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#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread #3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread

03-26-2014 , 09:15 PM
I suppose packing numerous bowls is, to be fair, a tenable explanation.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:16 PM
Whoops, forgot to mention something about the Arcbell thing earlier- I didn't see all that much that looked scummy from Ace before, but his reaction to the gambit was really bad. He pointed out how it was almost certain Arc was lying, and yet still voted me, plus he even took away the opportunity to see if Arc continued the lie about how he got the viewing by showing that it would have had to happen before Crunkus got his role pm. That was an extremely antitown move, so Ace is either scum or a derptown. I almost wanna say it would be too obvious for him to be scummates with Arcbell, but eh that's wifom anyways.

I'm sure there's a lot more I meant to point out, but eh hopefully I'll cover more tonight. Toodles.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:17 PM
Despo that was a longass post but I'll help you out on this front: Herbie is gone, I replaced him. Discuss.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Do you not realize that no one cares about the circle, or that you're like the 5th person in and clearly won't be the last? Just by posting about it (again) I'm surely renominating myself, obviously.

As an aside what are you even trying to say about me going quiet about the circle? When was I quiet about the circle? It's just a fact that no one has been louder about the circle over a longer period of time.
You're not going back in because you want to. Hardly any fun.

Originally Posted by BlackWerewolfGenie
Well you know what?

I didn't ****ing notice,

hang me.

Oh yeah right wait?

Probably don't have to if the shooting thing is for realz yo.

So in anyway whatever.

Stressed myself enough and should have just leave gazillion hours ago and save myself all this trouble.

Giving up now and going to pack up my bowls.


Okay, Genie. Tell you what. You seem real torn up about this, and it's got me in knots, sweetheart.

You play along, you go ahead and give me a read of yourself, and I'll take you out of the circle. How's that sound?
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Glotnot


Welcome to the circle.

This one?



This one?



This one?


Ding. Ding. Ding.




At the end of the day, today, this day, one hour before phase ends, not a second sooner, not a second later, one of you is going to get shot.

By me.

It's up to the two of YOU and NOBODY ELSE to prove to me, and to NOBODY ELSE which of you should be shot.

I don't care what anyone else thinks. I care what you think.

Anyone that deems it appropriate to help one of you will take your place in the circle.

At that point, I would like you to shut the hell up because I no longer care about you. Or talk. I don't care.

Because, despite what I said underneath that first gif, and this does have bearing on everyone in the thread, we do bear a kind of resemblance to Fight Club. Anyone who talks about the game will become a part of it.

If you don't want to be part of the game - don't talk about it.

Are we clear?

Okay then.

Seriously? This is the circle? Right.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by monstrman
Ah, it's a she. My bad, noted for later. And I'm not really sure I see how this can break the game for the wolves. They can just claim vanilla if they want
Originally Posted by monstrman
against the wolves*
This could of been a slip. If it was a slip, it means both monstr and arcbell are scum together, so if one of them flips evil, the other one should be checked out IMO.

Originally Posted by monstrman
I agree I think that it would be more likely thingyman be a wolf if Herbie flips town. I also slightly agree we should just let him replace. If the next player remains inactive/acts scummy we already have our lynch, so why waste time day 1?
I didn't like this statement because I feel like that's setting Thingy up for the fall and makes stupid sense, especially when people were popping out theories that made Thingy scum no matter what alignment Herbie was to flip. Monstr wasn't the only one to do this, but it made me suspicious of him when he posted it.

There was also the monstr/genie debate. There are too many quotes to go through to post them, but essentially genie claims that magicziggy was throwing out scum leans, and monstr stepped in to defend ziggy and state that genie was misrepping him. This becomes a minor clash, which then results in monstr getting a little emotional in his posting, but the escalation in which the emotion came seemed too big to swallow.

Originally Posted by monstrman
He literally voted ONE PERSON so that's another misrep right there. I'm done, you've sealed it. No, I'm not "leaving a chance to make a case later" because at the time I legitimately didn't think a case needed to be made. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, but three strikes man. That's it


You made three misreps in a row, and your original case was literally calling someone scum because they called you scum. You say my responses to your questions are inadequate but I think your reads are inadequate. Once again, it wasn't -at least- two, it was literally two. You're making mountains out of molehills and pulling information out of nowhere over and over. And yes, I called you townie. It's called giving someone the benefit of the doubt. A privilege you just ran out of, because I've run out of patience for your errors.

