Sangamans Tecmo Superbowl Slowgame Game Thread!!!
, 04:03 AM
if you're a villager, you are a forgivable mislynch
, 04:06 AM
Talk to me after the game when you know I'm a villager. I know you know I embellished emotions one time in a game of WW because I told you about it. I know you know me a lot better than Sun Tzu did the first time he ever played with me.
Think about how you'd feel if in your first game of WW in months you spend an entire evening trying to solve the game, then have your peek/friend/consensus villager straight-up tell you he's not reading your posts because he's already made up his mind because of a bad vote. And then say he found something wolfy which is that you haven't discussed someone that you discussed several times in the past 2 hours. And then he thinks he outsmarted you because he knows something about you that you told him yourself (and I'm sure Sun remembers too).
IRL I don't give a **** but inside the game I'm pretty frustrated particularly because it's coming from you.
Since it seems to be just you and me, I'm going to sign off. But I'll make one more appeal and summarize the reasons why I think Roo is a wolf and should be lynched today, in order of importance:
-Likely fakepeeked wolf by xnerd
-Overly aggressive in pushing VM out the gate in a situation where wolves might have considered VM expendable and therefore would likely bus. Also, repeatedly said he was only "pushing" VM but didn't want to lynch him, then today says he peeked VM wolf.
-Frequent narrator mode
-Questionable motive for wanting Donk lynched (that he'd gain information about other people, upon being questioned changed his mind about how much information could be gained)
Think about how you'd feel if in your first game of WW in months you spend an entire evening trying to solve the game, then have your peek/friend/consensus villager straight-up tell you he's not reading your posts because he's already made up his mind because of a bad vote. And then say he found something wolfy which is that you haven't discussed someone that you discussed several times in the past 2 hours. And then he thinks he outsmarted you because he knows something about you that you told him yourself (and I'm sure Sun remembers too).
IRL I don't give a **** but inside the game I'm pretty frustrated particularly because it's coming from you.
Since it seems to be just you and me, I'm going to sign off. But I'll make one more appeal and summarize the reasons why I think Roo is a wolf and should be lynched today, in order of importance:
-Likely fakepeeked wolf by xnerd
-Overly aggressive in pushing VM out the gate in a situation where wolves might have considered VM expendable and therefore would likely bus. Also, repeatedly said he was only "pushing" VM but didn't want to lynch him, then today says he peeked VM wolf.
-Frequent narrator mode
-Questionable motive for wanting Donk lynched (that he'd gain information about other people, upon being questioned changed his mind about how much information could be gained)
big emotional appeal here and I think that's wolfy. My reads can cahnge though, so relax
, 04:11 AM
he was the only person defending you
had a super good reason to defend you
then tried to snipe you over wolf vmf who was lolcatting
he also hasn't cleared himself like he normally does as a villa
he's embellishing his emotional responses
he's making softish reads on many players and not making strong reads on individuals with conviction (applying 0 pressure)
had a super good reason to defend you
then tried to snipe you over wolf vmf who was lolcatting
he also hasn't cleared himself like he normally does as a villa
he's embellishing his emotional responses
he's making softish reads on many players and not making strong reads on individuals with conviction (applying 0 pressure)
he hasn't done what he does a lot as a villager, which is digging through and discovering things and getting excited about ideas
so that's my tone read: that he sounds wolfy
then there's his insistence on defending outed wolf binkles, pushing luckay, etc
it's like what I said to variance: even if he's a villager somehow, he's been on the wrong side of too many things to be allowed to live
xxsooted is in the same boat; he also deserves to die
people keep giving him villager points for tone, but tone is the one thing he's good at as a wolf
like he said, he doesn't like to bus as a wolf and this game fits that like a glove since he's consistently wanted to lynch villagers and defend wolves
he was sounding better today and I was optimistic for a bit, but then he goes right back to suggesting absurd wolf teams and defending the people who are lock and near lock wolves
roo is different
as of last night, I leaned villager on him, but he's done some weird things throughout the game
then jenn dying seems to implicate him - I don't care if she also called me a tone read, she never once treated me like a peek
and then sure enough, first thing in the morning, roo comes right into the thread, bussing binkles
there are 3 wolves left and we have 3 lynches so we can lynch all 4 of them and that should win
it's possible there's a hidden wolf, but there aren't many places left to hide
they need 4 mislynches to win
, 04:12 AM
Saying "I'm not reading your posts" in a game where the only way of participating is by reading other peoples posts and having people read yours is smug and rude. And I consider changing 95% and 100% reads on a dime foolish.
he was the only person defending you
had a super good reason to defend you
then tried to snipe you over wolf vmf who was lolcatting
he also hasn't cleared himself like he normally does as a villa
he's embellishing his emotional responses
he's making softish reads on many players and not making strong reads on individuals with conviction (applying 0 pressure)
had a super good reason to defend you
then tried to snipe you over wolf vmf who was lolcatting
he also hasn't cleared himself like he normally does as a villa
he's embellishing his emotional responses
he's making softish reads on many players and not making strong reads on individuals with conviction (applying 0 pressure)
None of this is embellished btw. You'll know when the game's over. Also ask anyone in MLPI where I was a villager if I got genuinely frustrated at certain points during the game.
