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Re-Green BruceZ Re-Green BruceZ

09-15-2014 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
My post was not a defense of Bruce. It was an attack on those who are implying that the loss of great math posts is not a tragedy.
Keeping him as a mod is most definitely a defense of him though.
09-15-2014 , 03:26 PM
Good luck with the back Mat.
09-15-2014 , 03:26 PM
Lol is mason saying that bruce's racist posts are just a byproduct of him thinking on a higher mathematical level?
09-15-2014 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
If the explanation is that he thinks he's bringing up subtle points that are too often neglected in discussion of race in America--that we need to see things from all sides and he's doing a public service to all these young minds in SMP--then he must not be very smart, as his posts aren't very interesting or thought-provoking or overlooked. You can get that same level of discourse from Fox news.
In his "explanation" posts, he does mention that he sometimes does this, but never claimed that's what he was doing in the specific cases in question (the circus music post, the "blacks get shot in proportion with the number of crimes they commit" post, etc), and he went on to confirm that the views he expressed in the circus music post are in fact his own.
09-15-2014 , 03:30 PM
"He's just giving us his negative views on Mexicans but nah, that isn't racist."

"It's hard to post as much as him without slipping up and saying something horribly racist"


I guess 2p2 isn't just a pack of enablers, they're also racists to the highest positions. Who was it that mentioned a HuffPost diary? I wonder what they're gonna think about this.
09-15-2014 , 03:30 PM
Back issues suck, gl with the surgery.
09-15-2014 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
In my ideal society (or online community) there is far less racism than this one (eg US) has but people are allowed to present even positions that are offensive (eg racist) and controversial as long as they do not instantly harm someone or initiate violence and other destabilizing instant reactions.
that's cool, but you don't live in this cartoon fantasy world, you live in the real world. In the real world, there IS a long, long history of racism, there actually are systemic barriers for minorities, etc. So when you start an "academic" post about how violent black teenagers would have to be before you would be allowed to shoot them on sight, that history matters even if you're ignorant of it. In your cartoon fantasy world, it would be fine, because specifying "young black males" wouldn't stick out any more than specifying "kids who prefer chocolate ice cream to vanilla." But it DOES stick out in this world.
09-15-2014 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
In his "explanation" posts, he does mention that he sometimes does this, but never claimed that's what he was doing in the specific cases in question (the circus music post, the "blacks get shot in proportion with the number of crimes they commit" post, etc), and he went on to confirm that the views he expressed in the circus music post are in fact his own.
I think he's probably not racist about Mexicans, but I think he's probably racist when it comes to blacks.
09-15-2014 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
Grunch: Rename that homework thread The KalKKulus Thread tia.
I was on holiday in the Lake District a couple of years ago. There was a dance troupe staying at my hotel.

They were called the Krazy Keswick Kickers.

I asked a member if she saw any problem with the name, but she looked confused in reply.
09-15-2014 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Lol is mason saying that bruce's racist posts are just a byproduct of him thinking on a higher mathematical level?
Maybe he's saying that bruce's racist posts are a byproduct of not understanding people, like a guy who is good at poker math, but bad at putting his opponents on a range because he doesn't understand how people think, so he ends up being a loser.
09-15-2014 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by river_tilt
I was on holiday in the Lake District a couple of years ago. There was a dance troupe staying at my hotel.

They were called the Krazy Keswick Kickers.

I asked a member if she saw any problem with the name, but she looked confused in reply.
Imagine going into a mall and seeing this restaurant:

09-15-2014 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky

1: I'm having bad back issues. probably need surgery. so forgive me if i'm not around much the next few days.

2: Personally, I give up on this whole issue. Given the uproar on both sides, I can't claim to have handled it well. That means it's up to Mason to take over.

This is Mason's take which he asked me to post (copied from the mod forum thread):
Good luck with the health issues! I think you've done a great work. Mason's post was excellent. I think all this is a process of getting rid of the racism in the USA. Hope Bruce can look at this and blame variance for him being the central figure he became. Must be an interesting experience, getting all that attention, especially when it's about equal amounts for and against
09-15-2014 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky

1: I'm having bad back issues. probably need surgery. so forgive me if i'm not around much the next few days.

2: Personally, I give up on this whole issue. Given the uproar on both sides, I can't claim to have handled it well. That means it's up to Mason to take over.

This is Mason's take which he asked me to post (copied from the mod forum thread):
omg is this real life? mason's defense is literally that the cockroach thing was just an unfortunate coincidence???

"Hey guys I have a problem with mexicans. Also, totally unrelated to my mexican problem, I have a cockroach problem. No connection at all, just thought I'd randomly interject that into a discussion that has nothing to do with how ****ing filthy my house is, just for some reason that only people with an IQ above 250 will be able to comprehend."

Oh, and that defense just willfully ignores the "circus music" and "chico and pablo" etc parts of that post. Jesus tapdancing christ.

