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Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs!

12-07-2012 , 10:10 AM
From the final hour of day one:

Originally Posted by ShipItUp
If your not even going to try anymore then I don't see any reason why you deserve to live.
Ship gets his bus on.

Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
well this is awkward. my game didn't start so i'm still here.

and burnt out. i don't see anything luckay said as wolfy :/ like, right now i kinda wanna get that feeling that he is a wolf just because everyone is saying so but I don't feel it, really.

and Jim's case is still really bad.
Ufo still has Luckay as a villager, even after Luckay's return to the thread in anti-spew mode. Ufo's being very, very stubborn here, to put it generously.

Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
anyone else feels like this is wolfy as ****?
Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
Ufo quotes Ship's vote on Luckay and decides Ship is a wolf. Up to this point Ufo had been clearing Ship. Ship's post looks wolfy if you know that Luckay is a wolf, but, again, Ufo's not supposed to think that. Ufo voting Ship here just seems like an over-the-top, look-at-me-I'm-voting-for-a-wolf move.

Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
it's pretty ******ed how I went to lock clear him and now I'm voting him but I don't like anything SIU posted at this EOD.
Yeah. However, if the wolf team is Luckay/Ship/Ufo, at this point Ship and Ufo should be really concerned by the fact that they're going to look terrible from Luckay flipping. (I got leveled by Ship, but villages in general tend to interpret these things on level one.) There's a lot of pressure to bus - to at least try to create an end game wolf.

Originally Posted by ShipItUp
Yeah it is but it's fine, you do this almost every game anyway so I'll just let you work through it.
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Hardcore are you saying that SIU's vote looks like a wolf bussing, or a wolf pushing a mislynch?

Because I think the difference is fairly important
Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
it doesn't look like something a villager would say. it does look more like w/w than v/w, though, because of how much SIU decided to interact with luckay here and push him to say something. it sounds really out of character for him. it also seems odd that his response is 'you don't deserve to live, then', which says nothing about luckay's role and SIU is basically coasting on a lynch without the need to explain himself.

so there are v/w elements to it and w/w elements to it. more w/w than v/w though
Ufo is not supposed to find Luckay wolfy, so now he needs to explain why Ship's vote looks wolfy to him even if Luckay is a villager. I don't think he gets there.

Ufo finds it wolfy that Ship is inserting himself into the proceedings; but Ufo also finds it wolfy that Ship is "basically coasting on a lynch". Those thoughts don't go together. Either Ship is getting unusually involved with the Luckay wagon or he's coasting, but he's not doing both.

The bit about Ship not needing to explain himself is nonsense. Ship did offer an explanation: he wanted to policy lynch Luckay for not trying hard enough. It wasn't a very good explanation, but that doesn't lessen Ship's agency for his vote.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:10 AM
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:16 AM
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:22 AM
Has anyone checked Mets for peeks?
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:25 AM
Seer is already dead, and (arguably) peeked mets villager.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:27 AM
Anyway, I need to reread but won't have time fire that until tonight our maybe tomorrow.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Seer is already dead, and (arguably) peeked mets villager.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Seer is already dead, and (arguably) peeked mets villager.
C'mon, you should have claimed seer and see if he bought it.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:30 AM
It's so nice to have a wolf flip that actually posted in the thread and got lynched without the was-he-peeked factor muddying up everything. I already did some rereading last evening, what with the thread being locked and all, and I think it should be possible to clear at least half the thread now. Which I'll attempt over the weekend.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:38 AM
somewhere on D1 SIU made a list that had tappokone and luckay as wolves. I find it unlikely that tappo is a wolf because of it.

felix nightposted 10 minutes after the mod called MAJ night. it's not very standard that he wasn't modkilled for it.

and yeah i'm the lynch this weekend. I have no way to get out of the hole I put myself into, with the whole 'I guess luckay is a wolf because everyone is screaming that he is but I just don't see it' lolargument and then flipping my read on SIU at EOD just to ignore him yesterday. it's really very unlucky of me. I had SIU and tappokone as the wolves though, but I don't think tappo is a wolf anymore because of SIU's spew and I have it POE'd down to a ****load of players anyway. I don't know where to start with this.

