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Saw WW Game Thread Saw WW Game Thread

10-22-2009 , 05:49 AM
btw among the sea of fail, i thought 1 villager played his role well

elliotr did his best with the miller role there, the "miller" code post was a good call.
the way he presented the argument was convincing too.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 07:02 AM
Thanks for modding tepm!

It was a fun, but very frustrating game to follow mostly from the sidelines. I considered trying to sub in again, but I don't really like people getting back into games they've been killed out of and figured it would be a fun game to follow from the sideline too. Kinda regretted that decision later though.

I think one of the main problems with the balancing in the game is that a lot of characters got too much responsibility that they didn't bother or wasn't able to handle. The way the roles and puzzles were thought out deserved a lot better play than they mostly got, with knee jerk reactions and people just not caring enough to think about what they were doing. So many dumb decisions could have been avoided if all players had made the small effort of researching their characters and trying to get some info before making decisions.

The balancing seems to give the wolves a fairly big advantage, but if all the villas had given the game a lot of effort, it could probably win. Problem is, in a 40+ player game, you can't really expect that.

Still a really interesting game and I look forward to a Saw 2
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by WinEvryRacex
btw among the sea of fail, i thought 1 villager played his role well

elliotr did his best with the miller role there, the "miller" code post was a good call.
the way he presented the argument was convincing too.
I'm not sure what Elliots instructions regarding the quote and 'let the games begin' post was, but if he had a choice in wether or not to deliver it, it was a very poor choice to do so. Dissapearing completly from the thread the moment he did so, was not exactly good either.

I certainly don't blame anyone for voting him after that.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 07:10 AM
i'm pretty sure i crushed this game but couldn't get anyoen to listen to me

i said for about 5 days straight that we needed to lynch mcavoy/nich

Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 07:10 AM
Originally Posted by MinusEV

I certainly don't blame anyone for voting him after that.
meh, I'd say I'm not surprised people voted him after that, but it was way too much of a knee jerk reaction, Elliot simply doesn't play that way as a wolf (for good reason, as his lynch this game demonstrates,) and it's too weird as a game design to have him forced to make that kill as non - Zep.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by dmk
i'm pretty sure i crushed this game but couldn't get anyoen to listen to me

i said for about 5 days straight that we needed to lynch mcavoy/nich

yea you were obv the MVP villager except for that one random late vote you put on me on d3/d4. Sick picking up on them, I felt one of them had to be a godfather as well but it was way to early to aim for it.

sad thing is, even if we listen to you, 3 more people become wolves and village is still screwed. "Convert 3" has to be the most broken role mechanism ever, esp. with all the people that can be "clear" in this game.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by JDalla
meh, I'd say I'm not surprized people voted him after that, but it was way too much of a knee jerk reaction, Elliot simply doesn't play that way as a wolf (for good reason, as his lynch this game demonstrates,) and it's too weird as a game design to have him forced to make that kill as non - Zep.
Well, it was frustrating to me that he wouldn't just outright admit to being Zep... He threw me off with not wanting to confirm it - I was thinking the whole thing through and it could've made sense, if he would've just confirmed it and also not gone AFK after his claim. That being said, I WAS trying to get another lynch going (jonnyd), but people didn't want to go for that (and thankfully so, seeing as he was apparently a seer).
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by JDalla
meh, I'd say I'm not surprised people voted him after that, but it was way too much of a knee jerk reaction, Elliot simply doesn't play that way as a wolf (for good reason, as his lynch this game demonstrates,) and it's too weird as a game design to have him forced to make that kill as non - Zep.
When someone makes an in thread outright kill of a very valuable villa, using Jigsaws catchphrase to do so, I can't really blame anyone for knee jerk reactions.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 07:23 AM
Who was it that picked up on mac controlling people? (cba to look back)

That was pretty sick if it's actually what happened...
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by globetrotter
Btw, I was gonna shoot mac the night he was drunk, but decided not to at the last second b/c he said something about trying to draw a nk in one of his posts. And then the next day he was "cleared." I considered OTI that night too, but that one wouldn't have mattered I guess.
I was also un nigh killable rar

Originally Posted by LuckyDevil
I also thought globe played very well.

I was also most impressed with dmk's intuition that mcavoy or nich were evil. I can't honestly say i would have came to the same to same conclusion in your role, but i've made a point to learn from it.
dmk really impressed me this game, village mvp for sure.

Lucky gets the wolf mvp, me and OTI just sponged off him in wolf chat. He also told me who to claim. Everyday we were like if you die, what do we do.

But he should have never been allowed to live as long as he did, when doesn't a seer die 2 days later.

Originally Posted by JDalla
fair enough BEG, I just think that spite killing someone is pretty egregious, and that killing me after all that stuff with OTI made me feel like you didn't really read the thread at all that day, which is frustrating
If I ever got to be vig, I would so spite kill someone. ww is a tilting game and I do my best to tilt people. I'd get revenge if I could.

