYC2432
accobra kid2827
Xander Biscuits31511

Bit of a democrat bias from the leaders.
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 11:55 AM
1 to come, and 6 points separating the top 5.

 NameTrump's tenureUnconstitutionalMidtermsElectoral College Votes  Brexit Date May as PMFrench FascistsTotal 
 Booker Wolf Box1726  4 3528 
 aarondk561783  3 1831 
 dark magus11510  7 5332 
 IANAWW11318  2 6132 
 King of NYC13101  1 12634 
 Jedi10355  9 6139 
 nails1374  5 10939 
 JMurder311132  10 61245 
 Xander Biscuits1299  8 61045 
 pwnsall1101112  12 3453 
 lilrascal17127  11 10755 
 accobra kid1212411  6 11157 
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 11:59 AM
Last question, possibly the most consequential (IRL - all questions matter in the game):

5. Number of supreme court justices Trump replaces

Nam+D59eEntrySupreme Court
dark magus24
King of NYC24
Xander Biscuits24
accobra kid31
Booker Wolf Box712

Actual 3
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 12:11 PM
I got 1 point for question 4 and my score went from 28 to 39?
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by nails
I got 1 point for question 4 and my score went from 28 to 39?
Yup, just realised this is a giant %^$&.

Let's start over
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 12:16 PM

Trump Presidency

dark magus41
King of NYC41
Booker Wolf Box41
accobra kid41
Xnader biscuits41
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 12:20 PM
 NameTrump's tenureUnconstitutionalMidtermsElectoral College VotesSupreme Court.Brexit Date.May as PMFrench FascistsTotal 
 Booker Wolf Box114...7 5119 
 nails177...3 1221 
 dark magus172...4 3926 
 JMurder3136...5 10328 
 pwnsall128...12 6534 
 King of NYC139...1 121036 
 IANAWW1034...8 6637 
 Jedi1113...9 61242 
 accobra kid11011...11 3844 
 Lilrascal121210...6 1445 
 Xnader biscuits1712...10 101151 
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 12:24 PM
Electoral college votes:

 Booker Wolf Box16910 
 dark magus1996 
 King of NYC2251 
 Xnader biscuits2827 
 accobra kid32612 
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 12:25 PM
 NameTrump's tenureUnconstitutionalMidtermsElectoral College VotesSupreme Court.Brexit Date.May as PMFrench FascistsTotal 
 nails1773  3 1228 
 dark magus1726  4 3936 
 Booker Wolf Box11410  7 5141 
 King of NYC1391  1 121041 
 JMurder31364  5 10341 
 IANAWW10345  8 6643 
 pwnsall1289  12 6544 
 aarondk5611318  2 6646 
 Jedi11132  9 61248 
 accobra kid1101112  11 3857 
 Xnader biscuits17127  10 101162 
 Lilrascal12121011  6 1465 
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 12:26 PM
Supreme Court Justices:

 dark magus24 
 King of NYC24 
 Xnader biscuits24 
 accobra kid31 
 Booker Wolf Box712 
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 12:35 PM
So the final results look like this:


dark magus3636 

 King of NYC4141 
 Booker Wolf Box4141 

 StopThe Steal 

 accobra kid5757 

 Xnader biscuits6262 

 Mara Lago  

I went back to the entries and recalculated it all. Pretty sure the results are right, just don't look too hard? Something something US Election Something Something

 NameTrump's tenureUnconstitutionalMidtermsElectoral College VotesSupreme Court Brexit Date May as PMFrench FascistsTotal 
 nails17734 3 1228 
 dark magus17264 4 3936 
 JMurder313649 5 10341 
 King of NYC13914 1 121041 
 Booker Wolf Box1141012 7 5141 
 IANAWW103451 8 6643 
 pwnsall12891 12 6544 
 aarondk56113189 2 6646 
 Jedi111324 9 61248 
 accobra kid11011121 11 3857 
 Xnader biscuits171274 10 101162 
 Lilrascal121210119 6 1465 
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 12:36 PM
Thanks for playing everyone!

These are the final results (unless Hillary get locked up, of course...)
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 01:23 PM
What was your made up uk gdp number?
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
What was your made up uk gdp number?
Didn't score that one. It's pretty much impossible to answer even before Corona
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
01-31-2021 , 04:36 PM
Looking at my answers for the two unscored questions, it's a good thing they were dropped...

Thanks for the game, kokiri!
We laugh at things because they scare us: WORLDS LONGEST FUTURE GUESSTIMANIA POLITICAL GAME Quote
