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***It's okay Sammy isn't broke, but may be getting divorced September LC/ NC NSFW Thead *** ***It's okay Sammy isn't broke, but may be getting divorced September LC/ NC NSFW Thead ***

09-06-2016 , 12:08 PM
hi Dan, I bought many cigars today, really nice feeling. Also Mrs bought me a nice humidor for our anniversary.
09-06-2016 , 12:10 PM
You have to put up with me for 6 months!

Only 6 months as applying for a tourist visa (not work or school).

Family guy visa approval process confirmed. It took less than 2 minutes (after being in line for an hour), while everyone else was taking 15+ minutes.
09-06-2016 , 12:37 PM
Welcome Back!

Remember, you're not allowed to do any modeling on that Visa. That includes porn.
09-06-2016 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
Welcome Back!

Remember, you're not allowed to do any modeling on that Visa. That includes porn.
yeah, no taking jobs from our hard working AMERICAN porn stars!!

09-06-2016 , 01:07 PM
Still in Toronto for another 2 weeks. Had to get visa approved before I could go to the US.
09-06-2016 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by CigarDan
yeah, no taking jobs from our hard working AMERICAN porn stars!!

But I do so much more for so much less.
09-06-2016 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
You have to put up with me for 6 months!

Only 6 months as applying for a tourist visa (not work or school).

Family guy visa approval process confirmed. It took less than 2 minutes (after being in line for an hour), while everyone else was taking 15+ minutes.

I also have a tourist visa, valid for 10 years. Every few (6?) months I'd need to leave the states and come back.. However dont need to apply for a new visa.
09-06-2016 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by FranFran
I also have a tourist visa, valid for 10 years. Every few (6?) months I'd need to leave the states and come back.. However dont need to apply for a new visa.
Yes, mines similar. Can stay for 6 months at a time. The length though is unknown until I get my passport back. Usually between 3 to 5 years.
09-06-2016 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
But I do so much more for so much less.
exactly, that's the whole point
09-06-2016 , 04:11 PM
there's gotta be a good meme out of this
09-06-2016 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by FranFran
I also have a tourist visa, valid for 10 years. Every few (6?) months I'd need to leave the states and come back.. However dont need to apply for a new visa.
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
Yes, mines similar. Can stay for 6 months at a time. The length though is unknown until I get my passport back. Usually between 3 to 5 years.
Can't wait until we put up a wall to keep you ****heads out.
09-06-2016 , 06:00 PM
Trump gets into office and they'll have to put them up so people stay.
09-06-2016 , 07:11 PM
09-06-2016 , 07:15 PM
Congrats. They still let me in too, prolly based on the same criterion pictured. Also lost my waffle house virginity
09-06-2016 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by FWWM
Congrats. They still let me in too, prolly based on the same criterion pictured. Also lost my waffle house virginity
09-07-2016 , 01:52 AM
In b4 wall is built and we make Beginner Questions pay for it.
09-07-2016 , 01:52 AM
Also AAaaaAAaaaaaAaaAA
09-07-2016 , 01:53 AM
3rd post in pointless streak
09-07-2016 , 01:54 AM
Wanna meet the Loch Ness Monster, willing to pay about tree fiddy
09-07-2016 , 01:55 AM
Someone singing Ted Nugent at my karaoke show, he's doing a great job, I can't understand a word he's saying...
09-07-2016 , 01:57 AM
Wango Tango... Wtf was this dude on when he wrote this ****?
09-07-2016 , 02:01 AM
Bar I'm at has Poker After Dark on so I got that going for me
09-07-2016 , 02:02 AM
Show supposed to end at 2 my employee at is running late to close out, not mad though, got comp beer so all is well
09-07-2016 , 02:02 AM
Hey all, kinda busy smashing lately. All is good in the world of vajayjay.
09-07-2016 , 02:03 AM
Ugh, I really wish someone was on to break the post chain