Originally Posted by dmk
i'm pretty sure i crushed this game but couldn't get anyoen to listen to me

i said for about 5 days straight that we needed to lynch mcavoy/nich

great game mang

TY for modding TEMP
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 08:40 AM
also, great game mod

to people that complain about a game while its in progress - please don't do that. wait until the game ends to provide feedback. complaining about how unbalanced it is is angleshooty at worst and unproductive at best.

i don't know why people couldn't get it through their heads that there were going to be a lot of odd mechanics. i mean, we saw that in the first hour w/ bigger/atak, but still going into d6 people refused to believe that certain things would happen as they did (zep, the 3 avatars being villagers, etc)

this game is a clear example of where the metagame is right now. villagers rely too much on "solving" the game through peeks, claims, and mechanics. there is not enough true wolf-hunting. everyone was so wrapped up in the mechanics even after several of us pointed out (time and time again) that there were specifically roles allotted for the evils to claim that wouldn't coincide with assigned roles. it is not difficult to pretend to be a role when you know starting from d1 which role you will pretend to be, etc.

Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by Cadaz
Who was it that picked up on mac controlling people? (cba to look back)

That was pretty sick if it's actually what happened...
i did, but it doesn't seem that was the case unless i missed something in the post-writeup. i guess BEG just followed mcavoy on her own
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 08:44 AM
But he should have never been allowed to live as long as he did, when doesn't a seer die 2 days later.
of course. the problem is that there are unknown roles and there could easily have been roleblockers still alive or something (i.e. thc). after thc dies, ya, he needs to be lynched. but then the argument can be made that other people were peeked and they were higher priority, etc.

its extremely difficult to rally a lynch on someone that is a seer or peeked a villager, especially when there are no competing claims to the contrary.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by OnThInIcE911
Globe you are not one of the people I was talking about.

I liked your play. You cleared yourself well and you were active. This was a tough game to be a villager in because there weren't many wolves to help find other wolves. Combine that with tons of UTR play and I woulda been very mad if I were a villager this game.
the last couple days were brutal. its one thing to be UTR d1/d2. but when its that close to must-lynch and some people aren't posting at all (...), it can be extremely frustrating
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by BrownEyedGirl
OH....and as far as me "screwing over my team"....I want all of you to remember that I AM PART OF THE TEAM too. I think I was screwed over a little bit too. Every stinkin game, I have to fight my way through to have my opinions valued and respected. I'm just the ****** in the corner that nobody listens to and mocks. My biggest pet peeve is to be laughed at. I am still a person, and I am still a woman, so don't except me to have skin of steel. I had a plan on how I wanted to play this I do with every game that I play. You all have played enough with me to say that I am "the easiest person in POG to read", why harass me all the time. Just let me play my way. I can find wolves, and I can add value to the team. There are plenty of games to prove that. I can list a few for those that think I'm full of ****. So, I deserve to get some heat for totally screwing up.....but, I'm not a complete traitor. I am a team player, and to tell me to "quit playing" is a little over reacting.
BEG, a typical 30-person game of WW consists of 30 ******s in a corner that nobody listens to and mocks. Thats the nature of the game. You don't just instantly have people listen to you. You build cases against people and try to convince others of their validity. And so on. Yes, some people are listened to more than others even if they seem to put in considerably less effort in the "building a case" phase. Thats typically due to history and a general trust of that persons reads, etc.

So basically, everyone is in the same boat at the beginning of the game. You should never take a game personally. It is what it is.

(I don't mean everyone in POG is a ****** obviously. Just using her analogy.)

Also, women are crazy.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 08:59 AM
Man, o man.

I disagree that the village played poorly, or that the wolves played particularly well. Imo it was pretty standard on both sides - some good, some not good. But, do you seriously think mac and nich live if they aren't peeked. DMK and I were on this the whole game. That's 2 wolves that were basically untouchable most of the game. The only wolf in the group that I never suspected was luckydevil, but others were on to him. As a group we figured out the wolves, but it's hard to battle 2 godfathers.

The deception was too much. There's no way we can, as a village, get a handle on "what is real really isn't real" until late in the game unless we realize that coming in. By that time, we've lost a bunch of villas. I still can't believe I'm getting ragged on for not reading my character. I got a pm saying he was a wolf. I'll stand by my decision to act fast to get rid of said wolf. btw, I think I did a pretty good job (pats self on back).

Way too much hate on beg here. Who hasn't had their WW "moments"? I sure have.

That being said, I think the mod put a ton of thought into this. It's hard creating a game and this one was particularly creative. Good job imo. The concept is great and I think if there is a saw 2 game where we know there will be a lot of deception, it will play much better.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:01 AM
gg everybody, thanks polka man.

I think globe, mm1, dmk, bingo, esse, thingy, atak, elliot all played well for the village. It was just the type of game where you couldnt really trust anything, and as long as the wolves hung back and didnt make a scene they were probably going to take it because the village had so much info to suspect each other. LD made a nice claim, although it became obvious the day after when he still got a peek on thingy. Its too bad we waited so long to try and kill him (maybe we could have saved globe)
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Bigger you played a very good game, but that didnt stop me from thinking you were a wolf the whole time. You got a pretty hard role to play.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:04 AM
So mr mod let me get this straight. I peeked two godfather roles in succession??? Then when I peeked ElliotR was I nk-ed after that? TWO GODFATHER ROLES????

