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Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014)

11-10-2014 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
This is good. I know you're capable of stuff like this as a wolf, but definitely leaning villa here so far.
i always want to find gad wolfy but in the last game i played, gad made a bunch posts that were similar. so also giving gad a villa lean
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by mexineil
Good point, I hadn't considered that.
I read a "don't" before the know.

Also, you're welcome.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
I don't know. Two games is such a small sample size and i know comparing his turbo play to mash doesn't hold a whole lot of water but he's resorted to just screaming and yelling there as a wolf
The last turbo I played with him he didn't scream and yell as much as he kinda just backed into a corner and went "meow"

He tried to defend himself by saying "I've accidentally maj'd on d2 before so I'm a villager" when he maj'd the seer d2.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
They might be untrue, but they are genuine reads of mine.

I'm trying to sorta power skim here.

Cliffs on uofu is that I recall him sticking out like a pretty sore thumb in the last game I was in where he was wolf. Not seein' that even remotely here. Seems pretty into the game.

Muti's questioning of nutshot looked totally fake to me, I dunno. He is def involved, but that's role neutral for him. In fact, I think muti is more likely to give a better effort as a factional wolf ina game like this than he would as a villager. But ya, it was the nutshot thing that pinged me and I haven't seen much in his posts since that indicate he's actually a villager.
what game was this ? afaik his last wolf game was tarantino
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Dude if you're making wolfy sounding posts I'm gonna say so. That's on you.

In the past have you been annoyed by me more when you are a villager or a wolf?
i've never wolfed vs you, something you would obviously know if you spent any time thinking instead of posting
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Gadarene
Would you say that this is villagery behavior of TheNothing that isn't affected by the presence of multiple factions?
Gad makes an excellent point

You know my best wolf games? They are when there are multiple factions. It's super easy to seem villagery when you only know about a certain percentage of wolves out there.

It goes back to my point earlier where i agreed with Redd. People are going to be very hard to clear this game.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
given that you said Gad's post is essentially role neutral

what is making you lean villa then ?
It's not just for that one post, I'm leaning villa overall.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
fair enough

fair enough

i don't appreciate the thought that i can only be read when i get pissy

fwiw - i can get pissy and indignant as a wolf

i shouldn't have to be "under fire" to be read
You "getting metsy" is a good tell though.

But I didn't even rustle you, I just saw it going down and gave my take on it. So who are you complaining to here
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
sick xpost irt uofu

mindmeld villager points imo

so I'm at something like


Gamer* (I liked a couple of his posts and well... it's more that I want him to be a villager)
Mexineil - Toan

Am I wrong or did you not enter the thread just after me?

I need lessons if you have that many reads already.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
The last turbo I played with him he didn't scream and yell as much as he kinda just backed into a corner and went "meow"

He tried to defend himself by saying "I've accidentally maj'd on d2 before so I'm a villager" when he maj'd the seer d2.
oh well agree to disagree then. I will admit he is someone I'm not great at reading. I just think him being rustled is in any way role indicative for him.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
what game was this ? afaik his last wolf game was tarantino
It was almost certainly that game then, because that's one of my last villager games I think (until this one).
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
gonna need a list of reads from you immed
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by thediceman
I disagree.

Having trouble remembering your style, your posts on the last 2 pages concern me a little.


Seeing as I did not know this was gads first post, this is a pointless answer.

He should have said it was his first post and gone into more detail about toedder (we know he is capable of detail).

Gadarene should be able to read obvious sarcasm and not decide it is someone being wolfy and if there was more to his read than that he has sure not explained it despite spending 100's of words arguing with Red.
We fight in almost every single game we play and you tell me I should be more villagery and its my fault when I get votes

Then when you get wagoned you have no idea why

Also your vote on gad in the middle of a post is wolfy
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by The Moocher
i've never wolfed vs you, something you would obviously know if you spent any time thinking instead of posting
Your level of annoyance feels disproportionate to what's occurred ITT

Are you just mad I can play successfully by being instinctual and you lack that ability?
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
They might be untrue, but they are genuine reads of mine.

I'm trying to sorta power skim here.

Cliffs on uofu is that I recall him sticking out like a pretty sore thumb in the last game I was in where he was wolf. Not seein' that even remotely here. Seems pretty into the game.

Muti's questioning of nutshot looked totally fake to me, I dunno. He is def involved, but that's role neutral for him. In fact, I think muti is more likely to give a better effort as a factional wolf ina game like this than he would as a villager. But ya, it was the nutshot thing that pinged me and I haven't seen much in his posts since that indicate he's actually a villager.
thank you

i like explanations. they make you accountable.

Originally Posted by thediceman
I disagree.
Originally Posted by TheNothing
your whole entrance right here is wolfy imo
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
It's not NOT wolfy at least
Originally Posted by Boner2
She's right and this is a wolfy response

Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:23 PM
Hoya comin in with a similar mindset to my own
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
you could at least spend a couple of paragraphs telling me how ridiculous that request was and perhaps infer that it was detrimental to the village
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:24 PM
I think kruze is a villager.

From what I can tell irt baudib the best way to clear him is to wait until he believes he's found a wolf.

As a villager he's told me his exact strategy for when he's found a wolf is to troll them into oblivion until they explode and die.

I've seen both of his games, and while he tunnels as a wolf the extent to which he thunderdomes as a villager is so much greater, and he is way more aggressive about it.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:24 PM
Bloobird btw
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
You change your avatar

Hi mor. How's the village streak going for you? You a wolf here?
villa here and happy about it. just need to read 30+ more pages to be caught up

yea quick change for the flavor.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
oh well agree to disagree then. I will admit he is someone I'm not great at reading. I just think him being rustled is in any way role indicative for him.
Eh fair enough. Fwiw I think the way this conversation was handled makes me think you're a villager.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Vagos
It was almost certainly that game then, because that's one of my last villager games I think (until this one).
UofU had a deep run in the game. I believe he was the last wolf other aside from monte.

Albeit he did get hard cleared early for killing me in ITAs cause I was slanking so I guess you could argue he was an obv wolf from the sidelines. But the players in game didn't think so.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
You "getting metsy" is a good tell though.

But I didn't even rustle you, I just saw it going down and gave my take on it. So who are you complaining to here
i know you weren't the one getting at me

but i just don't like the fact that people can't "read" me unless i get mad. it's not just you, it's others too. and it's like, let's push the hell out of TN. Oh she's mad, she's villa. then i don't get to play very long bc i've completely cleared myself beyond a doubt.

Originally Posted by Top Tier Tom
Your level of annoyance feels disproportionate to what's occurred ITT

Are you just mad I can play successfully by being instinctual and you lack that ability?
"you should not be so annoyed"

"i play better than you & you are not good"

Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:25 PM
Imma challenge Bremen to hand to hand combat once I'm allowed to
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:25 PM
Wrt lilrascal he's fooled me as a wolf in turbos so I'm not gonna clear him despite thinking the little tone he did have was okay.

Waiting for more.
Game of Thrones 4: A Storm of Swords pt 2 - A WW Mish-Mash Game Thread (November 10th, 2014) Quote
