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*** The Succulence of the Hams - needs enslaving pigs but is not fine in May LC/NC *** NSFW *** The Succulence of the Hams - needs enslaving pigs but is not fine in May LC/NC *** NSFW

05-27-2018 , 12:41 PM
Sounds like a choice
05-27-2018 , 02:50 PM
AF - you are thinking the correct way about this gash. You can be her back up plan in order to get the poison out but you should prob let her know that you are not going to be the backup. Maybe you can put the poison somewhere different?
05-27-2018 , 05:24 PM
Nata is correct on the redundancy. I have remained silent as I am in full agreement with trolling but it is long past time to

denounce sheep day

05-27-2018 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
Look were I ate...

*** The Succulence of the Hams - needs enslaving pigs but is not fine in May LC/NC *** NSFW*** The Succulence of the Hams - needs enslaving pigs but is not fine in May LC/NC *** NSFW*** The Succulence of the Hams - needs enslaving pigs but is not fine in May LC/NC *** NSFW
05-27-2018 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Majik19
Nata is correct on the redundancy. I have remained silent as I am in full agreement with trolling but it is long past time to

denounce sheep day

La Revolution!

Last year was the year of the Sheep this year has been the year of the dog and its nearly half time and not nearly enough respect has been paid to our best friends the puppies!
05-27-2018 , 06:53 PM
Dear BBV,

It's the 60th Sheepday but now people are sick of Sheepday and Lists.

This makes me very, very sad, but I understand.

05-27-2018 , 06:57 PM
Dear BBV,

Today is the first official and occasional Sheepdog! A day when we honor cute animals and recognize the contributions of said animals to the quality of our lives! Generally these are animals that are not eaten in society except for China. Mr. Sheep, we thank you sincerely for your contributions, and for being the inspiration for a wonderful series of events.

Sheepdog will not be a weekly tradition, but whenever someone douches too hard, Sheepdog will appear.

05-27-2018 , 07:08 PM

Maybe we can make Monday Octopus day?
05-27-2018 , 07:10 PM
Also AF you could number your list with letters to change things up.
05-27-2018 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
Dear BBV,

Today is the first official and occasional Sheepdog! A day when we honor cute animals and recognize the contributions of said animals to the quality of our lives! Generally these are animals that are not eaten in society except for China. Mr. Sheep, we thank you sincerely for your contributions, and for being the inspiration for a wonderful series of events.

Sheepdog will not be a weekly tradition, but whenever someone douches too hard, Sheepdog will appear.

05-27-2018 , 11:01 PM
05-27-2018 , 11:22 PM
why so many people take 1 hour to think preflop on the big blind? that uncontrollable urge to 3bet or are they just sad they will partway with their money?
05-28-2018 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by omnishakira
why so many people take 1 hour to think preflop on the big blind? that uncontrollable urge to 3bet or are they just sad they will partway with their money?

sick story
05-28-2018 , 05:46 AM
dog day?

will you serve bread with dogs or we go full athletic?
05-28-2018 , 06:25 AM
05-28-2018 , 06:25 AM
Yay, FranFran made it!
05-28-2018 , 03:21 PM
Another hot one today. YAY! Stanley Cup final starts tonight. Double YAY!!
05-28-2018 , 03:56 PM
Today is the first of many Back to Work Mondays! After leaving the weekend grind behind and returning to all those productive, smiling faces, where you are reminded of your insurmountable value as a corporate lackey! Enjoy the first BTWM!!
05-28-2018 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
Dear BBV,

It's the 60th Sheepday but now people are sick of Sheepday and Lists.

This makes me very, very sad, but I understand.

Not all people! But no worries, Sheep understands and supports Mr. Folding's decision.

Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
Dear BBV,

Today is the first official and occasional Sheepdog! A day when we honor cute animals and recognize the contributions of said animals to the quality of our lives! Generally these are animals that are not eaten in society except for China. Mr. Sheep, we thank you sincerely for your contributions, and for being the inspiration for a wonderful series of events.

Sheepdog will not be a weekly tradition, but whenever someone douches too hard, Sheepdog will appear.

Originally Posted by Majik19
Today is the first of many Back to Work Mondays! After leaving the weekend grind behind and returning to all those productive, smiling faces, where you are reminded of your insurmountable value as a corporate lackey! Enjoy the first BTWM!!
Mr. Tbh will not approve.
05-28-2018 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Majik19
Today is the first of many Back to Work Mondays! After leaving the weekend grind behind and returning to all those productive, smiling faces, where you are reminded of your insurmountable value as a corporate lackey! Enjoy the first BTWM!!
I thought today was Tuesday or am I losing my mind
05-28-2018 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by omnishakira
why so many people take 1 hour to think preflop on the big blind? that uncontrollable urge to 3bet or are they just sad they will partway with their money?
I space out in the BB, don't know why. I folded it once yesterday in a limped pot
05-28-2018 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by omnishakira
why so many people take 1 hour to think preflop on the big blind?
05-28-2018 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Sheep86

Mr. Tbh will not approve.
Unbeknownst to Mr. Tbh, he was selected as the leader of this movement. El presidente! Through his wisdom, we learned of the benefits of self medicating on company time. Every cubicle should have a fully stocked mini fridge to increase moral! **** you, Monday? Nah. Bottoms up, Monday!
05-29-2018 , 02:55 AM
Three more days til the long weekend! Thanks to the Queen for the public holiday. Also Mr AlwaysFolding we won all the squash last week. I will teach you how to be a superstar if you ever visit New Zealand!
