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POG Politics Thread Version 3 POG Politics Thread Version 3

10-02-2020 , 11:32 AM
Remember early in Trump's term when people, not all of whom were Republicans, openly pined for President Pence?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:32 AM
Can we talk about covid for a second? What is the likelihood I get it from going out running if I stay ~20 feet from people at all times but possibly run through streams of air they've output?

I know some people who get upset at parks or hiking when people don't have masks, but at that point seems more like security theater. Depending on proximity maybe.

Last edited by pwnsall; 10-02-2020 at 11:33 AM. Reason: Apparently an xpost
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
democracy now says trump interrupted biden 128 times in the ~90 minute debate lol
Did they post numbers for what Biden did to Paul Ryan in the 2012 VP debate?

(That was a rhetorical question, of course not, it's loldemocracynow)
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
Can we talk about covid for a second? What is the likelihood I get it from going out running if I stay ~20 feet from people at all times but possibly run through streams of air they've output?

I know some people who get upset at parks or hiking when people don't have masks, but at that point seems more like security theater. Depending on proximity maybe.
Outdoors, at least six feet away from other people in passing, odds of catching it approach zero. It can transmit outdoors if you're together for long periods without masks. Lots of outdoor weddings & parties led to outbreaks.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:35 AM
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:37 AM
What percentage of people in the us are actively hoping trump recovers and remains healthy?

5%? Less?
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10-02-2020 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Tell that to the people out jogging in one or driving their cars windows up mask on. Although I am curious about where you're getting your information from that says the air is safe outside.
Just because there are people doing crazy stuff does not mean any of the conventional medical advice is to do that.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:45 AM
ftr this is the same problem you have with "SJWs" and "virtue signalling"

you focus on the most extreme versions of people and assume that means anyone who cares about not being hurtful must be this "social justice warrior" that is virtue signalling rather than understand you are fixated on some crazy outlier that is brought to the forefront to discredit a viewpoint

to be safe from covid you need to wash your hands several times a day--especially if you are out in public touching stuff, wear a mask if you are going to be inside in a public place, and monitor your symptoms such that if you start showing signs of having it you stay out of contact with anyone. but you somehow focus on the extreme end of people who are panicking that have locked themselves inside or taped their windows or something. by focusing on that it causes you to discredit a far more reasonable approach
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
What percentage of people in the us are actively hoping trump recovers and remains healthy?

5%? Less?
The 33% who worship him.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:49 AM
a good example of this is when I suggested that there was actually an op of some kind to discredit the recent movement surrounding BLM.

The core idea was to protest police violence, and either defund or abolish the police. That was it.

But then you had hulu saying they aren't going to air episodes of the golden girls because they put on mud masks as a spa because it might seem like black face. That is a good way to make a totally reasonable movement look insane. Even though no one who is actually involved in that movement is asking for that.

Same thing happened in occupy. A reasonable protest/critique on income inequality. The FBI et al then made a concerted effort to not only infiltrate occupy and make it say and do stupid stuff, the media (like involved with us intel) focuses specifically on the craziest, stupidest people and stick a microphone in their face and get them saying dumb stuff and go "so this is occupy" to make it look stupid and make people hate it.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:51 AM
I find that most of your issues with things, Dustin, (SJWs, covid, etc) comes from you falling for the "most extreme, unreasonable version of something" that the opposition wants you to focus on
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:52 AM
I don't focus on the people taping up their windows but I do feel bad for them.
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10-02-2020 , 11:54 AM
There was a 2p2 post once about doing things "just to be safe" as pascals wager of (wearing masks) or whatever was relevant. I liked that.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I don't focus on the people taping up their windows
You're the one who brought it up:

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I mean if the alternative is living inside, seeing no one and taping up my windows then I'll continue to be taking my chances. Flying again for like the 5th time under covid next week.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:55 AM
Maybe kids movies are too blame for making people view the adults as crazy or abusive for not believing in magical things that have never happened before with no evidence.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I don't focus on the people taping up their windows but I do feel bad for them.
you brought it up as if zurvan was suggesting that is what you would have to do to not get covid
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
You're the one who brought it up:
Yeah and Birdman said I focused on them but in actuality I just enjoy using extremes as rhetorical devices.
The conversation went like this: 1) things said, 2) Zurvan says if I get it it'll be my own fault 3) I say better to get covid than live in fear (more or less) 4) Birdman says I focus on people acting crazy and that reasonable approaches are ok.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:58 AM
People jogging and driving cars with masks are not a huge minority, though they may be extreme by some definition but probably not.

There's a subtle difference between the extremists in the fringe minority of people sense and extreme positions sense.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Yeah and Birdman said I focused on them but in actuality I just enjoy using extremes as rhetorical devices.
The conversation went like this: 1) things said, 2) Zurvan says if I get it it'll be my own fault 3) I say better to get covid than live in fear (more or less) 4) Birdman says I focus on people acting crazy and that reasonable approaches are ok.
the two options are not “get covid” and “live in fear”
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
you brought it up as if zurvan was suggesting that is what you would have to do to not get covid
What does one have to do in order to not get covid though?
No one really knows. Move to the jungle and live with indigenous is still the plan for me to avoid it.
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 12:01 PM
acting like “people taping up their windows” is a representation of the opposite viewpoint of yours is doing literally exactly what i said you are doing

who do you even know that is doing that? where are you getting that from?
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 12:01 PM
Birdman do you think there is a large overlap between people who believe fauxcohontaus is racist but also laugh at trump putin gay horse photos, and do you think the views are hypocritical?
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
What does one have to do in order to not get covid though?
No one really knows.
How about start here?

Originally Posted by Birdman10687
to be safe from covid you need to wash your hands several times a day--especially if you are out in public touching stuff, wear a mask if you are going to be inside in a public place, and monitor your symptoms such that if you start showing signs of having it you stay out of contact with anyone. but you somehow focus on the extreme end of people who are panicking that have locked themselves inside or taped their windows or something. by focusing on that it causes you to discredit a far more reasonable approach
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
What does one have to do in order to not get covid though?
No one really knows. Move to the jungle and live with indigenous is still the plan for me to avoid it.
i literally explained it like 5 posts ago

wash your hands

wear a mask when in an enclosed public space

stay home if you show symptoms

avoid large public gatherings that involve close personal contact
POG Politics Thread Version 3 Quote
10-02-2020 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman10687
i literally explained it like 5 posts ago

wash your hands

wear a mask when in an enclosed public space

stay home if you show symptoms

avoid large public gatherings that involve close personal contact
I meant not get covid in actuality-- not not get it in theory.
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