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Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!!

02-24-2012 , 11:03 AM
Nice catch Luckay, Donk flew totally under my radar

Ok, so what the F was I doing yesterday and why did I do it?

I claimed seer because I was (and still am) so so sure that Sanga is a wolf. I was also hoping that, if I had correct villa peeks, I would also get Nked. If I didn't, then at least I would have caught a wolf. I figured if I was somehow wrong then the penalty for being so (2 villa mislynches) wasn't so bad, just because it was so unlikely. Usually when I'm villa my reads aren't that strong (see Santa's workshop game lol) but I've felt that I've had a really good understanding of what's been happening this game. I was right about VMF, and I felt that implicated Binkles and Sanga. I thought Binkles wss a wolf and that made sanga look a whole lot worse and an outed wolf in my eyes so I did what I thought would be best for the village. If I'm a) right about Sanga and b) my villa peeks are right, then the game is a lock. If I'm just a) then we're in a great spot. If I'm neither then we've still got 2 wolves to 2 mislynches (or 3 if I follow, which I probably do) which isn't too bad, and unlikely anyway.

After it became obvious that we were going outside the claim (lame imo) maybe I should have unclaimed but I still wanted a chance to draw the NK. The one thing I do regret is flipping my hoya peek. I was wrong about that and that was dangerous, but it seemed to make sense at the time. I thought Sanga was fighting so hard because I was wrong about Hoya, turns out he's just a fighter. After Sun claimed I knew I'd never be NKed because Sanga wouldn't want to implicate himself and Sun's claim was just more believable so I unclaimed. I was kinda hoping that Sun was thinking one of these things:
1) He had peeked Sanga wolf, and was fine with letting me do what I was doing.
2) He had peeked me villager, and was fine with letting me do what I was doing.
3) He hadn't peeked either of us, but reached the conclusion that this was +EV for the villager either because he had a wolf lean on sanga, a villager lean on me or because he felt we could never be v/v so we'd definitely get a wolf.

It didn't quite work out like that and now a lot of you hate me, but I am still totally sure of my read. I mean, I've never done anything like that before, I wouldn't if a) I wasn't more than 95% sure and b) the consequences of me being wrong would lose the game. If at any point yesterday I had doubt about sanga, I would've unclaimed.

Look at the evidence, he voted Annie, he voted against VMF, he defended Binkles then pushed me, he started the sooted (SHC!) wagon and voted for it when we had a non SHC player to lynch. Sanga is clearly not that bad of a villager. He has also been lying quite a lot to me, as I keep pointing out. I get it if you still hate me and want to lynch me or whatever, I think me and sanga are the only 2 players not at least SHC anyway so lynch me then sanga, or preferably sanga then me, but don't let sanga leave this game alive.

Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:03 AM
Oh yesterday was so confusing lol
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:07 AM
I'm writing this at night and assuming Sun gets killed and flips seer.

So here's where I stand:

Peeked villagers:

As good as peeked:

Extremely likely villager:

Likely villager:

Last man out:

I'd lynch from bottom up.

I also am going to share now that I'm going on a cruise starting Sunday afternoon until the next Sunday. So I wouldn't mind to play like 1 game day per real life day until then if a majority can agree on a lynch target. If it comes down to it I'll find some place with wifi in the Bahamas for an hour or two on Tuesday, but I'd rather not.

If Roo is a villager and I had gotten maj lynched yesterday while his hard peek of me was still out there and then he gets lynched for it too and then that leads village to lose the game, it would've made domergate look like nothing. Instead I think we survived the Roo seer s***storm of 2012, thankfully.

I think we all learned one valuable lesson yesterday, though, and that is that you've gotta pay the troll toll if you wanna get in that boy's hole.

Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:08 AM
Sooted is still SHC. You and I are clearly before a sooted lynch. You leaving yourself off that list is the embodiment of wolfy.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:10 AM
So Roo is probably extra likely to be a villager after that night post (IF I HADN'T PEEKED HIM WOLF LAST NIGHT OF COURSE) because wolves aren't that persistent.

So I may be fine not lynching Roo this game ever. But I don't think it matters too much.

