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*DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively *DISCLAIMER* I do not approve of any of my actions and am aware they reflect negatively

07-19-2014 , 10:32 AM
I am.

KSer #3.

Also I live in Nashville TN but I grew up in Hampshire County. Go Pats!
07-19-2014 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
My vows would have to be something like this

I, WarmDeck, take you *******, to be my wife, to have and to hold soberly from this day forward, while never degening, whether winning, or losing, even during sick runs I promise, not to love hoes or cherish slut-bunnies, and abide by the law until death do us part.
07-19-2014 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by dietDrThunder
I am.

KSer #3.

Also I live in Nashville TN but I grew up in Hampshire County. Go Pats!
You have brought life & hope back to KS! Nah who am I kidding. It's a bust. But I seriously appreciate the support, especially from a fellow western mass'r...
07-20-2014 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck



Good stories.

Is that Collin's Tavern?
07-20-2014 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by SPERRAZZATURA
Good stories.

Is that Collin's Tavern?
I'm not sure, but if you recognize it, then it most likely is. Poker Jay frequents many local pubs.
07-20-2014 , 02:39 PM
07-20-2014 , 03:30 PM
^A+ TV program
07-20-2014 , 05:03 PM
Great Work! If I didn't know better, I would think that is the original photo. Just to be clear, the guy on the right is stating "I clover dick"?
07-20-2014 , 05:11 PM
Found a couple more pics of PJ with that attractive girl.

I'm puzzled about second photo. Can't get an accurate count on how many men are in the picture.
07-20-2014 , 05:44 PM
Seriously, is that ''Afwoods'' far left on the first picture?
07-20-2014 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Diet Ketchup
Seriously, is that ''Afwoods'' far left on the first picture?
Don't know who that is, can't confirm.

Just opened some mail from Foxwoods

<removed as requested by OP>

This marks the 2nd consecutive rejection from the wonderful Foxwoods. Have to give it another shot come January. Eagerly anticipating Mohegan's response in the mail.

Last edited by fidstar-poker; 01-23-2019 at 11:49 AM. Reason: <removed as requested by OP>
07-21-2014 , 03:00 PM
I love reading threads like this, has anyone got any good non-fiction book recommendations that are similar to this style of writing/story-telling. I was thinking about buying the Wolf of Wall street book as that seems to contain a lot of degeneracy as well.
07-21-2014 , 03:19 PM
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
07-21-2014 , 04:34 PM
Amazing thread. Thanks for the entertainment man. Pretty depressed I'm all caught up.
07-21-2014 , 10:43 PM
Reading through this thread is extremely distracting from doing anything productive. Wow unreal stories.
07-22-2014 , 02:19 AM
If you aren't getting banned from major establishments, you aren't living life. Why you think I got a life time ban from Chuck-E-Cheese?


07-22-2014 , 05:35 AM
this post is legendary ive straight read 10 pages of it.
07-22-2014 , 06:54 PM
marathon read the first 30 pages, woke up and read the next 25. Its a shame the trolls and haters got to you the stories were first class. Best of luck to you warmdeck.
07-23-2014 , 12:36 AM
Oh believe me, with the upcoming Vegas trip, there will be PLENTY more stories. I will personally guarantee it. I just hope none of us ends up in jail.
07-23-2014 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by somethingrandom
Oh believe me, with the upcoming Vegas trip, there will be PLENTY more stories. I will personally guarantee it. I just hope none of us ends up in jail.
are you part of warmdecks inner circle?
07-23-2014 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by ARKS3
are you part of warmdecks inner circle?
Not yet, just a fellow degen he invited out for the trip and I wasnt going to say no...
07-23-2014 , 08:41 AM
great stories
07-23-2014 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
Don't know who that is, can't confirm.

Just opened some mail from Foxwoods

This marks the 2nd consecutive rejection from the wonderful Foxwoods. Have to give it another shot come January. Eagerly anticipating Mohegan's response in the mail.
Best part is they probably still send you monthly hotel offers. The Wonder of It All.
07-23-2014 , 02:28 PM
Let's get warm deck an undertitle please. Anybody got some good ideas?
07-23-2014 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by WarmDeck
Your post count is too low to receive messages. PM me closer to the date if you have access to them by then and we will work out a game plan.
Maybe this will enable them, but I will PM you, and there doesn't have to be any kind of game plan, you can just hit me up and then I'll go do whatever you guys are doing, I'm "easyy" like that lol
