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***It's okay Sammy isn't broke, but may be getting divorced September LC/ NC NSFW Thead *** ***It's okay Sammy isn't broke, but may be getting divorced September LC/ NC NSFW Thead ***

09-02-2016 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by CigarDan
Natamus, my friend, someday we shall meet (Vegas, next year's WSOP I hope) and when we do, I very much look forward to the conversations we shall have.

CD it shall be drubken across rio poker tables, VP bars, BJ tables and maybe a bomb ass suite if someone can get Comp'ed one for their degen behaviors
09-02-2016 , 02:01 AM
It shall be glorious
09-02-2016 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by AZMountainHiker
You're such a delicate snowflake progressive idiot it's hilarious! Don't you get it? People that actually have a backbone and more than 1% self confidence don't care if they're called racist by people like you. It's not an earth shattering insult to us like it is to you. You'd do literally ANYTHING to not be called a racist, and we really don't care.
B/c you don't know me, and I can't remember any previous interaction with you, let me tell you a little bit about my "backbone" and "self-confidence"

I signed up for the US Army during a time of war, knowing full well that within a year I would be sent to a combat zone that had already killed people I knew. I signed up to be an MP (Military Police), you know the guys that man the check points that Al Queda would drive trucks full of explosives into. During my time in the service, I did deploy to Iraq, and while I came back unharmed (physically) not all of my friends were so lucky. I also volunteered to escort the base Chaplain to the houses of fallen soldiers while I was stationed in the US, and watched as a man tried to explain to a five year old why she wouldn't get to see her dad anymore. I volunteered to work holidays so that the other soldiers in my unit who had kids could spend the day with them (MPs work nights and weekends when we're not deployed so some guys in my unit went weeks without spending time with their families). I was part of a team of MPs who stopped two attempted suicides in one night.

I've done all this and more, and not once have I asked for a single ****ing handout, I have a chronic knee injury that I have never once gone to the VA about, I don't even ask for a military discount at restaurants/stores.

I stand up for what's right, I broke a man's leg in a bar fight when he attacked me for pulling him off his girlfriend whom he had already punched a tooth out of. Knowing full well the consequences that could have come from it.

[x] backbone

As an MP, I pulled over the Command Sergeant Major of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), the highest ranking enlisted man on Fort Campbell. A man that could have, with a phone call, ended my career. By the time the traffic stop was done he was calling my superiors to tell them how professional I was.

Today I am the general manager of a karaoke company, several nights a week I am on a microphone talking to and singing for total strangers whom by their choice to continue or discontinue patronizing the establishments that I work at, control one of my sources of income.

[x] self confidence
09-02-2016 , 04:46 AM
So where do I sign up for the chewbacca gangbang?
09-02-2016 , 06:10 AM
Ugh. Smells like someone left a bad FW:FW:RE:RE:RE:FW:RE:RE:FW: email thread out passed on from grumpy racist chemtrail theorist uncle Billy Bob, and it attracted a centipede.

Thanks Obama.
09-02-2016 , 07:24 AM
Argh it goes into a secondpage. I'm not deleting all those posts.

Just stop it.
09-02-2016 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by Natamus
TBH undertitle nomination:

F***ed Off Everyday

Originally Posted by wafflehouse1
Make a nasty steak in the oot thread. Or am I confusing you with bighurt?
I make great steaks waffle, you should have more faith in me:


Originally Posted by Natamus
bighurt###### = dealer who lived in LV and now in Washington State

thebighurt35 = drunken jerk who tells everyday to F itself

Originally Posted by King Fish
I think we should have some sort of BBV triathlon to see who gets the next undertitle.

Either that or give an UT to the Reg who is willing to be banned the longest (gimmicks=disqualification).

We could have a bidding war.
I may be the only reg with no gimmick so I win by default
09-02-2016 , 09:50 AM
Way to completely kill and overcook a steak. It looks like the dog's dinner.
09-02-2016 , 10:13 AM
silly KF, go learn about cooking steak and then talk to me
09-02-2016 , 10:16 AM
I have no gimmick tbh, game on
09-02-2016 , 11:06 AM
Kinda impressed at how well composed I was last night, what with the being drunk and all.
09-02-2016 , 11:21 AM
61 poasts for Mr. Cigar this month already.

By the way, Sheep doesn't find Michelle Obama attractive either. Thanks Obama.
09-02-2016 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Sheep86
61 poasts for Mr. Cigar this month already.

By the way, Sheep doesn't find Michelle Obama attractive either. Thanks Obama.
As I said earlier, finding her unattractive is not bad, we all have our individual tastes and some people who are beautiful to others are not so beautiful to me.

On the other hand, I personally believe that Jennifer Lawrence is quite possibly the most beautiful in existence, and I have heard quite a few others say things quite to the contrary.
09-02-2016 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by CigarDan
Kinda impressed at how well composed I was last night, what with the being drunk and all.
You did good, but remember the George Bernard Shaw quote "Never wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and the pig likes it."

The pig being the other poster, not Michelle.
09-02-2016 , 11:55 AM
For the record, I think Michelle's okay looking. Not really my type, but she's really smart and a good speaker and her heart appears to be in the right place, so she has all that going for her. Plus she'll probably make bank for the rest of her life doing whatever she wants.
09-02-2016 , 12:04 PM
Mrs. Obama is on the short list of people that I would really really love to sit down and have a conversation with (over drinks if she wanted). I am a reasonably intelligent and decently educated person, and she is so many levels above me (at least in education and in many areas of life experience). The things I could learn from her. Her fearless attitude is astounding. All-in-all, I think my life would much better for the experience.
09-02-2016 , 12:14 PM
Ok, so if I could sit down and have drinks with and talk to 5 people, who would it be?

1. Neil DeGrasse Tyson
2. Michelle Obama
3. George Takei
4. Seth McFarlane
5. Rush Limbaugh (I do not agree with a lot of things he says but to sit down and talk with him one on one, no cameras, no microphones and discuss/debate the issues at hand in this country and possibly the world as a whole could be very interesting)
09-02-2016 , 12:16 PM
Just put a few bucks down on JohnnyBax to win it all at the WSOP ME FT. For all he has done for so many in the poker world, I really do hope the poker gods reward his good karma...
09-02-2016 , 12:33 PM
Meh, the presidents wifey aint exactly what I'm fapping to but considering her age she's doing quite ok. Lawrence on the other hand is quite the definition of the mediocre next door blonde, no idea what some people find about her
09-02-2016 , 01:02 PM
Dean steak itt
09-02-2016 , 01:31 PM
Here's my pick for the 2025 WSOP ME winner

09-02-2016 , 01:43 PM
Scarlett Johannson every day of the week if we are going with hottest actress. Seeing her in person is like jaw dropping because she looks better in person than on camera, those eyes are soul piercing.

Also I have no gimmicks. Also for a 45 year old with two kids I'd give Michelle a nice romp after drinks
09-02-2016 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by wafflehouse1
Dean steak itt
god dammit waffle
09-02-2016 , 01:55 PM
and ftr i prefer any woman that is not white, but M Obama does look like a wildabeast.

that being said, i would still gladly smash
09-02-2016 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
Here's my pick for the 2025 WSOP ME winner

Guess that means I gotta win 2024... If I start saving now, maybe I can satellite in...
