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4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD 4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD

04-19-2012 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by billy goat gruff
if u were a wolf, who are ur 2 wolf partners. how would you protect/attack your fellow teammates. what is ur strategy at this point?
lol ok

It's pointless to even try to answer this. First of all, how am I supposed to know who my partners would be if I was a wolf? If that's just supposed to mean "who do you think are the wolves" then that's fine, but it's an entirely different question.

And the answer to that question is I think godkata and ellinika and I really have no idea on the third at this point. Gun to my head I would clear quoth and you and think it's more likely that atakpup is bussing then that pavel decided to open vote a wolf partner.

But that's my wolf reads knowing I'm not a wolf.

Besides that, it's basically impossible to know exactly how I'd play as a wolf, especially not given teammates, but I'll say my opinion would be that the wolves are clearly way in the lead and the correct way to play it is not to go for the hero sweep but to try to make sure there's enough separation between wolf teammates to have a good chance at f5 (and f3) if you dont' win right away. How exactly that would work out would depend on who the wolves were
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:08 PM
pavel i have a really big issue here. i find u villagery in some ways, but i cant get over that u were the seer peek. ive re-read AAs posts many times and i just dont see how ure not it.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Ellinika se mena
oh and to your second question: no. hes SHC so as close to a lock clear villa in this game as there is. if he calls me wolfy it means im not doing my job well and the village doesnt recognize im a villa. so i must strive to do better.

if you call me wolfy it could very well be a wolf trying for a mislynch tomorrow or after so im not as bothered.
or I could be a villager who sees the same things quoth sees
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by shiitake
lol ok

It's pointless to even try to answer this. First of all, how am I supposed to know who my partners would be if I was a wolf? If that's just supposed to mean "who do you think are the wolves" then that's fine, but it's an entirely different question.

And the answer to that question is I think godkata and ellinika and I really have no idea on the third at this point. Gun to my head I would clear quoth and you and think it's more likely that atakpup is bussing then that pavel decided to open vote a wolf partner.

But that's my wolf reads knowing I'm not a wolf.

Besides that, it's basically impossible to know exactly how I'd play as a wolf, especially not given teammates, but I'll say my opinion would be that the wolves are clearly way in the lead and the correct way to play it is not to go for the hero sweep but to try to make sure there's enough separation between wolf teammates to have a good chance at f5 (and f3) if you dont' win right away. How exactly that would work out would depend on who the wolves were
that is acceptable for part of my question. u havent answered the part about what your strategy would be (as a wolf) to protect/go after ur wolf teammates at this point. How would you play this f7?
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by shiitake
or I could be a villager who sees the same things quoth sees
correct. but the difference is you are a not as clear as quoth. quoth is SHC cleared. you are not.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:11 PM
if you dont see it I cant do anything to change your mind. I have used every argument I have to prove that I wasnt peeked. You can reread them again and consider whether I would fight it or just try to lolcat and make the village waste a day. today would have been a perfect day to lolcat if i was a wolf as it would have meant that quoth probably gets killed before anyone is forced to make a meaningful vote.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:12 PM
I have to get some food. I will be back for more questions later.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by billy goat gruff
pavel i have a really big issue here. i find u villagery in some ways, but i cant get over that u were the seer peek. ive re-read AAs posts many times and i just dont see how ure not it.
i have a question for you

was it you who said I was "brilliant"? I'm not by the way, but let me at least take credit for this: I am very experienced and I think that's clear in terms of everything i've said in this game, right?

Don't you think the fact that I disagree with you about the seer peeks is meaningful? So far everyone's take on that seems to be "lol pavel peeked wolf and shiitake his wolf bro" but I think if you think about that you'll realize it makes no sense, especially given the game situation