Now despite all of this, now that I've actually ISOed monstr, I'm not as confident as him being scum. I wouldn't go as far as to say he is town, because I haven't seen anything that would put him in my town circle even after rereading him, but after my read I've noticed what pings I got off him are minor compared to his overall portfolio, so to speak. His reads have been consistent and made known, and that is something I do appreciate. He's made his stance known about being pro-ace, and anti-herbie/genie and given mixed reads about the others.

One thing that did ping me was his statement of post #809 "wants people to consider genie and herbie, "wants as many people considered as possible before lynch"" but when it came to voting aedan, he did it because he was pouting over people not taking his ace read seriously and claimed to do it just to make sure it wasn't ace, a tone that didn't seem to reflect his desire to make sure everyone was given consideration before lynch.

I think in summary, monstr would not come close to making my good list yet, but I think my opinion of him was grossly overstated in my mind over a couple of posts. I hope that makes sense.

That's all I've got to say on monstrman
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
Hey despo, really liked the post

Thingyman/CpHoya are wolves
I've given you 300+ posts and you still can't read me

That is quite an amazing feat.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:31 PM
really liking your posts despo. keep up the good work.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
I've given you 300+ posts and you still can't read me

That is quite an amazing feat.
in lord of the rings wolf game i posted 255 times just at must lynch. lol. are u saying u are a bad wolf who cant spam?
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Capt. Kiwi
Seriously? This is the circle? Right.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:34 PM
Oh I mixed the colors up.

Eh whatever no one was paying attention anyway.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
in lord of the rings wolf game i posted 255 times just at must lynch. lol. are u saying u are a bad wolf who cant spam?
Yes, that is what I am saying

Jesus... No, I am saying: You have 300+ posts from me to read me on. And you still can't read me. As in: I've provided tons of stuff for you to read me on. There should be plenty of villagery stuff in there. But nope, not getting through to you.

Honestly, and you've even seen me as wolf in your previous two games with me, if you at this point not only don't have me as townie, but even have me as one of your top scum reads... Then... I mean, I don't wanna say anything insulting, but I'm just amazed, let's leave it at that.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Glotnot
Roll up roll up, Glotnot's 3 ring circus is in town!
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
Yes, that is what I am saying

Jesus... No, I am saying: You have 300+ posts from me to read me on. And you still can't read me. As in: I've provided tons of stuff for you to read me on. There should be plenty of villagery stuff in there. But nope, not getting through to you.

Honestly, and you've even seen me as wolf in your previous two games with me, if you at this point not only don't have me as townie, but even have me as one of your top scum reads... Then... I mean, I don't wanna say anything insulting, but I'm just amazed, let's leave it at that.
lol you are funny

"im not gonna insult you" but read between the lines. IM INSULTING YOU

i dont know how anyone who is a good wolf can take this attitude as a villager.

you are being fake regardless of what role you are. either you are a villager and faking that you are a bad wolf and have no respect for your wolf game

or you are a wolf downplaying your wolf game

either way,. stopbeing so fake and be genine

if someone wants to call me a wolf. go ahead. im proud of my wolf game. i think im borderline unreadable

i would not insult someone for calling me a wolf unless i felt extremely spewed clear by dead wolves

this is a game of champions.. not a game of people who become obvious villagers after 300 posts and insults anyone who sees otherwise
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:41 PM
@ Despo

You still around?

You wanna ask me any questions?

Thing is, I'm about to go to bed, but I don't wanna seem like I'm dodging your "case". There's not really much in there for me to comment on... And I'm too tired to try to figure out if it's villagery of you to say all that.

I will respond to these two things:

"He has hard defended some peeps at various times for obscure or weak reasoning, and when this reasoning is picked apart he still tries clinging to his town read of the person instead of letting his reads develop more organically. I think he is worried about looking like he's flip flopping on some of his reads."

<<< Right. That's just how I operate. I don't believe my reasoning to be bad, but I'm not surprised that many of you people from other sites aren't convinced by it. It is what it is. And yes, I'm a stubborn person, and if I believe someone is doing something townie, I cling to that as long as I don't have reason to not do that. But you seem to be missing here that I have several times this game actually leaned townie on someone and then withdrawn that read. Examples are tweedy, tappo, Analstanley, merk_sa. So yeah, this actually just isn't true.

"coming to the defense of townies to try and earn towncred, while mainly gunning for more inactive folks."

