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NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor

01-31-2012 , 01:54 AM
So am I understanding your article correctly in thinking that if no federal legislation is passed, states will be able to offer casino games aside from poker, but only ipoker will be allowed if it is passed at a federal level? Kinda curious since Im a bit of a blackjack / slot degen.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by Jack&MarkGetBusy!
So am I understanding your article correctly in thinking that if no federal legislation is passed, states will be able to offer casino games aside from poker, but only ipoker will be allowed if it is passed at a federal level? Kinda curious since Im a bit of a blackjack / slot degen.
Currently, the only gambling that is federally illegal is sports betting. The whole agreement between Reid/Kyl is reliant on strengthening existing laws to include all gambling. There would be no reason for Kyl to support a poker bill otherwise. If legislation goes the state route, there is nothing from stopping states from allowing online blackjack or slots.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 02:31 AM
Twuffered Mitch McConnell and John Bohener every day in February asking them to support a tax cut attachment for good measure.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by LastLife
Currently, the only gambling that is federally illegal is sports betting. The whole agreement between Reid/Kyl is reliant on strengthening existing laws to include all gambling. There would be no reason for Kyl to support a poker bill otherwise. If legislation goes the state route, there is nothing from stopping states from allowing online blackjack or slots.
Thanks for clarifying. I'm kinda torn now LOL. Eh nvm actually I could live with live slots and bj. Online vs live poker is no contest as to preference.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 03:22 AM
93-2? Seems like a slam dunk to me.

Reid is pushing this one pretty hard but he's realistically probably putting poker on hold till the lame duck. But what the hell! Might as well turn every major legislation this year into a mini-sweat.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 11:08 AM
Awwww I miss Roll Call.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 04:21 PM
This is awesome news. We should call Kyl's office and thank him for considering getting behind online poker. Tweeting/ facebook stuff great, but I believe more weight is given to personal communication. It's not that hard to call his office and say something like "I favor regulating online poker and thank Sen. Kyl for considering lending his support to online poker legislation." Takes about a minute. Probably worth calling our own reps as well. Kyl's office numbers are at the bottom of this page. DC office is probably the best one to call.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by sluggger5x
93-2? Seems like a slam dunk to me.

Reid is pushing this one pretty hard but he's realistically probably putting poker on hold till the lame duck. But what the hell! Might as well turn every major legislation this year into a mini-sweat.
They mentioned this on cnbc this morning and the general sentiment was that "this hasnt been done already?". So imo, its a slam dunk. However, can they pass anythig before the native aamericam review next week?

Sorry for spelling, im on my phone
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 05:18 PM
The Indian meeting is IMO irrelevant to attaching poker as a rider
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
The Indian meeting is IMO irrelevant to attaching poker as a rider
Casino-owning Indians give more $ than the PPA, and matter in state fundraising even more. They don't have as much sway as the big corporations, but even getting one Senator can mean blocking ipoker. Their neutrality would be bigger than ANYTHING the PPA is capable of ATM. Outright support would be bigger, especially for a state by state opt process.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
The Indian meeting is IMO irrelevant to attaching poker as a rider
Realistically, the bill isn't being attached as a rider, so everything is sort of irrelevant.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
Casino-owning Indians give more $ than the PPA, and matter in state fundraising even more. They don't have as much sway as the big corporations, but even getting one Senator can mean blocking ipoker. Their neutrality would be bigger than ANYTHING the PPA is capable of ATM. Outright support would be bigger, especially for a state by state opt process.
I would like to note I didn't say the Indians are unimportant. The Indian committee meeting is irrelevant in the context of the question I was answering.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
Realistically, the bill isn't being attached as a rider, so everything is sort of irrelevant.
Realistically we don't know either way. I still don't get how folks can make such definitive absolute statements like this.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 07:15 PM
Does the proposed legislation have a bill in the Senate I can look at or is this still more preliminary than that? Is HR2366 irrelevant?
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 07:17 PM
no bill in the Senate. I think HR 2366 is going to struggle to move forward, but much of the language will probably look similar in the supposed "Reid Bill"
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by vinsm
Does the proposed legislation have a bill in the Senate I can look at or is this still more preliminary than that? Is HR2366 irrelevant?
No, the little peoples don't get to look at the phantom bills.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
no bill in the Senate. I think HR 2366 is going to struggle to move forward, but much of the language will probably look similar in the supposed "Reid Bill"
Originally Posted by TheDarkElf
No, the little peoples don't get to look at the phantom bills.
Thanks guys. let me know if it's better to take this to PMs. Is it easier if the Senate bill stays "phantom" and then they can just attach it to another piece of legislation or does it have to appear at some point and go through some other process before it can be attached?

