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#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread #4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread

05-05-2014 , 01:11 PM
phelampt, explain why you wouldn't want a vig to shoot if he was 40% sure he had found a wolf (and we assume that 40% is actually accurate).
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Shills
You're going to have to give up any impression of what it takes to form a read if you want 500 posts to do it. On my site at least the largest games nowadays are about 1000 posts long for 8-10 game days.

There's enough material to work with that isn't related to how the game works that you can comment on now, and I want you to do it.
although this seems fine
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:12 PM
I definitely reserve the right to be wrong but for real for real think it

his tone is too composed or something.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I actually do think DWetzel is a wolf
I dont think this is worth pursuing yet even if you are right.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Phelanpt
Please get some weight or opinion behind this. Are the 3 people you called out scummy?
Do you want to lynch us?
Yes, otherwise why would I be voting for one of them?
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by sjg11
One more time, why early vig kills are a bad idea.

Let's say we have a ratio of 18:7 now:

No vig kills and assuming every kill is on a townie:
17:7 at the end of Day 1
16:7 at the end of Night 1
15:7 at the end of Day 2
14:7 at the end of Night 2
13:7 at the end of Day 3
12:7 at the end of Night 3
11:7 at the end of Day 4
10:7 at the end of Night 4
9:7 at the end of Day 5
8:7 at the end of Night 5
7:7 at the end of Day 6

Even if we were to mislynch every day we would still have 5 days worth of useful data and information in the thread which we could use to make a decision and 6 days worth of thread data which should allow us to reliably triage the scum.

With vig kills:
17:7 at the end of Day 1
15:7 at the end of Night 1
14:7 at the end of Day 2
12:7 at the end of Night 2
11:7 at the end of Day 3
9:7 at the end of Night 3
8:7 at the end of Day 4
Game over at the end of Night 4

Before making the crucial decision, with vig kills, the town only has 3 days worth of data and information. The vig kills reduce the town's information by two whole days and that is a lot of potentially useful information.

This is why vig kills in the early game are a bad idea.
that's nice hon, please make this your last post about this subject for the day, thanks
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:13 PM
and he seems to be picking at minutia which is wolfy in general
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I actually do think DWetzel is a wolf
One of three things is going on here:

1) you're a wolf, or
2) you're an insane seer (time to check whether that's possible), or
3) you're reasonably paranoid after the vanilla game in which souls were crushed, but even that shouldn't justify you having more than a "guys, you shouldn't ever clear him light this early" read that I'd actually understand
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:14 PM
and he is a better player than that I think
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:15 PM
I will be a lot more active from Tuesday morning onwards, it's a bank holiday here. So I will get caught up in the morning.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
and he seems to be picking at minutia which is wolfy in general
Just what big-picture stuff do you think I should be thinking about 4 hours into the game, luckbox? I mean, sure it's no "free flowing tone" but I think when a guy disagrees with 5 people and agrees with one in a MQ, and then 10 minutes later votes the guy he agreed with while talking about other people, that's probably the most important thing that has happened so far.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:16 PM
do you actually think me posting once and disappearing for 25 minutes is wolfy?

Or did you just make your post for reactions?

please say it's the latter because that is the only acceptable response
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by DarthPunk
Like discussing policy is just going to be ultimately negative for the town. People have different opionions on what the correct way to handle things are.

To me posting about policy is scummy because you are avoiding talking about the game itself and are instead discussing things that are ultimately in the control of whoever has the role in question.

I expect any player that is supposedly good to understand that as a basic part of playing the game, so when people continue to post about useless **** it really pisses me off.

I don't believe that people couldn't give even a formative read on at least one player in the game so far.

So I want to know from the thread: What are your current reads?

Originally Posted by DWetzel
nick and Phelampt, what do you know about each other's games? You play on the same site. What should we be looking for in terms of danger signs, how do you clear the other person, etc?

Ernie and windshipper, same questions.

If I missed another pair of people playing from the same site, pretend I asked you too, same questions.
while this is relevant information, i think its wolfy to ask this. who even noticed that they are from the same site?

when i first joined 2+2 i was a wolf my first game and i made a lot of posts like this, because then it gives me data i can easily base mislynches off of. you want to get people to give a list of traits someone has as a wolf/villager and then its pretty easy to nitpick a couple and be like oh this means he's gotta be a wolf - according to someone who knows him well! and then you have no accountability

if you're a villager i feel like that was a really weird detail to notice or maybe I'm just unobservant but i have no idea who here is from each others sites. and by page 5 theres a lot else to worry about. the only time id consider asking something like this is if someone was playing truly bizarre.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:17 PM
Alright I just want to say all this "this sounds villagery or this sounds wolfy" talk really annoys the **** out of me. Like take a firm stance. Either you think the person is wolf or you think their town. It's early in the game, you're aloud to be wrong and you're aloud to change your mind.

