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Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!!

02-23-2012 , 08:32 PM
I almost want to just decree that anyone who is NOT frustrated right now is clearly a wolf, because no thinking villager could possibly feel that anything is "solved"
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by sangaman
Roo, what was "up" with your god awful claim was your wolf peek of me. I think now it's fairly likely you're a wolf, but I'm not going to waste my time thinking about it because you're going to die when people realize your peek of me is full of s***. And if you're a villager and you die for it, I can't say I didn't try extremely hard to stop that from happening.

Yesterday you were saying "zomg sanga would fight this hard even if my peeks were right cause he's sanga!" Now it's "sanga would never fight that hard if all my peeks were right!!!" You're making things up, but it doesn't matter, I peeked you wolf.

Now it seems like if I have to pick outside of claim and shc players, my only options are Sun and Mac.

CP, sorry today has been such a s*** show it's obviously never something I wanted and I hope you don't think it's something I'm at fault for. If you do, please talk to me about it after the game.

CP, I have not hard claimed. Don't treat me as the seer. That's between me and the wolves. I'm just trying to play optimally, not to waste anyone's time. It's just like PotC when you were seer and I kept leaving peeks, without any claim, and got NKed. Except it wasn't the seer circus of 2012 back then.

Roo, you're deluding yourself if you think you would never get killed last night with correct peeks and Jim's peeks were incorrect. Of course it's all moot because your peek of me is incorrect and you know it.

You're also deluding yourself if you think you'd be able to prevent the village from maj 100% of the time. You sleep on aussie hours UK, you never know what's going to happen when you're not around. You also seem to think it's impossible for me to lolcat, because if I lolcat I bet I could get maj lynched. I think you realize it's impossible for me to lolcat because you didn't peek me wolf.

You say you've never seen a majority when there's a wolf peek? Are you kidding me? I'll show you one when I'm home. Also remember the Sheep game where like the last 6 lynches of the game or something were all majority lynch? I mean I haven't seen maj happen more than a few minutes before EOD

I'm a bit mad, but certainly not as mad as others, and they haven't even been peeked wolf as villagers.

CP, again you seem to think I claimed seer. I did not claim seer. I thought I made that very clear and I don't think anywhere did I imply a hard claim.

Sigh. This is why we can't have nice things. lolled.
Originally Posted by CPHoya
I have been trying to not tilt at people but I just can't help it in this spot, this is the stupidest game day I've seen in a long time. It's so obviously horribad that I kind of don't want to play with several people in this game ever again, either because they did this or because they actually don't understand how ****ing annoying and pointless and miserable and frustrating and anti-village this whole day has been.

This is a no-brainer ANYWAY that you cannot lynch me - sanga is peeking me. If that's your idiotic play of the day, feel free and good luck. You have my list.
Originally Posted by CPHoya

Welcome to a game that looks like werewolf but is not, in fact, werewolf. Have fun in the carnival funhouse! Lighten up, it's not been that hard to follow

When I flip villa please direct yourselves to my lynch list and reads post, which has not been updated because today's goings-on have made that IMPOSSIBLE AND POINTLESS.
Originally Posted by Aksdal
waht doesn't make sense?

honestly the only thing that I don't understand is how you can think so many ppl have claimed seer

Jim claimed, then ARR claimed

it makes sense that you would be looking for other ppl to claim if roo peeked you villa and you're wolf

it really hasnt been taht compicated, and how tilted could you really be since you barely spent any time at all doing anything today.

I was tilted too, but I have max posts and have been trying to figure things out from all possibilities.

if sanga was seer he would've claimed a day ago
All this.

Originally Posted by CPHoya
And lol at everyone acting like sanga has not claimed because it's a soft claim. That's still more credible than roo's nonsense.

Originally Posted by Aksdal
im prob at the post restriction at this point, which means I have to wait a half hour to post again, which is fine, I have stuff to do anyway. The game is solved, cp and sanga are the wolves like 90% of the time. Luckays is prob a villager although he hasnt done much at all. he made a decent video and attacked vmf hard in it. I also think he has a happy tell that he exhibited on d1
I peeked Luckay villa N0

Originally Posted by CPHoya
aksdal you know I think really highly of your game at least, but in this instance you are just herp derppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp so bad
Yeah, the craziness of this game is clearly all his doing I'm sorry you haven't enjoyed it.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Alrighty Roo
You, sun and 27 were all like 'I know who the seer is', I'd already caught 2 wolves and peeked another. I thought getting my peeks out there outweighed the risk of trying to get another when, if I claim, we should be able to POE this. I took the safe option, maybe I could've gone another day but I felt if I did get Nked without making my peeks clear, everyone would really really hate me because of the way I've played this.
I was talking about someone else

I'm obviously not going to discuss it further right now but I had assumed you had already blown your cover
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
like if you just say somethign like "if im seer hoya and luckay are villa, sanga is wolf" sanga gets lynched today anyway like 98% of the time and wolves will prob think you're not seer from ur d1 and d2

I was pretty set on lynching sanga today but now the way things have gone down I'm not sure if I still want to
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:36 PM
Last post before 8 (allowing 2 duplicates which I'm assuming EADGBE is ok with)

Roo says "don't maj"

"Wait guys! I have to flip again! I need time to peek everyone left in the game wolf at least once!"

