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01-31-2012 , 01:36 PM
saying your score is good and first is not tmi, but saying your score is bad and first is?
Triplechain Quote
01-31-2012 , 01:38 PM
went out to latt after drawing like 80% of our matches
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01-31-2012 , 01:44 PM
Still think we should go with a no talking about the current challenge rule.
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01-31-2012 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by derwipok
Still think we should go with a no talking about the current challenge rule.
this would probably be good

rather than having it be vague on what's good and what's bad, just rule it out all together.
Triplechain Quote
01-31-2012 , 07:34 PM
I maintain the right to talk about future challenges. I really killed the Feb. 3 one.
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01-31-2012 , 07:37 PM
Zac, I've mentioned this before, but could it be possible to change this?

35 players played yesterday, but only top 32 scores are visible to look at. I was interested to see how a good player like Dynasty managed to score only something like 6k, but it is not possible atm. Maybe you could make the top 40 scores visible. That should be enough, at least for now. I'm assuming this is somewhat easy to change.
Triplechain Quote
01-31-2012 , 07:38 PM
damn you th10
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02-01-2012 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by kioshk
I maintain the right to talk about future challenges. I really killed the Feb. 3 one.
man that last roll is really going to kill me.

Back down to 1399
Triplechain Quote
02-01-2012 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by TH10
Zac, I've mentioned this before, but could it be possible to change this?

35 players played yesterday, but only top 32 scores are visible to look at. I was interested to see how a good player like Dynasty managed to score only something like 6k, but it is not possible atm. Maybe you could make the top 40 scores visible. That should be enough, at least for now. I'm assuming this is somewhat easy to change.
extending on this: it would be really nice if the page only shows a fixed number of scores (like 32 now) with the option to click on "view all scores" or something like that. So the page wouldn't be flooded with scores but if you want to you can view all.

Originally Posted by kokiri
man that last roll is really going to kill me.

Back down to 1399
1398 for me, at least I had a better score than Dynasty yesterday
Triplechain Quote
02-01-2012 , 05:53 AM
TH10 has chosen an interesting route for playing the DC and it netted two wins. The setup in the last two games is strikingly similar.
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02-01-2012 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
TH10 has chosen an interesting route for playing the DC and it netted two wins. The setup in the last two games is strikingly similar.
Wait what!? I thought I was grinding advanced games.

I think I got another TC first yesterday.

Maybe this could be called "perfect 24h hat-trick", "perfect 24h tripletop" or something like that. Being at the same time first on normal 24h leaderboard with a score of 50k+, first on advanced 24h leaderboard with a score of 70k+, and leading the DC with a score that will end up being the winning score. I remember I had the chance to do this once before, had nuts in DC, 70k+ advanced score, but couldn't get the 50k+ normal score even after grinding for it for almost two hours and having multiple chances with the last rack. This time I had the 50k+ score already when I played the DC, after playing that I thought it could be possible that it holds, so later I tried advanced and got 70k+ on the first attempt, which was lucky, since the 50k+ score disappeared from the leaderboard less than 15 minutes after the 70k+, so there wasn't a lot of time to get it (thanks to everyone who stopped playing Timed just before that so that I had time to get the 70k+ score before the 50k+ disappeared). Then I only had to wait if the DC score would hold, and it did.

Not sure if anyone cares, but here are my DC stats for January from the spreadsheet I mentioned before.
Days played: 29
Wins: 8 (27.59 %)
Average players, who finished their games: 30.14
Average position (raw positions, ties don't affect this): 7.86
Average players tied with: 0.79
Head-to-head win % (ties count for this as 0.5 wins): 75.09 %

Finishing positions relative to field, ties count for 0.5 wins:
Beating 0.00 % - 16.66 % of opp.: 0
Beating 16.67 % - 33.33 % of opp.: 2
Beating 33.34 % - 50.00 % of opp.: 3
Beating 50.01 % - 66.66 % of opp.: 6
Beating 66.67 % - 83.33 % of opp.: 4
Beating 83.34 % - 100.00 % of opp.: 14

9th rack luck:
More zones to chains: 6/7 (85.71 %)
Number of games where it was possible to win with 9th rack: 16 (55.17 %)
Average odds to win with 9th rack for all the days played: 24.41 %
Expected wins with 9th rack: 7.08
Wins compared to win EV: +0.92

Stats should look a bit better if it wasn't for that one drunken game.
The win % and head-to-head win % are very, very high, no doubt they will both be lower in the future. Been lucky with 9th racks too, although not ridiculously lucky or anything, but a decent amount above EV.
Triplechain Quote
02-01-2012 , 04:31 PM
I´m upswinging again and passed Paul.

