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11-27-2009 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
Dan - what's your blog again (and do you blog regularly?) I lost the address.
My Facebook notes are the closest thing I have to a blog.
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11-27-2009 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by kokiri
I really enjoy cycling places (without hills)
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11-27-2009 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
One of the things about running.

And perhaps some non-runners will disagree. But you can't truly know a city/street/locale/etc until you run it.

I mean, you can live on a street for years, maybe even your whole life, but you'll never have the same sort of relationship with it as someone who runs it. And nothing else compares to that. Not walking, not biking, and certainly not driving a car. Running is the most intimate way to know a street.

One might argue that it would be walking because you're going slower and can take more in. But thats incorrect. When you're walking your mind is allowed to wander and there can be a sensory overload. That doesn't happen when running. The ego shuts down some and just absorbs the street. Every little pot hole, crack in the sidewalk, etc, gets taken in. And thats why running is the most intimate experience one can have with a place.
I definitely get this. Each road I've run on has a "personality" that I don't get from it when driving or walking along it.
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11-27-2009 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
there is something specifically called the french paradox, which is about their diet and not their alcohol consumption

but its interesting nonetheless

just goes to show that ideas about health/nutrition aren't too correct
i nearly posted something very similar. Things are too complex for simple studies of various populations to often conclude anything much. AIUI there are often different groups with identical diets and observed smoking/drinking habits but very different health outcomes. So everytime people talk of the 'mediterranean diet' of olives bread and tomatoes leading to people living to 110, if you transplant it to america, it'll have no effect.

IIRC the japanese smoke like chimneys but have surprisingly low rates of smoke related cancers.
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11-27-2009 , 11:59 PM
All right someone settle this. How many gaypoints should I be awarded for loving this song:
Olivia Ruiz song

I think it's pretty awesome and worth exactly 0 gay points.

Also thx for recommending Always Sunny in here. Love it. Unfortunately it's virtually unknown here because it ran on Comedy Central in a crappy spot and CC is pretty much underground TV here for the most part.
Why am I rambling about this...well we were drinking at a friends place and I put the Olivia Ruiz song on and ldo there was a gayness debate and well I just pretty much ended it by saying "well you also think musicals are gay, guess what" and then I jumped on the table and rocked Dayman, fighter of the Nightman.
Peoples jars pretty much dropped it was hillarious

Chaaaaampion of the Sun
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11-28-2009 , 12:17 AM
no gay points for olivia ruiz

like a million for the rest of it
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11-28-2009 , 12:17 AM
on a scale of 1-gay you landed on...

-gayer than aids

Thanks for playing. Now go buy an umbrella.
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11-28-2009 , 12:24 AM
I guess what made it hillarious was me falling off the table, maybe I'll post the youtube video some day.
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11-28-2009 , 01:12 AM
So I never use facebook, and literally have 1 friend on it and I have no information about myself on there or anything...

I get an email telling me someone wants to add me as a friend, and when I get there I discover I actually have requests from two girls I've never heard of, and from clicking around I see that both of the accounts seem to have been created in the past 3 days, both of them have exactly 1 picture of themselves. The whole thing seems shady as hell, but I can't figure out what the angle is.
POG Community Thread Quote
11-28-2009 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by soah
So I never use facebook, and literally have 1 friend on it and I have no information about myself on there or anything...

I get an email telling me someone wants to add me as a friend, and when I get there I discover I actually have requests from two girls I've never heard of, and from clicking around I see that both of the accounts seem to have been created in the past 3 days, both of them have exactly 1 picture of themselves. The whole thing seems shady as hell, but I can't figure out what the angle is.
I could tag you in some pictures.
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11-28-2009 , 03:07 AM
I was confused about there only being one email, so I searched my email and discovered that one of those two accounts actually tried to add me on Nov 1, but I just blew off the email I got that time and forgot about it. It's seeming slightly less weird now, but still weird enough. It still seems like an odd coincidence that both of the profiles are so similar though in that they both show the exact same type of information (gender, DOB, relationship status - single obv, exactly 1 photo, but not hometown, location, etc) and both are attractive girls +/- a few years of my age. Maybe those are just the default settings or something... I have no idea. I found that I can see when their photos were uploaded, which tells me that the one account is a month old and the other is a week old.
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11-28-2009 , 03:10 AM
They could be people phishing for personal information for some reason.
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11-28-2009 , 08:38 AM
getting friend invites from strange girls happens to everybody i think.
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11-28-2009 , 09:03 AM
brag: yesterday I used my sick french skills to make out with a french girl.
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11-28-2009 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by soah
I was confused about there only being one email, so I searched my email and discovered that one of those two accounts actually tried to add me on Nov 1, but I just blew off the email I got that time and forgot about it. It's seeming slightly less weird now, but still weird enough. It still seems like an odd coincidence that both of the profiles are so similar though in that they both show the exact same type of information (gender, DOB, relationship status - single obv, exactly 1 photo, but not hometown, location, etc) and both are attractive girls +/- a few years of my age. Maybe those are just the default settings or something... I have no idea. I found that I can see when their photos were uploaded, which tells me that the one account is a month old and the other is a week old.
There was a thread in OOT about police officers posing as attractive women to get guys on Facebook to friend them so that they could arrest under 21 year olds for underage drinking and whatever other illegal shenanigans they found pictures of.
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11-28-2009 , 09:26 AM
I dont have facebook, privacy ftw!
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11-28-2009 , 09:31 AM
how goes the French Val?
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11-28-2009 , 09:36 AM
Also I want a molecular gastronomy starter kit. Plus everything you cooked looked terrific, reno!

