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06-12-2010 , 10:25 PM
Elbows are kinda pointy iyam
06-12-2010 , 10:41 PM
Ok time for the:


So we had eight people will leave victorious!

Let's cut right to the chase...

Cueball, AKS, and globetrotter...thanks for playing (globe was one of only two players with NO incorrects, Cueball was way first to enter which should count for something, and even though AKS had more wrong than right answers, he may end up affecting the standings!!)...

In fifth place came His Boy Elroy, who had a few incorrects, but admirably included The Royal Tenenbaums, a fantastic movie that the two top finishers failed to name!

In 4th we have Timelady, whose brain I finally managed to strain to a breaking point with a quiz, though she had a supreme unique with Being John Malkovich, which nobody else named, perhaps due to a nearly unrecognizable Cameron Diaz.

Top three are close, and I need to research the answers for certainty....
06-12-2010 , 10:48 PM
I would like to think my wrongs didn't count against me because I entered before that silly rule was in place
06-12-2010 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
I would like to think my wrongs didn't count against me because I entered before that silly rule was in place
Don't worry they didn' finished somewhere between 5th and 8th regardless
06-12-2010 , 11:17 PM
In 3rd place, we have mute...28 total answers...only 1 incorrect (Mystic Pizza, nice try but can't find the guy there)...and TWO sweet uniques (The Aviator with Kate Beckinsale as Ava Gardner, and the expert Confessions of a Dangerous Mind with Brad Pitt making a cameo as on the of the bachelors on The Dating Game)

In 2nd an extremely close's D1iabol1cal, who answered an impressive 31 movies and was the only other besides globe with NO incorrects...he also scored a high SIX uniques with America's Sweethearts (gawd, remember how much they hyped that movie?), Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (gawd, did that suck), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (one of my favorites movies ever , I wish I could declare you the winner just for this...."you mean that groupie with the film you think he sodomized her?"), Forces of Nature (oh please jesus, so), Music and Lyrics (ok this movie sucked, but someone else should have gotten it), and Sweet November (you just reminded me, I need to take my insulin shot)

And finally, just barely squeaking out the victory is.....


She answered 35 movies...two of which were actually wrong (Gattaca and Great Expectations, apparently she thought Ethan Hawke was part of the quiz) but with aces on Home Fries (lol), That Thing You Do! ( great job), and Vacancy (never going to slip a cheesy horror movie by alice)

So alice wins by ONE point!!!

The funny thing is that AKS actually gave alice the outright win, by being the only other person besides D1ab to answer Charlie's Angels....which seemed like one of the obvious ones.

I'll list some unuesds in a post...

Congrats to alice, D1Ab, and mute, and thanks all for playing....

Last edited by legend42; 06-12-2010 at 11:56 PM.
06-12-2010 , 11:19 PM
For some reason I wasn't sure if Luke Wilson was in the second Charlie's Angels movie but didn't guess it. I only guessed like eight other movies but not that one...
06-12-2010 , 11:22 PM
'Grats Alice.
06-12-2010 , 11:27 PM
lolol sweet victory! gg legend and to mute and diabolical.

i didn't see me winning this at all. hilarious that i forgot sweet november, when it was my first mental "charlize theron" and BeingMalkovich when it was my first mental "cam diaz". (trying to go in order by men first) also hilarious that i did very much think ethan hawke was in this quiz. lol

06-12-2010 , 11:29 PM
35? zoinks.

nice job!
06-12-2010 , 11:44 PM
The most surprising unused immo was The Devil's Advocate (Keanu and a justifiably crazy Charlize)....but also

Alex & Emma (this movie sucked real hard)
Boys on the Side (I liked this one...early McConaughey)
200 Cigaraettes (Affleck and Hudson)
Going All the Way (besides a Rose McGowan nude scene, this had Aflleck and Weisz)
Feeling Minnesota (I *love* this movie, why has nobody seen it?)
Celebrity (don't think of Woody right off for this type of quiz, but Leo's and Charlize's scenes are the best in the movie)
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (yea, Keanu's in it)
Be Cool (easy to miss)
Dangerous Liasons (early Uma and Keanu)
Fred Claus (whatever)
06-12-2010 , 11:53 PM
And the addendum to the quiz, for which I have no idea what the answer is....which actor or actress would bring the most extra movies to the answer pool?

For instance, if we added Diane Lane, then Must Love Dogs, Hollywoodland, My Dog Skip (i know, i know), and Hard Ball all become eligible. Is there anyone else with four or more? Seems like there has to be...
06-12-2010 , 11:55 PM
off the top of my head, hardball was the one movie wher ei felt like keanu actually displayed acting skills
06-12-2010 , 11:55 PM

Below are song lyrics. For full credit identify the song, the artist, and the GUEST artist who helped out on the track.


1. You have to show them that you're really not scared/
You're playin' with your life, this ain't no truth or dare

2. And he's up there, what's that? Hawaiian noises? Bangin' on the bongos like a chimpanzee

3. I don't know how you were diverted/You were perverted too
I don't know how you were inverted/no one alerted you


4. No no no never, will he believe that. His greed has a blinding ray/
No devil or redeemer can cheat him/
Take his gold where he's lying cold

5. My job's ain't a job - it's a damn good time/
City to city - I'm running my rhymes


6. So amplify this little one, she's a volume freak/
She hears as much as she can see/
And what she hears she can't believe/
It's just that [deleted] needs a moment of release
06-12-2010 , 11:58 PM
while my guitar gently weeps might be the only one i know

06-13-2010 , 12:00 AM
wait is #1 beat it?
06-13-2010 , 12:02 AM
im used to every set of chyme lyrics including one beatles song i know nd a bunch i dont know
06-13-2010 , 12:02 AM
cate blanchett
06-13-2010 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
off the top of my head, hardball was the one movie wher ei felt like keanu actually displayed acting skills
River's Edge and Permanent Record are usually considered his pinnacle, only because nobody realized at the time that he was just playing himself.

I actually thought he was very good in Something's Gotta Give, and you can't deny his performance was compelling in Speed, even if it's not exactly acting.
06-13-2010 , 12:06 AM
i havent seen either of the first two

meh at something's gotta give and i agree on speed but ya not really acting skills in my book.
06-13-2010 , 12:06 AM
yeah i only know hte first three, but not who collaborated

1. beat it, MJ, w/ _________ ?
2. money for nothing, dire straights, w/ __________ ?
3. while my guitar..., the beatles, w/ ____________?
06-13-2010 , 12:07 AM
i mean beat it was done with quincy jones not sure if that is what chyme is going for
06-13-2010 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by alice16
cate blanchett
oooh I thought of her too, but because Billy Bob, Matt Damon, Jude Law, Bruce Willis, Viggo weren't in the mix...I dismissed her

hmm, I think the only ones she give us is Pushing Tin and Benjamin Button
06-13-2010 , 12:12 AM
Sting on Money for Nothing

still catching up on X-Games
06-13-2010 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
off the top of my head, hardball was the one movie wher ei felt like keanu actually displayed acting skills
Bill and Ted's imo