<<< I mean, yes, I defend townies. That's what I do. Read my bio. And as for gunning for inactive folks... There you have the explanation for one of your other concerns: That I've made posts suggesting that maybe my town list isn't completely clean, because it IS quite a coincidence that most of them are the top posting people. Usually at least one scum sneaks into that top posting list, so I'm trying to root out that person.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:41 PM
arcbell and john mcclaine confirmed lurking. might want to turn invis
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
arcbell and john mcclaine confirmed lurking. might want to turn invis
Spoil sport. I was enjoying knowing when McClane was around.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:43 PM
I've been at a company function for the past 5-6 hours, doing a 20 page catchup 2 without reading the most recent page...

Originally Posted by Thingyman

Dr. Gonzo is quite regularly the top poster on his site.

Go here:

Also, it was made clear - when I was recruiting him - that he is hyper aggressive and comes off troll'ish. And that he was bad as mafia.

I am seeing aggression, sure, but it's on such a small scale that I am completely underwhelmed. Basically, it sounds as if he is his site's McClane - but we're seeing none of that.
I don't care who is what alignment, this is a ****bag thing to do as the guy who recruited - leveraging the meta ONLY you would have awareness of, it's like you are saying "trust me".

I trust nobody. If you face was within 10 feet of me, I'd shove my ****ing fist through it. Bad sportsmanship.

Originally Posted by Mills
Merk is a slippery one, that's for sure. It's in his nature to deceive. He's a maverick. A cunning fox. A goblin from lord of the rings. A chinaman. but over the years I've gotten a feel for how he acts as a villager and as a wolf. His overwall posting style in this thread is very non-wolfy, I've had to say, but there are two posts in particular that 'seal the deal' for me, you might say.

I am leaning very anthro at the moment *skritches ear* The tone of these posts strike me as non-furry in any way, and trust me, being from australia, I definitely have experience dealing with animals (get BACK in the torres strait, )

et may bee 'ee passage o' toim . et changes us'n's all
WTF is this nerd ****. Are you leaning town or scum on Merk?

Originally Posted by ChampionsMod
**** MOD NOTE ****

CPHoya is subbing in for HerbieGRD

CPHoya's Bio:
sup bros?

**** MOD NOTE ****
Well, that's just ****ing great. What a ***, why did this guy sign up in the first place. I was reluctant as hell, but I said "yes" and I've given it every spare second I can. Despite the fact that I think the play in this game is awful and I'd literally never sign up for a game with the majority of you again. I'm still here, giving you whatever spare time I can...

and this fagola is bowing out because "he doesn't like it"? WTF. Champion mafia my ****ing ass... I literally regret this waste of time more every time I log on.

[MODERATOR NOTE: user was warned for the use of homophobic language -- well named]

Originally Posted by CPHoya

Good. At least you get the whole animated gif part of mafia.

Originally Posted by CPHoya
how about you explain to me the "crimes" of Herbie

if the problem is that he wasn't active and said he was gonna sub out, and then he did sub out, I would think you'd need to pump the brakes and consider whether he actually had to sub out

I'd also think anyone in this game would stop to consider whether a MAFIA CHAMPION would sub out as a wolf because he couldn't TAKE THE HEAT

I'd like to know why you haven't done either.
**** you for this WIFOM, I didn't expect you to lean on it so immediately. Bush league.


Last edited by well named; 03-26-2014 at 10:16 PM. Reason: warning
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
lol you are funny

"im not gonna insult you" but read between the lines. IM INSULTING YOU

i dont know how anyone who is a good wolf can take this attitude as a villager.

you are being fake regardless of what role you are. either you are a villager and faking that you are a bad wolf and have no respect for your wolf game

or you are a wolf downplaying your wolf game

either way,. stopbeing so fake and be genine

if someone wants to call me a wolf. go ahead. im proud of my wolf game. i think im borderline unreadable

i would not insult someone for calling me a wolf unless i felt extremely spewed clear by dead wolves

this is a game of champions.. not a game of people who become obvious villagers after 300 posts and insults anyone who sees otherwise
I'm not being disingenious.

I am not saying that I can't post a lot as a wolf.

To provide everyone with full information I will even make everyone aware that my top posting game was a wolf game (on both my Danish site as well as this one). And the game where I had the largest % of total posts in thread was a different wolf game of mine.

And someone once did a thing where they checked how much people post in both roles: I scored a perfect 1.0 ratio on that. So yeah, post activity is completely neutral.

