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If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening

03-11-2015 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by jcohen
you called me a villager and called benneh wolfy. i was gearing my persuasion toward you well before f3

sun said we are not lynching benneh. there was no decision for me to make, i knew ahead of time it'd have to be you

i hate bringing that kind of stuff up at f3 cause it just gets you turbo lynched though.

WIFOM and whatnot

was hoping CF would make that connection for me
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
I don't understand how you cant grasp this. Yes I elicited that but there was no reason to think from my perspective that I was making that any more likely.

probably HC'ing yourself when you have no reason to, thats probably what did it

you must not realize how hopeless the game is from my POV when my wolfbro gets lynched d1 and i miss the seer. you are the only reason i even had a chance of winning after that
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:43 AM
Because while it's still -EV for a villager to get lynched a lone wolf getting lynched is equal to a checkmate. i KNEW you were the last wolf so at that point my own lynch meant nothing to me... i honestly assumed I'd be listened too. Sun Tzu seemed to believe benneh wasn't the wolf and I thought Crimson would listen to me
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:43 AM
honestly PS, I thought you self-majing was some performance art piece and I was thoroughly confused when the thread was locked and the village didn't win

you shouldn't hard claim to open the day like that. if the seer wants to claim, you can lay cover after. but you forced him to out himself when there was really no benefit to it
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:44 AM
I forgive you for this one crimson

Cohen is sneaky.
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by monstrman
I forgive you for this one crimson

Cohen is sneaky.

i've gotten kinda better at this game

when will we village together again

hopefully cold war
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:46 AM
You're over-estimating how hopeless it is! If the game is hopeless why didn't GD HC immediately!!! You can obviously still win by either getting him lynched that day, or NKing the next night... both things can still happen with or without my hardclaim.

Answer this question:

Does a HC from a villager make a wagon on the seer more likely?

Technically the answer is yes because now its 1/6 instead of 1/7.... but if you think this is THAT important maybe when there are 7 people left with 1 wolf and a seer a villager should volunteer to get lynched?
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
Because while it's still -EV for a villager to get lynched a lone wolf getting lynched is equal to a checkmate. i KNEW you were the last wolf so at that point my own lynch meant nothing to me... i honestly assumed I'd be listened too. Sun Tzu seemed to believe benneh wasn't the wolf and I thought Crimson would listen to me
i knew you were a villager but i wasn't convinced you were right.
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:47 AM
Actually yes!! lol I have a new solution to WW in these spots thats better than what i did.

When there are 7 left with 1 wolf and 1 seer.
Everyone lists their soft picks... then a villager who isn't on a list volunteers to get lynched. lol
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:48 AM
the whole challenge from my perspective is hitting the seer correctly when it could be anyone. you completely eliminated that challenge
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:50 AM
RESULTS ORIENTED THINKING... I eliminated that challenge through bad luck... ugh
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:51 AM
its not results oriented whatsoever. its a play with huge downside and no upside. just play WW
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by benneh

i've gotten kinda better at this game

when will we village together again

hopefully cold war
We shall see

I'm not ready to rand wolf again that's for sure

part of what's keeping me so iffy right now

my wolf rand has been pretty sick it's exhausting
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:52 AM
obligatory cohen GOAT, ldo
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by monstrman
We shall see

I'm not ready to rand wolf again that's for sure

part of what's keeping me so iffy right now

my wolf rand has been pretty sick it's exhausting
no kidding

I've been wolf in the last 5/6 turbos and both mashes

its terrible. we need to village together sometime
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:56 AM
I agree, but for now I need to go to bed, which probably should have happened three hours ago.

Reading postgames of people that are really rustled in turbos is fun though.
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:57 AM
IT has a huge upside .. if we lynch a vanilla and it goes to night the seer can peek me

If I am NK'd, the Seer is alive in a F5
If The seer is Nk'd, we have his soft picks + proof my picks were a lie...

It makes it possible for you to NK the seer but still get a forced victory with his soft + my HC... By claiming 2 villagers and not getting killed it would PROVE that the last wolf is either me or one of my "villagers" so its like a reverse seers picks of the guys I didnt name

The worst play was sun tzu telling people "i was probably not the seer" That makes no sense to put that in peoples heads. If Im a wolf Ill get my comupins eventually anyway... If im a villager its stupid to sabotage me.
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 03:23 AM
you're the one who sabotaged the village, two games in a row. But no, don't bother reevaluating your play. Completely unnecessary
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 03:28 AM
ok good glad i finally convinced you
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 03:32 AM
you weren't supposed to lynch benneh, but don't blame yourself

blame pyramid

in all the thousands of times I've seen someone fps as a villager, it's gone well once or twice and even in those cases it usually would have worked out anyway
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
IT has a huge upside .. if we lynch a vanilla and it goes to night the seer can peek me

If I am NK'd, the Seer is alive in a F5
If The seer is Nk'd, we have his soft picks + proof my picks were a lie...

It makes it possible for you to NK the seer but still get a forced victory with his soft + my HC... By claiming 2 villagers and not getting killed it would PROVE that the last wolf is either me or one of my "villagers" so its like a reverse seers picks of the guys I didnt name

The worst play was sun tzu telling people "i was probably not the seer" That makes no sense to put that in peoples heads. If Im a wolf Ill get my comupins eventually anyway... If im a villager its stupid to sabotage me.
keep sabotaging and keep blaming other people when it goes badly every ****ing time
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 03:37 AM
Well people need to be more logical when reacting to my actions.
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
You're over-estimating how hopeless it is! If the game is hopeless why didn't GD HC immediately!!! You can obviously still win by either getting him lynched that day, or NKing the next night... both things can still happen with or without my hardclaim.

Answer this question:

Does a HC from a villager make a wagon on the seer more likely?

Technically the answer is yes because now its 1/6 instead of 1/7.... but if you think this is THAT important maybe when there are 7 people left with 1 wolf and a seer a villager should volunteer to get lynched?
your claim wagoning the seer to force a claim isn't the only danger

there's also wagoning one of the seer's peeks to force a claim (what happened here)

there's also making yourself need to be lynched

the downside outweighs the upside by a huge margin and in terms of probabilities

the way you play makes it optimal to lynch you d1 every game and I'm going to make sure that happens
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
Well people need to be more logical when reacting to my actions.
your actions need to be more logical

you don't do this stuff because you think it's the correct play

you do it because you want to and then you try to justify it to yourself and others even though your arguments are inane and you and the other assclowns who do this have never succeeded but have failed millions of times

keep living that dream I guess

someday, somewhere it will work out and you'll be the hero you always wanted to be
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 03:44 AM
Not enough 's in the world for Sun's last 2 posts
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
