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*DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively *DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively

07-23-2014 , 05:34 PM
OP should just air unedited dvd on a ppv for like $39.99
07-23-2014 , 10:11 PM
If you aren't getting banned from major establishments, you aren't living life. Why you think I got a life time ban from Chuck-E-Cheese?
Sadly I'm only barred from the establishments I can gamble at. Try writing them an apology letter. 50/50 chance they re-instate you.

Originally Posted by ARKS3
marathon read the first 30 pages, woke up and read the next 25. Its a shame the trolls and haters got to you the stories were first class. Best of luck to you warmdeck.
Thanks man, and **** the haterzz..

Originally Posted by somethingrandom
Oh believe me, with the upcoming Vegas trip, there will be PLENTY more stories. I will personally guarantee it. I just hope none of us ends up in jail.
I just hope I have enough cash left after degening in the pits, to cover the bail.

I think somethingrandom might have to post the stories. The Eye in the Sky is monitoring my posts.

Originally Posted by gauchopnk
Maybe this will enable them, but I will PM you, and there doesn't have to be any kind of game plan, you can just hit me up and then I'll go do whatever you guys are doing, I'm "easyy" like that lol
See you in 6 weeks then!
07-23-2014 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by MarsMuzak
OP should just air unedited dvd on a ppv for like $39.99
I won't do that. But I will air this terrible clip of drunken rap attempts captured on video, for free. Only watch if you are extremely bored. Either way it's a waste of time. I was the camera man in each scene except for the outside one where Wins is free-styling with a Jason mask on his head. Wins had a habit of getting drunk and rapping while dropping the "N word" profusely. I do not condone any of this behavior. Very sad stuff...

<broken link removed on request of OP>

Last edited by fidstar-poker; 12-11-2018 at 01:51 PM. Reason: <broken link removed on request of OP>
07-23-2014 , 11:11 PM
Is the book still a go? I notice you haven't mentioned it since the gf saw your notes.
07-24-2014 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Diet Ketchup
Seriously, is that ''Afwoods'' far left on the first picture?
07-24-2014 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
I won't do that. But I will air this terrible clip of drunken rap attempts captured on video, for free. Only watch if you are extremely bored. Either way it's a waste of time. I was the camera man in each scene except for the outside one where Wins is free-styling with a Jason mask on his head. Wins had a habit of getting drunk and rapping while dropping the "N word" profusely. I do not condone any of this behavior. Very sad stuff...

<broken link removed on request of OP>
Watched video hoping for some of WD's patented "bonus footage" at the end. No such luck in this case.

Very entertaining thread all told. Powered through whole thing yesterday.

Last edited by fidstar-poker; 12-11-2018 at 01:50 PM.
07-24-2014 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Russ1409
Is the book still a go? I notice you haven't mentioned it since the gf saw your notes.
Ya I'm working on it. Just not as fast as I had planned.
Originally Posted by MarsMuzak
Watched video hoping for some of WD's patented "bonus footage" at the end. No such luck in this case.

Very entertaining thread all told. Powered through whole thing yesterday.
Here's some very old "Bonus Footage" just for you.
<broken link removed on request of OP>

Last edited by fidstar-poker; 12-11-2018 at 01:50 PM. Reason: <broken link removed on request of OP>
07-24-2014 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
Ya I'm working on it. Just not as fast as I had planned.

Here's some very old "Bonus Footage" just for you.
<broken link removed on request of OP>
keeps ****ing delivering

Last edited by fidstar-poker; 12-11-2018 at 01:51 PM. Reason: <broken link removed on request of OP>
07-24-2014 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
Ya I'm working on it. Just not as fast as I had planned.

Here's some very old "Bonus Footage" just for you.
<broken link removed on request of OP>

Thank you sir!

Last edited by fidstar-poker; 12-11-2018 at 01:51 PM. Reason: <broken link removed on request of OP>
07-24-2014 , 04:58 PM
Thanks for posting all the stories Warmdeck, it is definitely entertaining and you are a surprisingly good writer for how much of a degenerate you are. Keep it up.
07-24-2014 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
Ya I'm working on it. Just not as fast as I had planned.

Here's some very old "Bonus Footage" just for you.
<broken link removed on request of OP>
Warmdeck's a g

Last edited by fidstar-poker; 12-11-2018 at 01:51 PM. Reason: <broken link removed on request of OP>
07-24-2014 , 07:55 PM
Is this **** for real?
07-24-2014 , 10:24 PM
Dat ass tho. Clip is too short.
07-24-2014 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by thabighurt35
keeps ****ing delivering
Here's a fully clothed clip just for ThaBigHurt
<broken link removed on request of OP>
Note I did not film, nor responsible for the cigarette
Originally Posted by pokerodox
Is this **** for real?

Last edited by fidstar-poker; 12-11-2018 at 01:52 PM. Reason: <broken link removed on request of OP>
07-24-2014 , 10:33 PM
I support Joe Budden playing in the background
07-25-2014 , 02:09 AM
lmao at how belligerent the white boy rapper was then pours the funnel out and we could see immediate brain damage too golden
07-25-2014 , 03:40 AM
So, I just wanna thank Warmdeck for doing this. I read yesterday almost all day your stories and the replies, it's been a blast. I have laughed my ass off too many times, thanks man.