There's one thing I can tell you for sure about what I would do as a wolf, and that is I wouldn't try to protect a seer peeked wolf when half the players in the game want to lynch him. I wouldn't lie about what I thought the peeks are as a wolf, and also I clearly am not lieing about what I think they are as a villager. Either way, it means you should trust I legitimately think that pavel is not peeked.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
if you dont see it I cant do anything to change your mind. I have used every argument I have to prove that I wasnt peeked. You can reread them again and consider whether I would fight it or just try to lolcat and make the village waste a day. today would have been a perfect day to lolcat if i was a wolf as it would have meant that quoth probably gets killed before anyone is forced to make a meaningful vote.
can u at least see why i think theres a possibility of u and godtaka being w/w?
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:14 PM
so far i havent read anything that makes me wanna change what i think the wolf time is:

billy seems to be villagin it up today and considering i think pavel is a wolf atakpups vote on godkata is what i would expect from the third wolf.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by billy goat gruff
that is acceptable for part of my question. u havent answered the part about what your strategy would be (as a wolf) to protect/go after ur wolf teammates at this point. How would you play this f7?
I did answer it, at least in part. It's impossible to be specific without knowing who the wolves are. If you assume some of the wolves are under pressure, then I think the basic strategy is to try to see if you can get a villager lynched but without making it impossible for you to bus if it seems like the right option.

You don't want to preclude yourself from winning right away (that's why it's unlikely that wolf-pavel would vote wolf-godkata for example), but you don't want to make it impossible for your team to win later by pushing too hard trying to win now.

you can't really plan more than that as a wolf I don't think.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by ascetic acid
Pavel is a wolf looking for another mislynch, don't let him get it.
Without being too detailed, the nk also implies that there is a great chance he is a wolf. The eod was bad too. Im so certain that he can be one of my fakepeeks.
which brings me to next player: Mary Sue villager.
Mary sue is spewed villager by parvel on d1 so if im right about parvel, im right about sue. Furthermore she is being villa for multiple reasons: sharing reads/updating reads often/made ppl aware that her vote was on EAO after wrong votecount etc etc etc

I wont give info about what peek was first since it can help wolves determine if im seer or not.
Theese assumptions makes me think our mother is villager since parlev is pushing her.

And thats how its done
Originally Posted by ascetic acid
Do what I want and blame me if it fails
Do what you want and ill blame you

Aorn i want to lynch pavel > save sue > save mother
I know Pavel wont fly and sue is save...
If u dont Care who of the 4 we lynch, please me and dont go mother. At least you can blame me if it doesn't work
Originally Posted by ascetic acid
then lets work together.. lets play a game;

You cant lynch Mary and you cant lynch mother- who do you want to go next?
Originally Posted by ascetic acid
Why would I want to help you? I gotta protect my peek :P
Originally Posted by ascetic acid
I cant be held accountable for wrong fakepeeks so it cant backfire imo. We shouldnt talk about it i guess but i would prefer people to understand
ok im going to come back and convince u shiitake that pavel was a peek. you can convince me he was not.

i will have to say that if pavel comes up wolf, i genuinely believe u are a villa right now.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:19 PM
does anyone remember who the voters on shiitake were when he was tied with EAO for 3 votes on d1 ? it was billy and 2 others. i think thax was on there and who else ? mary sue ? i cant find it atm.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:21 PM
his gotta protect my peek clearly references mary sue, as that was the one i was voting and he was protecting at the time.

in a quote i dont have posted, AA even clearly says that he cant get pavel lynched because ppl have fakepeeks on pavel as villa and it would break seer cover (like what i had)

he seems to imply through a string of posts that hes been keeping track of everyones fake peeks and he knows he has to come out which makes the very first quote i have up there even more convincing.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by billy goat gruff
can u at least see why i think theres a possibility of u and godtaka being w/w?
I heard your explanation, but think its misguided.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Votes as of post 609
Night in 00:09

3 Early and often Ellinika se mena (38), Mary Sue (40), Pavel Datsyuk (83)
3 Shiitake Billy goat gruff (29), Quoth (59), Your mother (58)
2 Atakpride Godkata (18), Thaxll'ssillyia (52)
2 Atakpup Ascetic acid (29), Atakpride (107)
1 Godkata Atakpup (10)
1 Your mother Shiitake (38)
1 not voting Early and often (33)

:00 good :01 bad
ellinika: here
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:22 PM
i think AA played brilliantly and clearly as a seer, im just surprised the village isnt recognizing it.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:23 PM
I agree that it's clear that the protecting his peek post is about mary sue.

