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Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!!

02-21-2012 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by 27AllIn
Why would he defend me early on and then snipe vote me as a wolf? This would look very wolfy and it would be much smarter just to bus VMF. He explained his thought process if he was a villager, I can't think of a thought process he would have as ww.
if you're a villager, you are a forgivable mislynch
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by sangaman
Talk to me after the game when you know I'm a villager. I know you know I embellished emotions one time in a game of WW because I told you about it. I know you know me a lot better than Sun Tzu did the first time he ever played with me.

Think about how you'd feel if in your first game of WW in months you spend an entire evening trying to solve the game, then have your peek/friend/consensus villager straight-up tell you he's not reading your posts because he's already made up his mind because of a bad vote. And then say he found something wolfy which is that you haven't discussed someone that you discussed several times in the past 2 hours. And then he thinks he outsmarted you because he knows something about you that you told him yourself (and I'm sure Sun remembers too).

IRL I don't give a **** but inside the game I'm pretty frustrated particularly because it's coming from you.

Since it seems to be just you and me, I'm going to sign off. But I'll make one more appeal and summarize the reasons why I think Roo is a wolf and should be lynched today, in order of importance:

-Likely fakepeeked wolf by xnerd
-Overly aggressive in pushing VM out the gate in a situation where wolves might have considered VM expendable and therefore would likely bus. Also, repeatedly said he was only "pushing" VM but didn't want to lynch him, then today says he peeked VM wolf.
-Frequent narrator mode
-Questionable motive for wanting Donk lynched (that he'd gain information about other people, upon being questioned changed his mind about how much information could be gained)
k, like I said

big emotional appeal here and I think that's wolfy. My reads can cahnge though, so relax

Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
he was the only person defending you

had a super good reason to defend you

then tried to snipe you over wolf vmf who was lolcatting

he also hasn't cleared himself like he normally does as a villa

he's embellishing his emotional responses

he's making softish reads on many players and not making strong reads on individuals with conviction (applying 0 pressure)
his tone is also like his wolf tone, that is to say, kind of robotic and dead

he hasn't done what he does a lot as a villager, which is digging through and discovering things and getting excited about ideas

so that's my tone read: that he sounds wolfy

then there's his insistence on defending outed wolf binkles, pushing luckay, etc

it's like what I said to variance: even if he's a villager somehow, he's been on the wrong side of too many things to be allowed to live

xxsooted is in the same boat; he also deserves to die

people keep giving him villager points for tone, but tone is the one thing he's good at as a wolf

like he said, he doesn't like to bus as a wolf and this game fits that like a glove since he's consistently wanted to lynch villagers and defend wolves

he was sounding better today and I was optimistic for a bit, but then he goes right back to suggesting absurd wolf teams and defending the people who are lock and near lock wolves

roo is different

as of last night, I leaned villager on him, but he's done some weird things throughout the game

then jenn dying seems to implicate him - I don't care if she also called me a tone read, she never once treated me like a peek

and then sure enough, first thing in the morning, roo comes right into the thread, bussing binkles

there are 3 wolves left and we have 3 lynches so we can lynch all 4 of them and that should win

it's possible there's a hidden wolf, but there aren't many places left to hide

they need 4 mislynches to win
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
Tunnelling is fine btw, and it's a pretty useful way to determine ppls roles. I'm pretty capable of changing my reads on a dime if I'm given good reason too. Ask donk or sun this game
Why is it fine? Pushing people is fine, even sometimes on thin reads if only to get a reaction. Ignoring data available to you and looking at everything through tinted goggles is definitely not fine, because it hinders your ability to reason. And if I die because of this, the village could be in trouble.

Saying "I'm not reading your posts" in a game where the only way of participating is by reading other peoples posts and having people read yours is smug and rude. And I consider changing 95% and 100% reads on a dime foolish.

Originally Posted by Aksdal
you know which game I'm talking about

PLEASE TELL ME that from my point of view, you are doing the exact same thing
You must think I'm an idiot. Of course I remember that game. I have a really good memory for WW, and I wouldn't fake tilt like it's some sort of brilliant scheme when I expect at least you, Sun, and Jim are keenly aware that I've done at once. You don't need to clear me for being frustrated, but don't pretend I was born yesterday.

Originally Posted by Aksdal
he was the only person defending you

had a super good reason to defend you

then tried to snipe you over wolf vmf who was lolcatting

he also hasn't cleared himself like he normally does as a villa

he's embellishing his emotional responses

he's making softish reads on many players and not making strong reads on individuals with conviction (applying 0 pressure)
Again, you must think I'm an idiot. If I actually thought VM was lolcatting, why would I vote for 27a? Why would ANYONE vote for 27a?

None of this is embellished btw. You'll know when the game's over. Also ask anyone in MLPI where I was a villager if I got genuinely frustrated at certain points during the game.