2nd, 4th, 2nd, 5th and today 2nd again (upto now).

Triplechain Quote
02-01-2012 , 04:33 PM

TH10 needs treatment
You are a degen sir
Triplechain Quote
02-01-2012 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
I´m upswinging again and passed Paul.
Also, you're now 4 points from Dynasty.

p.s. PLEASE could I run colder in DCs, especially wrt my winrate? kthxbai
Triplechain Quote
02-01-2012 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Treep
extending on this: it would be really nice if the page only shows a fixed number of scores (like 32 now) with the option to click on "view all scores" or something like that. So the page wouldn't be flooded with scores but if you want to you can view all.
Yeah eventually I'll add paging so that you can look through the whole list, maybe 30 names at a time. It's been on my to-do list forever, but for now I'll just expand it enough to show 40-50 names (will probably post the change after the tournament is over).
Triplechain Quote
02-01-2012 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
I´m upswinging again and passed Paul.

2nd, 4th, 2nd, 5th and today 2nd again (upto now).

Well I know who's getting all my points then.
Triplechain Quote
02-02-2012 , 05:02 AM

I have learned

look my board from yesterday
You will be proud of me.
(kioshk did the same btw, but his 3rd chain didn´t make it).
Triplechain Quote
02-02-2012 , 06:25 AM
so yesterday I clicked on do the challenge and it went to a new game like it always does, and then when I finished, it was a public score, like any normal game, I could neither see the leaderboard nor play the challenge again

now it says I scored 0 in the challenge yesterday, any way to get that back?
Triplechain Quote
02-02-2012 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
so yesterday I clicked on do the challenge and it went to a new game like it always does, and then when I finished, it was a public score, like any normal game, I could neither see the leaderboard nor play the challenge again

now it says I scored 0 in the challenge yesterday, any way to get that back?
It was an incomplete game so it didn't count against you.
Triplechain Quote
02-03-2012 , 04:06 AM
Triplechain Quote
02-04-2012 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
so yesterday I clicked on do the challenge and it went to a new game like it always does, and then when I finished, it was a public score, like any normal game, I could neither see the leaderboard nor play the challenge again

now it says I scored 0 in the challenge yesterday, any way to get that back?
Make up for it by crushing the next day's game?

Coming second is such a waste of a good dc.
Triplechain Quote
02-04-2012 , 09:51 PM
So now Gaby's withdrawn, I'm basically a lock for the tourney predictions if Derwi makes the final and krohn doesn't. So if Derwi knocks me out I won't be too gutted :-)

Now for strategy question time! I had this spot in the DC yesterday. I think I spent one or two minutes thinking about this, but I'm not sure what's correct, and it's a really unusual situation. Probably should've positioned my 2s better earlier on so I wouldn't have this problem, but here we are. Being results-orientated, if I make the "correct" decision then I get an easy win as I can 4-zone my 6s and snake my 3s and 4s. Round 4 was 64221.

Last edited by Paul101; 02-04-2012 at 09:56 PM.
Triplechain Quote
02-04-2012 , 11:13 PM
I start by putting the 6 in the middle so you're set up for the harder advanced mode chain (still only need 4 6s to do it and one of those can be in rack 9).

That forces the 2s into the top and left areas (a 2 in the top area is really ugly, but it's not worth displacing the 6 to avoid that).

I grudgingly dump the 4 into the bottom zone so the 1 can go in the right area and leave room for more bonus.


I think putting the 4 in the middle is another viable option, but it will force you to get five 6s in the next four rounds if you want 6s and 4s everywhere.
Triplechain Quote
02-06-2012 , 12:21 AM
I had the hubris to fly too close to the sun, with my glorious high rating of 1377. Now I'm plunging back to earth.
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02-06-2012 , 12:41 PM

only golden goose egg left
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