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4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD 4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD

04-17-2012 , 11:35 AM
But let's say godtaka doesn't show up...

We still lynch him over atakpup bc of similar d1's but gave no reason for being MIA
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:36 AM
good morning

I'm sorry for not making a good vote yesterday. I thought i was going to have more time to finish catching up but something came up and I had to leave suddenly, and I just didn't quite have time to think about it.

I still think your mother should be lynched but I am going to re-read as much as possible today. I've only really skimmed EOD and today's posts at this point.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:54 AM
Pavel... Do you have a leans list as of now?

I am curious to how your perceptions have changed from early yesterday through EOD and today
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:01 PM
I have godkata and your mother as wolves and quoth, mary sue, and billy as villas. I have downgraded you and shiitake from villas to neutral headed toward wolfy if you guys dont get better. I had an epiphany on atakpup that I cant really discuss but makes me think he is a villa.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:01 PM
the atakpup thing is a read, but is pretty strong.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:05 PM
I think I need to take better notes on this game

keeping gimmicks straight is annoying
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:14 PM
Pavel is a wolf looking for another mislynch, don't let him get it.
Without being too detailed, the nk also implies that there is a great chance he is a wolf. The eod was bad too. Im so certain that he can be one of my fakepeeks.
which brings me to next player: Mary Sue villager.
Mary sue is spewed villager by parvel on d1 so if im right about parvel, im right about sue. Furthermore she is being villa for multiple reasons: sharing reads/updating reads often/made ppl aware that her vote was on EAO after wrong votecount etc etc etc

I wont give info about what peek was first since it can help wolves determine if im seer or not.
Theese assumptions makes me think our mother is villager since parlev is pushing her.

And thats how its done
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:17 PM
Pavel isn't wolfy at all.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:17 PM
I'm not a wolf nor am I looking for a mislynch. what happened to not tunneling me?
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:18 PM
and I also just ****ed up and am tilted now. thanks for that atakpride.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:28 PM
Alot of people have/had Pavel as villager and notning happend. Let me try this and we'll evaluate tomorrow

It's not tunneling, im willing to go another way but I felt I had to do that post
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:29 PM
Still need to do a full re-read I think but as of now:

ascetic acid
mary sue
quoth (SHC)


your mother

I'm pretty sure about the top 3. there's villagery stuff for all of atakpride, ellinika, and billy, just not quite enough to clear them at this point.

your mother is super wolfy, for example, he calls people liars several times but blatantly lies about whether or not any cases have been made on him. I made a fairly detailed case about why his first post was wolfy and his followup multiquote was wolfy. It was even quoted in the thread after he said no one had made a case on him

Defense by "you are all terrible and no one has made a case on me" is a wolf tactic, especially when there very plainly HAS been a case made on him
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:30 PM
Can you go into more detail about your ascetic acid villa read, shiitake? Also Mary Sue, actually.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:36 PM
ascetic acid
mary sue
your mother

I think maaaaaybe atakpride belong in this list.

I know I cant get Pavel lynched cuz multiple people would have to give up their cover and that is fine.

Random note: a wolf was probably wagoned last night given the eod
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:36 PM
What ascetic is doing today is villagery. It's probably not correct to speak too much about it but it's villagery for 90+% of people. He was also quite villagery in his reaction to atakpup's opening, immediately probing and asking questions in a way that shows a desire to catch wolves. Those are the main two things for me

Actually I suppose a lot of my reads are based around the opening of d1. Mary Sue was also very villagery talking about it, and in general I like mary's lists and reads. The only real caveat with the mary read is just that it may be easier to fake villagery lists then to fake some of the villagery aggression that ascetic or pavel have shown, but still, mary shouldn't be lynched today.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:40 PM
What did I make you f*** up pavel?
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:48 PM
Shiitake, it's not like people did stuff to hide it and im not mentioning posts of names. It's not wrong to speak of
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:51 PM
It's not like im doing something wrong
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:51 PM
Your strategy works better when it's in the background and not the subject of discussion though, at least in my opinion

although I guess that bird has flown.

The point is wolves try to make up reads, but they don't come up with tactical plans to make reads in the same way villagers do, because they don't have to. It's an indication of the kind of desire to find wolves that is the hallmark of a villager. I mean it's easy to second guess reads like that in this format because you expect the level of wolf play to perhaps be higher than normal, but I think as a villager tell what I just described applies to almost everyone.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:52 PM
It's kind of like how villagers tend to get in trouble making bad FPS plays more than wolves do, because villagers are more imaginative about it and the nature of wolfing is more inherently conservative I think.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:58 PM
I cant be held accountable for wrong fakepeeks so it cant backfire imo. We shouldnt talk about it i guess but i would prefer people to understand
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:59 PM
you can be held accountable for pushing a villager who is one of the top contributors though.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 01:06 PM
That is a chance im willing to take, Pavel.
Pushing villagers is allways bad(hint to yesterday)
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 01:06 PM
less policy, more wolf pew pew

that's my policy
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by ascetic acid
That is a chance im willing to take, Pavel.
Pushing villagers is allways bad(hint to yesterday)
but right now all youre doing is randomly saying I am a wolf yet you have no basis for that accusation and you are pushing it hard enough that youre saying youre upset that enough people wont listen to you etc etc etc.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