Not reading any more posts tonight so I'm not tempted to respond since this isn't productive. Please talk to me about Roo or anything that I discussed in my reread. Goodnight all.
, 04:17 AM
my best guess for the wolf team right now is xxs/roo/binkles
before the nk, it was xxs/sanga/binkles
I kind of wish I had felt less certain last night after rereading because I might have made a mistake
before the nk, it was xxs/sanga/binkles
I kind of wish I had felt less certain last night after rereading because I might have made a mistake
, 04:27 AM
There was a game Jim and Sanga were both in, I believe it was My Little Pony 1, where Jim was convinced Sanga was ww. Sanga responded in the same way, being slightly upset and wanting to talk about it after the game.
, 04:52 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 50,746
also the whole JH/Donk thing is kind of irritating me. Jim, the only reason I'm not pushing donk is because I assume you have some super reliable read on him, so if you're a villager and die before you clarify that it might not be as strong as I think, you should speak up
Essentially, his posting showed absolutely no enthusiasm, no attempt to solve the game, no long periods where he joked around and interacted a lot. He was burnt out, had nothing in the tank, and just got got.
To start this game he was enthusiastic joking back and forth with shanks for a period of time, which was a vast difference to what I witnessed in MLP3 so I called him a villager pretty quickly. Then day 2 started and he went through posts, making reads, asking relevant questions, and trying to solve the game. Again a vast difference and so I upped my read to 95%.
, 04:58 AM
Success! Sorta. I managed to strip the audio from the video and upload it. So this has no video, but I wasn't using visuals much anyway.
It's 50 minutes long so I put it up on Rapidshare.
Infinity villager points if you manage to get through the whole thing
Disclaimer: apologies if linking to a download link like this isn't allowed or something
It's 50 minutes long so I put it up on Rapidshare.
Infinity villager points if you manage to get through the whole thing
Disclaimer: apologies if linking to a download link like this isn't allowed or something
, 05:03 AM
Anyway I have a volleyball game tonight so I'll be out for a while. When I get back I'll put together some thoughts and stuff.
, 05:09 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 50,746
Read these posts from MLP3 game where Donk (discord) is a wolf. Then compare to posts this game. Notice his tone in MLP3 is standoffish, the content is nonexistent, he's overly defesive when called out, etc.
This was from early in the thread (page 1). Note the entirety of the tone is polar opposite from the MLP3 game. Here he is joking around, freeflowing, having fun, enjoying himself, etc.
Notice here he is making logical progressions while trying to figure out a role of someone. This happened zero times in MLP3
Donk be villagering yo
villager lean on jim for excited tone imo, I don't think he'd be able to hide his disappointment at being randed wolf
which one was my content post, i must have missed it.
I am caught up on the thread now, I am glad we got a wolf, all the people who cfd'd monte should be pretty clear for a while imo. I have a villager lean on vix, his tone and reads seems genuine. Magic seems to be villagery as well.
tweedy is my best wolf read at the moment
which one was my content post, i must have missed it.
I am caught up on the thread now, I am glad we got a wolf, all the people who cfd'd monte should be pretty clear for a while imo. I have a villager lean on vix, his tone and reads seems genuine. Magic seems to be villagery as well.
tweedy is my best wolf read at the moment
This was from early in the thread (page 1). Note the entirety of the tone is polar opposite from the MLP3 game. Here he is joking around, freeflowing, having fun, enjoying himself, etc.
Notice here he is making logical progressions while trying to figure out a role of someone. This happened zero times in MLP3
I have not played that many games with you so I have very little idea how to read you.
I thought your posts today were wolfy, so I voted you. I'm not defending against being voted I literally don't care about people voting me, I'm going to do my thing.
Tell me, in your first post you say that you are going to find out who was responsible for that bad lynch, yet you now say that annie only came into the thread after you went to sleep, so either you already know who pushed the anarchist case, or you are just complaining about the lynch without actually knowing why we lynched him, that is monday morning quarterbacking, which is wolfy.
I thought your posts today were wolfy, so I voted you. I'm not defending against being voted I literally don't care about people voting me, I'm going to do my thing.
Tell me, in your first post you say that you are going to find out who was responsible for that bad lynch, yet you now say that annie only came into the thread after you went to sleep, so either you already know who pushed the anarchist case, or you are just complaining about the lynch without actually knowing why we lynched him, that is monday morning quarterbacking, which is wolfy.
