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4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD 4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD

04-17-2012 , 10:17 AM
I'll try not to tunnel you today, Pavel
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:20 AM
Your Mother is a wolf

I will not be around today and for that I apologize.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:21 AM
atakpup, at least explain your vote
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:22 AM
Votes as of post 703
Night in 10:38

2 Your mother Pavel Datsyuk (17), Atakpup (1)
1 Pavel Datsyuk Ascetic acid (8)
8 not voting Atakpride (0), Billy goat gruff (0), Ellinika se mena (0), Godkata (0), Mary Sue (3), Quoth (2), Shiitake (0), Your mother (0)
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:23 AM
FYI; I probably wont be around much today either. I'll drop my (fake)peeks later itt, feel free to ignore them. I'll make sure they are visible for everyone though
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:24 AM
is that a peek? if so is your peek yesterday clear?
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:27 AM
Lynch was unfortunate but that is what happens when people vote for bad wagons.

I felt EAO was the only person I could move to in order to save myself and I was right.

I didnt like that wagon and I stated so beforehand but self preservation is self preservation.

I will be phone posting today so do not expect the volume I put in yesterday but I will try to convince those of you who are skeptical that I am a villager.

atakpup - this whole I am gone for the first two days is garbage.

I think we should just MAJ him now and move on
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
is that a peek? if so is your peek yesterday clear?
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by atakpride
Lynch was unfortunate but that is what happens when people vote for bad wagons.

I felt EAO was the only person I could move to in order to save myself and I was right.

I didnt like that wagon and I stated so beforehand but self preservation is self preservation.

I will be phone posting today so do not expect the volume I put in yesterday but I will try to convince those of you who are skeptical that I am a villager.

atakpup - this whole I am gone for the first two days is garbage.

I think we should just MAJ him now and move on

definitely not this.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:36 AM
also, you will be phone posting and cant post volume but you want to maj and move on today? that makes no sense.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by atakpup
Your Mother is a wolf

I will not be around today and for that I apologize.

someone give me cliffs on why pavel looks bad from yesterdays eod ? i suck at analyzing wagons.

agree that shiitake and your mother look terrible from the eod.
shiitake a little less so because i cant fathom a wolf not even checking wagons to see if he isnt up for the chop. i mean if he is a wolf he has to have a ton of confidence in his teammates to make sure he doesnt get lynched if he is a wagon..
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:47 AM
and pavel i missed it too so dont feel too bad
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:51 AM
i can get behind a your mother vote for his EOD play alone, but i really wish atakpup didnt just make that vote and left.

a d1 pass for atakpup i can understand. real life can get in the way. but 2 days we may just want to get rid of pup if hes gonna be continually afk.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Ellinika se mena

someone give me cliffs on why pavel looks bad from yesterdays eod ? i suck at analyzing wagons.

agree that shiitake and your mother look terrible from the eod.
shiitake a little less so because i cant fathom a wolf not even checking wagons to see if he isnt up for the chop. i mean if he is a wolf he has to have a ton of confidence in his teammates to make sure he doesnt get lynched if he is a wagon..
I pushed for an early and often cfd and he got lynched villa
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
definitely not this.
Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
also, you will be phone posting and cant post volume but you want to maj and move on today? that makes no sense.
Lynch the dead weight. No passes on day 2.

Then we can move on to people who actually want to play

Even with phone posting ill be in the middle of volume.

Your becoming less and less trustworthy by the minute
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:03 AM
Going to work.

Will try and contribute as much as possible.

Atakpup must be held accountable for his absence.

We cannot let a possible wolf sneak into d3 and be done to 9 people (6 villas 3 wolves)
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by atakpride
Going to work.

Will try and contribute as much as possible.

Atakpup must be held accountable for his absence.

We cannot let a possible wolf sneak into d3 and be done to 9 people (6 villas 3 wolves)
why are you assuming we lynch a villa today?
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:06 AM
the thing about atakpup is that if hes truthful about being around after today then this is the day wolves need to mislynch him. if hes lying and is just playing an utr wolf game we can get him at any point.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:06 AM
Phone post test.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
why are you assuming we lynch a villa today?
Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
the thing about atakpup is that if hes truthful about being around after today then this is the day wolves need to mislynch him. if hes lying and is just playing an utr wolf game we can get him at any point.
I am assuming worst case scenario here.

And I dont think part 2 happens 100% of the time
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:08 AM
I also expect way more work out of godkata.

That is all.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
this is such results oriented thinking. you definitely should have pushed another wagon harder or tried for a different cfd if you were that confident.
It's not results-oriented at all; I said so at the time with my "copout lynch" comment. And I did try to push other wagons -- I was on shiitake, I was exhorting people to vote for atakpup. I firmly believe that CFDs themselves, though, are inherently anti-villa -- a villa is >>>>>>> more likely to get lynched during a CFD than a wolf, and I can count on one half of one hand the number of times I've ever seen a wolf successfully CFDed.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Pavel Datsyuk
the thing about atakpup is that if hes truthful about being around after today then this is the day wolves need to mislynch him. if hes lying and is just playing an utr wolf game we can get him at any point.
This is a very good point. Let's not lynch atakpup today. (yes, I know I was pushing for him at EOD last night...things change and reads are dynamic, etc.)
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by atakpride
I also expect way more work out of godkata.

That is all.
still think godkata is >rand wolf
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:30 AM
I wish godkata would show up. feels like he was here at this time yesterday.
4/16 Atakgod Vanilla Draft - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - GAME B THREAD Quote
