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11-27-2009 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by antidan444
I don't think there's any possible way to "easily" do 50 miles, I'll concede that point.
Limousine-taxi on someone else's tab ftw.
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 06:36 PM
I've seen wild turkeys a bunch. Sometimes you'll just see one or two, but often you'll see them in groups as big as 20 or more.

The most that I would see would be when running along the Missouri river floodplain, along gravel roads and through farm land. They were always a nice sight.

*don't you have peacocks there? way cooler than turkeys
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11-27-2009 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
my last race btw: (if we're posting race thoughts)

It was a 10k.

First mile, look at watch, 5:45, crap thats way too fast.

2nd mile. look at watch 11:30, crap, but thats ok I feel good still

between then and the third mile: who the hell is this person coming up on me breathing super hard

around mile 3: oh its the lead female

from then until around 5.5: can not let this girl beat me, can not let this girl beat me, can not let this girl beat me

mile 5.5: there she goes.....
So you finished in about 35-36 minutes? I wouldn't give a crap about a woman beating me if I ran that time!
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 06:46 PM
no. I fell off. 37:02.

and if she was running right beside you for most of the race, you would care.

but i definitely didn't push myself as hard I could have

I was only trying to run 38:30 because thats what I had tried for. But I really didn't know (and still don't) what my abilities were, + race day addrenalin

So I think I let the fact that I was already far exceeding my own expectations cause me to let up at the end

I didn't even puke at the end, although I did want to
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc

*don't you have peacocks there? way cooler than turkeys
not really in the wild, except that I think i said, my in-laws run a holiday cottage in the grounds of their garden, and they had an escaped peacock turn up one day and start sitting on the front doorstep of the cottage. I think it's still there, and it is kinda cool, although it's turds are giant and when it screams in the night it's terrifying.

We get a lot of pheasants around us, which are actually quite cool, especially the better coloured males, or in the spring you sometimes see a mother and line of chicks crossing the road.

There are a lot of deer in the woods near us and for some reason atm they're out of the woods in the grass verge from about 9pm onwards. Driving to the hospital at 2am I have visions of hitting one in the road.

This is wild in the uk, which i was going to give Atak as a poser:

POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 06:53 PM
I've been in a car that hit by a deer.

I was a passenger. My friend was driving an older mazda 626, which is a decently serious car. We were on a two lane country highway in rural Missouri. Probably going 50-60 miles/hour

deer just stepped out into the road. I was drunk as **** too. Deer literally flew up into the air. Was dead instantly. Car was messed up but not really that badly.

But hitting deer is incredibly common in Missouri.
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 06:58 PM
i thought hitting a deer (or maybe it was a moose) was supposed to be really bad because the engine takes out the deer legs, but the real weight is in the body which rolls over the bonnet into the window. The deer near us are too small for that really.

My bro-in-law went on a driving holiday in morrocco last year, on the way to the airport, he had a crash with a deer, got a replacement car which his wife then had a crash in, then they flews to morrocco and had to pick up their hire care for a week of driving on the wrong side of the road in an african country. Good times apparantly.

Being drunk is supposed to be good if you're in a crash, because you're relaxed rather than tensing up.
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 07:08 PM
I was in a school bus one time, out on the highway. Driver yells out, "Deer!" which is immediately followed by a thud.

We do not stop.
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11-27-2009 , 07:08 PM
yeah. i've heard that too. fortunately that didn't happen in my case because it hit the passenger side of the car and if it went through the windshield would it probably would have killed me
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11-27-2009 , 07:11 PM
zomg luck, im glad the windshield resisted.
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11-27-2009 , 07:19 PM
thanks Andy!

It didn't actually hit the windshield though.

It just sort of flew up into the air. And then off to the side of the road. But like I said, I was wasted so I could be remembering it slightly wrong but I don't think so

Was an interesting night because I was out in the country (at the lake for VR, Soah, Aries, who would know) hanging out with one of my friends from Columbia and a bunch of lake people who I didn't know at all.