Not reading any more posts tonight so I'm not tempted to respond since this isn't productive. Please talk to me about Roo or anything that I discussed in my reread. Goodnight all.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 04:17 AM
my best guess for the wolf team right now is xxs/roo/binkles

before the nk, it was xxs/sanga/binkles

I kind of wish I had felt less certain last night after rereading because I might have made a mistake
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
k, like I said

big emotional appeal here and I think that's wolfy. My reads can cahnge though, so relax

There was a game Jim and Sanga were both in, I believe it was My Little Pony 1, where Jim was convinced Sanga was ww. Sanga responded in the same way, being slightly upset and wanting to talk about it after the game.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
also the whole JH/Donk thing is kind of irritating me. Jim, the only reason I'm not pushing donk is because I assume you have some super reliable read on him, so if you're a villager and die before you clarify that it might not be as strong as I think, you should speak up
The game is over now. I wolved with him in MLP3 (he was discord). In wolf chat he talked about how he had thought he wanted to be a wolf for a while cause he thought he could have a good wolf game. Then he kept saying he was just too WW burnt out and couldnt really do anything and asked if he could just lolcat like day 2. His posts consisted of "pop in, make two posts complaining about the thread, leave". When he got questioned about why he wasnt doing much he got really snappy and said things like "well anarchist isnt doing anything either". Then he lolcatted when he wasnt peeked along with another wolf that wasnt peeked when we roleblocked the seer and so he only had one peek.

Essentially, his posting showed absolutely no enthusiasm, no attempt to solve the game, no long periods where he joked around and interacted a lot. He was burnt out, had nothing in the tank, and just got got.

To start this game he was enthusiastic joking back and forth with shanks for a period of time, which was a vast difference to what I witnessed in MLP3 so I called him a villager pretty quickly. Then day 2 started and he went through posts, making reads, asking relevant questions, and trying to solve the game. Again a vast difference and so I upped my read to 95%.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 04:58 AM
Success! Sorta. I managed to strip the audio from the video and upload it. So this has no video, but I wasn't using visuals much anyway.

It's 50 minutes long so I put it up on Rapidshare.

Infinity villager points if you manage to get through the whole thing

Disclaimer: apologies if linking to a download link like this isn't allowed or something
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:03 AM
Anyway I have a volleyball game tonight so I'll be out for a while. When I get back I'll put together some thoughts and stuff.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:09 AM
Read these posts from MLP3 game where Donk (discord) is a wolf. Then compare to posts this game. Notice his tone in MLP3 is standoffish, the content is nonexistent, he's overly defesive when called out, etc.

Originally Posted by Discord.
It seems my presence in this game scares a few little ponies, no matter, I will continue on with little bother for what ponies have to say about me.
Originally Posted by Discord.
A dragon has little experience with intoxication but reading someone's affiliation based on this seems to be a little thin, Stern Judge.
Originally Posted by Discord.
I am not a bad guy, misunderstood, is preferred.
Originally Posted by Discord.
I'm going to say I know who he is too, so when the truth comes out, I will be like "yep" and taunt silly ponies who didn't know.
Originally Posted by Discord.
There is a 50%+ chance I'm going to pass out with tiredness in the next hour or so.
Originally Posted by Discord.
I would like to explain my absense yesterday, it seems my sleeping schedule is random, i seem to randomly go to sleep at odd times, and yesterday, i passed out in the afternoon.
Originally Posted by Discord.
anyone making lists of suspicious people and not including me is weirding me out, I get wagoned for a helluva lot more.
Originally Posted by Discord.
villager lean on jim for excited tone imo, I don't think he'd be able to hide his disappointment at being randed wolf

which one was my content post, i must have missed it.

I am caught up on the thread now, I am glad we got a wolf, all the people who cfd'd monte should be pretty clear for a while imo. I have a villager lean on vix, his tone and reads seems genuine. Magic seems to be villagery as well.

tweedy is my best wolf read at the moment
Originally Posted by Discord.
sup vykbr0
Originally Posted by Discord.
I am not a pony! silly human!

I am discord, master of chaos. Do not be confused by my name, I am a good guy

I am also known as DonkDonkDonkDonk from time to time.
Originally Posted by Discord.
don't act like my identity is secret
Originally Posted by Discord.
I remember give me poker or give me death

and one very soon before that
Originally Posted by Discord.
NeVeR, duck, I subbed in, perdition and insureme i think
Originally Posted by Discord.
yeah early summer sometime, after black friday.

I had forgot that you were peeked.
Originally Posted by Discord.
I wonder what your fluff % is.
Originally Posted by Discord.
Originally Posted by Discord.
seers with useless peeks = vanillager
Originally Posted by Discord.
at least one person on mets for the rest of the game!
Originally Posted by Discord.
I'm not playing the game?
Originally Posted by Discord.
I'm not playing properly?

