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POG PUB MAY 2015 (LC; NSFW) -- May May be wonderful? It may! ♪♫♬♫☂ POG PUB MAY 2015 (LC; NSFW) -- May May be wonderful? It may! ♪♫♬♫☂

05-05-2015 , 01:23 PM
So, do any poggers have experience working remotely for extended periods? I'm considering an offer that would involve something like that and am trying to evaluate pros/cons.
05-05-2015 , 01:29 PM
I have never worked in an office before.All my work feels remote.
05-05-2015 , 01:33 PM

05-05-2015 , 01:36 PM
Had fun up on Max Patch a few nights ago.

Today is my second full day in Hot Springs. Tripped last night at our camp along the French Broad river with some people in my group. Third night sleeping under the stars and really getting to know a few hiking partners pretty well, including a GIRL!
05-05-2015 , 01:39 PM
I've worked from home but I wouldn't presume that my experience relates in any way to those of normal humans.

Take a hike tbob I checked your trail journal this morning for updates, good to see you.
05-05-2015 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
kokiri, what are you looking at? I was looking at the new HP Spectre x360 the other day. Hard not to come back to the new MB pro, though.

probably that's a bit out of my price range. I was looking a bit at this:
or this

but i want to poke a few about a bit first, to see whether i think the trade off of screen for weight is right on that sort of machine
05-05-2015 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
So, do any poggers have experience working remotely for extended periods? I'm considering an offer that would involve something like that and am trying to evaluate pros/cons.

i found working from home was ok for about a month, then i would go off the rails and have to commute into a library, for about a month, then i would go back to working at home.
05-05-2015 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
i found working from home was ok for about a month, then i would go off the rails and have to commute into a library, for about a month, then i would go back to working at home.
yeah, I'm a little worried that my personality requires more regular human contact and I will go insane
05-05-2015 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Are birthday threads still strictly verboten these days? Somebody start one and see if you get banned.
im unbannable
05-05-2015 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
Had fun up on Max Patch a few nights ago.

Today is my second full day in Hot Springs. Tripped last night at our camp along the French Broad river with some people in my group. Third night sleeping under the stars and really getting to know a few hiking partners pretty well, including a GIRL!
what an awesome experience you are getting to have

pretty jealous

05-05-2015 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
probably that's a bit out of my price range. I was looking a bit at this:
or this

but i want to poke a few about a bit first, to see whether i think the trade off of screen for weight is right on that sort of machine
Next time build a new top-of-the-line computer into your grant request
05-05-2015 , 02:09 PM
05-05-2015 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
Next time build a new top-of-the-line computer into your grant request POG PUB MAY 2015 (LC; NSFW) -- May May be wonderful? It may! ♪♫♬♫☂
It's that or food for three months. Jury is still out.
05-05-2015 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
I've worked from home but I wouldn't presume that my experience relates in any way to those of normal humans.

Take a hike tbob I checked your trail journal this morning for updates, good to see you.
I'm really lazy updating it but I do have a hiking related facebook if youd like to follow that which is updated more often. Just PM me. I'm leaning towards just writing about the travels using my notes and all after the fact. Even relaxing is a full time job on the AT but I love it.
05-05-2015 , 02:36 PM
wait a minute, you mean i might be insane only because i don't see people at work all the time? ........... no no no. sadly no. i used to see people at work all the time and i was even worse back then.
05-05-2015 , 02:41 PM
ah crap TDW fell below 30. it was at 32 today!! woot woot! i bought it for 21 a month ago.
05-05-2015 , 02:41 PM
05-05-2015 , 02:42 PM
ELLIOT you can work from home, but come to ac this weekend first!
05-05-2015 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
wait a minute, you mean i might be insane only because i don't see people at work all the time? ........... no no no. sadly no. i used to see people at work all the time and i was even worse back then.
You were worse?!?!?
05-05-2015 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
ELLIOT you can work from home, but come to ac this weekend first!
Yeah, this is what happens when you start letting people work from home. Next he'll be cutting the grass during meetings. (err... supervising the gardeners)
05-05-2015 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
I'm really lazy updating it but I do have a hiking related facebook
amp don't facebook

Originally Posted by TBobLP
Even relaxing is a full time job on the AT but I love it.
as it should be
05-05-2015 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
You were worse?!?!?
see: Bryce
05-05-2015 , 03:12 PM
amp you should make a facebook to stalk tbob and just dont post on it

05-05-2015 , 03:16 PM
just bought 21 bags of mulch at lowes

two guys job there is standing out in the sun all day loading mulch

i'm a bit jealous, sounds great
05-05-2015 , 03:17 PM
ISIS is claiming responsible for the thing in Texas yesterday, such attention whores. I doubt ISIS has any ****ing clue where Texas is tbh. Plus it was a miserable failure, the only people who died were the gunmen. That's some poor man's terrorism right there.