And apparently some of them wanted to beat me up because they thought I was flirting with one of their girlfriends. But I never actually said a single word to her the entire night except for when I first met her and her boyfriend.

Although the funny thing is that the girl and I were actually on the same wavelength because things would happen and then eye contact would be made and I knew that she was thinking the same as me

So they were actually correct in wanting to beat me up even though I never talked to her

POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 07:24 PM
im glad they didnt beat you up!

Last edited by Andynan; 11-27-2009 at 07:24 PM. Reason: in a crappy mood definitely
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 07:59 PM
lol - given that a moose can weigh as much as a compact car - hitting one of them is basically going to total your car, no matter what you do.

For deer, if you are a super performance driver with the reflexes of a muhammad ali and an insane ability to think under pressure you are supposed to actually speed up just before hitting them (i.e. slow down as much as possible, but if you're still going to hit the thing, gun the engine right before contact). This is because if you are accelerating you are more likely to run over the deer, while if you are braking its more likely to fly up through your windshield.
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 08:06 PM
i have found, in the limited occasions that i have experienced, that in pinch situations that require alert reactions and critical decision making, i generally crumble and all brain function reduces to a loud voice going "WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF"
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 08:09 PM
looks like the next time I want to have the apartment to myself, I'll just have to track down antidan and have him post more updates
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11-27-2009 , 08:12 PM
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by soah
looks like the next time I want to have the apartment to myself, I'll just have to track down antidan and have him post more updates
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 08:59 PM

i went running. probably about 5 miles maybe a little more. for not having run in a couple of weeks (and before that several weeks) it was actually a really good run.

I'm definitely out of shape. Smoked way more cigarettes than I normally do last night because I wanted to be social, and was also so drunk that I feel asleep with the lights on in my room. But it still felt great to be out there running. I'm going to try and keep it up because the weather really is quite nice now
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 09:02 PM
I almost asked what your "out of shape" mile pace is, then thought better of it.

(This is me posting that I thought better of it. On a related note, 14,519 posts and counting ...)
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 09:06 PM
Dan - what's your blog again (and do you blog regularly?) I lost the address.
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 09:44 PM
One of the things about running.

And perhaps some non-runners will disagree. But you can't truly know a city/street/locale/etc until you run it.

I mean, you can live on a street for years, maybe even your whole life, but you'll never have the same sort of relationship with it as someone who runs it. And nothing else compares to that. Not walking, not biking, and certainly not driving a car. Running is the most intimate way to know a street.

One might argue that it would be walking because you're going slower and can take more in. But thats incorrect. When you're walking your mind is allowed to wander and there can be a sensory overload. That doesn't happen when running. The ego shuts down some and just absorbs the street. Every little pot hole, crack in the sidewalk, etc, gets taken in. And thats why running is the most intimate experience one can have with a place.
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 10:05 PM
yeah that's total nonsense.

the way you experience a road is very different walking/running/cycling/driving, but i disagree that running is somehow superior to other ways. I really enjoy cycling places (without hills)
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 10:06 PM
i just get down and hump the sidewalk for a bit. thats pretty intimate, u get to know which neighbours are cool real fast too
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 10:12 PM
i kind of just skimmed the last few hundred posts but I saw discussion about the merits of alcohol...

I don't know what the results would be but I'm sure there are studies that compare a country like France where daily moderate liquor consumption is a social norm compared to ...i don't know, another european country maybe Sweden or something? It would be interesting ot see how much more liver disease there is per capita in France vs sweden or how much less heart disease.
POG Community Thread Quote
11-27-2009 , 10:17 PM
there is something specifically called the french paradox, which is about their diet and not their alcohol consumption *(actually red wine is identified as one of reasons behind the paradox)

but its interesting nonetheless

just goes to show that ideas about health/nutrition aren't too correct

no its correct. i know this because i've experienced all the ways
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