Donk be villagering yo
, 05:19 AM
jim, I was about to ask why the hell you're doing all that work to clear donk when he's not a wagon or even being talked about and then I remembered that someone asked
donk is in the disturbingly large category of players who are slightly villagery but are hardly participating
I guess I shouldn't complain since it was an invitational game so people might not have signed up if not asked, but it's kind of annoying that a few people are doing all the work and a bunch of people are doing nothing
where the hell is shanks?
where is CPHoya? I know he died in the other game
I'm going to be pissed of we lose because of this
donk is in the disturbingly large category of players who are slightly villagery but are hardly participating
I guess I shouldn't complain since it was an invitational game so people might not have signed up if not asked, but it's kind of annoying that a few people are doing all the work and a bunch of people are doing nothing
where the hell is shanks?
where is CPHoya? I know he died in the other game
I'm going to be pissed of we lose because of this
, 05:22 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 50,746
I follow what you're saying and I think it makes sense. Jim was raising that issue a lot and I can see how it looks like Jim was focusing on it too much, like a well-thought out premeditated bus with a central argument that he repeated a lot. But Jim is a villager so I think this is just a coincidence, Jim can get deep sometimes. Like, woah man.
As for the comparison to Keanu:
, 05:23 AM
Aksdal, Sun Tzu, Alrighty Roo, Captain Binkles, and Sangaman with a truly exceptional amount of effort.
I salute you all.
I salute you all.
, 05:27 AM
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Posts: 50,746
jim, I was about to ask why the hell you're doing all that work to clear donk when he's not a wagon or even being talked about and then I remembered that someone asked
donk is in the disturbingly large category of players who are slightly villagery but are hardly participating
I guess I shouldn't complain since it was an invitational game so people might not have signed up if not asked, but it's kind of annoying that a few people are doing all the work and a bunch of people are doing nothing
where the hell is shanks?
where is CPHoya? I know he died in the other game
I'm going to be pissed of we lose because of this
donk is in the disturbingly large category of players who are slightly villagery but are hardly participating
I guess I shouldn't complain since it was an invitational game so people might not have signed up if not asked, but it's kind of annoying that a few people are doing all the work and a bunch of people are doing nothing
where the hell is shanks?
where is CPHoya? I know he died in the other game
I'm going to be pissed of we lose because of this
Honestly, it's a coincidence that someone asked prompted me to do it. I had been saying "I cant really talk about it" for a few days because it was an ongoing game, ended tonight, and I was going to do it regardless.
The lack of Hoya is disturbing.
The lack of Luckay is disturbing.
The lack of Shanks is disturbing.
The lack of Donk is disturbing.
The lack of Gad when he was in was disturbing.
I dont mean these in "absence is wolfy br0" senses. Rather a "we need more help" sense.
I know you mentioned you believe theres little place to hide and they need four mislynches, but I'm not comfortable with this game. So many people have vastly different reads at the moment. And these are people I think are villagers. We've learned nothing really from 2 nk's except for "n1 kill was weird and kinda SHC's magic". N2 told us nothing. The theory of it being VMF and Roo peeks doesn't make sense to me. They dont go at each other if they think theyve both been peeked. Trying to clear one is pointless. They'd tag team a 3rd wolf br0 if that was the case imo. It just doesnt make sense. I dont feel like we're in a good shape at all.
, 05:28 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 50,746

, 05:33 AM
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You know, Binkles, I want to listen to that thing but its so late here. Hopefully I'll get time tomorrow.
I'd like for you to tell me how likely you think your proposed quasi-case of me bussing Variance is. I ask because you used some strange language in it that makes it seem like you're hoping to get a bite and the go ahead to proceed, but aren't sure just how clear others think I am so you have no clue if it'll fly (which of course in that case you would certainly not want to be pressuring me today).
I'd like for you to tell me how likely you think your proposed quasi-case of me bussing Variance is. I ask because you used some strange language in it that makes it seem like you're hoping to get a bite and the go ahead to proceed, but aren't sure just how clear others think I am so you have no clue if it'll fly (which of course in that case you would certainly not want to be pressuring me today).
, 05:36 AM
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Posts: 50,746
Fwiw I feel like that MLPI game has helped me perhaps more than any game because it's when I learned to stop tinfoiling so damn much. If someones trying to solve the game they are probs villa.
27: What do you make of this Aksdal/Sanga interaction.
, 05:39 AM
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Posts: 50,746
Like I said a minute ago, I am having difficulty coming up with a reason that if Roo/Variance thought they were peeked by Crossnerd, why they would attack each other. There's no positive end game there. They can't fakespew each other.
Maybe I'm misremembering the timeline.
, 05:40 AM
, 05:40 AM
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Posts: 50,746
This is a very villagery comment and approach to the situation from 27. For those who didn't get the opportunity to peek him.
, 05:42 AM
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I suppose it just feels that way luckay. Maybe since what would span many many posts is in a singular video (an awesome video) it just appears off.
, 05:43 AM
, 05:48 AM
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Posts: 50,746
Reads list with arbitrary %'s chosen to show gap in my confidence of reads
Clear Villas Cause I'm the Seer Even Though I "Blew My Cover":
95% villa imo:
Sun Tzu
85% villa:
Various Levels of Skepticism:
Captain Binkles
Clear Villas Cause I'm the Seer Even Though I "Blew My Cover":
95% villa imo:
Sun Tzu
85% villa:
Various Levels of Skepticism:
Captain Binkles
, 05:49 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 50,746
Note: Aside from peeks which are in n0-n2 order, everything is in alphabetical order.
, 05:50 AM

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