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Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs!

12-08-2012 , 09:08 PM
Im not a wolf

You are
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-08-2012 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
Telco, where in the thread have I tried to get credit for voting luckay? Point me to a post if you find it.

The fact is I didn't like my vote on mets and I did like Jim's case. I said the case was a bit over the top but I never said I didn't like it. You're misinterpreting what I said which in a vacuum can be okay but coupled with your other posts, which I'll respond to next, it seems to me that you have an agenda to get me lynched.
This was my response to the whole "Timon didn't like Jim's case yet still voted for luckay".
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-08-2012 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by Anarchist
Im not a wolf

You are
I wasn't saying you were. I was saying that you calling me out for lack of content is all sorts of lol because you've done nothing before today in this game.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-08-2012 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
I wasn't saying you were. I was saying that you calling me out for lack of content is all sorts of lol because you've done nothing before today in this game.
Ok so...?
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-08-2012 , 10:20 PM
I'm reading the thread from the beginning, looking for some interaction or reads with the known wolves.

This jumped at me:
Originally Posted by Telcontar
the assertion that hes done this 3 times before and each time it was as a villager. Letting us know we shouldnt find him wolfy for it is wolfy.

but this part is forced... too aggressive if you ask me. You want a read ? here's one.


other reads for now up to post 200


metsy - still not clear bro...but there is time. your post 350 was wolfy to me too cause i read that also!
Telco's first reads post doesn't have either luckay or SIU in it. Although he then mentions Luckay just entering so it's not surprising then that he wasn't in the list.

Originally Posted by Telcontar
and back to reading the rest of the thread. Luckay has just arrived and apparently its mental so I'm looking forward to it
OK, he notices Luckay and says he's apparently mental, but no mention of him being villagery or wolfy. I mention this because he is very emphatic about him being a villager.

Originally Posted by Telcontar
i think its wolfy.

Coming back to this though.

Having read enough to see this now, Luckay is a villager in my book.
However i dont feel as confident in my mets wolf read anymore.

the same can not be said about you though. I liked your big reads post, but you had other posts, particularly those towards the end of page 3 that gave me a serious case of the unqueasy's.

How quick you were to jump on me for not having a comparable read on Luckay only heightens my wolf read. you were too eager to push me for a read, so eager you didnt even bother to read my post properly


good reads post - but I dont like anything else you've come up with so far.
Look at the bolded. No reason why Luckay is a villager, just more pushing of Jim.

Originally Posted by Telcontar
and now I like your last 3 posts. jesus christ


luckay is still a villager though
Then he unvotes because of Jim's latests posts. Still reiterating his luckay=villa read.

Originally Posted by Telcontar
And then he votes Tappo, which he didn't mention at all before. Why not mets, who he put on his wolf list? Just very inconsistent.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-08-2012 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
In Order
Felix the Cat
captain binkles

El Timon
Luckay Luck

Jim Halpert

Jim Halpert
Looking at this list, I highly doubt that anyone in the red/orange category is a wolf. Mets explained how he was setting himself up in case he had to bus Luckay, but I doubt he'd have the other wolf in the same category (or in red). Having anarchist in the orange category just above luckay was convenient because Annie had early votes and conceivably could be a good CFD target.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-08-2012 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Ship it

Too ex?
Originally Posted by JimHalpert

are my >>rand villas


are my >>rand wolves

ship im back and forth on
I know these are reads from two villagers with incomplete information, but both of them having Hardcore as a wolf is not good for him.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-08-2012 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
But you don't deny that it would be bussing ?

I think Hardcore or Anarchist mentioned this, but this post is indeed very villagery.

He then made a post about me looking bad if Luckay flips wolf, which is consistent with this previous post. Like, he's pointing out that no one should get credit for late luckay votes and given that SIU votes luckay late, it is something that Telco wouldn't do as a wolf because he would be discrediting his wolfbro for bussing.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-08-2012 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
I used to think this was villagery behaviour and as such I went down this route many many times, but really its not. If you cant vote the leading wagon, then vote off wagon, but vote for someone who you think is wolfy, even if they have no chance of being lynched today, vote for someone. We cant clear you if you vote for no-one, but we may be able to do something for you if you vote for someone....anyone!
Another good Telco post. I'm starting to turn on him, he sounds more and more like a villager around eod1.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-08-2012 , 10:44 PM
Gotta run now. I'll be back either after drinks tonight or tomorrow if I end up getting too drunk.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:36 AM

