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Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months

07-05-2008 , 09:46 AM
Yea I thought the no computer/air/water/light was a jopke post.

I honestly don't think I'd take that at 5:1.


What about for a month? Two months is just silly-crazy and beyond the realm of possible.

One month, 3:1, let's talk. Nothing's binding, let me read everything again and think about it.(just woke up on like 3 hours sleep hungover wtf rain) and I'll consider it.

Just to be clear:
31 days at those harsh guidelines

I think this would be "fun" for both parties because we don't have to wait until fall to see who wins.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by willw9
this is retarted
it took 89 posts but this guy said it best.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 10:10 AM
this bet is difficult, no 2p2 for 2months, no porn, I mean even if smthg breaks down in his appartement that he cant fix hes ****ed, or if he gets sick(altough unlikely since no contact)
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by alexruimy
I would put money on this if the following conditions were met:

- 2 months alone in your apartment
- No landline/cell phone
- No TV or Movies
- No mp3s, cds, cassettes, etc (recorded music in any form). You can play guitar or something, but no prerecorded music.
- Books are okay
- Everything that is plugged in must be declared in advance
- No computer except for webcam (that means no poker. it's just too wide an issue)
- If the cops come over, a predetermined group will judge what the result is, when we know what the cops said
- Same for if there's a fire/if the fire alarm goes off
- Your address will be given out to all who have wagered
- Pay 2 month's rent in advance
- Board up all of your windows, or legal (per lease stipulations) alternative
- In the event of a plumbing problem, you have to deal with it and find alternatives until the bet's over
- You can have one source of light in the whole house (no brighter than 120 watts)

Some of these need work but I'm sure others can add to this.

edit: - Apartment will be inspected by any bettors who wish to, right before bet starts. That is, we'll come over and lock you in.
Two months alone is fine
no phone is fine
No TV or movies is fine.
No listening to music is fine unless I am singing/playing(**** you dad for not making learn how to play piano!)
Books are okay is fine

Everything that's plugged in must be declared in advance -- I'm a little vague on what you mean but I'm not getting rid of lamps nor am I getting rid of my exercise bike. We can talk about this

Poker is an absolute necessity, this bet doesn't happen without it. We can work it out or whatever to not see hole cards etc. Setting the webcam far enough back that you can't see my cards but you can clearly see that I'm playing poker shouldn't prove to be much of a challenge.

The cops thing is fine, I think that's actually a pretty legit solution under one thing(and I want this to apply for all *crashes*): I do not lose the bet, I simply must restart it. This should prove that I am willing to do said bet and not willing to cheat. Also, this will get harder every day so it's not like I'm getting a "free shot" at second try or anything.

-Fire earthquake etc. this is all fine so long as the bet is considered restarted, not lost.

-My address will be given out to all who wagered - no it will not. My phone number got leaked on here and honestly it was a pain in the ass for a few days. There's no way I'm releasing my living address to the whole internet for this. I don't have a problem with a few select people(maybe the biggest bettors?) knowing as I feel they'll be less likely to do something dumb like post it on a forum. I mean, how many of you would feel comfortable releasing their address? Maybe I 1-outer the wrong guy and 6 months later I'm being stalked etc. No thanks. FWIW I live in SE CT and don't mind 1-2 people coming over to inspect the apartment but I think I have another solution that would work okay.

I'm not sure why this would even be necessary to be honest.

Two months rent in advance would obviously be necessary.

Boarding up the windows is also not happening. I have no air conditioning and right now only a ceiling fan. I plan on getting a window fan but I'm not nailing boards over my apartment just to keep it dark in here.

Obviously if there's a plumbing, food, moderate illness etc. I have to deal with it.
---I do feel however, in the unlikely event that something serious comes up where I have to go to the HOSPITAL, again the bet is on hold. Kidney stone, strep throat, SuperAIDS, whatever. I'm not getting my leg amputated because I haid gangrene and didn't get help because I "rly wanted 2 win!" I think we all agree this is fair?

