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*DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively *DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively

09-08-2014 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Spudhead
oh my that is one large female

looking forward to you posting more of this type of thing
I don't know, these short stories may have taken a turn for the worst.
09-08-2014 , 07:28 PM
never quit baccarat warm deck, i think you are destined to take at least 100k out of those CT casinos one of these nights. It is the best game, and if you learn to play streaks, a 4k bet like you made that one story quickly becomes 8, 16, 32, 64, 128....then maybe stop?
09-09-2014 , 08:34 AM
subbed lol
09-09-2014 , 09:15 PM
Well we haven't heard from WD in a while, wonder if he survived Vegas? Maybe we should start taking volunteers to send out a search party.
09-09-2014 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by CrockPot1027
Well we haven't heard from WD in a while, wonder if he survived Vegas? Maybe we should start taking volunteers to send out a search party.
Good hopefully he is gone from 2+2 forever
09-10-2014 , 02:09 AM
warm deck is not dead no fuggin way. Legends never die. hes just on a coke booze prostitute baccarat bender.
09-10-2014 , 04:44 PM
We might have to wait for the next seasons of 'Cops', 'Vegas Strip' and 'Lockup' to see how the trip worked out.
09-10-2014 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
Ya I was there with the 2 prospects for Vegas(not looking good BTW) that night. I had on the black Project Degen shirt. We stopped at Sky entrance craps tables quick to play the Don'ts for a couple shooters, then hit the Baccarat tables for a bit. Not sure who you seen me with, if he was like my height then it was my gambling buddy James. You should have said something

SPS is usually slumming it, in the poker room.
hey WarmDeck i love your story's. I too lived a degen lifestyle for many years and its amazing the situations you end up in that seem totally normal at the time but looking back are a sign of a crazy life spiraling out of control. I have found myself in the ghettos of Bahamas looking for coke, I have flown to Hawaii with a package down my pants that would jail me for life and I have gambled and gambled and gambled to the point that even a degen would be amazed. I posted a couple of quick storys in the degen thread on the last couple of pages. The first one was when i ran $600 up to $100k online in under a month and lost it all in 12 hours. If everyone likes my storys ill write a couple more. all your posts inspired me. I think you and I would get along great (or at least you and I a few years ago)
09-11-2014 , 07:22 AM
^ was the 100K in poker? That is insane.

I recently flew from one asian country to another with a package of green taped to my snuts and it was the most intense day of my life. Only for my own medicinal purposes but the consequences would have been dire, but was so easy to do.
09-11-2014 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Rehabbing Fish
^ was the 100K in poker? That is insane.

I recently flew from one asian country to another with a package of green taped to my snuts and it was the most intense day of my life. Only for my own medicinal purposes but the consequences would have been dire, but was so easy to do.
100k was in poker. Go to the degen thread last pages I think you will like the storys and if i get good feed back I have a mirrion others. Flying with packages prior 9-11 as opposed to post 9-11 big difference.
09-11-2014 , 01:30 PM
Where is this clown
09-11-2014 , 04:18 PM
So, I have been on bender.. Just not in Vegas, been a local one. I originally made plans with 6 guys to go out there, then dwindled down to only 2 friends still committed. My main gambling buddy who was one of the remaining 2, withdrew during the 11th hour for lack of financial stability. Which I had seen coming in prior weeks as I witnessed his ongoing losing streak. At that point the only remaining accomplice felt it was better to reschedule a trip when it would work out better and also not liking the idea of only us splitting all costs 2 ways. Which I agreed with. So I was able to cancel room reservations the day before without any penalties, and now have 4 round-trip Vegas flight funds banked for up to 1 year.

Funny thing is, the only person who was fully committed and made no excuses was fellow 2+2er Somethingrandom. He was prepared to degen solo and I couldn't bring myself to make my first trip out there alone. I prefer a group, especially for something like a 6 day trip to Vegas. We still plan on coordinating at some point, but don't know when. So anyway shout-out to Somethingrandom for not backing out.