I of course agree we shouldn't maj, but it's not so that I can flip peeks or something.

CP again, I regret that you're frustrated and I want to emphasize that I have not claimed seer. I tried to be clear when I was making my peeks clear that I was in fact not hard claiming and that other people shouldn't treat it as such or hold back on pushing me or anything.

The last somewhat important point I want to make before 8 PM is this:

If Roo's claim is in fact legit, I am a wolf. His theory is that I didn't lolcat because his Hoya peek is wrong. If that were actually the case it would be suicide. We've already established that I'm a goner if I've been peeked wolf. If I spew that his Hoya peek is wrong, then a wolf team of Hoya/sanga is DEAD. On the other hand, lolcatting could effectively make CPH "shc" and bolster his chance of winning the game as a wolf (since we all know it's impossible for me to win as a wolf). So Roo's whole story is full of ****.

Frankly at this point I'd like to lynch Roo, but I doubt that will fly because you guys don't know I'm a villager yet. But I really think he has screwed with us so much today that we shouldn't allow him to control the lynch. For my lynching preferences it's Roo, Sun, or Mac, possibly in that order although I could switch Sun and Mac.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Are you high? Honestly, perhaps the reason your reads are generally terrible is that you ACTIVELY IGNORE THE MOST USEFUL INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN WEREWOLF.

Nope and this is the longest I've been sober in a long time. I don't really care if my reads are terrible, I'm a sub and haven't read the thread. My job is to avoid my mislynch for as long as possible but almost every sub eventually gets lynched.

I think I've done a pretty good job of clearing myself. I've gone out of my way to interact & push anyone hard that is willing to engage me. I wouldn't do that as a wolf.

I've gone hard after sanga, after d4 and after you now. I basically have no end game if I am a wolf. I'm not playing to win, I'm playing to try clear myself and avoid a mislynch long enough to catch the last wolf.

In the end, if I didn't sub, the game could have been very different if I play at the level that shanks did, you did and d4 did. Luckily for the village, I came in and played hard and the wolf sanga took my bait when I baited him.

Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
maybe you're smarter than me then
Probably not. I don't need to be smart to enjoy myself or the game. I also don't need to be right. I am happy knowing that I tried hard for my team. Being smart or right isn't the be all and end all.

All I expect is for people to try and that's why I pushed you, since I joined the game, you haven't really tried. I've seen this in another game that you played and so I see it as a pattern, so I called you out on it.

But I also called other people out on it, I'm fair, I don't descriminate. I just want people to try. Its more fun that way if everyone tries.

Its pretty simple.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by McAvoy
Villaging 101

Take what everyone says with a grain of salt.

I never give creedance to what people say, I prefer to judge people by their actions. If you guys want to play on level one and ZOMG I am only going to believe what one person whose role I don't know says, well then LOL you.
Im not taking what anyone says as fact, but if I can get everyones opinion on stuff I can probably work out what makes sense.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:38 PM
Conflating "hard to follow" with "worth following" is a pretty obvious mistake.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu

I was pretty set on lynching sanga today but now the way things have gone down I'm not sure if I still want to
Who do you think is the correct lynch as Hoya has you on his POE list?
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
I dont think roo can be a vanillager anymore
well I feel like sanga really doesn't believe his claim which means either sanga is a villager or hoya is a wolf

in any case, if we lynch sanga today and he flips villager, we lynch roo tomorrow
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:46 PM
Where are 27 and XXS and Luckay?

They have all been pretty uninvolved after getting SHC?
Would be nice if they joined the party.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by magic_gazz
Who do you think is the correct lynch as Hoya has you on his POE list?
I think donk is the only option if we don't lynch sanga

hoya if he wasn't in every claim
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck

wolf/wolf wagons yesterday?
shanks is gone and mac is a villager
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
I think donk is the only option if we don't lynch sanga

hoya if he wasn't in every claim
Roo peekd Donk Villa.

No one has claimed to have peeked Hoya, even Sanga said he hasnt claimed seer.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:48 PM
Votes as of post 2438
Night in 02:12

3 CPHoya aksdal (85), donkdonkdonkdonk (25), mcavoy (65)
1 donkdonkdonkdonk sangaman (86)
1 mcavoy luckayluck (7)
1 sangaman sun tzu (48)
4 unvote 27allin (20), alrighty roo (83), CPHoya (53), magic_gazz (50)
1 not voting XXSooted (5)
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Alrighty Roo
If you guys REALLY don't want to lynch Sanga today then I will tell you who I think should be lynched about 5-10 minutes before EOD but not until it's obvious Sanga isn't being lynched. I have my reasons. All I'll say for now is I think lynching Sanga is BY FAR the best play today and not just because he's a peeked wolf.
we're not having any cfds

forget it
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
we're not having any cfds

forget it
Maybe wait until you've caught up to start posting. I gave the info about an hour ago.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
and the hell of playing with me will be over soon mcavoy, this will be my last.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
meh mac is playing more of his village game than his wolf game

but that read is thinner than it usually is

Roo's claim and secrets are sketchy so I want to lynch outside of the claim kind of out of spite and kind of because it's probably optimal

