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Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics)

07-02-2008 , 03:35 AM
can someone answer what good2cu is doing on party?
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-02-2008 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by rohanzsta
can someone answer what good2cu is doing on party?
playing poker!

warteen = dry snitch
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-02-2008 , 06:47 AM
LOL at BBV hating on the degen craps. WTF?

Generally you seem almost too nice, maybe somewhat needy. Mind you if someone was like hey you can stay with me etc etc, and then he changed that, i would have no problem expecting said person to come up with a solution to the changes.
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-02-2008 , 08:13 AM
Can someone tell me WTF the below means? 9/10 chick?

OP, as a Christian, are you not supposed to be a 'steward' of your money? Playing craps a zillion times isn't showing good stewardship imo.

Robl finally shows up and lets us in. He tells us he’s been looking at poker hands with Sass and also hanging out with durrrr (who had a 9 in his bed, apparently).
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-02-2008 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by NewTeaBag
So when is your trip to Thailand CC? I'm sure we can arrange for something other your mind to be blown...
maaaann, people are still trying to get me to just come west of the mississippi... i'm becoming less of the traveling type as i get older, i suppose. but it's good to know i have standing offer
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-02-2008 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by Tha Villain
...craps is... well, a crapshoot....
lol well said
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-02-2008 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by JDLade
hey, its Jason
any questions?

12 part trip report plz


as a question,

12 part trip report, plz?
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-02-2008 , 10:31 AM
actually I did write a trip report every day and was going to post it but on the last day my laptop got the blue screen of death upon bootup and I'm on vacation now (again) and can't pay someone to retrieve my data.

Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-02-2008 , 02:37 PM
I honestly don't understand how someone that beats 100NL online (soft site?) with 2k+ posts on here can lose money in Vegas. The 1/2NL games are easier than .05/.10 online.

Craps is a money pit. Isn't Jesus against craps or something? Try drinking and strip clubs if you insist on wasting money in the future.

You kind of throw good2CU under the bus imo. You make him look like douche even though a lot of people on here understand what is really going on. Just because someone offers you something doesn't mean you should accept it. Also, did you stop and think before posting that he is playing in Euros and posting a shot of him playing on party?
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-02-2008 , 03:10 PM
I honestly don't understand how you life nits keep going on and on about this TR. STFU already and quit criticizing OP.
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-02-2008 , 09:38 PM
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-02-2008 , 11:53 PM
nice thread
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-03-2008 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by absoludicrous
I honestly don't understand how you life nits keep going on and on about this TR. STFU already and quit criticizing OP.
this guy is totally correct.You're all pretty big douche bags
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-03-2008 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Warteen
I play perfectly and am happy with that, but you really have to catch cards down the stretch to close these things out.
I continue to play perfectly and run bad


Tell me where again I was wrong and a dumb non-reading mother ****er?

You ****ing moron. If one table SNG's isn't poker, then please inform me as to what it actually is. Badminton?
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-06-2008 , 07:33 PM
nice trip report warteen. heres a life tip ...

when someone crticizes you, figure out if it's a constuctive criticism. How do you know? If the crticism leads to something constructive (aka, usually a change for the better in behavior, outlook, etc etc). If so, "take" the criticism and kep a tight lip.

If the criticism isn't going to lead you to anything "constructive," F**K it. No need to hold back your feelings. Rant back and criticize them. Who really cares. There's nothing admirable or respectable about taking blows and bending over.

Again, good report. And, I still don't know why you lead out with "I am a christian" line ...
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-06-2008 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by absoludicrous
I honestly don't understand how you life nits keep going on and on about this TR. STFU already and quit criticizing OP.

Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-08-2008 , 06:40 PM
Finally got done reading all the trip reports, I had a bunch of comments whilst reading.

First off, thank you for writing all of this and posting it. It takes a lot of balls to post something like this where you come off not-so-great and things don't really work out for you. I've had a bunch of stuff that I've typed up before only to delete when things went sour. Grats to you, and keep up the good work.


1. You aren't playing perfect poker. You seem like you are being way to tight and then forcing yourself to stick your chips in on a short stack. Also, as far as shoving/M situations are concerned, you need to be cognoscente of the players at the table. If people are likely to call you (because they are loose or have a big stack), then shoving any two probably isn't the "perfect" plan.

