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Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months

07-05-2008 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by StrictlyStrategy
2:1 says half of the people in this thread couldn't go 2 months without 2p2 or some other forum.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by StrictlyStrategy
Everyone seemed happy to take it at 3:1.
Originally Posted by StrictlyStrategy
okay, we can ditch a/c as well as video games but 3:1 is fair then yes?

Wait - who (besides you) is saying that 3:1 is a good deal here? Who is offering that action? Anyone? I hear you asking for it but that's it.

If you find any, I'll take YOUR position for better odds than that.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 01:32 PM
There were a couple people who were willing to take it on page 2.

Anyways I think that BT is right, we should drop this. I want poker, nobody else does.

Plus this way I don't have to read books.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 07:52 PM
don't you have any friends?
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 08:18 PM
It is impossible for you to do this. I think after a couple weeks it'd be worth 10k just to see some terts.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 10:08 PM
i think this is a far cry from impossible and for the right price, i would definitely do it, on the terms i listed above. i just don't have the 100k i'd need to escrow lool.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 10:26 PM
Why not just change the prop bet to "no porn" and "no forums"? It seems obvious that everything else in the prop bet is a gimme in your normal life.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 09:31 AM
I just remembered that my first sincere impulse in response to this post:

Originally Posted by alreet
a more interesting prop bet would be forced human contact for 2 months. must spend 12 hours a day with multiple people interacting and talking to each other. I dont think it can be done sounds impossible.
was along the lines of,

"Yeah, that would be really ****ing tough."

It actually took someone pointing it out a page later before I got it.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 07-27-2008 at 04:00 PM.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 10:22 AM
OP, this bet is doable as long as you keep things to kill time. The moment you lose all those things the bet will be a living hell.

Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 11:51 AM
lol @ people claiming they do this all the time yet have daily human contact and prob leave every day. this bet is no joke. if OP wasnt such a dorko and have a lock on the bet id want some action.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 12:25 PM
Revised bet >>> OP's bet and is more representative of laying 3:1. LOL at OP trying to haggle poker in, which is obviously the biggest stumbling block for most potentials bettors. Allowing/not allowing poker is probably the difference between 2:1 and 1:2 here.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 12:41 PM
no porn for 2 months?

1.8million against!
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 12:53 PM
The thing is I assume not allowing poker would be massive -EV for OP: he would be having a ****ty time, as well as not being able to make any money. I don't think he has enough money to bet on it that the difference between 2:1 and 1:2 would overturn this loss.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 01:27 PM
GL ss! everyone on 2p2 will donk out for the time your away so they will need to prop.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 02:18 PM
The only way this is a legitimate challenge is no computer, no TV, no nothing but your walls and whatever book(s) you choose to bring into your apartment.

No offense, but allowing yourself to play a video game or poker is enough to relieve your mind from the presumed torture of "solitary confinement"

Food, 4 walls, and a book - thats a challenge.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 02:38 PM
this whole thing is dumb.

man the updates while the bet is going on will be EXCITING!
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 02:39 PM
I would do food, 4 walls and books for 60 days if someone gave me 4:1 on it.

PM me if ur interested, I'd want someone willing to put at least 10-20k.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 02:56 PM
Books? Pfft. Maybe if there's not many, but more than you can read makes it so much easier, though still annoying. Someone should go for rice and water for a substantial time period with absolutely nothing that could possibly be used to pass time except your own mind. Pens and paper a no-go.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 02:58 PM
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by StrictlyStrategy
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 03:10 PM
I may have set myself up with "worth it just to watch you die" comments.

It's not too late to edit, but it might actually make the thread good so idk.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 03:22 PM
"Okay: To all who say that this is easy: How long have you gone without looking at 2p2?"

oh yeah for sure this is the real tough part
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by StrictlyStrategy
I may have set myself up with "worth it just to watch you die" comments.

It's not too late to edit, but it might actually make the thread good so idk.
I never suggested this, but you seriously need to make it more difficult.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 06:27 PM
I mentioned this in a previous prop thread, think it was the bathroom living one.

I went on a vision quest a few years back. 3 days and 3 nights, one book, pen and paper, nothing else. Even with the book and writing frequently, it was nearly impossible. On the third day of what was basically light sensory deprivation, I felt like I was literally going insane. Like, I thought to myself, "this is what insane people must feel like all the time."

Don't underestimate the psychological difficulty of this. I could not even imagine 60 days. Without unlimited movies or poker, I would bet against this at 10:1 all day. Unfortunately, I'm a busto college student, but I think this is much more difficult than it's getting credit for.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-27-2008 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by mindwormz
i did this bet last summer except it was for 3 months and i wasnt allowed to turn any lights on. i got rickets but apart from that it was an incredibly easy bet to win.
This is funny.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
