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If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening

03-11-2015 , 01:57 AM
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 01:58 AM
Votes from post 273 to post 301
Night in 0:10:54

3 PyramidScheme benneh (3), Sun Tzu (3), PyramidScheme (9)
2 not voting CrimsonFox (3), jcohen (8)

:08 good :09 bad

PyramidScheme was lynched. Team: Village Role: vanilla
PM your night action or it will be randed.
Deadline: :02 good :03 bad

It is night!
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 01:59 AM
The wolves killed Sun Tzu. Role: vanilla.

3 players: 1 wolf, 2 vanilla villagers

Live Players:

:16 good :17 bad

2 votes is majority.

Caution: Votes are locked in today. Your first vote is final.

It is day!
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 01:59 AM

nicely played
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 01:59 AM
wp benneh

didn't think you'd bus on d1

crimson...somehow we are gonna have to work together here
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:00 AM
Votes from post 303 to post 305
Night in 0:16:58

1 benneh jcohen (1)
1 jcohen benneh (1)
1 not voting CrimsonFox (0)

Caution! Votes today are locked in. No vote changing or unvoting today.
:16 good :17 bad
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:00 AM
CF just realize i was fine being lynched yesterday, i honestly don't know what the **** PS was doing
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:00 AM
and pyramid, maj'ing yourself as a villager makes absolutely no sense

try harder to sabotage us, jesus christ
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by benneh
im fine being lynched, makes sense

but i'm with gamer re: ps
Originally Posted by jcohen
the game is locked as long as you guys don't lynch me

i would lean PS over benneh first since he wasn't on lycant
compare and contrast
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:01 AM
crimson all i can say is i voted lycant when i didn't have to, wanted to sort through the seer claims on d2, and wanted to spend clock on d3 when i couldve maj'd whenever and didn't

benneh played well so i don't think this is an easy decision at all, but please take your time and ask me anything
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:02 AM
also realize both of us are very capable of bussing a worthless teammate, jcohen's seen me do it to him in fact, he's being disingenuous when he said he didnt think i had the heart
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by benneh
also realize both of us are very capable of bussing a worthless teammate, jcohen's seen me do it to him in fact, he's being disingenuous when he said he didnt think i had the heart
to clarify, i bussed vs him to win, i didn't actually bus him
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by benneh
compare and contrast
but you shouldn't be fine being lynched. thats the only way the village could've lost from your perspective

for me, i know that village wins as long as i survive. i still wanted to get it right and legitimately thought it was PS over you, but didn't maj since crimson still hadn't voted

i would never in my life say I'm fine with being lynched as a villager
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:03 AM
im not being disingenuous at all lol, i thought it made a lot more sense mechanically for PS to be the wolf instead of you since he wasn't on the wagon

you are right that i made the mistake last time we were f3 together and let you win because you did bus your teammate earlier. obviously i need to adjust how i read you and stop clearing you so easily
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by jcohen
but you shouldn't be fine being lynched. thats the only way the village could've lost from your perspective

for me, i know that village wins as long as i survive. i still wanted to get it right and legitimately thought it was PS over you, but didn't maj since crimson still hadn't voted

i would never in my life say I'm fine with being lynched as a villager
stop talking to me wolf
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:04 AM
crimson, are you here?
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by benneh
stop talking to me wolf
im not gonna stop talking
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:05 AM
also realize that from an actual villagers POV, you would be fine being lynched because it looked like PS was being aidsy and was the obvious choice

he self maj'd hoping you'd vote jco. i don't agree with a lot of his play but that is wortth something
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:06 AM
Votes from post 303 to post 318
Night in 0:10:58

1 benneh jcohen (7)
1 jcohen benneh (7)
1 not voting CrimsonFox (0)

Caution! Votes today are locked in. No vote changing or unvoting today.
:16 good :17 bad
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:06 AM
yes, keep talkin
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:06 AM
and dont fall for jcohen's "trust me man" and how "this is a hard decision i dont blame you"

he's trying to win you over on sympathy

just make your own choice
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by Tatiana Tiger
Votes from post 1 to post 133
Night in 0:04:57

2 gambit8888 jcohen (23), CrimsonFox (12)
2 jcohen gambit8888 (17), PyramidScheme (12)
1 benneh Mor_Tilt4mePls (12)
1 Lycant Sun Tzu (11)
1 Mor_Tilt4mePls benneh (16)
1 PyramidScheme Gamer Dude (17)
1 not voting Lycant (5)

:24 good :25 bad
Originally Posted by jcohen
if lycant doesn't vote today he should always be lynched

this is the best i have. based on him not voting last game as a wolf i noticed he was the only one not posting this game and made this post, followed by voting him. i had no reason to do that as a wolf
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:08 AM
also if you look at that tally, if i was a wolf i could have easily stayed on gambit since he was voting me too. and other people were suspicious of him, so he was a very viable mislynch

i would have no reason to bus my bro in that spot. and i know I've bussed before, but its a lot better to bus after the seer is dead otherwise you are completely risking that you will hit the seer, and i suck at seerhunting. so i would have stayed on gambit if i was a wolf there
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:08 AM
day 1 literally means nothing. we both voted lycant, one of us bussed
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by benneh
and dont fall for jcohen's "trust me man" and how "this is a hard decision i dont blame you"

he's trying to win you over on sympathy

just make your own choice
and benneh is doing the same thing
If this gets to must lynch you should definitely yolo within 30 seconds of thread opening Quote