I think telcontar and globe can be the last wolf. LKJ could be a wolf but I had some sort of read that he wasn't w/w with SIU earlier and I forgot why, but I'll get back to it over the weekend.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:48 AM
FWIW is never the mislynched's player's fault that he was mislynched as long as he played the game. that is, before people start going 'if you're a villager here you're horrible bleblebli'. **** you, I'm not. at least I caught SIU, and I actually looked through jim's case against luckay, THAT EVERYONE ELSE DIDN'T, and caught up inconsistencies with it. jim just wanted to lynch his peeked wolf, right? so therefore he made forced reads. anyway... I know I played bad, but it's like... it's still everyone else's fault if I get mislynched, not mine. because I'm not supposed to be reading like a wolf here anyway because I'm not and it's quite obvious that I don't have a wolf agenda (not even a pro-wolf agenda, come on now, I was trying to wagon jim at EOD and that would never fly while everyone else was just sheeping. that's not even pro-wolf, that's just dorky. if I'm a wolf I work out mislynches, and I totally ****ing didn't).

yeah well just this, I'll keep trying to find the last wolf but obviously feeling a bit beatened down by being wrong about stuff when everyone else was spotting a ****load of things I wasn't. anyway

also in before this is wolfy emo trying to avoid getting lynched. I need to be mislynched eventually.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 11:39 AM
good luck!!!!!

Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 11:44 AM
Good game mets.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 01:26 PM
ok sorry about not posting much, i woke up yeterday and thread was alreayd locked from majority

i will be around a lot saturday and sunday

once again sorry for my dismal performance so far, i promise to pick it up
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 01:39 PM
Gg mets, pretty impressive catching two wolves in two days.

I won't be around much today either, I'd rather post when I'm at home in front of a computer. Luckily this is a very long day so I'll have time to do a thorough reread over the weekend.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by hardcoreUFO
SIU believes in hardposting early as a wolf. he is not doing that and he is actually communicating with the thread. that's a trend in all his village games and in 0 of his wolf games. he is a villager.

mets is a wolf because everything about him AORN is weird and forced. I don't remember mets ever saying 'amirite', for instance, and I could be wrong about this but it wouldn't make him any less out of character. his 'lol hardcore' and 'i don't know what you're doing here...' are also wolfy of him. when people vote mets he is >rand to get upset and call them wolves/******ed/bad or defend himself in some meaningful way when he is a villager. mets is playing a completely different game than when he is a villager. he is also all happy and enjoying himself, and that's just not how he acts at all in games.
This if the first post that stands out to me, and not just because he's clearing a wolf.

1 - He already left a peek of ship, so he didn't need to give specific raining when pressed, and as a villager he would maybe even prefer not to bc it would look more seery. As a wolf, though, he has incentive to convince others that ship is villa.

2 - This seems too certain for page 1. It was early in d1. How does he know that ship isn't going to "hardpost" and just hasn't had much chance bc it's so early?
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
Hmm, this is interesting.

I'd really like to go back and play some more Planetside 2 instead of writing a small novel on JimHalpert's relative posting styles.

So instead, I'll leave you with this, two games featuring JimHalpert:

Battle of the Bond Girls
Gimmicks and Whiners

These games were selected because they were the last 2 vanillas by JimHalpert in either role. One is wolf, one is villager. Some of you probably already know which is which. Those who don't, please take a moment to read through JimHalpert's day 1 posts in each. Heck, those who do, do it anyways. Focus not on content, but on sentence construction, wording, phrasing, etc. Then read JimHalpert so far this game and tell me which game he most resembles stylistically.

Then read the spoiler:
[spoiler]I think it's Battle of the Bond Girls. Longer, more complex, more indirect sentences (as opposed to shorter, simpler, more direct sentences in Gimmicks and Whiners). More usage of "weasel words", though they're there in both games. More implied uncertainty in Battle of the Bond Girls as opposed to Gimmicks and Whiners.

What, you thought I was going to spoil which game is which? Get real.[/spoiler]

And that, as they say, is that.