So with the depression of not going to Vegas, I took to my local casino for vicious consumption of alcohol and firing away on all cylinders, at all casino games offered. I was able to find a person here and there to take part in this past weeks nonsense, but still sour about missing trip. But this all just reminds me why I have never been out there. Planning a trip like this with true Degens is very hard.

Only nice thing is, I find a way to act like I'm in Vegas at any casino I go to. Still going to keep the hope alive though!
09-11-2014 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Tiresman
ThaBigHurt35 showing love!
Originally Posted by walnutman
What's with this guy & the asians? lmao
Asians and baccarat make my day..
Originally Posted by straightflucked12
never quit baccarat warm deck, i think you are destined to take at least 100k out of those CT casinos one of these nights. It is the best game, and if you learn to play streaks, a 4k bet like you made that one story quickly becomes 8, 16, 32, 64, 128....then maybe stop?
I like the press idea, been doing 4 lately which works out well(sometimes). I can't imagine starting with a $4k unit, also can imagine getting cleared for those table max limits. But never know, it is all about the streaks..
Originally Posted by mark32607
Good hopefully he is gone from 2+2 forever
Seriously, just self-exclude yourself from this thread. If I could eject you I would.
Originally Posted by WickedChippa
warm deck is not dead no fuggin way. Legends never die. hes just on a coke booze prostitute baccarat bender.
Accurate, just was on the East Coast though
Originally Posted by bollocks11
hey WarmDeck i love your story's. I too lived a degen lifestyle for many years and its amazing the situations you end up in that seem totally normal at the time but looking back are a sign of a crazy life spiraling out of control. I have found myself in the ghettos of Bahamas looking for coke, I have flown to Hawaii with a package down my pants that would jail me for life and I have gambled and gambled and gambled to the point that even a degen would be amazed. I posted a couple of quick storys in the degen thread on the last couple of pages. The first one was when i ran $600 up to $100k online in under a month and lost it all in 12 hours. If everyone likes my storys ill write a couple more. all your posts inspired me. I think you and I would get along great (or at least you and I a few years ago)
Flying with packages takes some serious heart. I will check out your stories a little later, def post more though. Degen stories are always entertaining.
Originally Posted by PokerFiend4LYFE
Where is this clown
Most likely airing out your girl if she happened to be at Mohegan... But seriously where the **** you been PokerFriend4LYFE?
09-11-2014 , 04:55 PM
I guess degeneracy is not something you plan. It just happens
09-12-2014 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by vookenmeister
I guess degeneracy is not something you plan. It just happens
Words of Wisdom..

I did still manage to rep the cause on my home turf

09-12-2014 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
ThaBigHurt35 showing love!

Asians and baccarat make my day..

I like the press idea, been doing 4 lately which works out well(sometimes). I can't imagine starting with a $4k unit, also can imagine getting cleared for those table max limits. But never know, it is all about the streaks..

Seriously, just self-exclude yourself from this thread. If I could eject you I would.

Accurate, just was on the East Coast though

Flying with packages takes some serious heart. I will check out your stories a little later, def post more though. Degen stories are always entertaining.

