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POG PUB March 2019 (LC;NSFW): It's π day, π day, gotta get down on π day POG PUB March 2019 (LC;NSFW): It's π day, π day, gotta get down on π day

03-08-2019 , 09:53 PM
I was just reading Elon Musk's twitter feed. I swear 2/3 of the tweets are from girls all fawning over him. Must be nice.

03-08-2019 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
for the children...

i decided to try vipassana 10 days of vow of silence meditating in the mountains. it was free. my friend was going and i could just ride with her. why not?

so on the drive up i ask my friend to stop at mcdonalds so i can get some chicken mcnuggets. they are delicious. then we get to vipassana. the men and women are separated, so i am in a different group from my friend. i don't know anyone. they tell us we have a group leader and if we have to talk for any reason, that is the only person we can speak to. otherwise we have to be silent for the 10 days. whatever.

so we got there around 3pm. and they tell us about the situation. no talking. whatever. that takes a while, and then they give us dinner at like 5ish. it's some mega healthy vegetarian food. pretty good. then we have a little meditation in a group. we just sit there and focus on our breathing. then we go to our cabins to sleep. we aren't allowed any books or electronics or anything at all. nothing. we just lay down in the dark silence.

at 4 or 5am someone strikes a gong to wake us all up. they strike it a bunch of times to make sure we wake up so we can get to group meditation. so we get there and sit in silence for a few hours. we are supposed to think about absolutely nothing but our breath for hours. that is incredibly boring. way way way more boring than i had realized while i was at home with my computer and hot dogs and deciding to go to vipassana for 10 days. so i'm kinda freaking out. i'm thinking i can't ****ing do this for 10 ****ing days, sit here for hours thinking about nothing and with no nothing, no internet, paper, music, talking NOTHING for 10 days. **** this! i gotta get the **** out of here!! NOW!!! so i find my group leader and i'm like "dude, i gotta go home. this was a mistake" and he's like "yeah man, sorry but the roads are closed cuz of the storm" HOLY ****** HELL!!!! im freaking the **** out. i gotta get out of here. it's january and i'm on a mountain in a storm, but i'm thinking of trying to walk out. or maybe jumping of a roof and hurting myself so a helicopter has to come and get me, or maybe i could start stabbing people with a fork, then they'd have to get me out of here!! i need to leave!!!
Filthy, whatever you do, don't read 'Nine Perfect Strangers.'
03-09-2019 , 01:53 PM
Working as a screening officer at the Edmonton Airport, I encounter quite a few people. The other day, a gentleman a few years older than myself came through my screening line, with a guitar. Not unusual, we get guitars every day. Not usually with a guy in his sixties.

It happened that I had to inspect one of his bags. While talking with him, I asked if he was a professional musician, and he said that he had been for 35-40 years. I then asked if he was in a band, and he answered "yes, Zappacosta." I told him that I thought that was cool and that I liked Zappacosta. He said "that's me." I proceeded to pick my jaw up off the floor, while removing my toe from my mouth. Once he told me, I could see it, but the last picture I had seen of Alfie Zappacosta was probably 20 years old, at least.

I told him that it was an honour to meet and talk to him. He thanked me and went to find his gate. A really nice guy.
03-09-2019 , 02:05 PM

Got to witness road rage today.

Rural area, 4 lane divided highway. 55 mph speed limit. No traffic. I'm minding my own business, going approximately the speed limit in the right lane. Guy in a large vehicle, like a Yukon or something, catches up to me in the left lane and proceeds to camp in my blind spot. I know he's there - I have blind spot monitoring. After a few miles I get annoyed by it and try varying my speed. I slow down to 50, he matches. I speed up to 60. Same. I give up an go back to minding my own business doing 55ish.

At some point a guy in an Impala came up behind the guy in the Yukon. He's following pretty close, obviously wishing to go faster but he can't get by.

After a few miles, the guy in the Impala has had enough. He cuts over behind me and uses a short turnoff lane to zip around me on the right. He floors it and cuts over in front of the Yukon. He got what he wanted, everyone is now happy, right?

Not so fast. The guy in the Impala jams on his brakes and comes to a stop in the left lane, forcing the Yukon to stop behind him.

He gets out of his car.

I want no part of this so I continue on past in the right lane. The Yukon cuts behind me and also continues on, this time on my bumper. The Impala driver gets back in his car and comes charging up behind.

Fortunately, that's where it ends. I took an immediate right, the Yukon stayed on my tail and the Impala driver thought about it but let it go. Yukon took an immediate turn and all that was left was a bit of a detour for me.

I should have stayed home, it's safer in Detroit.
03-09-2019 , 06:54 PM
I would definitely be more scared of Yukon guy than Impala guy. Impala guy is just mad, Yukon guy has bigger problems.
03-09-2019 , 08:59 PM

Nature is amazing.
03-10-2019 , 01:00 AM
Filthy, I had dinner at Outback tonight. It was great as usual.

The family missed you.
03-10-2019 , 01:48 AM
Ugh losing an hour tonight is going to be painful
03-10-2019 , 02:14 AM
Waking up an hour earlier on Monday will be worse.
03-10-2019 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by Mark_K
Filthy, I had dinner at Outback tonight. It was great as usual.

The family missed you.
*sigh* man, i wish so bad i would have went to outback instead of the casino. i could have bought most of the restaurant dinner, and saved a ton of money
03-10-2019 , 07:02 AM
Clinging to ideas like lost time is a classic example of the type of unhealthy attachment that leads to suffering.
03-10-2019 , 10:01 AM

Enough with the winter.
03-11-2019 , 08:56 PM
Kokiri, it appears the lamb/Brexit problem is a matter of concern throughout the Commonwealth..

From CBC news (safe link)
03-11-2019 , 09:56 PM
I went to Walmart yesterday for the first time in months. Decided to pick up a package of frozen chicken nuggets.

Could not find any chicken nuggets.

They had lots and lots of wings and some popcorn chicken but no nugs.

Did kid preferences massively shift and I missed it?

After going through frozen three times I had to let it go
03-11-2019 , 10:01 PM
03-12-2019 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
... frozen ... let it go
Intentional I trust?
03-12-2019 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by ArcticKnight
Kokiri, it appears the lamb/Brexit problem is a matter of concern throughout the Commonwealth..

From CBC news (safe link)
Allegedly there are plans for massive culls of sheep to maintain prices if exports to the EU become problematic. Cold dead hands, etc.
03-12-2019 , 04:53 AM
seat 6: i saw your cards!

seat 5: you saw my cards? ok, i just call.

seat 6: i raise $50

seat 5: ok, i call
03-12-2019 , 05:01 AM
Are you seat 5 or seat 6?

03-12-2019 , 12:47 PM
eb, what are you up to July 13?
03-12-2019 , 12:49 PM
Looks like I'll be running and eating ice cream.
03-12-2019 , 12:53 PM
03-12-2019 , 01:28 PM
And what are you doing on that particular date?
03-12-2019 , 03:58 PM
Looks like I'll be running and eating ice cream.
03-12-2019 , 09:33 PM
