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POG PUB March 2019 (LC;NSFW): It's π day, π day, gotta get down on π day POG PUB March 2019 (LC;NSFW): It's π day, π day, gotta get down on π day

03-20-2019 , 09:28 PM
i thought people would appreciate a very brief summary of the shenanigans
03-20-2019 , 09:44 PM
that tv show nathan for you is ****ing crazy. its often so cringe inducing i can't watch. like i turn it off.
03-21-2019 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
Keep politics where it belongs: In the containment thread and on cable TV.
and in my pants! Ongoing party convention in there.
03-21-2019 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
I just figued out something about the show The Good Place.
God, I hate that ****ing show. It's even worse than that Mister Rogers ****er was.
03-21-2019 , 08:16 PM
the good place is amazing

come on Kioshk

speaking of amazing, i recently bingewatched travelers on netflix. I loved it. Considering it involves time travel, i found it very believable at times. I was even satisfied with how it ended which is rare for that type of show (3 seasons)
03-21-2019 , 08:52 PM
Can I get a God Friended Me update?
03-21-2019 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
Can I get a God Friended Me update?
even though i am sure you are being sarcastic ..

it's still enjoyable. they think they know who is behind the God account but havent been able to prove it yet but he is sure it isnt God!!! stay tuned
03-21-2019 , 09:13 PM
i still watch blindspot but i have no idea why
03-22-2019 , 04:40 PM
Notice that there is an ALPHABET SHEEP to play.

I hear it is the CADILLAC of SHEEP.
03-23-2019 , 05:15 AM
Originally Posted by JMurder3
Notice that there is an ALPHABET SHEEP to play.

I hear it is the CADILLAC of SHEEP.
It really is. Not the Lexus all you Wire fans, the Cadillac!
03-23-2019 , 03:02 PM
In a gym with one squat rack, there’s a guy doing stretches for the last 10 min.
03-23-2019 , 04:19 PM
you should wait about 90 seconds before asking him to move so you can do squats
03-23-2019 , 04:37 PM
Just stand there and comment on his form continuously until he leaves
03-23-2019 , 04:58 PM
"hey man, i'm sorry but man... look at my ass and legs. i NEED to do squats bro!"
03-23-2019 , 06:39 PM
i've been watching nathan for you clips on youtube. i can't afford to watch the full episodes. his plans are generally awful plans in terms of making money for the small business he helps. but i love the plan i just saw...

a small tv store sells $1500 tvs for $1 so the local best buy will have to match the price, because best buy has the price match deal. so then the small tv shop owner goes and buys all the tvs at best buy for $1 and then can sell them at his shop for more.

and to keep people from buying his own tvs for $1 he has a dress code you have to wear a tuxedo to get in the shop, and he built a wall around his tvs with a tiny two foot door, and put a live alligator in front of the tvs to guard them
03-23-2019 , 09:39 PM
03-24-2019 , 12:14 AM
Frosted strawberry
03-24-2019 , 12:57 AM
You all know what I'm going to say, but...

what does 'why in earth would I eat pop tarts? POG PUB March 2019 (LC;NSFW): It's π day, π day, gotta get down on π day' reveal?

Actually, on second thoughts I think I know the answer, too.
03-24-2019 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
You all know what I'm going to say, but...

what does 'why in earth would I eat pop tarts? POG PUB March 2019 (LC;NSFW): It's π day, π day, gotta get down on π day' reveal?

Actually, on second thoughts I think I know the answer, too.
I was reading on Reddit that all the cool sheep farmers are now raising those white sheep with black faces and a sort of poodle cut?
03-24-2019 , 06:39 AM
Poptart-wise, I'm a Smores man these days when I do indulge, although generally speaking I lost my taste for sweets back in the 90s. They had a apple cinnamon kind back then that was to die for btw, now discontinued.
03-24-2019 , 07:01 AM
I ate the brown sugar cinnamon ones until I got sick of them. I ate the cherry ones a fair amount as well, but I'm not sure if it was because I liked them better than strawberry or just because I'd eaten the strawberry ones enough to want a change of pace when going the fruit route.
03-24-2019 , 07:13 AM
The internet tells me that raspberry Pop Tarts are a thing. I don't remember those. I never paid any attention to raspberry when growing up, but I've grown fond of it in recent years. I'll have to try to remember to try those Pop Tarts at some point.
03-24-2019 , 08:39 AM
I only ate pop tarts for about a 6 month period of time when my wife was on a couponing kick & we got about 40 boxes for like $7.

They were fine. Just couldn't imagine paying to eat one.
03-24-2019 , 09:14 AM
I also like The Good Place
03-24-2019 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
I was reading on Reddit that all the cool sheep farmers are now raising those white sheep with black faces and a sort of poodle cut?
Valais? They're yesterday's news, mate. The pyramid scheme is already unwinding - they're not much cop as anything other than lawnmowers and are only expensive because they're expensive. They're pretty ugly to my eye, too.