I have given my reads today and made a vote

I think that's playing the game.
Originally Posted by Discord.

Would you vote anarchist for "not playing the game?"

what about ThePlough?
Originally Posted by Discord.
ok so your ruling is that I made 16 posts with a 25% content rate and anarchist makes 3 posts with a 0% content rate and he's playing the game but I'm not?

that makes no sense
Originally Posted by Discord.
so repeating himself three times and making a vote is playing the game but me giving my reads and making a vote isn't


It's nice that people are consistent and wouldn't make up arguments just to get me lynched
Originally Posted by Discord.
felix the cat

calls out magic for having a hissy fit, but says absolutely nothing about mets. puts four ldo consensus villager leans out, then votes me with no explanation or mention of me to this point.
Originally Posted by Discord.
no but the other three are
Originally Posted by Discord.
anarchist is off the table, he's posted so much content today that it's impossible for him to be a wolf.

This was from early in the thread (page 1). Note the entirety of the tone is polar opposite from the MLP3 game. Here he is joking around, freeflowing, having fun, enjoying himself, etc.

Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk

if we maj him really quickly we can hopefully get d2 started tonight
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
unvote i do not like the speed the sangaman wagon took off.
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
19k post!
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
I just saw there is a post restriction and won't be making any more fluff posts.

I'll just say that I love the player list and this will be the last long game for me for a while

lets go out with a village victory br0s
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
y you so mad though

I will do some serious villaging br0

don't worry
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
you never know
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
I've never seen this side of shanks before. I feel a little insulted

what did I do to you br0 (apart from be mislynched in willi vanilli)
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
shanks we are 55 posts in and you are asking for read lists?
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
shanks why is it not completely obv my reasoning for the sanga post.

I was making jokes and fun times.
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk

fluff post

ww is

srs bsns

Notice here he is making logical progressions while trying to figure out a role of someone. This happened zero times in MLP3

Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
you think annie is easy to read?

did I miss the werewolf memo that anarchist became obvious in either role?
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
Is your argument that anarchist isn't a good d1 lynch? or that anarchist is an obvious villager even on d1?

one I sort of agree with, one I don't.
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
alrighty roo
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
comes in today and makes two posts declaring that anarchist was a terrible lynch, when he was on a non-wagon all of yesterday and didn't say anything that i can see wrt anarchist yesterday.
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
Jim is a villager

why did you think this?

I'm currently making my reads, I'll post a reads list when I've got a decent feel for the game.
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
Aksdal, I feel you like to make an early read on me and stick with it since you feel you can read me well. I used to do this with variance when I went on a good streak of reading him, I ended up reading him wrong a bunch of times with bad consequences.
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
I have not played that many games with you so I have very little idea how to read you.

I thought your posts today were wolfy, so I voted you. I'm not defending against being voted I literally don't care about people voting me, I'm going to do my thing.

Tell me, in your first post you say that you are going to find out who was responsible for that bad lynch, yet you now say that annie only came into the thread after you went to sleep, so either you already know who pushed the anarchist case, or you are just complaining about the lynch without actually knowing why we lynched him, that is monday morning quarterbacking, which is wolfy.
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
you realise this is a slow game right?
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
No quite the opposite, I'm saying that you usually read me very well and I thought you were aware that you did, and so you like to make a read on me early and stick to it, just to keep the good streak going.

Donk be villagering yo
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:19 AM
jim, I was about to ask why the hell you're doing all that work to clear donk when he's not a wagon or even being talked about and then I remembered that someone asked

donk is in the disturbingly large category of players who are slightly villagery but are hardly participating

I guess I shouldn't complain since it was an invitational game so people might not have signed up if not asked, but it's kind of annoying that a few people are doing all the work and a bunch of people are doing nothing

where the hell is shanks?

where is CPHoya? I know he died in the other game

I'm going to be pissed of we lose because of this
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by sangaman
I follow what you're saying and I think it makes sense. Jim was raising that issue a lot and I can see how it looks like Jim was focusing on it too much, like a well-thought out premeditated bus with a central argument that he repeated a lot. But Jim is a villager so I think this is just a coincidence, Jim can get deep sometimes. Like, woah man.

I was really confident in it after my first break from the thread and return when I started asking everyone about it. I expected to be showered in praise of "good catch bro!" etc. Wanted to be a hero. As time went by I kept saying it and saying it and none of my more clear villager were commenting on it. Xnerd said she had a wolf read on him, but it wasnt about that. Roo said he had a wolf read on him but 1.) it wasnt necessarily about that and 2.) Roo wasn't super high on my villa list. I started to question myself about it. Probs why it got mentioned over and over. Was looking for reassurance.