I also want to point out this is another case of him using the word "peek" distinctly from the word "fakepeek"

and how he was clear that he peeked mary, but clear that he didn't peek pavel, only "fakepeek"ed him
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:23 PM
Votes as of post 1994
Night in 02:37

2 Godkata Pavel Datsyuk (131), Atakpup (22)
1 Pavel Datsyuk Godkata (33)
4 not voting Billy goat gruff (72), Ellinika se mena (40), Quoth (169), Shiitake (78)
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by ascetic acid
ascetic acid
mary sue
your mother

I think maaaaaybe atakpride belong in this list.

I know I cant get Pavel lynched cuz multiple people would have to give up their cover and that is fine.

Random note: a wolf was probably wagoned last night given the eod
heres the quote
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:25 PM
"What would you say if I said I peeked you wolf last night?"
"You'd be lying"
"True, I didn't peek you wolf last night"

If he omitted the last night part, we probably wouldn't have this argument. But I think it's just conversational. I don't think he intended to have us read into it like we have been

Besides that, even if he did, if you take it face value then he would have had to peek pavel n0, but if you look at his d1 posting it seems very clear he did not peek pavel d1, and that he did peek mary d1

All of this is in addition to everythign I've already said about the peek/fakepeek distinction and the fact that a seer with a wolf peek has no reason to go so far out of his way to try to make sure he says that his wolf peek isn't real
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:26 PM
shoudl say "did not peek pavel n0, and did peek mary n0" to be clearer
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by ascetic acid
I didnt- just had to open my notes. I have notes on all the peeks I could find. I'm not gonna do the wolves dirty job and out the peeks, but they are easily found. Makes it easier to avoid double-fakepeek etc
this here
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-19-2012 , 06:26 PM
Pavel also lead the CFD on EAO d1.

Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Votes as of post 648
Night in 00:02

4 Atakpride Billy goat gruff (34), Ellinika se mena (42), Godkata (20), Thaxll'ssillyia (55)
3 Atakpup Ascetic acid (29), Atakpride (113), Quoth (64)
2 Your mother Pavel Datsyuk (87), Shiitake (38)
1 Early and often Mary Sue (41)
1 Godkata Atakpup (10)
1 Shiitake Your mother (64)
1 not voting Early and often (33)

:00 good :01 bad

This is where it starts. Atakpride leading the lynch with atakpup in 2nd place. Notice the atakpup voters, 2 dead villagers and Quoth.

Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
early and often

switch to him ellinka and pride
Pavel starts the CFD.
But why on early and often?
He was on your Mother all day (not saying he didnt mention EAO too).
Then there is this conversation between him and Mary Sue before:

Originally Posted by Mary Sue
i am straining myself trying to understand why a villager who is the top wagon would leave a thread without voting for another top wagon (to save himself).

sort of have to remove him from a villa lean for that as the play makes no sense.
Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
early and often did the same. I feel like it is more likely a villa does this than a wolf in a vacuum though.
He says thats its more likely for a villager to do it then for a wolf.

Originally Posted by atakpride
EAO go go go
Originally Posted by Ellinika se mena
early and often
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Votes as of post 660
Night in 00:00

4 Early and often Atakpride (116), Ellinika se mena (43), Mary Sue (42), Pavel Datsyuk (88)
3 Atakpride Billy goat gruff (34), Godkata (20), Thaxll'ssillyia (55)
2 Atakpup Ascetic acid (29), Quoth (67)
1 Godkata Atakpup (10)
1 Shiitake Your mother (66)
1 Your mother Shiitake (38)
1 not voting Early and often (33)

:00 good :01 bad
Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
need another to avoid a snipe
Originally Posted by billy goat gruff
Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
your mother still aidsing
Originally Posted by Nofear3838
Votes as of post 668
It is night

5 Early and often Atakpride (116), Billy goat gruff (35), Ellinika se mena (44), Mary Sue (42), Pavel Datsyuk (90)
2 Atakpride Godkata (20), Thaxll'ssillyia (56)
2 Atakpup Ascetic acid (29), Quoth (69)
1 Godkata Atakpup (10)
1 Shiitake Your mother (66)
1 Your mother Shiitake (38)
1 not voting Early and often (33)

It is night. Do not post.

5 minutes for corrections
Finally he ends up voting for EAO.
He even calls out your mother again. And is on him most of d2, until he ends up voting me.
Beforehand he even posted this:

Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
if we cfd someone lets make it your mother please
Its so weird that he chooses to go to EAO so easily.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