I like what Timon's posted here and I'm confident saying he should basically never be voted
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
And then he votes Tappo, which he didn't mention at all before. Why not mets, who he put on his wolf list? Just very inconsistent.
Telco did say, "However i dont feel as confident in my mets wolf read anymore," in an earlier post you quoted. I thought Mets got more villagery in the 200-350 post range, so I don't blame Telco for apparently seeing it as well.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:56 AM
I've gone through Telc's posts and also read a few of his posts in the Marvel vs. DC game and I'm comfortable calling him a villager

Originally Posted by Telcontar
the assertion that hes done this 3 times before and each time it was as a villager. Letting us know we shouldnt find him wolfy for it is wolfy.

but this part is forced... too aggressive if you ask me. You want a read ? here's one.


other reads for now up to post 200


metsy - still not clear bro...but there is time. your post 350 was wolfy to me too cause i read that also!
Originally Posted by Telcontar
i think its wolfy.

Coming back to this though.

Having read enough to see this now, Luckay is a villager in my book.
However i dont feel as confident in my mets wolf read anymore.

the same can not be said about you though. I liked your big reads post, but you had other posts, particularly those towards the end of page 3 that gave me a serious case of the unqueasy's.

How quick you were to jump on me for not having a comparable read on Luckay only heightens my wolf read. you were too eager to push me for a read, so eager you didnt even bother to read my post properly


good reads post - but I dont like anything else you've come up with so far.
Originally Posted by Telcontar
and now I like your last 3 posts. jesus christ


luckay is still a villager though
I only quoted a few things here because I'm lazy and also I think the totality of reading Telc is more important than nitpicking everything he says in detail. So, like, if you're unsure about him just read his progression and we should be dandy.

What I wanted to talk about here was wolf team composition. Like, if Telc is a wolf then he's coming into the thread, Luckay has some heat, SIU has some heat, Telc probably feels some burden on his shoulders. But we don't really see that in these posts.

And I don't mean tone, his tone is good but what I mean here is who he's talking about and how he's talking about them. His first reads list has no wolves in it while also pushing two really vocal villagers, later on he's strongly calling luckay a villager and really hurting himself down the track unless he thinks he can singlehandedly stop a wolfbro being lynched (I doubt he does).

And the way he talks *to* Jim, I don't think that's how a wolf, particularly Telcowolf talks to a villager when he knows he probably need to stay on people's good side.

I quickly check the marvel vs. dc game where he was a wolf too, and his wolf cases even when bussing were less natural and aggressive. In this game it looks like he's pushing Jim and trying to wagon him/get him lynched, in that game he was just explaining his reads and seemed willing to pretty much sit back and wait for somebody else to take the reins.

So yeah, in terms of tone/construction of those posts, as well as the overall body of work (check it yourself, he's only posted 35 times) I'm happy to call Telc a villager
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:12 AM
I haven't seen a votecount in a while but iirc Telc at least has his vote on Tappo, maybe others

Anyway I think Tappo is a villager just based on how yesterday progressed

I again suggest looking for yourself because it isn't something I can super easily explain. Basically though the wolves needed a mislynch about as badly as they'll ever need one yesterday, the way the tappo wagon formed in conjunction with the SIU one is very much w/v imo.

Eg. this votecount where Tappo is one away from Maj

Originally Posted by bsball8806
Votes as of post 762
Night in 11:10

5 tappokone hardcoreufo (14), Anarchist (4), captain binkles (25), globetrotter (18), ShipItUp (7)
3 ShipItUp El_Timon (17), Felix the Cat (6), metsandfinsfan (23)
1 captain binkles tappokone (37)
1 El_Timon Telcontar (6)
1 Felix the Cat LKJ (28)
0 not voting
SIU is voting for Tappo.

Tappo isn't voting for SIU, if SIU was voting for Tappo I definitely expect Tappo to reciprocate as a wolf. Tappo and I were the last two wolves at f11 in a 17er once and our entire gameplan was to push each other but get villagers lynched. I'm sure he and SIU would have been trying something similar to the point where Tappo wouldn't be trying to get me lynched yesterday.

So yeah, Tappo is a bad vote imo. I think Hardcore ends the game a lot, and his posts towards my drunken self yesterday seemed akin to a concession.