So now that we got that out of the way... What I am saying is: I wouldn't actually be able to be this villagery as a wolf. Especially after a hiatus of several months. Meta-wise this will mean nothing to most people in this game, but you have played with me as a wolf. I was active in those games. But I bet if you actually took a look at how I posted, you'd find that there's a massive difference.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:48 PM
@ McClane

The player introductions include links to all the sites. Everyone can easily to go each other's sites and look at people's games. Someone actually already looked at one of YOUR wolf games from YOUR site - why isn't this upsetting you?
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:51 PM
Yes, my favorite poster! What do you want me to say about stupid reasoning other than (a) it's stupid and (b) an explanation if why?

Also **** you for this UNCHECKED AGGRESSION, pretty bush league to wish I would've rolled over and taken the mislynch like Herbie wanted to.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
I've given you 300+ posts and you still can't read me

That is quite an amazing feat.
Originally Posted by Thingyman
I'm not being disingenious.

I am not saying that I can't post a lot as a wolf.

To provide everyone with full information I will even make everyone aware that my top posting game was a wolf game (on both my Danish site as well as this one). And the game where I had the largest % of total posts in thread was a different wolf game of mine.

And someone once did a thing where they checked how much people post in both roles: I scored a perfect 1.0 ratio on that. So yeah, post activity is completely neutral.

So now that we got that out of the way... What I am saying is: I wouldn't actually be able to be this villagery as a wolf. Especially after a hiatus of several months. Meta-wise this will mean nothing to most people in this game, but you have played with me as a wolf. I was active in those games. But I bet if you actually took a look at how I posted, you'd find that there's a massive difference.
how am i supposed to read this as not disingenuous? what have you done this game that you could not as a wolf?

NO WOLF HAS DIED. so i would say you havent proven to do anything pro village yet. i havent either

we are all just shouting things. NOTHING IS PROVEN yet

glotnot is the only one i fully trust as a villager
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by VarianceMinefield
how am i supposed to read this as not disingenuous? what have you done this game that you could not as a wolf?

NO WOLF HAS DIED. so i would say you havent proven to do anything pro village yet. i havent either

we are all just shouting things. NOTHING IS PROVEN yet

glotnot is the only one i fully trust as a villager
you're really annoying me

are you seriously still not understanding me?

I am not friggin' saying that you should read me townie based on me having 300 posts. I am saying you should read me townie based on me having posted 300 times, meaning that there should be plenty in there that's villagery. Ofc this only holds true for you because you've played with me before.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
@ McClane

The player introductions include links to all the sites. Everyone can easily to go each other's sites and look at people's games. Someone actually already looked at one of YOUR wolf games from YOUR site - why isn't this upsetting you?
I think I see the misunderstanding. John, I haven't talked about any meta that is not public information.
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
03-26-2014 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by BlackWerewolfGenie
Really do you want to say that I am pushing you as a Scum?

It is odd, from the amount of turbos we have played together considering the latest two I played with you and both times you were waffling.

Each time with the same opening gif.

It all began with that bio of yours, I can't help. I explained how my line of thoughts went with that and here is where it ended.

It is also weird that you didn't consider that and try to include me in your argument with Mills, that doesn't have anything to do with me.

Hence its a long game I cannot only rely on reads like that but guess what, I feel pretty darn good about it.

Yolo, Genie.

WTF was the point of saying any of this.

Originally Posted by tweedybirdd
I mean that sincerely. People were treating herbie as more or less outed. If you have a PR to claim we can actually set you aside and make this a productive day.
Originally Posted by BlackWerewolfGenie
Kinda seemed more like you freeze up and was trying to avoid my posts at first,

That's how it went.

But the issue with SaberMafia not presenting Scumlist is kinda big.

Sabermafia didn't present his list of scum? No. NO. NOOOOOOOO!!!

Who ****ing cares. Smart scum (which I'd expect in expert level game, which this isn't) would give a list and probably mix in every one of their scum mates to distance in case they get busted.

Jesus Christ, this game is literally going to make me worse at playing.

Originally Posted by Thingyman
@ Hoya

You got a lot of work ahead of you. I'm quite literally the only person on your side in this thread. And I actually only have you/Herbie in my "neutral, leaning eeeeeever so very slightly against townie" pile.
Next time you feel like posting this type of ******ry, shut your ****ing mouth instead. It's a meaningless post full of obvious. If I had vig ability I'd shoot you 817 times.

[MODERATOR NOTE: user was warned for homophobic language. -- well named]

Originally Posted by BlackWerewolfGenie
Do you feel angry that I think you are Mafia?
WTF is this ****?

