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POG Pub September - Chasing the Clouds Away - NSFW POG Pub September - Chasing the Clouds Away - NSFW

09-19-2013 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
so you want to become an actor?

do you try out for any roles?
are you messing with me? i've posted movies i was in here. i haven't done much in a while, but i'll probably start again soon. i haven't tried out for anything in a long time.

my guess is that i'll get cast in something before november
09-19-2013 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
are you messing with me? i've posted movies i was in here. i haven't done much in a while, but i'll probably start again soon. i haven't tried out for anything in a long time.

my guess is that i'll get cast in something before november
you are an actor, like the girls you know are models
09-19-2013 , 03:49 PM
in an alternate universe, filthyvermin is a character in The Big Bang Theory rather than a POG Pub character
09-19-2013 , 04:03 PM
He's in it, it's just that his character never gets out of bed, so doesn't get any screen time.
09-19-2013 , 04:35 PM
I actually watched a whole movie filthy was in, and am possibly the only person not actually in the movie who ever did.
09-19-2013 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
lol, no way. i'm not gonna buy a car. if i did get a car, it would be a super cheap one.

the only things i splurge on are hoodies and travel.

i'll just buy more stocks.

i've actually never bought a baller hoodie. i had one, but it was a gift. it was amazing though. cashmere from tse in the 90s. i wore it til it was a rag, then i still wore it some more to sleep in. i felt like such a boss in that hoodie. i felt like this...

I know of one handsome little town you could travel to...
09-19-2013 , 04:43 PM
when I think of filthy acting I think of one of those daytime soaps
09-19-2013 , 04:45 PM
Filthy in his hoodie:
09-19-2013 , 04:45 PM
i think his career ceiling is the last suspect in an svu episode before they realize who the real perp is
09-19-2013 , 04:50 PM
I could totally see him as obnoxious rich dude who is unfortunately not guilty in CSI
09-19-2013 , 04:52 PM
maybe even obnoxious rich dude whose hubris leads him into a series of errors which, whilst not malicious or premeditated, nevertheless leas him to the chair
09-19-2013 , 04:56 PM
I always hope the criminals get away with it, especially when jack mccoy was the prosecutor
09-19-2013 , 04:58 PM
my first circle of casting is creepy weirdo loser

as for skill level right now, i'm probably as good as one of the better actors in "the room"
09-19-2013 , 05:03 PM
you should post pics of your acting class
09-19-2013 , 05:32 PM
I have officially sanctioned myself for using the word 'actually' twice in one sentence.
09-19-2013 , 06:13 PM
if I actually had to pay a fine for doing that I'd be on the actual streets
09-19-2013 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by well named
if I actually had to pay a fine for doing that I'd be on the actual streets
like literally on the streets
09-19-2013 , 06:20 PM
i'm literally on the streets every day.

Last edited by iversonian; 09-19-2013 at 06:21 PM. Reason: except when i pog all day on saturday and hate myself
09-19-2013 , 06:22 PM
walking to the bathroom I saw some guys fat ass and I literally mean fat ass

my eyes
09-19-2013 , 06:27 PM
figuratively speaking I'd be in a van down by the river
09-19-2013 , 06:32 PM
the linearity of the accomplimental has no physiognical basis upon which to foment but heretofore unbeknownst entities arrange themselves idiomatically or syntactically depending which axis rotates contralaterally.
09-19-2013 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
the linearity of the accomplimental has no physiognical basis upon which to foment but heretofore unbeknownst entities arrange themselves idiomatically or syntactically depending which axis rotates contralaterally.
09-19-2013 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
the linearity of the accomplimental has no physiognical basis upon which to foment but heretofore unbeknownst entities arrange themselves idiomatically or syntactically depending which axis rotates contralaterally.
gerard manley hopkins
09-19-2013 , 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by amplify
the of the has no basis upon which to but arrange themselves or depending which axis rotates .
09-19-2013 , 08:13 PM
I generally prefer front-back reflections to right-left reflections