Sample sizes of one itt. I'll have to do more research.

As binkles said, Felix's logical progression after looking at these two games would be to call Jim a wolf because his posting more resembled his wolf game.

I don't see why he goes through the trouble as a wolf of he's just going to unvote Jim
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 07:55 PM

I'll be putting in some proper work later, but my initial thoughts are that lynching Hardcore will bring teh sweep and, connected to that, we probably didn't have w/w wagons yesterday.

time for pop songs

Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
I'm really really tired, but I need to comment on some things before I forget about them tomorrow.

This seemed interesting to me because I have found SIU's exchange slightly suspicious, just like other people noticed. So I went back to the one game I played with him (SIU was wolfing that game) and compared his first few posts. Indeed Hardcore's read checked out with respect to that game.

These are his first few posts ITT:

And these are his first few posts in the lizards from outer space game:

Quite the contrast. The fact that SIU said something like "Hardcore can take his read on me too far" when hardcore is calling him a villager looks even better for him.

I know it's a sample of one wolf game, but I don't have the energy to go look for more games right now.

Villager lean for SIU
Villager lean for Hardcore for noting that.
Another player going out of his way to clear ship.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 08:52 PM
sooooo I can't really clear myself in any meaningful way, especially after my last couple of displays as a wolf. I'll do my best finding the last wolf for monday though.

just please don't MAJ me until I'm done with the research. that's what I'll focus on doing this weekend, so please let me stay alive for the weekend.

Originally Posted by Anarchist
it's would have, not of

also i don't "force" posts in any role
this looks like someone who's legit annoyed by getting an early vote.

Originally Posted by Felix the Cat

I don't like this post, it rustles my wolfdar.

everything before this is standard though
felix noticing an earlier SIU's post is forced. in hindsight, it is.

Originally Posted by El_Timon
mets being all "relax bro I just want to be friends" is not the villager mets I know.
true statement and I also noticed that at the time.

Originally Posted by El_Timon
Felix and I are mindmelding wrt mets.
pointing out a mindmeld is something I do as a wolf to gain villa cred. I don't know about EL_Timon but just a heads up that 'I'm mindmelding with xxx' is a personal wolf tell. obviously not enough to to give him wolf points.

Originally Posted by Anarchist
of course spamming comes naturally

what kind of question is that
I find that to be somewhat freeflowy.

Originally Posted by globetrotter
oh just for the record, I'm going to be gone for a large portion of tomorrow. As in, maybe up until evening unless I get a chance to catch up in the morning or phone post.

Expect that to be a theme this game, and every game really.
globetrotter is quite generally UTR so I'm not sure why he is giving an excuse to not post here. not saying the excuse isn't legit but it's expected of globe to be UTR for 'good portions' of the days quite often.

some wolf points here. need to check his meta if he has any.

(checking meta...)

I may or may not have found out something interesting. remember how globetrotter voted SIU quite early saying 'why are you such a wolf?'? WELL, it turns out that's something he actually does W/W early:

Originally Posted by globetrotter
wolfy wolfy wolfy
this is quoting a wolfbro very early d1 and that's his first lean in a 2010 game (yeah too bad it's '10 but his games are mostly old).

Originally Posted by globetrotter
in this game that was his first post and it's against a villager :| fair to note his wolfbros haven't posted yet.

Originally Posted by globetrotter
sorry about yesterday. planned to come back but got busy w/ IRL stuff and forgot about the game until after eod
in the same game he does come back a day after to say he is sorry and stuff. he wasn't around at EOD in that game....

Originally Posted by globetrotter
systolic is fine by me
aaaaaaaaand his first d2 vote was on a wolf too.

not much to add here. globe played mostly mishmashes so evidence of his play in vanillas don't have a good samplesize.

he seems be to more inclined to vote wolves very early as a wolf though. but it might just mean he is a pretty good villager (his two games with me as a wolf he seemed to be wrong a lot though, but that doesn't mean much).

still a couple of wolf points for that...

now returning to the re-read.

