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4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD 4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD

04-19-2012 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Ellinika se mena
so yeah quoth, sup ? any more thoughts ? im waiting on you to speak them before i vote pavel.
Posting by phone right now; I'll be at my computer in like 20 min and then I'll see where we're at.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by godkata
What? I dont even make the list?
notice how he purposely left both u and ellin off the list
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Quoth
Pavel: if you're a villa, the wolf team has to be exactly shiitake, billy, and godkata, right?

Pavel, answer this question, please.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:23 PM
hes also conceded taht atakpup is an outed wolf since atakpup would clearly be on taht list but is not.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:23 PM
sweet im not aids
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:24 PM
I give 3:1 odds thats a completely random list.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:26 PM
im ****ing here but my boss is standing behind me, brb
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:27 PM
Pavel, answer my question, please.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Quoth
So either godkata, shiitake, and billy are all wolves or else Pavel is a wolf, right?
you could have put atakpup in a lose/lose spot and only 2 are wolves
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by godkata
What? I dont even make the list?

youre a wolf
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
you could have put atakpup in a lose/lose spot and only 2 are wolves
Which of those is the third wolf between billy and shiitake iyo?

And how do you comport ascetic peeking your mother villa with ascetic listing me before your mother in his villa leans list?
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Quoth
Which of those is the third wolf between billy and shiitake iyo?

And how do you comport ascetic peeking your mother villa with ascetic listing me before your mother in his villa leans list?
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:34 PM
What about my other question?
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:36 PM
my boss. give me time. sfjlfks;lfsa
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:38 PM
so billy if i got this right you are clearing shiitake because you believe he truly didnt think pavel was the peek ? is that enough to clear him
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:40 PM
If Pavel is a wolf it's probably Pavel/pup/Ellinika
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Ellinika se mena
so billy if i got this right you are clearing shiitake because you believe he truly didnt think pavel was the peek ? is that enough to clear him
entire interaction seemed genuine to me. yes i am clearing him on somethign rather thin, but its the best read i have right now.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Quoth
If Pavel is a wolf it's probably Pavel/pup/Ellinika
why me ?
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:47 PM
Ok i think there is a slight chance i might get nightkilled if we lynch Pavel.
I made this for myself but if there even is a tiny chance it could help later i should probably post it.

Day 1 eod

Votes as of post 609
Night in 00:09
3 Early and often Ellinika se mena (38), Mary Sue (40), Pavel Datsyuk (83)
3 Shiitake Billy goat gruff (29), Quoth (59), Your mother (58)
2 Atakpride Godkata (18), Thaxll'ssillyia (52)
2 Atakpup Ascetic acid (29), Atakpride (107)
1 Godkata Atakpup (10)
1 Your mother Shiitake (38)
1 not voting Early and often (33)

Votes as of post 634
Night in 00:04
4 Atakpride Billy goat gruff (32), Ellinika se mena (41), Godkata (20), Thaxll'ssillyia (53)
3 Atakpup Ascetic acid (29), Atakpride (111), Quoth (62)
2 Your mother Pavel Datsyuk (86), Shiitake (38)
1 Early and often Mary Sue (41)
1 Godkata Atakpup (10)
1 Shiitake Your mother (61)
1 not voting Early and often (33)

Votes as of post 668
It is night
5 Early and often Atakpride (116), Billy goat gruff (35), Ellinika se mena (44), Mary Sue (42), Pavel Datsyuk (90)
2 Atakpride Godkata (20), Thaxll'ssillyia (56)
2 Atakpup Ascetic acid (29), Quoth (69)
1 Godkata Atakpup (10)
1 Shiitake Your mother (66)
1 Your mother Shiitake (38)
1 not voting Early and often (33)

Day 2 eod

Votes as of post 837
Night in 02:49
4 Your mother Pavel Datsyuk (43), Atakpup (1), Mary Sue (9), Shiitake (26)
3 Godkata Ascetic acid (33), Atakpride (15), Quoth (16)
1 Shiitake Billy goat gruff (16)
3 not voting Ellinika se mena (3), Godkata (1), Your mother (0)

Votes as of post 964
Night in 00:08
4 Godkata Pavel Datsyuk (46), Ascetic acid (33), Atakpride (31), Quoth (16)
4 Your mother Atakpup (1), Ellinika se mena (14), Godkata (19), Shiitake (35)
2 Shiitake Billy goat gruff (26), Your mother (49)
1 unvote Mary Sue (15)
0 not voting

Votes as of post 987
Night in 00:00
6 Your mother Atakpride (35), Atakpup (1), Ellinika se mena (15), Godkata (22), Mary Sue (16), Shiitake (35)
4 Godkata Pavel Datsyuk (46), Ascetic acid (33), Billy goat gruff (29), Quoth (16)
1 Shiitake Your mother (57)
0 not voting

and day 3 the last postcount before atakpride was modkilled.

Votes as of post 1342
Night in 03:00

3 Atakpride Mary Sue (58), Atakpup (22), Billy goat gruff (43)
2 Pavel Datsyuk Atakpride (27), Quoth (21)
2 Godkata Ellinika se mena (17), Shiitake (46)
3 not voting Godkata (26), Pavel Datsyuk (83)

Its colored considering we lynch Pavel a wolf with atakpup being the 2nd wolf and me a villager.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:49 PM
Votes as of post 2095
Night in 01:11

3 Pavel Datsyuk Billy goat gruff (106), Godkata (45), Shiitake (93)
2 Godkata Pavel Datsyuk (139), Atakpup (22)
2 not voting Ellinika se mena (60), Quoth (178)
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:52 PM
quoth do u think godkata has a very low chance ot be a wolf?
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:54 PM
still here
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
still here
What do you think about my question?
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 07:57 PM
Its about time you make your move Pavel.
The village needs to believe that im the 3rd wolf and this ML actually happened at some point down the line or this could actually get really sketchy for your team again.
I bet that wasnt exactly how today was meant to go down.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