Everyone who's tip toeing is immediately thrown on my watch list.

Grow a pair guys, this is supposed to be Champions.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Shills
Where did I do that, you worthless ****?

I have heard from people I regularly play with that he is mafia this game. My people will be in touch with your people to fix their opinion.

Nowhere, actually. I was going to drop it right after your original answer right up and until you decided to call it disingenuous that I pointed out you ignored 90% of my post.

Explain the bolded plz?
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
Just what big-picture stuff do you think I should be thinking about 4 hours into the game, luckbox? I mean, sure it's no "free flowing tone" but I think when a guy disagrees with 5 people and agrees with one in a MQ, and then 10 minutes later votes the guy he agreed with while talking about other people, that's probably the most important thing that has happened so far.
I mean....I have no idea what level these guys are on or how they think

but i have a hard time even seeing how that is level 0 wolfy...maybe level 0 but not even .5 level wolfy.

You can't agree with wolves anymore?
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
again, who plans things like this? you lynch whoever you think is the most likely to be a wolf. its not that complicated
Nick asked what I would be lynching based off of if not tone. I answered.

i hate this too. what the hell does work as a team mean? are you aware that ~1/3rd of this 'team' is against us and can communicate throughout the day?
Exactly what it means. To win we don't just have to have a single player having good reads. We need to organise and form lynches. That requires compromise and teamwork.
i completely disagree - its essential for villagers to be able to think for themselves and form their own opinions. everyone in this game is supposed to be good. make your own reads, don't just follow along. WW 101
I agree. I never said anything different. I just said, it's great to form your own reads, but listen to other people too. Like you said, we're all good players so we should all have sensible reads. Some we form on our own. Some may form through listening to others.

and obviously you don't do process of elimination from the start
Cory said he wanted to POE early. I said this was ridiculous.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:19 PM
and you follow it up with this?

Originally Posted by DWetzel
oh thank god I swear I was about to say "I'm a little concerned that Luckbox hasn't popped in to claim wolf yet"
Originally Posted by DWetzel
I'm also a little concerned at Moocher's absence, but I may not be remembering his schedule correctly.
come on. this just means you couldn't find anything in the thread to talk about, so you resort to things outside the thread.

i gotta start a wolfy list because I'm gonna lose track:

-pres eden

village list:

-darth punk

these are just the people who have stood out a lot to me
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Gamer Dude
Alright I just want to say all this "this sounds villagery or this sounds wolfy" talk really annoys the **** out of me. Like take a firm stance. Either you think the person is wolf or you think their town. It's early in the game, you're aloud to be wrong and you're aloud to change your mind.

Everyone who's tip toeing is immediately thrown on my watch list.

Grow a pair guys, this is supposed to be Champions.
Calling someone villagery or wolfy isn't tip-toeing around it's, y'know, people givind their reads.

This is a good thing.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by jcohen
through page 3

really like wwwwombat and darth punk so far

lynch pres eden
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Synonym
Ooh, more deflection. Keep it up, I'm sure no one else has noticed that you've posted nothing of substance, merely baseless accusations.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using 2+2 Forums
I agree with Darth's posts on you, and the fact that you're reacting like this doesn't make me feel better about you.
If you're town, you need to work harder.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
I dont think this is worth pursuing yet even if you are right.
What is worth pursuing?
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by DWetzel
that part I knew; I can't remember if he has work related stuff that causes absence during parts of the day. I'm not terribly concerned about it right now because we have two days here. Just conspicuous by absence at the moment.
this post is made at 11:22 am ET and we have 2 whole days to make a lynch. no one is conspicuous by absence.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by sjg11
I'm considering switching to Synonym. I still don't get how, after reading this thread, that is the first thing you decide to post about.
What post was this about?
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
05-05-2014 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I mean....I have no idea what level these guys are on or how they think

but i have a hard time even seeing how that is level 0 wolfy...maybe level 0 but not even .5 level wolfy.

You can't agree with wolves anymore?
apparently not. some guy earlier asked me which posts I liked or agreed with because those were supposed to be villagers.
#4 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