Most likely airing out your girl if she happened to be at Mohegan... But seriously where the **** you been PokerFriend4LYFE?
By the wayI have a similar growing story to yours. I rented a house and set up shop. It didnt have central AC and the movin cool units werent doing the job right so this guy I know said he would install central AC for $1500. Problem was in a rented house a condenser cant just suddenly appear. he had the bright idea to put in in the attic. I dont know sh it about AC so I presumes he knew what he was doing. 2 days into week 9 right when my baby's were almost ready I was playing poker at The Bike casino when my landlord called me. I answered and found out there was fire engines at my house putting out a fire. Unfortunately I had to take the fall as it was all me. I got probation as I had no record. The condenser did not have the right air flow and the wires leading to the power box had melted and caught fire. Just another day in the life of a degen. I posted 2 storys in the degen thread and if you check back tomorrow im about to write a story that most people wont even believe but for me at the time it was all in a days work.
09-12-2014 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by bollocks11
By the wayI have a similar growing story to yours. I rented a house and set up shop. It didnt have central AC and the movin cool units werent doing the job right so this guy I know said he would install central AC for $1500. Problem was in a rented house a condenser cant just suddenly appear. he had the bright idea to put in in the attic. I dont know sh it about AC so I presumes he knew what he was doing. 2 days into week 9 right when my baby's were almost ready I was playing poker at The Bike casino when my landlord called me. I answered and found out there was fire engines at my house putting out a fire. Unfortunately I had to take the fall as it was all me. I got probation as I had no record. The condenser did not have the right air flow and the wires leading to the power box had melted and caught fire. Just another day in the life of a degen. I posted 2 storys in the degen thread and if you check back tomorrow im about to write a story that most people wont even believe but for me at the time it was all in a days work.
Your heart must have dropped when you seen the landlord calling. I guess you didn't get your deposit back lol. Looking forward to your next story. I guess I should post a story too, since I haven't in a while and I wasn't able to deliver any Vegas shenanigans. I got a rough draft of a story I had in storage for the book idea. **** it, I'll just post now.
09-12-2014 , 01:33 AM
Usual Suspect

This is a tale that takes place years ago. It spanned over a decent amount of time in secrecy. This ordeal has been withheld for many years, but is now being released since the statute of limitations has expired. Not that I should care, being as that I'm innocent. But one thing is for sure, I'm usually a suspect.

Around or about the year 2000, I had been getting older and was getting involved in the clubbing scene. I was about 17, so getting into clubs was a problem. On Thursday nights it was college nights downtown. It was 18+ to party and 21 to drink. I didn't qualify for either, but loved to drink. So I was in an urgent search of a loop-hole. This is when I first heard about the legend, Reyser Slople. Which was pronounced Raiser Slow-Play. There had been a buzz going around about him. Apparently he was capable of getting many things done. In this case, it was a fake ID.

Around this time technology was decent and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to scan a paper ID onto a PC. Then alter the information to appear older than you actually were. Finally reprinting a new copy. Odd thing was, very few had thought of this, or were performing it. So Reyser was the guy to see for your fake ID's. He also had a way of altering the hard copies by using a razor and decals, but this was more expensive to get done. So with the club scene on my mind, I paid the small cost to be 21 with my new paper ID.

This guy Reyser was very elusive from what I heard. I'm assuming he's a guy. I've never met him, but I find it hard to believe that a woman was behind everything he did. He had supplied so many friends of mine with a pristine copy of their ID. It was unreal the amount of 17-20 year olds frequenting 21+ clubs. I sure as hell enjoyed it. I can remember my first time walking through the strip club at 17 years old. Glaring at all the girls and everyone glaring back at me. Obviously because I must have looked so out of place. The benefits of my adjusted age didn't stop there. I was now able to make packy runs, without being taxed by the older guys who would supply us prior to this. My entourage felt on top now.

Looking back, these new abilities took a toll on my friends and I. We were immature and getting into many fights while out at these bars. Also the cost of drinks at clubs wasn't cheap. We were feeling the financial impact of buying drinks and court costs from our arrests. We needed to regroup and get back on top financially. But how? That's when someone had mentioned "Slow-Play?" We all kind of looked at each other and figured it was worth a shot. There had been rumors about Raiser and his magic ways of producing money. It had been said that he actually had a "Money Tree" AKA the same printer he used for paper IDs. I guess paper comes from trees, and his money came from paper. So technically this was sort of true.
He had managed a way to make the bills look almost undetectable. Checking bills for phonies was an uncommon thing at this time. So it was rare to get caught with them and they were accepted almost everywhere. So we arranged for a purchase through Slow-Play.

The delivery arrived and it was an untold amount of $20 bills. My friends and I had felt like we hit the lottery. We were like little kids on Christmas. We couldn't wait to spend them. Everything was essentially free from now on. Booze, drugs, Taco Bell, anything we needed. I always thought how fascinating it was being 17 and buying a bottle of Vodka at the package store with a fake ID and play money. Slow-Play money actually. Life was good and nobody really encountered any problems. But like many other things, this activity grew in popularity. That's when a mild awareness of this had started. Stores began checking bills with markers randomly. Cashiers would sometimes hold the bill up to the light. It became more of a sweat trying to make a purchase. So eventually we let this die down.