And this is just a theoretical point: although wolves needed a mislynch, I don't think a wolf outs themselves to maj Tappo (eg someone off wagon like LKJ, he would be the endgame wolf obviously and so can't bring suspicion on himself by majjing a villager imo)
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by tappokone
Telco did say, "However i dont feel as confident in my mets wolf read anymore," in an earlier post you quoted. I thought Mets got more villagery in the 200-350 post range, so I don't blame Telco for apparently seeing it as well.
I didn't notice that, but you pointing out all these details makes me feel pretty good about your role. You've done it in at least one more spot with me and I haven't checked if you've done it with others, but correcting people like this while still making your own reads and work tells me that you have to be a villager.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:24 AM
Good points about Telco, binkles. As I said before leaving the thread earlier, I had started to turn my opinion about Telco because of his posts towards eod1. I thought he was being wolfy on d2 because of some selective quoting of my posts but I can see how him as a villager can get a wolf read on me and the pick the posts that looked worse for me while ignoring those that look good. I'll point those posts out when I get to them in my reread.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
lolme, right?

i'm gonna read the **** out of this game and find the other wolves, though

Hardcore, maybe half joking half serious, has said that he should be cleared for this, the first post on d2. Let's decompose this post and see if it makes sense.

Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
lolme, right?
First, admission that he was wrong on d1 wrt Luckay, so far so good.

Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
i'm gonna read the **** out of this game and find the other wolves, though
OK, so he said he was wrong, and to make up for that he promises to do a lot of work and find other wolves. Perfect.

Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
Whoa! so he was wrong on d1, he said he needs to do a lot of work, yet he votes his d1 vote right away without saying anything else? The contradicts his whole post.

I would expect him to at least say "OK I was wrong about Luckay and I need to do a lot of work but SSIU is still a wolf because ABC". Instead he just votes him and it looks like he was just trying to get some credit in case SIU got lynched as he realized he was going to get a lot of heat on d2.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:51 AM
Globe is the guy where my opinion seems to be furthest from the consensus.

Originally Posted by globetrotter
Ship why are you such a wolf?
Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Ugh I thought I actually didn't start that terribly this game.
Originally Posted by globetrotter
yeah I changed my mind. you can be a villager
Originally Posted by globetrotter

el timon
This exchange is over by #169, which is still early on day one. There's no reason given for Ship being a wolf. Ship's response ("I thought I actually didn't start that terribly") is kind of wolf/wolfy, maybe winking a bit at Globe if they're both wolves.

Originally Posted by globetrotter
i think ship's anarchist vote is villagery because he just said he couldn't vote anarchist because he hadn't done anything wolfy enough yet

so I think it's more likely a genuine reaction "that vote seems forced, he's a wolf"

rather than him being a wolf and feeling the need to get a vote in early or something like that. and more than that, i think if he was a wolf he'd pick someone else to vote after he just said anarchist hadn't been wolfy
So now he's clearing Ship. Ship doesn't really give a read on him beyond listing him quite high near d1 EoD - which I find a bit wolf/wolfy, since he was a potential counterwagon to Luckay at that point.

Originally Posted by LuckayLuck

Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
He said the word "honestly" which is one of my alarm bell ringers.

I found it unlikely that a villager would be able to read those 2 pages and have a wolf lean on those people. While having a wolf lean on 8 people is, on surface, villagery - I don't believe it is possible for a villager to have a wolf lean on those 8 people

Globe: For what reason did you have those people as wolf leans?
I've written about Luckay's vote before. Suffice to say that having wolfed with Luckay a couple of times, I think it's entirely possible that he'd vote for a wolf bro here. It's off-wagon and Globe doesn't have a lot of heat here. It might even be more likelier than average for Luckay's vote to land on a wolf if Luckay thinks he's too busy to go far in the game without bussing.

The explanation comes only after Jim presses Luckay on it. Of course, we don't know what Luckay would have posted if he hadn't been interrogated by Jim.

Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
Some have argued against me that I said "I can't see how someone has 8 wolf reads on that particular list" when I haven't presented my opinion. My opinion is simply that those guys are all, at worst, role neutral. They haven't done anything wolfy. I would argue that if I were being more generous and pushing edges they have been villagery.