How about one and a flashlight? I'm willing to do SOME negotiation but tbh honest people without movies and **** I think the least you guys can give me is natural sunlight and a god damn Mag-Lite.

Some other things:

I can paint, draw, write, whatever I want, anywhere in my apartment, whenever I want. If you're giving me music instruments then other forms of art are fine.

- I can talk to myself, in the webcam, to my wall, to my sandals, as much as I want to.

-If the webcam goes down, the best is on paiuse. I honestly don't know how that thing works, and I didn't watch any of WCG's camera, so I'm not sure what it's like and if I can see myself on the website but if it does then I don't lose the bet, I just have to restart it.

That's very, very fair to you because if I'm 26 days in and my internet decides to **** up then I have to do the whole thing over again.

Question: Are you guys giving me juice like OJ and lemonade and stuff?
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 10:14 AM
If this bet will last for one month, I think I want slightly better odds than 3:1. One month is exponentially easier than two ldo
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 10:17 AM
2.5:1 but I want singleplayer videogames then. The stuff you guys are asking for is borderline two months in "the hole" which is way, way, WAY harder than you guys are thinking about.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 10:25 AM
Oh yeah knew I forgot something.

My apartment is, two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. There are four closets and cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom. I could just use a very long USB cable with my webcam and go through the whole apartment prior to starting.

One of the closets is by the front door so I could set it up so that you can see both doors, then put all the stuff I'm not going to use for the month in that closet. Essentially emptying out my apartment in to that closet so you can see there's nothing in it.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 10:29 AM
you are laying odds, correct?
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 10:35 AM
No. I'm putting up 10k to everyone's ~25k or whatever we settle upon.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 10:55 AM
this is like the easiest bet in the world if you have no life.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Fetzi
this is like the easiest bet in the world if you have no life.
Hi, we've already established that this is a dumb thing to say, you don't have to keep doing it.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by StrictlyStrategy
Hi, we've already established that this is a dumb thing to say, you don't have to keep doing it.
okay first, quit being a dick. if you don't like what people say, just ignore them. you've plagued this thread (and your 10/20 lhe thread) with juvenile banter. just let it be and get down to business.

the thing to remember about this bet is that it's cutting off human contact, effectively isolation. poker is way too social a game for me to condone its presence in the terms of this bet, chat box or not. some of my terms were modeled off of what i pictured prison isolation to be like. (edit: which you said below. anything but these terms is too easy, imo)

i'm okay with you restarting if fire/cops, etc upon approval of a committee. 26 days in, someone can call the cops every time and torture you into doing it over and over again.

i don't care about food stipulations. i think you should be able to eat what and however much of what you can cram in your apartment prior to the bet taking place. whatever doesn't go bad will just create more nasty garbage.

i understand your hesitations about putting your address online. i don't think you necessarily have to post it publicly, but how about giving it to all bettors who wager over $x?

i really like the one lamp and boarding up the windows options just because part of isolation is lack of natural light. i'm okay with one lamp (<= 150 watts) and one flashlight of a committee's choosing with no modifications made to it.

I do feel however, in the unlikely event that something serious comes up where I have to go to the HOSPITAL, again the bet is on hold. Kidney stone, strep throat, SuperAIDS, whatever. I'm not getting my leg amputated because I haid gangrene and didn't get help because I "rly wanted 2 win!" I think we all agree this is fair?
no, i don't think it is. in the past, bettors have assumed this risk. weigh the likelihood of it happening to the amount you're getting and revise your numbers a little if you have to.

i'd like to see revisions from other potential bettors here.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 11:34 AM
i did this bet last summer except it was for 3 months and i wasnt allowed to turn any lights on. i got rickets but apart from that it was an incredibly easy bet to win.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 11:42 AM
The last one I am okay with I guess.

I strongly, strongly feel online poker is not a social game at all. It's just so much like chess in that it's a pure strategy game and nothing else. If I can't talk to anyone playing poker, can't listen to anyone talking to me, and can't see anyone talking to another person, I think it's fair.