Time had passed and we had moved on to other things. We were still partying as a whole and going through our trials and tribulations. It was about 2005 and I had got into gambling at the casino by now. Black Jack losses can really demoralize you over time. This became a financial hardship and I wanted a way out. I had been watching the World Series of Poker on television that day. Wishing I had the money to play in those tournaments. That's when I heard a commentator mention a player was "Slow playing" his pocket kings. Light bulb had went on and I immediately thought of Slow-Play. I had to get in contact with him fast. I made some calls and arranged for a similar deal as a few years prior.

Now I was waiting on the arrival. I knew the landscape had changed drastically in this area over the past few years. I needed safe, solid plans. I sat down with some of my other comrades to discuss potential opportunities. Stores were out of the question. Casinos and banks were a definite NO. All that was left was drug dealers and an idea of hitting clubs/bars. The idea was to go downtown with the group and bar-hop. Bartenders are in a constant rush on demand for drinks. They don't have time to check bills. They hammer out your drink and make change as fast as possible. Clubs are a fast paced environment. It's dark, loud, and no way to tell who purchased what drink with what bill once it hits the register. So once the package of $100 bills arrived, all we could see was dollar signs. We just envisioned the real change from every $100 bill we broke while buying a draft or something similar.

Life was good again. A crew of 6-8 going out and all buying drinks while stuffing away the change in our pockets all night. We felt like some sort of ballas. Drinks were on me and I could care less. We let this go to our head a bit too. We were all 21 or older at this time and took full advantage of the strip clubs. Lap dances were now free and the strippers loved our crew. We brought home so much damn pussy during this time. It was great. We started drawing attention to ourselves for fighting mostly, and realized we should take breaks from this bar idea. So it became a periodic thing. In the meantime we would buy drugs. Somebody would always know someone they felt they could get over on and it worked every-time. Never really ran into too much confrontation or retaliation. One friend I had, did get tazed and roughed up in the parking lot of his job over a quarter pound of bud. He made out in the end anyway. He settled out of court for $5k with employer for being assaulted while on the clock.

Things had started to die down again but I was still partying hard. It was a nightly activity of inviting girls over to drink. That's when I had met Nikki. A girl I had already banged wanted to come hang out, so I told her to bring friends. She showed up with Nikki to drink with me and my two roommates at the time. I had never met her before but she had known a lot of my friends. She was a promiscuous girl and loved to flirt with men. My roommates were blowing coke with the girl I had already banged while Nikki and I just sipped on mixed drinks. The girl I banged was there for me, but somehow with Nikki knowing this, Nikki ended up in my bedroom. It didn't take long to get to the intercourse. She had a nice ass and a large tattoo above her crotch, covering the whole pelvic area. She had a tongue ring and made sure I knew that. She also had a boyfriend and I knew this midway through the sex. While I was doing my thing on top, her phone rang. She told me it was her boyfriend and she answered it. I was in shock that this scandalous broad would answer the phone to talk to her boyfriend while I'm balls deep. This must have been a regular thing for her considering she played it real cool. She didn't skip a beat in the conversation. I wasn't sure if I was just that bad or she been around the block way too much. I'm going to assume it was a mileage thing. She was definitely out of warranty from the feel of her box. But hey, I continued to plug away. I pulled out and skeeted all over her, while she kept stride in the conversation. About 20 minutes later we said our goodbyes. This was my first encounter with her, but not my last.

After that night, Nikki seemed to show up more often. She liked partying at my house and hanging out with all my guy friends. I had smashed her a few more times and would always ask her to invite friends over. I loved to network. I ended up having to go to jail for four months and only had one roommate at the time. Nikki had been always looking to move in after she heard the last girl I had living with me moved out. I thought it would work out fine and allowed it. She moved in a month before I was released. It was just her and Wins living together at the time. She banged Wins a couple times and was spreading rumors that her and I were a couple. I found out she was telling people that we bought a house together, referring to my house. This was insane, but during the time I was incarcerated I had no clue.

