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POG Pub September - Chasing the Clouds Away - NSFW POG Pub September - Chasing the Clouds Away - NSFW

09-19-2013 , 10:40 PM
Hey I was just watching a tube - where the question was asked of a person.

What was the first movie you saw?

I thought it was an interesting got me thinking. And I think the earliest memory I have of a movie was seeing Star Wars: the New Hope with my parents at a drive in.

Pretty awesome start. Although not a Star Wars freak: I have, ever since, been interested in Sci-fi/fantasy.

Pubbers: What was the first Movie you saw? (My question is at the movies: given the digital age.)
09-19-2013 , 10:45 PM
I also like this link.

It is a funny satire on Obama supporters.
09-19-2013 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
Pubbers: What was the first Movie you saw? (My question is at the movies: given the digital age.)
09-19-2013 , 10:49 PM
mine was also star wars
09-19-2013 , 11:00 PM
Herbie the Love Bug... One of the versions.
09-19-2013 , 11:03 PM
land before time may be mine too
09-19-2013 , 11:05 PM
may have seen brave little toaster the year before
09-19-2013 , 11:06 PM
bambi maybe
09-19-2013 , 11:07 PM
I don't know how anyone could answer this. I'm sure that it's something that I've completely forgotten.
09-19-2013 , 11:07 PM
Did you see them at a theatre?

Being almost 40 I do not think we had video recorders back then.
09-19-2013 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by soah
I don't know how anyone could answer this. I'm sure that it's something that I've completely forgotten.
What is the first movie you remember seeing?

Is that better wording?
09-19-2013 , 11:09 PM
no cable no vcr until I was around 8

which was right about when star wars came out
09-19-2013 , 11:10 PM
I have no idea. None at all. I'm sure it was something wholesome tho.
09-19-2013 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
no cable no vcr until I was around 8

which was right about when star wars came out
I have a faint glimmer of cable and the only movie channel (pre-hbo) called TTH or THH or something at my Uncles house.

Hey, and I also remember MTV actually playing music!
09-19-2013 , 11:13 PM
Maybe I should have asked - what is your first movie memory? Coming out of the theatre going wow movies.....

For what its worth....I think it was the only time I have seen a movie at a drive in.

I remember it being dark.....the sound was pretty good..... thinking it was horrible when Obi-Wan dying....I thought thats not right.
09-19-2013 , 11:18 PM
I remember watching Star Trek: The Search for Spock at a drive in. I distinctly remember the scene where Kirk kicks the Klingon off the cliff.
09-19-2013 , 11:21 PM
uncle's hbo was the first time I ever saw some titties on tv

he also had a cb radio and once bet me that he could drink more beers than I could drink coca-colas. he passed out, I won. cb handle: the coca-cola kid.
09-19-2013 , 11:24 PM
True story: I saw Back the Future (I want to say the first one, so I would have been 9) and then didn't see another movie in the theatre until my senior year of high school.

When I say my parents were strict, I do mean it. Religious fundamentalism FTL.
09-19-2013 , 11:26 PM
they sound like good people
09-19-2013 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
What is the first movie you remember seeing?

Is that better wording?
I have absolutely no idea. I actually have at least one memory of being in the car on the way to a movie theater, but I can't come up with a name or anything.

Actually, I just remembered my parents telling me about taking me to see Follow That Bird, but I have absolutely no memory of this which isn't surprising when considering that it was released prior to my third birthday.

Because other people have mentioned it, it occurs to me that I saw The Land Before Time in school, maybe in kindergarten. But there surely must have been more before that. I might be able to come up with something else if I had a list of children's movies released in the mid 80s.
09-19-2013 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
they sound like good people
They were good people. Just way way way too strict about the possible evil corruption of the wicked world.
09-19-2013 , 11:42 PM
From looking at wikipedia, the earliest movie that I clearly remember seeing in a theater was Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.

For tv, some other early ones for me were The Wizard of Oz, Flight of the Navigator, and ET. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang seems like an early one as well, in fact I remember none of the movie so it must have been one of the earliest ones.

I have no idea how to put these in order, so I'll just guess that The Wizard of Oz was the first one.
09-20-2013 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
They were good people. Just way way way too strict about the possible evil corruption of the wicked world.
i suspect your parents were similar to mine, who took away disney's fantasia from me bc of the "demonic" night on bald mountain segment

09-20-2013 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
True story: I saw Back the Future (I want to say the first one, so I would have been 9) and then didn't see another movie in the theatre until my senior year of high school.

When I say my parents were strict, I do mean it. Religious fundamentalism FTL.
Meanwhile, my parents rented Stalingrad for family movie night when I was about 12.
09-20-2013 , 12:14 AM
I wasn't allowed to watch Smurfs because it had magic and that's WITCHCRAFT!

Somehow us kids still pretended to have super powers when we played.

We all seem fairly well adjusted tho.