2. You seem like you might have a pretty bad gambling problem. From your constant losses at poker, to completely changing your game based on 10 minutes of watching someone else play, to your constant craps playing. Why would you play craps instead of going back to your room and grinding out some online poker? I fully understand blowing off steam and having fun, but it seems like every day there are two or three 'craps breaks'.

3. The story about you cockblocking some guy you don't know followed by the picture of everyone wearing decent shirts with you in the middle wearing a ratty tshirt gave me douche chills so hard I had to take a shower. The entire TR shows an underlying level of social awkwardness which is where all the flames are coming from.

4. Just because other people have money doesn't mean they owe you any. You seem to rationalize your aggressive mooching by saying "they can afford it" and "whats the worst that happens, they won't be my friend anymore". That's not how a friend acts.

5. lol @ calling James Worth loose.
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-08-2008 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
Christians aren't supposed to gamble you hypocrite.
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-08-2008 , 07:03 PM
LOL donkaments!
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-09-2008 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by ShipItAllPlzFish
OP, as a Christian, are you not supposed to be a 'steward' of your money? Playing craps a zillion times isn't showing good stewardship imo.
With Regards to the above. Obv, Christians are supposed to show good stewardship. Let me also point you to Romans 3:23, stating that we are all sinners and no one is perfect. The OP understands that this and yet sins anyway, just like the rest of us. This is why we value God's mercy so much.

Originally Posted by augie_
Christians aren't supposed to gamble you hypocrite.
First regards, I'm sure the majority of us here would argue that poker isn't 'gambling'. But with regards to craps (I have essentially no knowledge of craps), there's nothing in the bible about not gambling. Infact, there are many situations of 'gambling' in the bible. (Gambling in the sense of strictly luck or chance). Joshua cast lots, essentially rolled dice, to determine the allotment of land to the various tribes. Nehemiah cast lots to determine who would live inside the walls of Jerusalem and who wouldn’t. The apostles cast lots to determine the replacement for Judas.

A common theme people may pick up is that these lots aren't risking major loss of any type. Gambling with serious setbacks is against the principles of the Bible in terms of Stewardship and whatnot.

Anyway, Op thanks for the read. Sorry about your losses and (play less craps ldo). GL with life, poker, and your lady.
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-09-2008 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by GambleAB
Finally got done reading all the trip reports, I had a bunch of comments whilst reading.
I've been thinking about this post for a while, and I've come to the conclusion that there are clearly some things that you just do not get and points I should clarify, so I shall respond.

1. You aren't playing perfect poker. You seem like you are being way to tight and then forcing yourself to stick your chips in on a short stack. Also, as far as shoving/M situations are concerned, you need to be cognoscente of the players at the table. If people are likely to call you (because they are loose or have a big stack), then shoving any two probably isn't the "perfect" plan.
With the exception of the first game where I badly choked heads up, and a few other spots, I'm still very happy with the way I played most of the SNGs. The structure of those things is very quick and leads to a lot of relying on luck, but I did my best to give myself an edge, and mostly succeeded in that by gaining a chip lead early in many of them. I wasn't playing too tight; it's just that when it came down to it, nobody had enough chips left that I could do anything but push. I didn't invent the pushbot charts. I've been using them for a while and they are very effective in raising tournament EV. Mathematically, there are a lot of spots where it is incorrect to do anything but push your hand, regardless of what it is (usually in the small blind when M is less than 10). This takes advantage of the Gap Concept, which states that it takes a stronger hand to call than it does to raise. This isn't really the place to discuss tournament theory, though - suffice it to say that I and others have found it to be a very successful strategy in the long run, and I happened to run bad during many of these tournaments. In other words,
[ ] sample size

2. You seem like you might have a pretty bad gambling problem. From your constant losses at poker, to completely changing your game based on 10 minutes of watching someone else play, to your constant craps playing. Why would you play craps instead of going back to your room and grinding out some online poker? I fully understand blowing off steam and having fun, but it seems like every day there are two or three 'craps breaks'.
Yeah, I kind of let myself go while in Vegas. In the future I will be careful to examine how much craps I am playing, since that's really the only gambling that interests me.
But as far as changing my poker game, I think this is logical if I want to maximize my winnings at the cash table. I had the opportunity to watch someone play who has made over a million dollars at poker. If I see that he's playing in a way far removed from what I've been doing, it's not hard to conclude that he is playing "correctly" and I should change things up. I've started a new database. Since June, I've been running at 4.31 PTBB/100 over 12k hands. Not definitive yet because of sample size, but way better than I was doing before I changed things - nearly twice as well, in fact. I think I made good adjustments and hopefully my results will continue to speak for themselves.