Originally Posted by globetrotter
yeah I changed my mind. you can be a villager
this doesn't look bad, though. although it only doesn't look bad if globe doesn't have any wolfing depth like, not enough to do change his mind about fellow wolves early.

still that may be a good sign... also people were reading him wolfy at that point (jim, binkles) so for globe it was probably a better idea to just keep pressuring SIU.

now I'm awarding him villa points for that. heh.

Originally Posted by globetrotter

el timon
oh this is good. if my personal view of 'I'm mindmelding with xxx' is correct then globe picked up the same thing I did on re-read regarding el timon. good for you.

Originally Posted by globetrotter
i think ship's anarchist vote is villagery because he just said he couldn't vote anarchist because he hadn't done anything wolfy enough yet

so I think it's more likely a genuine reaction "that vote seems forced, he's a wolf"

rather than him being a wolf and feeling the need to get a vote in early or something like that. and more than that, i think if he was a wolf he'd pick someone else to vote after he just said anarchist hadn't been wolfy
globe is changing his mind regarding SIU now and I like his thought process. I had a similar one regarding the early SIU vote. this looks good for him for the whole 'you're wolfy' and then 'ok changed my mind you're villagery'. with wolfbros that's somewhat hard to do (like, changing your lean is very level 1 but explaining it in a way that makes a lot of sense isn't, at least from my experience).

I think I can somewhat clear globetrotter for that.


ok let me hit post so people can see what I'm doing and I'll continue doing the re-reading but will interact in real time with anyone that wants to .
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 08:57 PM
I'm having a hell of a time keeping up due to the game's early start, but it's hard to imagine that everyone who has cleared me for super-thin reasons has done it with a pure heart.<br />
<br />
I'll do my best to contribute today, but it's going to be a busy day of IRL work and I also have another game in a later stage.
This post sets off my wolfdar. We weren't even 300 posts in yet, so I don't find it genuine, and he implies that someone clearing him is a wolf, but he never pursues that line of thinking
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:07 PM

I posted ahead of time that I won't be around a lot for a few reasons.

1 - When I used to play more often, I was a high volume player, and a lot of people remember me that way and comment on how I am playing differently now.
2 - I was just mislynched day one in my last game in part because I want around much. One player commented that I disappeared after getting heat or getting questioned, but the truth is that I was gone before that happened and by the time I read that far, I was dead.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:13 PM

I basically already cleared you for other stuff if you read the entire MQ. the meta read went nowhere, also. just generally wolfy and kinda out of place, and yeah you've been mislynched and wagoned for similar stuff, so it should definitely make you compelled to explain yourself.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
Binkles, I think this is a fairly good assessment of my game, but the bolded may be a little misleading. I can be a "hero" villager too, as in believing in my reads and going with them against strong players even when most of the thread disagrees.

I did that in bond girls against Jim and I was right
I did that in capt beaky against you and I was wrong
I did that in lizards against you and I was right
I did that against hoya in the monks game and I was a wolf.

So yes, I can be a bit of a hero sometimes, but I don't think you can say that by going against a strong player I'm necessarily being wolfy. I'm just stubborn when I'm convinced of my reads.
this response is both too long and ridiculously unnecessary. not sure why I didn't pick on that earlier. oh right, I sucked the entire game.

still this looks a bit like el_timon being over explainy on the first wolf game I saw from him (I think jim quoted that game, I read that d1 twice so I remember quite well).

#198 is also very forced. it's like picking on ridiculously small things to push a guy.

Originally Posted by tappokone
You compare two not at all important things - Mets's entry and a fluffy pic - with two posts that might actually say something about his role and the unimportant things win. As a wolf you'd also want to lean villager on Mets regardless of his role. Wolfy.
this looks like something that has been edited a lot. you know? it reads weird.

Originally Posted by tappokone
I find it quite odd that no one has said anything about my role. I feel like I've been generically wolfy today and it's surprising to me that nobody has tried to interpret that.
I remember talking to tappo after election and he said something to that extent... like 'yeah clearing me that game was hard because I was being generally wolfy' or something like that. I deleted the PM but I think this is the type of thought process he has about himself when he is villaging. like he might sometimes go 'yeah I'm being wolfy here', which is something I just very very recently developed (in this game, basically). I couldn't see his perspective on this as a villager but I see it now... been quite a while since the last time I got a lot of heat as a villager.

