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Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED

05-01-2008 , 08:40 AM
Once in a blue moon a thread pops up that I can show my wife and be like, "See honey, I'm not totally wasting my life away on the 2+2 forums (she makes fun of me) check out this crazy ass ****."

This is definitely the motherload of those. WTF Wooowww Speechleesss A+

Oh yeah, you only live once and what a rush this little gamble could provide.
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 08:50 AM
Honestly OP, this is an insta-call for so many reasons. Folding here is just -EV in the long run. don't listen to these guys
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 08:56 AM
Holy ****. This can't be for real. Either they're making fun of / scamming you or you're kidding us. Could you really have sex with a person who you know is just having sex with you cause she has to ?

There is no way this is real.
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 08:57 AM
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:20 AM
fold prenup
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by shortline99
fold prenup
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 10:13 AM
This is a precurser to Hostel 3. If she asks you to see her parents in "Eastern Europe" be afraid. Be very afraid.
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 10:13 AM
this scam has more FPS then the ones from Nigeria

thread subscribed to see op vbet to death
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 10:39 AM
OP, you need to seriously just go meet her. You said you are not reaaly doing anything right now, so just go puck her up and see what happens.
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 10:49 AM
Do it and sell her.
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 10:54 AM
get a private investigator imo
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 11:09 AM
fistpump and marry imo
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 11:32 AM
dunno why you just don't throw a bunch of money at a private investigator and get him to sort this train wreck out
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by WJL
I have 2 words for you . . .

Birthday Girl
It works out in the end though...
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 11:50 AM
nice level
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 11:54 AM
plz plz plz don't do this without a prenub!!!!!!!!!!!
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 11:54 AM
lol such an obvious scam

it's pretty easy to tell if someone is lying.
not always
especially when they are professional scammers

She’s going to live with you (unless you don’t want that), cook for you- clean for you and love you (including sex, of course)…and I’m not just saying that. AND shes going to get a job? AND has lots of $$??

So lets see, free sex, cleaning, love and money and a prenub w/ no effort required on your part?

Oh yea this isn't a scam lololololollollololollolooloolollllllooololololooo ooooololollolllllllllololololololololololololollll lllllloooollolololloooooooollll
i agree

Last edited by sightless; 05-01-2008 at 12:12 PM.
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 12:08 PM
Someone said that they have to stay together for 2 years or she gets no green card. That can be used as sex leverage if she tries to marry then not put out.
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 12:10 PM
Go to dinner with Beans and his wife. Socialize with them. Get drunk with them. See if the story still holds up.
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 12:17 PM
btw, fwiw, if this was real, you're leverage over her of her being forced to live with you for 2 years or she'll be deported... is quite considerably negated by her leverage over you that you're marriage is arranged, one of convenience and highly illegal, the worst thing that can happen to her is she gets deported. The worst thing that can happen to you is you go to jail.
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 12:32 PM
She looks good on like 1 or 2 of the ~10 pictures. On the rest of them she's unattractive. Too much over-the-top posing for pictures. Please que "attention whore" pic.
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 12:59 PM
OP, you said her pics were straight from myspace? So you have seen her myspace page, does it look legit?

I might have missed something, but how did other 2+2ers (skoal and someone else) get pics of this chick that you had not posted yet????
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 01:02 PM
yeah i've seen her myspace it's legit tons of friends all teh right stuff, comments from way back when... they got the image info, saw it was my photo bucket... when to photobucket... used the 5 most common pw's in the world... like god, love, sex, 12345 and within 3 tries had logged into my acct, ldo... then were kind enough to change the guest pw as well. and get all of my personal info, but no big deal
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 01:31 PM
Just marry her, not that much that can really go wrong , you only live 1 time, can't always be scared for potential monsters imo.
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
05-01-2008 , 01:38 PM
If it doesn't work out, light her on fire.
Should I Marry a Stranger to keep her in the country? PICS INCLUDED Quote
