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Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs!

12-06-2012 , 11:43 AM
and idk how serious I am about the EV thing

it feels right

like if you and he are equally likely to flip wolf, but if he flips wolf I can clear like 4 people really hard and lock the game and if you flip wolf I can't really

well then it's better to lynch him first right?

and if he's a tiny bit less likely to flip wolf than you and everything else applies then it's probably still right if I can put a reasonable % number out there, right?

idk it's something I'm really only thinking about for the first time properly right now

like the value of the black box lynch compared to the more informational lynch when we're way ahead but we don't have to worry about lynching seers

I dunno, I guess normally it's a fairly moot point
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:06 PM
So I was a bit suspicious of telc's post yesterday about, "if lucky flips wolf this looks bad for Timon," but otoh I agree with him on that point, and I like his posting today. I think his suspicion of binkles for saying Mets want the peek is villagery.

And I like his case on Timon and the timing of the lucky vote yesterday.

I think ship could be a wolf for some of the reasons others have stated.

The post from anarchist that hardcore posted, "are you that sure this early," to Jim about lucky -- that looks like seer hunting to me.

Tappo I'm kind of wavering on and kind of just want to how he's a villa here...
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:07 PM
*hope he's a villager
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:09 PM
Mets is clear, although I do think lucky could have been the peek and Jim was trying not to get killed, but had Mets as clear for pushing lucky. Anyway, Mets is clear.

I believe binkles is a villager too, for some of his posts yesterday, asking others about lucky when Jim was pushing him
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:11 PM
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
I think you have a very misguided opinion of your own wolf game if you believe what you're saying there
Don't think so. As a wolf, I generally pay more attention to my wolf bros than to the average villager. I also tend to avoid making posts that feel wolfy to me. And if I knew Luckay was a wolf, the sequence where I voted with Luckay and shortly afterward explained why I wasn't voting for him or Annie would have felt wolfy.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:20 PM
I think Ship has five votes on him now. Someone might want to unvote so that there's no "accidental" maj night.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Telcontar
I'm here and this is the first point I want to bring up. It was something I said on day 1. here's all the relevant information.

He caught up on the thread quickly ? Doesnt like Jim's case and then makes two reads that arent solid reads at all. Things he can flipflop on later. hardcore could be a wolf with him though if Timon is a wolf. I must remember this for later.

Anyways, the smelliest part of this post comes in my later arguments

^^ - win imo!

Why is El Timon rushing back to the thread to get a vote in on Luckay when he's gonna be in thread later. He's trying to get credit for it. Credit he likely wouldnt have gotten if he was the 6th voter.

And binkies agrees

Telco, where in the thread have I tried to get credit for voting luckay? Point me to a post if you find it.

The fact is I didn't like my vote on mets and I did like Jim's case. I said the case was a bit over the top but I never said I didn't like it. You're misinterpreting what I said which in a vacuum can be okay but coupled with your other posts, which I'll respond to next, it seems to me that you have an agenda to get me lynched.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:30 PM
Okay am I seriously the only one who thinks that Felix is a wolf?

Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:30 PM
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Okay am I seriously the only one who thinks that Felix is a wolf?

he is hard to read

he is a great poe candidate at some point
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:40 PM
MAJORITY NIGHT on #784 with Binkles, Felix, Globe, LKJ, Mets, and Timon voting for Ship. Stop posting unless you know better.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by tappokone
Apropos of nothing: Felix, did you leave a peek on d1?
Not really, I think I said a couple seery things.

(I often don't leave a peek d1 as seer, and have in fact been nk'd n1 as seer without leaving a peek, so...)
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:50 PM
It is night.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by tappokone
What the hell?
It's not like I've explained all of these or anything.

Do you have any villager leans? I'll continue reading but all I've seen today is you calling everyone a wolf. It ties into the agenda thing: it looks to me like you are setting up to be able to vote anyone today.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:52 PM
Votes as of post 784
Majority Night.

6 ShipItUp captain binkles (28), El_Timon (19), Felix the Cat (7), globetrotter (22), LKJ (30), metsandfinsfan (27)
3 tappokone hardcoreufo (14), Anarchist (4), ShipItUp (7)
1 captain binkles tappokone (46)
1 El_Timon Telcontar (6)
0 not voting
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:53 PM
Please send corrections ASAP.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:59 PM
You just couldn't take having this guy at your party for one second longer. Too much sexual innuendo for your tastes. He was just hitting on everyone in sight, male and female. But was he one of the bad guys?

ShipItUp (Flo Rida's "Whistle") has been lynched. He was a


It is still night.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by captain binkles
Highlight of page 2 is definitely me posting that 'best songs of 1999' youtube video :P

Felix do you think you can explain this in a bit more depth now that Jim is dead

I forgot to quote the original post, and I don't think what I'm pointing out here is super important when I think about it but I'm too lazy to go back and quote your post. Can you explain to me what you were aiming for when talking about Jim's tone in past games and such?
I was aiming to find his role, ldo. I noticed that his language was quite wishy-washy, found it odd, did some research, found it in line with his last wolf game but different from his last villa game, and asked for outside opinions to reduce confirmation bias.

I even feel vindicated because seers often sound like wolves.

That's about it, really. There was no deeper game going on.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-06-2012 , 01:00 PM
Day will fall at the usual time tomorrow morning.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:02 AM
metsandfinsfan was killed last night.


He was Taylor Swift's "All Too Well".

It is day!
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:03 AM
Player List:
captain binkles
Felix the Cat
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:03 AM
Sorry about the MAJ, guys. That was pretty terrible. Relieved as **** that it at least finished off a wolf.

Also that's a good Taylor Swift song.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:05 AM
The next night will be Sunday at 9:00 P.M.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
12-07-2012 , 10:06 AM
I think Ufo is the final wolf. Knowing that Ship was a wolf, Ufo's play on day one makes a lot more sense for a wolf. Or, to look at it from a different angle, Ship's behavior makes more sense if he had a partner who was also taking a quixotically level one pro-wolf line. Once you don't give Ufo villager credit for playing the Mets/Jim/Luckay situation non-optimally, what you're left with is a guy who has been really rather wolfy.

There's a sequence right at the end of d1 where Ufo votes Ship that looks clumsily wolf/wolfy. I'll post some quotes in a minute, but the short of it is that Ufo defended Ship a lot right up to a point where it became obvious that some bussing is needed (assuming Luckay/Ship/Ufo wolf team), and then flips his read on Ship with weak reasoning.
Slow Vanilla (PoR) Werewolf: Pop Songs! Quote