No chance for the villa at that point IMHO. Way too pro wolf for the village to have a chance.

Thank you for modding
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:09 AM
game woulda been fair even if we had like 15 extra vanillagers in the mix just to give us more time

and i want to say sorry to bingo bango again, i totally spazzed on you sorry man
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:12 AM
Shout out to DMK - you weren't alone.

Originally Posted by DannyKGB
does mcavoy seem like a wolf this game to anyone else?
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Yes, except norse peeked him villa?
Originally Posted by biggerboat
btw, I feel the same way about nich.
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Conspiracy theory. Norse's peeks were wrong.
Originally Posted by biggerboat
OK, here are my thoughts on the people who are left.

biggerboat - villa ldo
BrownEyedGirl - claimed vig/protector. I believe her
Bodie Broadus - has acted villagery the entire game
Cadaz - I feel like he's villa, but I would really like him to claim
DannyKGB - tbh, I don't remember much about him
dmk - I feel like he's actively trying to solve the game - villa
drubell - claimed villa and I believe him
ewalsh420 - hasn't really helped us much
globetrotter - see danny - I can't remember much he's had to say
JDalla - OTI claims he's evil. However, much like elliot his defense seems honest
jonnyd - Like danny and globe, I just don't remember him
LuckyDevil - peeked villa and I feel like that's right
McAvoy - has not helped one bit in this game, imo could be godfather
MoneyMatt1 - seems villagery, but sometimes I get some wolf vibes from him
Nicholasp27 - see mac
OnThInIcE911 - possibly fpsing with the jdalla peek, or was given the information and it was incorrect, or could be wolf, or could be telling the truth whotf knows
Thingyman - seems pretty villagery to me
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Wacky ideas

wagon nich/mac and let beg shoot the second wagon if the lead isn't a wolf.....


do the same with oti/jdalla
Originally Posted by biggerboat
mcavoy unless he does something that isn't completely wolfy.
Originally Posted by biggerboat
works for me mcavoy
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I'd rather lynch mcavoy.
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I still think mac's a wolf, but I'd be willing to vote nich.
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I'm back to wanting to lynch mac again.
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Why don't we just lynch one of lucky,mac, and nich and have the vigs shoot the other 2?
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by dmk
i did, but it doesn't seem that was the case unless i missed something in the post-writeup. i guess BEG just followed mcavoy on her own
How did she follow me? I never told her to kill wahoo? Or the 3rd villager that she nk'd.

If I was a villager, I would have pushed for her death yesterday the same way I did. She was decimating the village. I let it go for a couple of days because it was helping my team but if I was a villager, I would have probably strung her up after the wahoo lynch.

I can understand killing atak, I would have done the same to clear myself. But if you look back, she never followed me, I never said anything about that she should kill wahoo, I think I said for her not to kill anybody that day.

And if you look at last night, I told her to kill Thingy and she didn't listen to me, she tried killing me. So you guys who are saying she followed me are retarted and thats why you lost the game because you weren't making good reads.

Or not pushing your reads hard enough in dmk's case.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:19 AM
I was begining to think I might be a insane seer for a while especially when ElliotR came up villa.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:26 AM
I suck at game mechanics and balancing but I think a discussion might be good here.

We had 5 wolves to start with 3 to convert later. So a potential 8 wolves in 36 people. But 5 to start.

I think one place where the Mod didn't take into account, is having so few wolves leads to less interactions. When you have more wolves, once a wolf is found, then you can go back and look at his interactions to clear people. With so few wolves, it makes for a longer time before finding a wolf and its easier for them to hide.

However it doesn't help when not one single villager did an OTI re-read after he was outted wolf. That is how you wolf hunt and clear people folks, by looking at wolves and their interactions. If you don't go look, your not going to find the wolves.

But I agree this game has potential to be highly favoured in the wolves if Jigsaw lives past d3 and pro villa if he doesn't.
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
How did she follow me? I never told her to kill wahoo? Or the 3rd villager that she nk'd.

If I was a villager, I would have pushed for her death yesterday the same way I did. She was decimating the village. I let it go for a couple of days because it was helping my team but if I was a villager, I would have probably strung her up after the wahoo lynch.

I can understand killing atak, I would have done the same to clear myself. But if you look back, she never followed me, I never said anything about that she should kill wahoo, I think I said for her not to kill anybody that day.

And if you look at last night, I told her to kill Thingy and she didn't listen to me, she tried killing me. So you guys who are saying she followed me are retarted and thats why you lost the game because you weren't making good reads.

Or not pushing your reads hard enough in dmk's case.
i never blamed losing the game on BEG. she was following your votes and specifically solicited/followed your advice throughout the game.

see my post about the d1 voting in the final 2 minutes. and also voting MM1 the day when it was OTI vs Jdalla vs MM1 (w/ 2 votes...)

it doesn't matter to me, i was just pointing it out
Saw WW Game Thread Quote