Roo you and your hubris are freaking ridiculous. Your 95% read or whatever could have cost us the game and largely ruined the experience for me and several other players and that is not acceptable. You should still probably be policy lynched at least twice for that but whatever.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by sangaman
Roo you and your hubris are freaking ridiculous. Your 95% read or whatever could have cost us the game and largely ruined the experience for me and several other players and that is not acceptable. You should still probably be policy lynched at least twice for that but whatever.
Had you ever at any point somehow changed your role PM I would have unclaimed. I realize people won't agree with it but people thought I was a wolf for my attack on Binkles D2 and I didn't want a repeat of the frustration I felt that day when it just seemed so obvious what was going on. You are a very dangerous man sanga and I thought it necessary to go to extreme measures to take you down, because otherwise you could singlehandedly win this game.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:15 AM
If you guys want to policy lynch me then go ahead and do it but after that hopefully you will lynch sanga and although my play won't have completely 'worked' we will have won the game with no harm done.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:15 AM
Also I have a flight today at 6 PM EST and I won't get home until late and am probably going to relax with my wife and take a break from this ridiculous game mostly when i get back. I don't think there's too much to discuss today, but I'll be notepad posting from work.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Alrighty Roo
N0 Luckay villa
N1 VMF wolf
N2 Sanga wolf
N3 Donk villa

Only the N3 peek has changed. I am not unclaiming.
Alright Roo

This is half a policy lynch / half a probably wolf vote. Him putting d4 here and taking him out of play is pretty bad after the fact.

This is why villagers should never fake claim with a wolf peek.

Also policy lyncing people who aren't trying is also +EV

Say what you want but I just wolfed with d4 and he did the same thing.

Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
Originally Posted by McAvoy
So why do you think that is wolfy when you have a reputation for doing nothing in games? So trolling you would also be a +EV move imo.

Why do you think I push for your lynch everygame, because you do nothing to help the village. Your lazy and selfish.

You didn't really do much to help in our wolf win in MLP either.
I don't think i have a reputation for doing nothing. I have re-read the thread and given my opinion on everyone in the thread. I have no idea why you hate me, and frankly i don't care, but lying about me and calling me names isn't going to help anything. I have already apologised for my performance in MLP.
Originally Posted by McAvoy
If shanks was still in the game and doing nothing, I would push him but the fact is, he isn't in the game anymore, the person that is in the game for him is being active, so I'm not pushing for his mislynch.

The reality is I don't like lazy villagers in my games, as a villager, I want them out. I want people who respect others and will try even if it means we lose, it makes for a funner game.

People who are uninterested and in late game ruin it for people. I'd rather get rid of the dead weight asap. I like people who are active, if it means rewarding active wolves, I do so.
Turns out, I was right, getting rid of people who don't try is +EV cuz they are often wolves.

Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
go to sleep

get voted for being afk

Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
i've found the thread hard to follow because i haven't a clue what's going on

Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
right now we have one hard claim and like three soft claims?

how the hell am i meant to know wtf is happening

I've said it many times, I'll be nice to people in games but I won't be nice to wolves and people who don't pull their weight. They are letting their team down.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by sangaman
Also I have a flight today at 6 PM EST and I won't get home until late and am probably going to relax with my wife and take a break from this ridiculous game mostly when i get back. I don't think there's too much to discuss today, but I'll be notepad posting from work.
Originally Posted by sangaman
I also am going to share now that I'm going on a cruise starting Sunday afternoon until the next Sunday. So I wouldn't mind to play like 1 game day per real life day until then if a majority can agree on a lynch target. If it comes down to it I'll find some place with wifi in the Bahamas for an hour or two on Tuesday, but I'd rather not.
Both of these are extremely wolfy though and if you can't play, then we might as well get you out of the way and lynch you so people who have time to play the game properly can play.

Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:21 AM
I just admire the fact that he hasn't conceded yet
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:21 AM
Even if you don't like the way I've played sanga, I've really enjoyed playing with you. You and binkles make great wolves.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:22 AM
Roo the only reason I or anyone in this game should vote you before sooted is for policy lynch reasons and I don't think we should do that because I still care about winning. SHC is not written in stone.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:24 AM
JFC Mac I can play. I guarantee you I'm going to be one of the most active players in this thread today, tomorrow, and Sunday regardless of my schedule. And if the game is still going after that I will ****ing post from the Bahamas if I have too like I said.

I can't change the fact that I have to fly home today, and I can't change the fact that I'm going on a cruise on Sunday. The only reason I didn't say that earlier is because I didn't want it to get in the way of me drawing an NK, but I can still play.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by sangaman
Roo the only reason I or anyone in this game should vote you before sooted is for policy lynch reasons and I don't think we should do that because I still care about winning. SHC is not written in stone.
No it's not, but I'm not SHC or clear or anything and neither are you. Going you/me or me/you wins this game.

Sick life with all this traveling+Bahamas , do you mind me asking what you do?
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:29 AM
sanga's pretty close to lock clear roo
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by sangaman
I'm writing this at night and assuming Sun gets killed and flips seer.

So here's where I stand:

Peeked villagers:

As good as peeked:

Extremely likely villager:

Likely villager:

Last man out:

I'd lynch from bottom up.

I also am going to share now that I'm going on a cruise starting Sunday afternoon until the next Sunday. So I wouldn't mind to play like 1 game day per real life day until then if a majority can agree on a lynch target. If it comes down to it I'll find some place with wifi in the Bahamas for an hour or two on Tuesday, but I'd rather not.