Originally Posted by El_Timon
Jim, I disagree with mets so far, but I do agree that Annie is a strange Wagon at this point. He hasn't done much besides his early interaction with SIU, and if people are voting him because his lack of participation and his early spat with another poster, then I think those are bad reasons.

I find it odd that a lot of people say that Annie is unpredictable and hard to read, yet I see him being wagoned a lot.

I'm not saying he's a villager here, but he hasn't been wolfy enough to warrant early votes.
wow this post is hella wolfy from el_timon. again he is overly interacting with people. he agrees with Jim that the annie wagon was bad/he got mislynched a lot, but then he goes out of his way to make a wall of text on why the wagon is 'strange'. these comments are awfully unnecessary here. it's a forced interaction IMO.

Originally Posted by Felix the Cat
Mets is a terrible vote and I assume that's not a real wagon on him.

I'll trust others on Anarchist especially since my vote on him was thin.

ok this is good I guess? because SIU was a legit counterwagon already with binkles and jim agreeing he was wolfy (and I think mets was coming around to it).

Originally Posted by tappokone
I reread some people in an effort to find a good vote. This is the best I could find.

Globe forms a wolf lean on Timon early, based on Timon's first few posts in the thread followed by an absence. When Timon returns to the thread later, however, Globe mostly ignores him. Certainly he shows no signs of trying to figure out Timon's role. I don't think that should happen if Timon's role was important to Globe, as it should be, if Timon was legitimately Globe's top wolf lean.

Secondly, given that Globe has a bunch wolf suspects plus that Timon wolf lean, this is out of place:

I disagree with this read because globe is generally a weird player but I kinda like the thought process here.

Originally Posted by Telcontar
the assertion that hes done this 3 times before and each time it was as a villager. Letting us know we shouldnt find him wolfy for it is wolfy.

but this part is forced... too aggressive if you ask me. You want a read ? here's one.


other reads for now up to post 200


metsy - still not clear bro...but there is time. your post 350 was wolfy to me too cause i read that also!
this is very very meh. like the read itself is just something I find it pretty unlikely coming from telcontar in general. I his he has way more depth than that.

also the 'want a read? here is one' is kinda ridiculous. like this is just super weird AORN but not sure if wolfy. seems out of character from the villa telcontar I played a few weeks back, though.

Originally Posted by Telcontar
i think its wolfy.

Coming back to this though.

Having read enough to see this now, Luckay is a villager in my book.
However i dont feel as confident in my mets wolf read anymore.

the same can not be said about you though. I liked your big reads post, but you had other posts, particularly those towards the end of page 3 that gave me a serious case of the unqueasy's.

How quick you were to jump on me for not having a comparable read on Luckay only heightens my wolf read. you were too eager to push me for a read, so eager you didnt even bother to read my post properly


good reads post - but I dont like anything else you've come up with so far.
so I disagreed that luckay should be lynched D1, but finding his villagery? that seems way over the top. why was luckay a villager in your book?

Originally Posted by Telcontar
and now I like your last 3 posts. jesus christ


luckay is still a villager though
'jesus christ' is kinda wolfy and something I say when I have to clear a wolf heh. I relate to this post more as a wolf than as a villager in general.

Originally Posted by ShipItUp
In Order
Felix the Cat
captain binkles

El Timon
Luckay Luck

Jim Halpert

Jim Halpert
oh this was the post I mentioned that I thought cleared tappo but in reality it kinda doesn't. I thought for some reason he made that list with tappo and luckay as the red ones.

ok so...

on page 4 I have El_Timon, telcontar and tappo as maybe wolves.

globe, annie, binkles as villagers. not quoting binkles' stuff cause he like never plays it like that as a wolf ever so it doesn't really matter.

can't get himself too clear and PWN the wolves and then never get NKed after that, right.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Ship it

Too ex?
if I were a wolf mets would be the best villager ever for the absolute pwnage

sorry I'm not mate
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