So that's my case on globetrotter.


globetrotter strongest wolf read (though if I had read closer the last 2 pages it might be someone else)
Near EoD Luckay reiterates his Globe case in a way that's not going to get anyone to vote for Globe. He's in anti-spew in general, though, so I'd say that part is neutral.

For his part, by the time Globe leaves the thread, Mets and Jim have already voted for Luckay and Jim is making his case. Globe has nothing to say about it, even though it's important and concerns him. He gives no read on Luckay that I can find. I think that's a bit wolfy.

On day two Globe makes reasoned arguments against a bunch of players who are all villagers if he's a wolf. He eventually votes for me, the likeliest mislynch. But later he switches:

Originally Posted by globetrotter
I think ship could be a wolf for some of the reasons others have stated.
Originally Posted by globetrotter
At this point the vote count is 4-4 between Ship and I. Notably I haven't voted for Ship yet, so that'd be a fifth vote and then Telco and LKJ both need to vote for me to save Ship. LKJ has just announced,
Originally Posted by LKJ
If Felix doesn't go (and there doesn't seem like much support for it) then I'm happy to vote SIU.
in post #769. In #780 Globe votes for Ship out of nowhere, having said nothing about Ship before. At that point a Ship lynch looks likely even without his vote. As much as wolves would like to have a mislynch, that's still a bussing spot.

Verdict: I think Globe's posting is wolfy in parts - there's a reason I voted for him on day one - and I don't find his interactions with wolves to be clearing. I think he's a good lynch if Ufo happens to be a villager.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:57 AM
More about Hardcore's wolf read (or lackthereof) of SIU:
Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
not a wolf, just a WILlager

also tappokone is a villager

SIU and LKJ are v/w probably. I think it's SIU. I read something LKJ said yesterday that I liked.
Notice that he doesn't say why SIU is wolfy, but instead that SIU/LKJ are v/w probably and that SIU must be the wolf because "LKJ said something yesterday that I liked". That's a terrible reason for calling someone a wolf.

Originally Posted by tappokone
I don't think he'd really need to ask that as a part of a seer hunt. For me, the flaw in Ship's EoD is this:

It instantly reminded me of the slow game where Ship was wolfing with Daisoujou - I think that was the name - and basically told the guy to start posting more or get bussed in the thread.
Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
yeah SIU is probably a wolf for that.

I think LKJ saying SIU needs a 'big look tomorrow' after voting jim is a pretty suicidal play for him if he is a wolf.

although if SIU is a wolf he changed his meta a lot.
I quoted Tappo's post because of Hardcore's response. Again, a lazy read as "SIU is probably a wolf for that". Because of a meta read where he called another wolf out for not posting? and then if that's the reason then it wouldn't make sense given that he says that SIU changed his meta a lot.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:59 AM
My rankings look something like this:




Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by tappokone
My rankings look something like this:




I like this list (except for me being too low, but w/e). I'm probably at this right now:




My vote would be on hardcore now, but I don't want to vote yet mainly because I want to avoid maj before I finish rereading the thread.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by globetrotter

This is odd.

Confidently defends a wolf and pushed the more dead seer.
Finds out he was dead wrong.
Says he needs to reevaluate.
Immediately has a wolf vote...

Odd progression.
Nice, Globe noted the same thing I did. He moves up in my list, Hardcore looks worse because I'm not imagining things.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 04:38 AM
I finally got to the point where Telco makes a case against me. As I said above, I think he's a villager, but I think his case on me made no sense.

Originally Posted by Telcontar
I'm here and this is the first point I want to bring up. It was something I said on day 1. here's all the relevant information.

He caught up on the thread quickly ? Doesnt like Jim's case and then makes two reads that arent solid reads at all. Things he can flipflop on later. hardcore could be a wolf with him though if Timon is a wolf. I must remember this for later.

Anyways, the smelliest part of this post comes in my later arguments

^^ - win imo!

Why is El Timon rushing back to the thread to get a vote in on Luckay when he's gonna be in thread later. He's trying to get credit for it. Credit he likely wouldnt have gotten if he was the 6th voter.

And binkies agrees

The first part is the fact that I jumped on Luckay's wagon and he saw that as if I was a wolf getting on the buss early. Fine, I have said in a previous post that the fact that he said the same thing about SIU is villagery. However, my biggest problem with his case is the follow-up post:

Originally Posted by Telcontar
so its not conclusive, but sure lets vote him anyways ?

and since you're in the habit of missing things - any thoughts ?
He quoted two posts, one where I say a meta read on SIU is not conclusive yet I vote him right away and the other where he implies that I chose not to answer Globe's question.