I could go donk still and I could go sooted

not gonna go sun and could prob go some of tjhe other SHCs not involved in a current claim
I still think xxsooted is a wolf, shc or no
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 09:00 PM
Back at the hotel and going to post at 8:00 PM

Originally Posted by CPHoya
It doesn't even matter if the claim is a soft-claim or a hard-claim.
I think I disagree, we can discuss later if you care, but anyway I'm hard claiming vanillager here because if I were seer I'd hard claim now to save you and that's not going to happen.

So yeah there goes my seer cover for whatever it was worth. I fakepeeked Jim d1 cause I had a thin read, Aksdal d2 because I had a pretty good read and I think I questioned him a bit d1 so it would make sense for me to peek him, nobody d3 because I thought I could plausibly pretend to have peeked xnerd and I was very confident with my two peeks by the end of d3. And I peeked Hoya today because I felt he was a villager and a sensible person for me to peek.

I still don't want to do whatever Roo is telling us to do though and vote Hoya, but I have two hours now to figure out who I'm going to vote today.

Cliffs: I'm a vanillager and if I ever change this claim you can berate me and never play WW with me again

Originally Posted by CPHoya
And lol at everyone acting like sanga has not claimed because it's a soft claim. That's still more credible than roo's nonsense.
Just trying to maintain seer cover for whoever the seer is my friend.

Originally Posted by Aksdal
in before sanga tries to argue with me post game taht emotional appeals are role neutral for him
I'm not a wolf so yeah we'll have a heart-to-heart. I sincerely believe your "emotional appeal" read is wrong and that you were way off with the way you were dealing with me and reading me for a lot of this game.


I would like to know if there is anyone in the thread who's around who will at least give me the benefit of the doubt for the time being so we can work together to sort this s*** show out. If there is, talk to me.


I have 4 minutes left so lets see...

I can talk openly about the fact that I'm not the seer now. I don't think it's roo, and it's not me, so it must be someone else. I rarely think about who the seer could be when I'm a vanillager so I really don't know who it could be, but I hope that person is sitting on a gold mine. Even if I did have a clue, I wouldn't be discussing it since I still hope that person can get a peek in tonight.

If it by some chance it is you Roo, then holy ****ing **** why are you torturing me like this. Can you double check your PMs or something?

Mac has done a few things that are villagery for him, but maybe he just wants to prove he can wolf or something. There's nothing clearing him and shanks was very wolfy.

To everyone: assume I'm a villager. Is there a chance in your opinion that Roo isn't a wolf?
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 09:02 PM
Im out for the rest of the day. Making a vote, dont know if people will understand why though.

Sun Tzu, dont take it personaly bro but I cant vote anyone in Roos claim as I dont believe a Seer would FPS that much.

You are one of the few people not clear and not involved in any sort of claim.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
This game is miserable. In the almost 48 hours we've had to POE this stupid thing with the help of our seer, whoever it is, we've had something like 5 fake peeks / claims / tricks. Until we are no longer held hostage by selfish seer and fake seer antics I see no reason to analyze anything, since the analysis will always be wrong and unreliable until there is actually some certainty pertaining to the claims.

It is frustrating to sit here having blown my seer cover on the understanding that our seer had claimed, only to see several more claims. It's not worth it to update my notes and then backtrack over and over and over again.

Expect little or nothing from me until this bull**** gets wrapped up and there's some hard evidence to take from a day that has consisted ENTIRELY of the great seer circus of 2012.
I see why this is frustrating for a wolf

it's not frustrating for me

uncertainty is where we started and what villagers live with

but it's really hard to be a wolf with a lof of claiming and unclaiming going on and you need 4 mislynches to win and choosing wrong is going to screw you

villagers can just post their thoughts on players
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by sangaman
There's nothing clearing him and shanks was very wolfy.
What exactly was wolfy about shanks? I admit I only read about 20 of his posts but they SCREAMED villager to me. The way he interacted with the wolves and the way they interacted with him are practically never w/w.

So please, tell me exactly what was wolfy about sanga's POSTS?
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
actually revote plz

wont count this as a cphoya vote

Votes as of post 2448
Night in 01:51

2 CPHoya donkdonkdonkdonk (25), mcavoy (66)
1 donkdonkdonkdonk sangaman (87)
1 mcavoy luckayluck (7)
1 sangaman sun tzu (52)
1 sun tzu magic_gazz (52)
3 unvote 27allin (20), alrighty roo (84), CPHoya (53)
2 not voting aksdal (85), XXSooted (5)
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-23-2012 , 09:10 PM
Shanks didn't seem wolfy when he was here, his disappearance did.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
