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Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.)

02-14-2011 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by TeddyKGB45
lol - brilliant! - who is the real life HGH guy?
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 05:53 PM
Ban the scammer 4betfold please.

I hate to see this going on.
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by worpler
lol - brilliant! - who is the real life HGH guy?
Thats me
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by TeddyKGB45
Thats me
You remind me of someone, can't think who.
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:17 PM
lol @ 4betfold trying to make this right. Just go away, no one i the right state of mind would ever listen to your crap again.

Bye bye
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by TheUltimateSheriff
4betbluff coming on my thread all high and mighty looks like the tides hav turned you piece of hypocrite scum
lol, PWNED!

i do mean it seriously this time
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:32 PM
wow, i was about to stake him felt kinda fishy how he wouldn't play one level lower for one week/didn't want to start stake for some time. (probably giving him time to seek funds from many more people).

my bad... he couldn't meet the demands of my thread and wasn't even considered. I confused him with someone else.

Last edited by CutchaLosses; 02-14-2011 at 06:42 PM.
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by GotBluffing
I’ll try to keep it short and simple. Sorry for my bad English in advance.

Poker is my main source of income for more than 3 years now, my main games is NLHE, in 2009 I was playing up to 10-20 on regular basis. Year 2010 was really poor for me, played bad, run bad etc. In the beginning of 2011 I decide to completely switch to PLO (already had some decent experience), however I felt that need someone’s help to do so.

In beginning of January I started to look for PLO coach on 2+2, made a request in coaching thread and PMd several strong PLO players.
Then I get a PM from 4betfold: “can coach up to 200plo HU”

I decided to give it a shot (he wanted 100$/h, which wasn’t that huge of a price to me)

Next few weeks we got couple of caching sessions, and he did help me with my game (I’m not ne w to poker so I understand when people say crap or where there is a good logic behind their words).

We became relatively close/ had a lot of casual conversations/hand reviews, etc.

After 2 weeks of coaching he asked me to stake him. From his words, he just bought a new flat and had to withdraw all his BR (20k) to make his 1st payment.

We coped that I’ll give him 4k$, when he doubles the money I get my 4k back, and then get 50% of his winnings up to 10k.

First 2 weeks always shows me the progress (he was running hugely under EV). Then I went to Canary Islands on my holiday. When I get back we don’t chat that much as used to in Skype, but I was pretty confident that everything is going ok. I asked him couple of times about how much money do we have and it was always around 3k$.

Three days ago I receive this PM from him:

4betfold “possible staking?”

“Hey bro,

Was wondering if you'd consider coaching/staking a PLO player, I play mainly HU but can convert. Posted a few times in HSPLO but I normally only play up to 200 so don't contribute that much in the thread. Anyway, app below:

ipoker + ongame:
ongame :

only hands i have on new pc , hope its a sufficient sample
i play 100 & 200 plo HU
looking for stake due to personal financial situation regarding tuition and housing fees

can teamviewer my hem etc

SN : ongame : 4betfold
SN : ipoker : poweradepro

looking for a 50/50 deal with 100% backing, hopefully a rakeback 50/50 aswell if possible.

Name : xxxxx
Location : xxxxx
Msn : xxxxxx
Aim : xxxxxx
Hands per month HU : 25000
Looking for a 200 PLO hu stake , can be discussed for higher/lower though

At the moment I was like WTF. Immediately wrote to him in Skype

[2:47:41 AM] Vitali: why did u write me a PM on 2+@
[2:47:45 AM] Vitali: about stacking?
[2:47:46 AM] Vitali: wtf
[2:47:54 AM] Vitali: staking*
[3:39:10 AM] Josh: ? i sent that to you
[3:39:11 AM] Josh: like
[3:39:12 AM] Josh: 2months ago
[3:39:34 AM] Josh: when we spoke about it lol
[3:39:42 AM] Josh: have you only just logged on 2+2?
[3:45:16 AM] Vitali: nope
[3:45:25 AM] Vitali: i'l always logged in there
[3:45:39 AM] Vitali: playing atm
[3:45:42 AM] Vitali: whats the BR?
[3:45:44 AM] Josh: ill PM a mod, see whats up
[3:45:49 AM] Vitali: graphs?
[3:45:51 AM] Vitali: ^^
[3:45:53 AM] Josh: br is 3.1
[3:45:53 AM] Josh: kk
[3:48:32 AM] Josh: image shack down for you?
[3:48:49 AM] Vitali: no
[3:49:30 AM] Josh: got it
[3:49:32 AM] Josh: running over ev btw
[3:49:33 AM] Josh: :P
[3:49:34 AM] Josh: kinda nice
[3:50:27 AM] Josh:
[3:50:45 AM] Josh: playing hon with friend, brb like 20-40mins
[3:51:37 AM] Vitali: but u were under EV when u started ongame :-/ how can u be over ev whole graph here
[3:53:13 AM] Josh: thats all the hands off my MAC air. if you let me get home i can see if i can usb and stick them together
[3:53:15 AM] Josh: i think ive played like
[3:53:19 AM] Josh: 6k total hands
[3:53:34 AM] Josh: got $550 rakeback aswell
[3:54:14 AM] Vitali: k
[3:55:27 AM] Vitali: dont get me wrong just make a screenshot with ur client open (to check bankroll) and ur whole graph/or both together
[3:55:52 AM] Josh: yeh i know man
[3:55:55 AM] Josh: that PM thing is messed up wtf
[3:56:12 AM] Vitali: yeah it was kinda creepy
[3:56:16 AM] Vitali: but just to clear this up
[3:56:21 AM] Josh: but yeh as soon as i get in after gym 2moz
[3:56:25 AM] Josh: i get it sorted for you
[3:56:34 AM] Vitali: k
[4:00:21 AM] Vitali:
[4:00:28 AM] Vitali: now it gets really ****ed up :/