Stuff to think about: Would you consider chess to be a social game? Probably. What about chess on a computer? What about chess VERSUS a computer? What about poker versus a computer then, like a bot? I don't think anyone here who has played poker vs. a bot felt they were less "social" during the game, while they were actually playing vs. a machine.

Food is okay with me then, obviously this is just you and I talking but I don't think adding orange juice is going to totally fade this bet.

I'm okay with the address thing like that, I'm still not 100% sure why you need my address though? Would you be okay with 2-3 bettors meeting me at some location and then just following me to my apartment, checking it out and then leaving? I was thinking some and I think I'd prefer one or two people checking the place out vs. me inspecting everything via webcam, I don't want anyone doubting the validity of this bet or myself.

FWIW there is no human contact in online poker. Not with a chat ban/chat disabled.

One other thing, this will be my first August here, and my apartment, is on average, ten degrees hotter than it is outside at any given time(that's with the heat off) I want the right to use my a/c?
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by StrictlyStrategy
2.5:1 but I want singleplayer videogames then. The stuff you guys are asking for is borderline two months in "the hole" which is way, way, WAY harder than you guys are thinking about.
people were reluctant to take this at 2:1, so you think people will be jumping to take this at worse odds and giving you video games on top of that?
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 11:45 AM
Everyone seemed happy to take it at 3:1. This is the second ruleset that someone posted up above, not mine.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 11:50 AM
poker is fundamentally interaction between players. either take out poker or rename the title of your prop bet imo
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 11:51 AM
SS, I don't think you should do much to make yourself comfortable. That's why people wouldn't agree to the original terms but are agreeing to extreme ones. 10 degrees is negligible, so why complicate the bet (and likely reduce the action you'll be getting) by adding in an a/c and video games, etc?

This is an endurance and isolation bet. You should be tested in both facets imo.

Last edited by alexruimy; 07-05-2008 at 11:55 AM. Reason: what miw210 said is important too.. also i didn't finish a sentence lool
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 11:53 AM
and fwiw, i'm sure we can find others willing to adhere to something similar to the terms i posted above.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 11:55 AM
ok it tilts the hell out of that you guys are negotiating things like flashlights and foods when the crux of this bet is you getting online poker.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 11:55 AM
[ultimatum]i'm not putting money down if poker is involved[/ultimatum]
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 11:57 AM
okay, we can ditch a/c as well as video games but 3:1 is fair then yes?

Originally Posted by miw210
poker is fundamentally interaction between players. either take out poker or rename the title of your prop bet imo
Only to fish and stuff, it's a pure strat game really though. I mean chess is fundamentally interaction between people but really, it isn't. I mean I'm sure that nobody would have me playing chess vs. a bot.

This bet can't happen without poker. If it doesn't happen it doesn't happen. I'm going to sleep so hopefully when I wake up we'll know if it's going down or not.

Night all.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 12:00 PM
can he see chat between other players? if so, thats just a step down from browsing a foum and not posting.

SS, you're gonna be the one to budge here. if you insist on keeping poker, reduce the odds to 1:1. if you're unwilling, then drop the thread because you've already failed to get interest thus far for your original terms, and taking away ****ing a/c and withholding orange juice isn't going to mean ****.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by StrictlyStrategy
I want 2:1 on this and I think that is very fair
Why would I lay you 2:1 on something that 90% of all WOW players in the world do for free all the time?

(I know, I know, they have team speak ... but maaan, that hardly counts as human interaction )

Seriously though - in a prop bet there should be some fun involved, like getting a nutcase to have fake tit implants.

Who gets any fun out of this prop bet?
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
07-05-2008 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by StrictlyStrategy
Hi, we've already established that this is a dumb thing to say, you don't have to keep doing it.
No, "we" haven't, you just repeating this as if "we" did.
Prop bet: No human contact for 2 months Quote