If Roo is a villager and I had gotten maj lynched yesterday while his hard peek of me was still out there and then he gets lynched for it too and then that leads village to lose the game, it would've made domergate look like nothing. Instead I think we survived the Roo seer s***storm of 2012, thankfully.

I think we all learned one valuable lesson yesterday, though, and that is that you've gotta pay the troll toll if you wanna get in that boy's hole.

this post, except I'd move gazz down
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
sanga's pretty close to lock clear roo
He's not seer peeked, he's not SHC and he has been on all the wrong wagons (he might've ended up voting binkles I forget but he did a good job of defending him and attacking me)
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:39 AM
Votes as of post 2693
Night is more than 24 hours away

2 sangaman alrighty roo (8), McAvoy (3)
7 not voting 27allin (0), aksdal (2), luckayluck (0), magic_gazz (0), sangaman (5), CPHoya (0), XXSooted (0)
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Alrighty Roo
He's not seer peeked, he's not SHC and he has been on all the wrong wagons (he might've ended up voting binkles I forget but he did a good job of defending him and attacking me)
the only reason anyone thought he was a wolf yesterday was because we thought he was a peeked wolf. it's super unlikely tjhat he would've put that much effort into the game as a peek wolf because he would've ended up spewing his partner a ton of the time. He KNEW YOU WEREN'T THE SEER. Now we know that if sanga is a wolf, that both of your villager peeks are right, so the reason he knows you aren't seer is because he's just not a wolf. Seriously, I couldn't fathom you being a vanillager there last night just because there is no way you can be that confident that sanga is a wolf after all he did yesterday. That's why I was convinced that CP and sanga were the wolf team, because it was the only thing that made sense.

He knew you weren't seer and if he were a wolf, he wouldn't have known probably
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
good news

game solved

no peeko
plus I wanted it to be sooted for this
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:42 AM
also I thought luckay was the seer last night, so the fact that sun died makes it more likely that sooted is the wolf since sun was all over him all game
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:42 AM
Roo it's probably too harsh for me to say I never want to play with you again especially since at least you tried this game in your own crazy way and several players don't seem to give a ****, but I am probably going to rage post game.

Thanks for saying you enjoyed playing with me. I try to be fun to play with and give my all in either role, but I sincerely think you need to take a step back and sincerely reevaluate how you play because I don't think it exactly was "fun" for everyone else.


Please lets abort this abortion of a game. And if you guys insist on lynching me for having a life even when I almost certainly lead this thread in posts made, words typed, and hours spent on the game - or because you are incapable of adapting your read - then make it quick and then lynch down the line I made above (although move roo up probably). I'd also really like post game to start before I'm on my cruise because I don't want to miss it.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Alrighty Roo
No it's not, but I'm not SHC or clear or anything and neither are you. Going you/me or me/you wins this game.

Sick life with all this traveling+Bahamas , do you mind me asking what you do?
Hahaha going you/me or me/you wins this game I think like maybe 2-3% of the time.

I work for a consulting firm that mainly writes enterprise management software for large insurance/financial companies. I live on East Coast and right now my client is in Phoenix, AZ which is >2000 miles away and most weeks I fly here on Sunday and back on Friday. I started this project right around the time I took a break from WW because I didn't think I'd have time to play WW while working this project and for the most part I was right.

The cruise is just pleasure, I've never been on one before. I booked it right around the time EADGBE was starting signups for this game. My wife only has 2 weeks of vacation from January until her graduation from vet school in May so it had to be around this time, but I figured the game would be over or I'd be dead before the cruise started anyway. I got Diamond status with Caesar's Entertainment last year so the cruise is comped and this one fit right into her vacation. And I also figured I'd log in from bahamas if I had to, but I don't think I'll have to because this game is basically over.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-24-2012 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
the only reason anyone thought he was a wolf yesterday was because we thought he was a peeked wolf. it's super unlikely tjhat he would've put that much effort into the game as a peek wolf because he would've ended up spewing his partner a ton of the time. He KNEW YOU WEREN'T THE SEER. Now we know that if sanga is a wolf, that both of your villager peeks are right, so the reason he knows you aren't seer is because he's just not a wolf. Seriously, I couldn't fathom you being a vanillager there last night just because there is no way you can be that confident that sanga is a wolf after all he did yesterday. That's why I was convinced that CP and sanga were the wolf team, because it was the only thing that made sense.

He knew you weren't seer and if he were a wolf, he wouldn't have known probably
My claim looked like it was FOS, my peeks were all over the place and I kept changing them. I passed it off as deliberate at the time but if Sanga thinks there's even a chance I'm doing this as a villager he has to try to get me to unclaim or at least get me to spew myself non-seer.

How could you not think he's wolfy without my peek? With how much work he has put on, it's pretty damn unlikely he would end up on the wrong wagon every single time and yet he has.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