After that he basically just ignored me.
As you can see he already seeks for another stake. I don’t care if he gambled the money, or withdrew it. I’m not even sure if he even meant that from the beginning.

I just want other 2+2 people to know their “heroes”. ATM I’m going to PM people from whom he looks for stake now.

I believe it’s almost impossible to get the money back, but that not why I’m posting this. If any of you have any good advice, go ahead.


Well, Gotbluffing

Looks like you,


Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:41 PM
This is why I only stake people I know irl
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by CutchaLosses
wow, i was about to stake him felt kinda fishy how he wouldn't play one level lower for one week/didn't want to start stake for some time. (probably giving him time to seek funds from many more people).
? ive had zero correspondence with you. i may have sent you a PM but never talked to you, so dont make up trash.

oh, and please, provide this chat were i didnt want to start stake for sometime? please? lieing POS
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:43 PM
Congrats 4betfold, you have successfully completed all the required steps needed after getting caught scamming:

STEP 1 - Become outraged over being called a scammer
STEP 2 - Deny everything and assure everyone you are going to "work this out"
STEP 3 - Remind the 2+2 community that this has NOTHING to do with them, but continue to post in said community in an attempt to prove your innocence.
STEP 4 - In the inevitable event of overwhelming evidence proving your guilt, you have two options:

a. apologize to everyone and tell them you are going make it up
b. disappear for a while until you are caught on a drug selling charge
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:44 PM
how do u plead
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:45 PM
in after ballbag.
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by yimc17
Congrats 4betfold, you have successfully completed all the required steps needed after getting caught scamming:

STEP 1 - Become outraged over being called a scammer
STEP 2 - Deny everything and assure everyone you are going to "work this out"
STEP 3 - Remind the 2+2 community that this has NOTHING to do with them, but continue to post in said community in an attempt to prove your innocence.
STEP 4 - In the inevitable event of overwhelming evidence proving your guilt, you have two options:

a. apologize to everyone and tell them you are going make it up
b. disappear for a while until you are caught on a drug selling charge
tony try hard alert.

kk ill concede posting in this thread until its sorted
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by 4betfold
tony try hard alert.

kk ill concede posting in this thread until its sorted
Think it'd be appropriate to out your old screen name too.
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 08:44 PM

i go away for 3 days and then come back to find this. lolololol
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 09:04 PM
Wow what a scumbag this 4betfold guy is. Nice lies you goof.
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 09:07 PM
even if 4betfold (nice name brah) IS in fact a scammer, it seems like at least he's willing to pay the stake back.... so maybe it's smart that you all stfu be4 he thinks "ok nm.... every1's whining like this, fucc 2+2 I'll just take the money and leave"
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 09:28 PM
Nice name 4betbluff, must make you feel good
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Stealy Man
Nice name 4betbluff, must make you feel good
I actually wish my name was 'Stealy man' but it was taken already...
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 09:42 PM
lol scammers.

even when i was busto id nevr consider that.

yea seriously when your coach is asking for a stake that should send up some serious red flags, find coaches that win consistantly.
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by 4betfold
obviously i shouldnt of seeked a stake while being on one, which is unacceptable i agree
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 10:00 PM
lol how could this guy not have bought a FLAT using (20k??) with his elite poker skills.

Who the fk drops their whole roll on house downpayment? These are all huge signs.

OP you deserve to get scammed lol, do like 5% of the research of poster above me to decrease ur chance of getting owned.
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
02-14-2011 , 10:12 PM
"What's the bankroll at?"

"bout tree fiddy 0"
Stake gone wrong / scammed?! by "4betfold" (Joshua Le Marchant. scammer scam.) Quote