As for the comparison to Keanu:
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:23 AM
Aksdal, Sun Tzu, Alrighty Roo, Captain Binkles, and Sangaman with a truly exceptional amount of effort.

I salute you all.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu
jim, I was about to ask why the hell you're doing all that work to clear donk when he's not a wagon or even being talked about and then I remembered that someone asked

donk is in the disturbingly large category of players who are slightly villagery but are hardly participating

I guess I shouldn't complain since it was an invitational game so people might not have signed up if not asked, but it's kind of annoying that a few people are doing all the work and a bunch of people are doing nothing

where the hell is shanks?

where is CPHoya? I know he died in the other game

I'm going to be pissed of we lose because of this

Honestly, it's a coincidence that someone asked prompted me to do it. I had been saying "I cant really talk about it" for a few days because it was an ongoing game, ended tonight, and I was going to do it regardless.

The lack of Hoya is disturbing.
The lack of Luckay is disturbing.
The lack of Shanks is disturbing.
The lack of Donk is disturbing.
The lack of Gad when he was in was disturbing.

I dont mean these in "absence is wolfy br0" senses. Rather a "we need more help" sense.

I know you mentioned you believe theres little place to hide and they need four mislynches, but I'm not comfortable with this game. So many people have vastly different reads at the moment. And these are people I think are villagers. We've learned nothing really from 2 nk's except for "n1 kill was weird and kinda SHC's magic". N2 told us nothing. The theory of it being VMF and Roo peeks doesn't make sense to me. They dont go at each other if they think theyve both been peeked. Trying to clear one is pointless. They'd tag team a 3rd wolf br0 if that was the case imo. It just doesnt make sense. I dont feel like we're in a good shape at all.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
Aksdal, Sun Tzu, Alrighty Roo, Captain Binkles, and Sangaman with a truly exceptional amount of effort.

I salute you all.
Ive done more work this game than my last 3 village games combined thank you
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:33 AM
You know, Binkles, I want to listen to that thing but its so late here. Hopefully I'll get time tomorrow.

I'd like for you to tell me how likely you think your proposed quasi-case of me bussing Variance is. I ask because you used some strange language in it that makes it seem like you're hoping to get a bite and the go ahead to proceed, but aren't sure just how clear others think I am so you have no clue if it'll fly (which of course in that case you would certainly not want to be pressuring me today).
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by 27AllIn
There was a game Jim and Sanga were both in, I believe it was My Little Pony 1, where Jim was convinced Sanga was ww. Sanga responded in the same way, being slightly upset and wanting to talk about it after the game.
This is accurate, but I also know what Aksdal is referring to. It was Major League I believe, where Sanga and Sun got into it in the thread to an embellished (on Sanga's side) degree.

Fwiw I feel like that MLPI game has helped me perhaps more than any game because it's when I learned to stop tinfoiling so damn much. If someones trying to solve the game they are probs villa.

27: What do you make of this Aksdal/Sanga interaction.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by sangaman

I almost missed this. Crossnerd explained her wolf read on Roo by saying it was "tone."
That throws a wrench into that theory I guess. Hmmm.

Like I said a minute ago, I am having difficulty coming up with a reason that if Roo/Variance thought they were peeked by Crossnerd, why they would attack each other. There's no positive end game there. They can't fakespew each other.

Maybe I'm misremembering the timeline.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
Ive done more work this game than my last 3 village games combined thank you
Okay. And neither my presence (nor my villageryness) has been lacking.

Originally Posted by LuckayLuck
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by 27AllIn
Why would he defend me early on and then snipe vote me as a wolf? This would look very wolfy and it would be much smarter just to bus VMF. He explained his thought process if he was a villager, I can't think of a thought process he would have as ww.
This is a very villagery comment and approach to the situation from 27. For those who didn't get the opportunity to peek him.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:42 AM
I suppose it just feels that way luckay. Maybe since what would span many many posts is in a singular video (an awesome video) it just appears off.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by JimHalpert
The lack of Hoya is disturbing.
The lack of Luckay is disturbing.
The lack of Shanks is disturbing.
The lack of Donk is disturbing.
The lack of Gad when he was in was disturbing.

I dont mean these in "absence is wolfy br0" senses. Rather a "we need more help" sense.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:48 AM
Reads list with arbitrary %'s chosen to show gap in my confidence of reads

Clear Villas Cause I'm the Seer Even Though I "Blew My Cover":

95% villa imo:
Sun Tzu

85% villa:

Various Levels of Skepticism:
Captain Binkles
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:49 AM
Note: Aside from peeks which are in n0-n2 order, everything is in alphabetical order.
Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
02-21-2012 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by Alrighty Roo
No matter how hard the wind blows, the mountain cannot bow to it.

Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!! Quote