I finally got out and was so thrilled to be home. I got together with some of my friends and went out for the night. Nikki was happy to see me and recommended we go to a certain nightclub downtown. I was cool with it. I drove with a couple of my friends and we all met there. As soon as I get up to the front of the club, a huge bouncer I kind of know comes up to me talking ****. I never had no problems with the guy and he was acting like I came there to fight him. Other large bouncers came to have his back. I was only standing with one friend at the time and was trying to avoid the situation. The main bouncer ended up slapping me and the other bouncers were trying to wrestle my friend. At that point I realized I had to go to the car and get some "help". We had no chance. I told the bouncer who slapped me I would be right back. That's when he made the mistake of following me to the parking lot without his boys. He got in my face talking **** again. He kept claiming I was talking **** about him, which wasn't true. Then he slapped me again! That was it. I had enough, and his boys weren't around. I cracked him as hard as I could in the eye. I rocked him pretty good. That's when I seen all the other bouncers coming and the friend I was with was saying lets go. So we ran to another club before we got destroyed by these guys.

I end up hopping a cab home and calling it an early night. I just wanted a simple no trouble night out considering I just got released. But this clearly didn't happen. Nikki got back home after the club and tried having sex with me. I wasn't in the mood and told her to get away from me. The next day I get the call from one of the friends of the bouncer I punched. This group of guys were pretty popular and were friends with many people including cops. Wouldn't be surprised if they actually met Reyser Slople. Anyway I guess I had got that guy pretty good and he needed stitches. So they were making death threats to me. I fired back not giving a ****, but managed to get to the bottom of the whole problem. Nikki had slept with almost everyone in their crew and was telling them that I had a problem with them. Which wasn't true at all. I guess she told them that I would show up at their club and teach them a lesson. This was insane! She told them I was her man now and wasn't letting any guys talk to her anymore. I couldn't believe it. Either way the conversation didn't end well and I had to confront Nikki. She denied it all and claimed they just don't like me. I couldn't stand this lying **** at this point. I started to ignore her around the house and would go out with just my friends and not her. I ran into a few more problems downtown because of this situation. These guys had dirty cops on their side to make it all the worse for me. I never actually fought with any of them after this. I did put a blade to another one of these big guys face when they tracked me down at another club and he was circled by my friends. That night turned out to be hectic and some people from both sides got hurt. They finally decided that I had too many friends after that night to keep this going.

After that situation died out, it was back to business as usual. I had a kid I was locked up with get paroled to my house. I had an extra bedroom and didn't see a problem with it. I allowed a friend who was strung out on hardcore drugs to live in my basement. The house became quite the **** show with parties and such. I would get my breaks from this tirade by escaping to the casino for black jack. A swingy game with more downs than ups. I started to daydream about actually meeting Slow-Play to see what he was really like. I wanted money like him. The mystique would be great too. There was some stories circulating about some big moves being done with his magic money. $50,000 drug beats through the Indian reservation in upstate New York. It was amazing to listen to these guys talk about the hustle as they chopped up the profits. If only I knew a way to get in contact with him directly, I could get the bankroll I wanted to be a professional gambler. Nikki seemed to be aware of Raiser and what he was capable of. I think she got to the bottom of things by sleeping her way to the top. She was able to get close enough to him to actually see his work. She was a bank teller and believed that his product was outstanding. Then the greed set in. She wanted a piece of the pie too. But she didn't know any drug dealers to get over on. From what I understand, she believed the product was so good that she was willing to swap it out at the very own bank she worked at. This would qualify for a world's dumbest criminal slot. Any half-way crook would know better than that. Legend has it, Raiser let her close enough to where she was able to steal some of the currency without him knowing. She took roughly 40 bills. This was nothing to Raiser at the time and had gone unnoticed.