First, my SIU vote didn't come out of nowhere. In my first few posts of d2 I say LKJ/SIU were my wolf candidates.

Originally Posted by El_Timon
Also from that reread, I noticed that lkj was purely in commentary mode.

In the only post where he expands a bit, he says something about hardcore, but in fact he said nothing. It was something like this: "I was going to say how to deduce hardcore's role, but I don't want him to adapt so I'll keep my mouth shut". So he said something but really said nothing in the end. That's wolfy.

Lkj left the thread in the morning, roughly around page 3,and then came back to the thread last night saying that he was going to reread everything. Now, when he posted his list of reads he said he only got to post 300. So if he's short on time, why in the world would he go back and reread instead of catching up with the posts he hadn't read yet?

Then came the bit where he bypassed luckay above all his wolfy reads. And he said "SIU gets a long look tomorrow". Why SIU and not mets who he had voted or binkles, who he put above SIU in his wolf reads? It's just all too inconsistent.

My read on the wolf team now is

Looking forward to that long SIU look lkj promised.
Then in the evening after Binkles asked me to "free flow" I said this:
Originally Posted by El_Timon

So I gave my thoughts this morning on who are my main wolf suspects (SIU/LKJ). I still haven't changed my mind, as nothing much has happened since this morning, slow game is slow.

LKJ going after Felix is interesting because yesterday he was one of the few consensus villagers iirc. Would he do that as a wolf? Why not pick an easier target, like me, or globe, who some people were suspect of yesterday? So it doesn't make a lot of sense for him to go after a seemingly clear villager on d2 when he already has a couple of votes. Not to mention that if he gets lynched and flips wolf it would spew Felix villager.
So as you can see I'm thinking that LKJ is not likely a wolf because he's going after one of the clearest villagers.

Originally Posted by El_Timon
Funny that you and I almost forgot about Anarchist. He's been that absent.

As I said earlier today, SIU/LKJ are my preferred wagons at this point. Also as I said above I don't see a wolf making that case against Felix as lkj just did.

However, I still want to hear lkj's promised reread of SIU. As you can imagine, being that both of them are my main wolf candidates, I'd like to read what one has to say about the other.
I think this post was directed at Globe, answering the question TElco said I wasn't answering.

Originally Posted by El_Timon
And Globe, as for the "why", these were my posts about SIU and LKJ this morning.

Reasons haven't changed, although I just noted that LKJ going after Felix doesn't make a lot of sense for a wolf.
I follow up to that post saying why I thought LKJ/SIU were my preferred wagons.

Originally Posted by El_Timon
Very interesting conversation between mets and SIU.


If SIU is indeed a wolf I'll give full credit to mets for catching him on d1.
Then I noted a mets/SIU interaction that looked bad for SIU.

Originally Posted by El_Timon
Tappo, earlier you talked about a post SIU made about disaujou in a previous slow game when he was wolfing. I believe these are the posts (in an exchange with hurp for context).

And this was the post this game.

Similar thought process, but I don't think it's too conclusive given that he could easily think the same as a villager.
And then I quoted the game Tappo had referred to earlier.

Originally Posted by El_Timon
Going to bed, good night errybody.

So, I vote SIU, but the vote didn't come out of nowhere as Telco implied.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 04:45 AM
I'm going to bed, will finish reading tomorrow. Consider my vote on Hardcore at this point, I'm just not voting to avoid an early maj.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-09-2012 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
Nice, Globe noted the same thing I did. He moves up in my list, Hardcore looks worse because I'm not imagining things.
Incidentally, something I found wolfy about you was the overreliance on this type of a read where you give people villager points for seeing the same thing as you or agreeing with you. It appears mechanical to me. The question of why a wolf wouldn't notice those things or would refrain from pointing them out doesn't come up.

Here, if Globe is a wolf, then Ufo is a villager. Globe is looking for mislynches. Ufo looks bad on level one, so he's a potential target. Wolf Globe is going to read Ufo's posts looking for things he might use to call Ufo wolfy.

Eh, I guess it's just how you make reads. I mean, villager Binkles should notice if something's up, and if he's the wolf, then you're villaging.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