As for #2, what "mathematical vigor" is involved in formulating posts like "black kids get shot in proprotion with the crimes they commit"??? Note that Bruce made this statement in a post where he demanded another poster provide evidence to back a claim, but Bruce repeatedly ignored requests that he do the same and provide evidence for his own claim (because, shockingly, there isn't any).

How many IQ points do I need in order to be able to do the math to explain it away, mason?

I believe the person being inflexible here is YOU, Mason. You've got some weird idea in your head along the lines of "I'm a smart guy and I'm always right, bruce is a smart guy too, so he must be right as well. those other guys are probably just too dumb to figure it out."
09-15-2014 , 03:45 PM
2. Apparently, some of BruceZ's other posts do seem to cross a line. My guess is that BruceZ approaches many issues with a mathematical rigor, which is something that I get accused of from time to time, and that he loses flexibility.

Another thing that I've learned in life, and this goes back to a very good boss that I once had at the Census Bureau in the early 1980s, is that while mathematical rigor is important and will often lead to better decisions than most others will come up with, the ability to be flexible can at times be just as important.

Specifically, being flexible can allow you to often see things as others who lack the mathematical vigor might see them, and it can also allow you to move on from things which in reality are not important to those things which are important. I suspect that BruceZ needs to add more flexibility to his overall thinking and then his logic will become even stronger.
This is basically the "you're too dumb to understand what Bruce really meant" argument, right? Or am I reading it wrong?
09-15-2014 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Hope Bruce can look at this and blame variance for him being the central figure he became.
I hate when I'm shooting craps and all of a sudden I yell "****ing *****s". But, variance. You know?
09-15-2014 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
They shouldnt, as long as thats all they are doing and they are not doing it in a completely polemic manner that essentially forbids the other side from continuing to participate.
You are describing bruceZ's reaction posts. He was and is welcome to debate race, but when confronted with opposing views, he completely loses his ****.

We even have an entire forum created to allow such discussions without fear of the ban hammer. Not that any of that matters, bruceZ can post whatever he wants, and ??? to other mods -- no rules apply to him.

But bruceZ is choosing to let other people speak for him, and make fools of themselves in the process. It would all be a lot cleaner if he spoke for himself.
09-15-2014 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
They shouldnt, as long as thats all they are doing and they are not doing it in a completely polemic manner that essentially forbids the other side from continuing to participate. And of course they should be allowed to even overdo it at times if very enthusiastic but then they have to be able to recover from the extreme criticism and assume the position of friend of the "opponent" in order for the process to be effective and the "opponent" to learn or help them learn.
As I said in another thread, I continue to chuckle when people say that accusations of racism silence the accused. I have never once seen someone called racist who's ever shut up about it. Indeed, his inability to shut up was precisely why Bruce was demodded, and it was Bruce who wanted his opposition censored.
09-15-2014 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
In my ideal society (or online community) there is far less racism than this one (eg US) has but people are allowed to present even positions that are offensive (eg racist) and controversial as long as they do not instantly harm someone
Define "instant harm" please.

FWIW, it's my experience that the more someone complains about political correctness, the more likely they are to hold pretty sexists, racist and/or homophobic views.
09-15-2014 , 03:53 PM
David Sklansky admitting he is racist towards people who don't give a **** about math posts itt. De-mod him asap.
09-15-2014 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
As I said in another thread, I continue to chuckle when people say that accusations of racism silence the accused. I have never once seen someone called racist who's ever shut up about it.
You do not get the point. It is precisely because people can't shut about "it" (them being accused) that the debate about the point they were making initially is silenced.
09-15-2014 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
You do not get the point. It is precisely because people can't shut about "it" (them being accused) that the debate about the point they were making initially is silenced.
Don't say people said something racist because they'll whine so much about being called racist you won't be able to talk about the racist thing they said.

That swissmiss "logic", everyone.
09-15-2014 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
You do not get the point. It is precisely because people can't shut about "it" (them being accused) that the debate about the point they were making initially is silenced.
If your "point" is that black witnesses who're suffering from racial oppression at the hands of a white police force are upset by the killing of an unarmed teen solely because "race baiters" fooled them into being upset because black people are inherently excitable, there's nothing to discuss except the racism of that point. Racists are not entitled to have the finer nuances of their racist positions given nuanced treatment beyond the obvious racial prejudice.
09-15-2014 , 04:01 PM
Quit ****ing around. Who is going to be the first to actually call Malmuth a racist?
09-15-2014 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
You do not get the point. It is precisely because people can't shut about "it" (them being accused) that the debate about the point they were making initially is silenced.
The people who are accused of racism often seem to be pretty happy to avoid having any substantive debate about their actual views in favor of feeding their martyr complex about being an alleged victim of political correctness.
09-15-2014 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by lastcardcharlie
Quit ****ing around. Who is going to be the first to actually call Malmuth a racist?
I thought I already did.