Now with the money in hand it was time for her to strike. She waited at work for an immigrant to cash a check. She gave him $4k in the funny money and took $4k in the real stuff out of the drawer. That went straight into her pocket. The transaction went smoothly and she had a cash influx of $4k. Till this day I don't know what she had spent it on. Maybe Christmas gifts, bills, but I really don't know. Then things started to change around the house. She was happy one week, then distraught the next. I had no idea what had happened. She wasn't around much, I figured something was up. She was late on the rent and dodging me a lot.

During this time I was still on probation and had to report either weekly or bi-weekly. I remember going in to report and my probation officer acting really funny with me. He would always pull my folder out to review things and fill out forms. This time I noticed a business card on the front of my folder. It was a Secret Service business card. It didn't make sense. I had been on the right path. I couldn't understand what this must have been about. The next time I reported I looked for the same card. It had a sticky note trying to hide it this time around. Again my probation officer had many odd questions for me. I went home that day and was telling my roommates about the business card. That is when Nikki cracked. She told me she had been arrested for passing counterfeit notes. The Secret Service had questioned her at the bank and she admitted to it. She was crying and wanting me to feel bad for her. That's when she dropped the bomb. She tells me that she had told them that I gave her the money. She was in fear of what Slow-Play may do to her if she told on him. She had been actively cooperating with them in the mean time. They were asking her to allow a search of my house. I guess she wouldn't authorize that, knowing it will turn up nothing. So they had been staking out me and my house for weeks while they thought I was the mastermind. I guess I make the perfect scapegoat with my record and all. When this news broke everyone had turned on her for trying to pass the blame off on me. She was an adult and made her own choices. Greed had caught up with her. She was at her breaking point and couldn't go on stringing the Secret Service around with hopes of a reduced sentence. It was either give up Slow-Play or do the time. She chose to do the time.

This didn't satisfy the agents. They wanted to get to the bottom of this mess. Bills with the same serial numbers she passed were turning up all over the U.S. From New York all the way down to Texas. They wanted to catch Reyser Slople. Problem was, not many actually ever met him. The agents reached out to friends of mine for questioning. Looking to see if Nikki's original accusation of it being me was true. Nothing lined up. They finally decided to actually contact me. They wanted a sit-down interview. This was completely optional for me. Seeing how I wasn't at fault, I obliged. We arranged for a meeting at my Mother's house. Two nice agents arrived who were kind and grateful I was willing to talk with them. We all sat around the kitchen table and they set up a recorder. The questions began. I don't recall every question, but I can highlight some of the conversation. I made it clear that I was aware of them investigating me prior to their first contact. I knew Nikki had blamed me. I had seen the business card. But all of this didn't bother me because I never did anything wrong. They had told me how Nikki stopped making contact and how I believe it was for fear of telling on the real mastermind. I told them she had connections with powerful people in the area. I tried to give names but it was tough as I believed everyone went by a nickname. I tried to describe Reyser Slople to them. This was extremely hard for me, considering I have never actually met or seen him. They had went on to make it clear that they were aware of my gambling background and felt this may have motivated me to be involved. They pulled my casino betting history and questioned the sudden increase in bet sizes. Anyone that gambles knows that everyone starts out small and eventually builds a tolerance. They felt I was on to something about Raiser. They wanted me to help catch him. I was willing to do my best. I was even offered financial compensation for my help. Something they said would help with my Party Poker deposits. This would work out great. I just have to catch the bad guy and I free roll the $5-$10 no-limits games on Party Poker. We ended up on the same page. I needed to catch this guy. During their stake-outs of my house they commented that me and my friends were pretty wild. That they seen some pretty chaotic scenes during certain nights on watch. They left me with their business card to call in any info as soon as I received. They then left to their unmarked Taurus's. I had to actually run back outside to give them a brief case they had left behind by accident.