My more pedestrian meal plan this week:

Saturday: potato cream cheese soup, apple walnut salad with cranberry vinaigrette
Sunday: kansas city strip steaks, garlic mashed red potatoes, spinach salad with oranges and red onions in orange dressing
Monday: sundried tomato and leek frittata, sauteed spinach with goat cheese
Tuesday: two bean chili with beef, poblano cornbread
Wednesday: chili dogs and the Jayhawk game
Thursday: pork chops with horseradish apples, sweet potato fries, steamed green beans
Friday: Going out
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11-28-2009 , 09:42 AM
Also, I'm going to post a very short gym update itt, with apologies to antidan, before whom I bow.

Thanksgiving: went in the morning, strength training and 35 minutes cardio
Friday: skipped and played Yahtzee with BF all afternoon (surely shaking that little can burned some calories...)
POG Community Thread Quote
11-28-2009 , 09:43 AM
I haven't been able to find soft goat cheese in Argentina like you get in the U.S.

all the goat cheese is either hard or semi-hard. I use the hard as I would parmesan or romano. Its lot like those cheeses, except tangy-er

In the US, I never once saw any goat cheese that wasn't soft.

I love it all of course but I miss the soft cheese of goats.

Apple walnut salad sounds really good.

For the oranges in the spinach salad, I bet using blood oranges would be the best.

*oh, and the call the hard goat gouda cheese a gouda, which is impossible as gouda is made froms cows milk.

Sheeps milk cheese is really good too. My favorite is a french feta called valbreso.

They have different enzymes in their milk that make for tastier cheese than cows are able to produce (without adding mold)

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 11-28-2009 at 09:48 AM.
POG Community Thread Quote
11-28-2009 , 09:50 AM
Confession: I've never bought a blood orange. I've enjoyed them in vinaigrettes at restaurants, but the color freaks me out at the grocery store. Which is funny because I love pomegranates. (Fed the BF his first pomegranate seeds yesterday after Yahtzee. He liked it but declared it was too much work for the amount of reward.)

At Whole Foods in KC you can get lots of varieties of goat cheese including some hard ones, but I still love the soft fresh stuff I buy at CostCo the best.

Link to salad recipe
POG Community Thread Quote
11-28-2009 , 09:55 AM
Mmmmm sheep cheese. My default pasta cheese is now pecorino romano, a sheep's milk cheese. So wonderful and flavorful, I find I prefer it to parmigiano reggiano and it's a couple of dollars a pound cheaper. It's also what I'll use in the frittata.
POG Community Thread Quote
11-28-2009 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
I find I prefer it to parmigiano reggiano
ymmmm parmigiano reggiano. People who buy pre-shaved kraft parmesan or other such similar products have no clue how good a nice actual chunk of parmesan cheese can be to eat.

I have a feeling that reggiano is available here, as the Argentines love their cheese and their a decent amount of imported cheeses are available.

There is actually a show that comes on the cooking channel called Francia y sus quesos. Each episode explores a different french cheese.

I imagine I would like France a lot.
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11-28-2009 , 10:17 AM
My french is improving to the point I can have some basic conversations on french
vous voulez dance?, je parle un peu de franceis, parle plus lentament sil tu plais, je suis chilien, quel age et toi?, j´ai 21 ans, je habite toulouse il fait 4 semaines, etc
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11-28-2009 , 10:26 AM
Let's see how rusty my french is.

You like to dance? I speak a bit of french, something please, I am ..., how old are you, I am 21 years old, I live something 4 years
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