Sorry if these questions are basic, our legislative process confuses me.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
01-31-2012 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by vinsm
Thanks guys. let me know if it's better to take this to PMs. Is it easier if the Senate bill stays "phantom" and then they can just attach it to another piece of legislation or does it have to appear at some point and go through some other process before it can be attached?

Sorry if these questions are basic, our legislative process confuses me.
Anything the House and Senate both pass in the same exact form is law. Rarely do they both pass exact bills without setting up a conference to reconcile slight or major differences. Whatever emerges from those committees is usually voted through(see Safe Ports).

Committees are not in the laws or Constitution, but are parliamentary rules erected by each House to give more power to themselves and more opportunity for staging shows and soliciting bribes. Bills don't have to go anywhere near them. It takes an incredible amount of agreement and lobbying to move a bill the long way through committees, hearings, floor votes, amendments, and reconciliation, then passage. If poker happens it is much more likely to go the phantom route than the long route. And, almost nothing happens the long route in Congress now. Maybe a bill saying the sun rose in the East.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
02-01-2012 , 03:32 PM
Some stuff from @pokerscar on the Western Indian Gaming Conference today:

Scarlet Robinson @PokerScar
Lewis & Roca tribal atty says Kyl told him he could be behind a federal iGaming bill but atty opines bipartisan fed bill unlikely.#WIGC12

Scarlet Robinson @PokerScar
Lobbyist #WIGC12 panel: one thing to watch is Kyl wanting favors from Reid during his "legacy year" longshot positive for fed iGaming.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
02-06-2012 , 07:39 PM
Just a weee bit of hope for the payroll taxes.
Cantor, however, said the two parties should be able to agree on measures to pay for the tax cut by considering options that have been on the table in previous deficit-reduction talks.

He said there was some “relatively low-hanging fruit” left from talks involving the White House and the deficit supercommittee.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
02-07-2012 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by sluggger5x
Just a weee bit of hope for the payroll taxes.
It is only a ray of hope if our allies in congress act. Gop reps will go along with many provisions if a 1 year agreement is reached. This T-party segment of the gop is quite evangelic. However if a stop to the ongoing charge of internet gambling is tacked on with provisions for governed online poker they may take the crystal in the mud.

Otherwise a straight vote seems to me like an open ended straight flush draw. Totally depended on what cards and suits the opp holds. could be +/- ev
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
02-07-2012 , 02:01 AM

Democrats are dragging out negotiations because they think it helps them politically, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) won’t let Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) cut a deal, Camp told GOP leaders, according to the sources.
So Reid is stonewalling progress, and then because of this lack of progress threatning to push forward an alternate plan

Democrats have been calling for a deal by Feb. 17, and Senate Democratic leaders late last week began to float the possibility of yanking the issue away from the conference committee and passing their own version of a deal.
Reid reiterated his threat Monday, vowing to put together an alternative proposal that extends the three major pieces of the payroll package, as well as a host of other tax provisions that expired at the end of 2011.
Kyl is also on the conference committee so if Reid introduces poker in this alternate plan with Kyl's support we will have a real sweat. If they both think this is their best chance to get their bill passed they should both be motivated to reach a compromise and get this done!
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
02-07-2012 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by As armas
“We wanted to create some momentum, some positive momentum, [and] I think we’ve done that,” Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), one of the conferees, said Monday. “There’s a good feeling in the committee. This week, we really got to get down to some tough areas of commonality.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
02-07-2012 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
I'd withhold any hope until Adelson speaks. He is wielding enormous clout in the GOP, and kyl and Reid are in his grasp locally.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
02-07-2012 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
I'd withhold any hope until Adelson speaks. He is wielding enormous clout in the GOP, and kyl and Reid are in his grasp locally.
Adelson has spoken: He is anti-Internet gambling. That's what HR2366 The Internet Gambling Prohibition, Poker Consumer Protection, and Strengthening UIGEA Act of 2011, or similar legislation, is for.

Last edited by PokerXanadu; 02-07-2012 at 08:10 AM.
NY Post source:  A Reid bill will be introduced by end of session; Kyl may co-sponsor Quote