The trail on Slow-Play went cold. Nobody had anything to say to me. I think he had caught wind of the whole situation and made sure everyone remained tight lipped. I placed a couple calls to the agents to let them know I was in a rut on the investigation. Time had passed and Nikki eventually was sentenced to 2 years in jail. I knew at this point that funny money was a serious offense. Even if your ripping off drug dealers. I kept my nose clean for a long time and never heard much about Raiser again. I do remember people I know trying rehash the tales and try Raiser's work on their own. An old friend of mine who I had since had a dispute with(Black Rob), had been raided for printing money. He had known Nikki and you would have thought he should have known better. He didn't have the quality Raiser possessed. From what I understand now, all new printers have technology to refuse scanning and printing of money. This is a serious offense and I do not recommend trying this at home. This should be a crime of the past. Everyone is on the look out for phony bills now. To this day I have not heard another word about Slow-Play. My guess would be he quit doing those things and moved on to other ventures. Oh well, I guess he has been forgotten.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-09-2019 at 08:15 PM.
09-12-2014 , 03:14 AM
Each of your stories are amazing WD, you've lived one hell of a life and you're still young. Somehow you also have a great recollection and a talent for writing. I, like many others here, live vicariously through you. Well done, I look forward to your book.

As King Niche would say, keep the grind on your mind!
09-12-2014 , 03:21 AM
It would be sick if you made it out to Vegas for Superbowl weekend. Im planning a trip to see Anderson Silva fight Nick Diaz that Saturday at the MGM and watch the Superbowl on Sunday with some degeneracy sprinkled in between.
09-12-2014 , 03:51 AM
So you were going to rat out Slow-Play to the Feds?...hmmmm
09-12-2014 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by Tim Teufel
So you were going to rat out Slow-Play to the Feds?...hmmmm
I mean I'm all against throwing people in jail for victimless crimes, like drug offenses, but counterfeiting money does hurt the working man. No one wants less value on their money because some techie is printing out cash.
09-12-2014 , 10:24 AM
Wow, some great stories WD. You should take that publisher up on his offer.

Some interesting characters in you know this guy?
09-12-2014 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by 100% HUSTLE
It would be sick if you made it out to Vegas for Superbowl weekend. Im planning a trip to see Anderson Silva fight Nick Diaz that Saturday at the MGM and watch the Superbowl on Sunday with some degeneracy sprinkled in between.
Superbowl weekend is the worst weekend of the year in Vegas. WAY TOO MANY GUYS. Its like a frat party with not enough girls to go around. Hard to even get a seat at the strip clubs, let alone a dance. Watching the game is a pain too. You have to attend a private party just to watch it a decent place because EVERY good bar with TVs is rented out for the night.

The porn convention a few weeks earlier is a better degen take.
09-12-2014 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by 27AllIn
Each of your stories are amazing WD, you've lived one hell of a life and you're still young. Somehow you also have a great recollection and a talent for writing. I, like many others here, live vicariously through you. Well done, I look forward to your book.

As King Niche would say, keep the grind on your mind!
Originally Posted by 100% HUSTLE
It would be sick if you made it out to Vegas for Superbowl weekend. Im planning a trip to see Anderson Silva fight Nick Diaz that Saturday at the MGM and watch the Superbowl on Sunday with some degeneracy sprinkled in between.
Sounds tempting, Anderson Silva and the SuperBowl is entertainment worthy. But no more commitments for me lol. Like vookenmeister stated, I just have to let it happen.
Originally Posted by Tim Teufel
So you were going to rat out Slow-Play to the Feds?...hmmmm
I'm going to take this comment with a grain of salt, and assume you have never seen Usual Suspects.
Originally Posted by 42-2KM
Wow, some great stories WD. You should take that publisher up on his offer.

Some interesting characters in you know this guy?
No, and for my own safety I'm glad I don't. That man is beyond crazy.
Originally Posted by 12bigworm81
Superbowl weekend is the worst weekend of the year in Vegas. WAY TOO MANY GUYS. Its like a frat party with not enough girls to go around. Hard to even get a seat at the strip clubs, let alone a dance. Watching the game is a pain too. You have to attend a private party just to watch it a decent place because EVERY good bar with TVs is rented out for the night.

The porn convention a few weeks earlier is a better degen take.
Very interesting.