Originally Posted by saberwolf13
I'll do better than that, I'll give you 5 piles:

Saber - I'm awesome

Aedan - I felt confident was evil, turned out to be wrong

Crunkus - I had as part of my town circle

Magic - I thought leaned town for going against arcbell so aggressively at the start, but I never made this publicly known I don't think, so take that with a grain of salt

SB - Was suspicious of, but did give him town points for having a scumlist I actually could agree with.

Town Circle
Riot - BGG brother, ride or die. Doing all the tally work like a bause, when no evil would need to bother. Doing the riot work I know a good riot does, seeing the RP riot I know, and overall willing to take the risk because I want BGG to represent. Deal with it. I think evil riot would be trying to pocket me more, whereas good riot keeps a healthy dose of skepticism.

Thingyman - I originally had him bumped down a list lower, but mostly out of fear than what he was actually saying (even though there was the odd post that made me cringe). Putting him in my town circle because he's a great asset to the village, posting lots, giving reads, actively scumhunting, and is the kind of player that resolves himself down the road.

TweetyBirdd - We seem to think almost exactly the same on a lot of things, and our lists are very close to one another. Feeling real strong about this one.

Mills - It isn't so much what pro-town stuff Mills has done to get here, as it is the posts and reactions from him that make me lean good. The opening post by mills seemed too noobish for scum to open with. I would never post something like that as scum because I'd be afraid of people diving all over me for anti-town ideas. I also read the JOAT situation as genuine.

VMF - seems passionate, willing to fight, and the biggest thing for me was when VMF posted randomly during D1 "thingyman I think saber is town". That locked her in my town list because it read as genuine, VMF had no need to come out with that as scum and it wasn't followed up in any way to feel like VMF was trying to pocket me.

Palmer - Very aggressive early game, the entire D1 fight between him and McClane read very genuine from his POV. Would like to see more from palmer though, before he loses this slot and gets bumped down.

Neutral -Town Lean

Arcbell - I liked his strong start, but then he became real quiet, kept his vote in place for most of the day. I haven't seen anything scummy from him, but I feel he's stayed out of the fray. I could bump this one way or the other depending on his future contributions.

McClane - Read him the same way I read Palmer, but I give the Palmer the benefit of the doubt and recognize the possibility McClane did try to backpedal as scum. I still believe that what I saw him try to pull off was a town gambit though.

Herbie - Have not seen enough of him to rule in any way, but am simply afraid he's being used as a scapegoat right now.

*disclaimer - How I work D1 is I spend the day assembling my town circle. The rest get thrown into the evil pile until they earn their way out of it. Some reasoning for people being evil may be stronger or weaker than others as a result*

Neutral -Scum Lean

Ace - Had a strong start similar to McClane to me, but I had this problem where he wasn't giving me the same vibe that McClane was. It was like I was watching the same guy playing twice but then branch off in separate directions at some point in the game. Most of my town circle is suspicious of Ace.

AnalStanley - I don't have much on this guy, he's mostly here out of process of elimination for the time being.

Genie - Just had a bad vibe on the guy, and when I brought that up he began to tunnel on me a bit, which didn't do much to help improve my view on him. That being said, a lot of my town circle is vouching for him, and I think he has the potential to be bumped in either direction on my lists.

Merk - Bad vibe, but there are just stances he has taken that I know I didn't like. I'll try to address this in a future post, because I do want to make clear that it isn't a bad vibe in the same way where with genie "I have a scum read but can't explain it", I have gone throughout the game wondering if merk is scum because of things he has done that I feel conflict with my reads.

Tappokone - I know he's posted stuff, just haven't paid a lot of attention to him. Mostly here by default.

Scum list

Despo -Lurker

Glotnot - Lurker

Gonzo - Lurker

Capt. Kiwi - The most unknown of all players for me. At least with everyone else I can say one thing they have said or done. Kiwi is absolute nothingness to me. Still need to ISO him. This view may change and he may find himself bumped after a read of him.

Monstrman - Didn't like how he reacted during most of D1, especially near the end. I don't have this down in any form of notes, I just remember that's what I felt at the time as he posted. If need be I'll go and try to make this tangible.
This is a really long post that sums up you being confused about pretty much everyone. Thanks. Very helpful. I bet the rest of these dolts love it because it's a big long list full of nothing, and as long as you get the big long list part right, the substance part doesn't ****ing matter.

Originally Posted by Thingyman

Obvious scum is obvious.

Last edited by well named; 03-26-2014 at 10:15 PM. Reason: warning
#3 Game of Mafia Champions (WW Invitational) - Game Thread Quote