I work in a library of all places and am totally different person than him. I have read literature's greats and enjoyed a lot of them immensely, but your stories are ****ing great too.

But thats not all, you gave me an insight in your world. No holds barred. The way you handle certain situations is inspiring. Like getting held up at gunpoint and when asked for cash replying: Yeah, I think I got some spare change in my car, do you wanna go get it? Or some **** like that. Man, I would kill to be able to bring such a reply at that point. Had me in stitches and awe. But there's too much gold here, I wont repeat.

And the mods are great (and pretty wierd sometimes) too. They always win **** the haters, although it was also inspiring to see how Warmdeck (and mods) handled that. He just dont quit. Great stuff. What a site, what a stories. Its been a blast.
07-25-2014 , 04:02 AM
little easy's long gone
really wish he would come home
but when it time to die
gotta go bye bye
all a lil thug could do was cry, cry
why they killed my dog?
damn man i miss my uncle charles, yall
and he shouldn't be gone
in front of his home
what they did to boo was wrong
ooooh so wrong
gotta hold on
gotta stay strong
when the day comes
better believe bone got a shoulder you can lean on
07-25-2014 , 07:37 AM
I've only read the first few pages n looking forward to reading more.

I thought before I started to read this thread I was a total degen, but I now see I'm just a rookie and need to get to work on somethings, thanks for sharing, great stuff ...
07-25-2014 , 09:46 AM
Trainwrecks himself and still posts vids getting the bop on the internet. Lol'd at extreme closeup of vag.

Last edited by The Apex; 07-25-2014 at 09:47 AM. Reason: Legend
07-25-2014 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by The Apex
Trainwrecks himself and still posts vids getting the bop on the internet. Lol'd at extreme closeup of vag.
I wouldnt go so far to call it a vag.
07-25-2014 , 02:41 PM
Just finished this thread today. Thanks Warm Deck for the entertainment and many lols. I'm from CT and am very familiar with the wonder and Heegz. Moreso poker and less degening, but regardless it felt like I was there while reading the stories.

I realize a lot of people have jumped down your throat about a lot of different things, that's definitely not my intention. Just pointing out that the only thing that I didn't enjoy reading about was the drunk driving. Not preaching to you, just bringing up my opinion that drunk driving is a not thing to do/joke about.

Overall really enjoyed this thread and wish you the best in Vegas and hope to maybe one day share a laugh with you at a CT casino.
07-25-2014 , 07:43 PM
This is the best. Just got to ks part. Hope that happens, but I'm only on page 5 of 9. Book, movie, ks. Whatever, it can all happen. I got to where I couldn't stop laughing on at least 3 different stories.

Thanks WarmDeck.
07-26-2014 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Basev
So, I just wanna thank Warmdeck for doing this.
Your Welcome
Originally Posted by greg nice
little easy's long gone
really wish he would come home
but when it time to die
gotta go bye bye
all a lil thug could do was cry, cry
why they killed my dog?
damn man i miss my uncle charles, yall
and he shouldn't be gone
in front of his home
what they did to boo was wrong
ooooh so wrong
gotta hold on
gotta stay strong
when the day comes
better believe bone got a shoulder you can lean on
See you there!
Originally Posted by MorseStreet
Just finished this thread today. Thanks Warm Deck for the entertainment and many lols. I'm from CT and am very familiar with the wonder and Heegz. Moreso poker and less degening, but regardless it felt like I was there while reading the stories.

I realize a lot of people have jumped down your throat about a lot of different things, that's definitely not my intention. Just pointing out that the only thing that I didn't enjoy reading about was the drunk driving. Not preaching to you, just bringing up my opinion that drunk driving is a not thing to do/joke about.

Overall really enjoyed this thread and wish you the best in Vegas and hope to maybe one day share a laugh with you at a CT casino.
Well good thing I didn't share my multiple DUI stories. Although entertaining, I do understand the seriousness of them. Luckily there has never been any innocent victims. Only me, and I have payed the price for them. Loss of license, fines, court costs, jail, wrecked cars, minor injuries, embarrassment, etc.

I have always tried not to drink and drive. But once I'm drunk, all bets are off. When I was younger I would always find myself letting the other drunk person drive, just so I didn't get the DUI. Which doesn't solve the overall problem, just selfishly try to dodge an arrest. One thing I always thought of was how a DUI is the only crime where nobody else is charged. No joint venture, no accomplice. Even when you willing ride in a car with a person who is drunk, under full knowledge of them breaking the law. You can give them the keys to your car and be in the passenger seat, and not have any responsibility. There is no other crime that comes to my mind that you would never get charged for while participating in the act.

One of my DUI's actually resulted from a Foxwoods ejection. I got drunk and had a room to stay the night, but they made me leave because of the ejection. I fell asleep or something halfway down route 2, near exit 13 and drifted into the wire barrier. Lost control and ended up stuck in the median with the car totaled. Somebody pulled over and I hopped in their car to get out of there. But a state trooper had pulled up just as we were about to leave. They didn't buy my story that I was a passenger and that the mysterious driver fled on foot.

Well anyway I'm glad you posted. Maybe we have crossed paths in the casino or on the poker tables and don't know it. Either way I'm there a ton and always up for a laugh or a drink
07-28-2014 , 03:51 PM
I know there is a post with al stories all lined up. Can't seem to find it anymore. Any help?