3. The story about you cockblocking some guy you don't know followed by the picture of everyone wearing decent shirts with you in the middle wearing a ratty tshirt gave me douche chills so hard I had to take a shower. The entire TR shows an underlying level of social awkwardness which is where all the flames are coming from.
This part kind of got to me. First off, it wasn't my idea alone - there were 4 other guys at the table who agreed that it would be hilarious, and I happened to be the one with the performance experience and moxie to pull it off semi-convincingly. And trust me, it was hilarious - even the guy I did it to said that. I didn't even end up ruining his night with it, as the girl still went to the show with him, and it probably ended up being way more memorable than an ordinary date.
Re: the t-shirt. Wow. I was wearing that shirt for a reason - it's a Two Plus Two shirt that I specially ordered, and I wore it so that anyone who showed up could easily identify me. Sorry I gave you "douche chills".

4. Just because other people have money doesn't mean they owe you any. You seem to rationalize your aggressive mooching by saying "they can afford it" and "whats the worst that happens, they won't be my friend anymore". That's not how a friend acts.
You're right, ordinarily Robl wouldn't owe us a damn thing. But I think near the end of the week, when he said he'd take care of us before, he should have to follow through on that. And I think him being rich does make a difference - Jason said it himself, "that'd be like 20 bucks to us" for him to put us up somewhere. I agreed. I don't see how I could ask a friend to pay for my lodging (when the comp fell through) if it was a significant amount to them. Knowing that it wasn't for him did make it easier to ask. As far as the "what's the worst that happens" thing, that does sound kind of bad, but the reason I said that was because Jason was a lot tighter with Robl, and that's why I was the one to make the call. I feel like his friendship probably meant more to Robl than mine did, and I wouldn't want him to jeopardize that or make him feel guilted into it. I don't think he would have had any problem saying no to me if that's how he felt. Fortunately, he continued to be generous and patient with us.

5. lol @ calling James Worth loose.
I don't know anything about James Worth except what I saw at the table. There may be somebody else with the same name. This guy was loose, I think he was drunk, and he was not very good at poker. He was funny and outgoing, though.
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-09-2008 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Warteen
I've been thinking about this post for a while, and I've come to the conclusion that there are clearly some things that you just do not get and points I should clarify, so I shall respond.
You really don't have to defend yourself. I fully understand, and appreciate, that everything you said or did on your trip you did because in your heart of hearts you felt it was the right thing to do, from how you played poker, to what you did, to how you interacted with people. It's not a bad thing, as long as you are true to yourself and all that, it's just that you come off as a bit inexperienced in worldly/social situations (a "life donk" if you are hellbent on using internet jargon).

As far as your poker playing goes, you seem to be the same way. It seems like you read something somewhere or someone tells you a nugget of information and you take it as gospel truth. All the information in the world is great, but nothing is better then having a firm grasp of that information (knowing why instead of what), and being able to be cognoscente of the play around you and when you need to change your style. In poker, nothing is 100%. Even pushbot charts.

Regarding James, if he was wearing a leather jacket and had a canadian accent then it was the James Worth. He's very good at poker, just way to tight which made me laugh when I read you calling him loose.
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-09-2008 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Warteen
What I meant was that I hope I never like or care about poker hands more than people. I don't begrudge anyone wanting to live alone. It doesn't especially interest me, though, and I don't think it has anything to do with my level of personal strength.

OIC.....well...I guess from just MY personal experience..ppl who "can't stand living on their own" ( mostly women) are very clingy, needy, and always need validation for whatever reason....after almost a decade of roomates/fiances/girlfriends....I can't stand NOT living on my own....and I'm not even close to anal retentive about **** so yea....

It's cheaper, but the cost is worth it to me by far
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-09-2008 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Paulie Walnuts
I took all my money off when they announced they weren't letting American's deposit anymore but I thought if you still had money on there you can play. Either that or he has an account in a friends name with a foreign address and deposit/withdrawal options.
**** no they said get your money off pronto by this date or tough luck...he has to be sweating someone....
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
07-10-2008 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by thebeasters
**** no they said get your money off pronto by this date or tough luck...he has to be sweating someone....
You can see cards in his hands on the Party tables...
Vegas trip report - Low stakes grinder takes a shot, hangs w/the pros (tl;dr, w/pics) Quote
