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Degen Stories.... Degen Stories....

07-16-2013 , 10:45 AM
So after spending the last 2 weeks reading this thread I decided to my story on my first trip down to AC. There have been countless trips since, but this once seems to stick in my memory more than others.

Now to give a little background to my trip. My mom is a big time slot degen. Shes the one you see at the penny slots betting 4$ a spin hoping to hit the mega jackpot. She plays for the entire weekend in AC, basically a casinos dream customer. I was turning 21 and let her know I wanted to spend the weekend in AC with some friends and asked if she could get us some free rooms. Needing any excuse she could get to drive the hour and a half to the promised land she jumped on the idea.

Fast forward my birthday is right around Xmas so Im turning 21, living at home, have a decent sales job and going to community college ( parents paid ).

I bring about 500$ cash with my for the entire weekend. My net worth is around 7K. I have only gambled a few times before on a cruise ship but lost horribly. One time racking up a 3000$ bill on my Amex card using the damn sail and sign debit feature on ****ty old slot machines. But that's another story.

So about 10 of us get down there and we are split between 2 suites at Harrahs AC. I felt like a baller as we open the doors to the room there's buckets of beer, bottles, food platters at our disposal from my moms host.

The first night was pretty uneventful as we just hit the clubs at the Borgata, got wasted, and toyed around with some slots. The only event from that night that sticks out is my drunk mess of a friend deciding to pull the fire alarm and getting arrested.

The second day is where it all goes down hill. We wake up hungover and decide to hit Harrahs pool as it is brand new and just opened. 4-5 hours later of heavy drinking one of my friends suggested we go play Blackjack. Having only watched my uncle play a few times I was hesitant. After a few more drinks I reluctantly went with him.

We sit down at the only open table with 2 seats as its 7PM on a Saturday with a 25$ a hand min. I buy in for 100$. We were playing for around an hour and at this point have had another 4 rum and cokes. Drinks come really fast at Harrahs btw. I was up and down but never out from my original buy in of 100$. I count my chips and im at 275$. I guess I was drunker than I thought because I did not realize how much I had. I said yo **** this im up 175$ lets get outa here. Not realizing that he must have re bought 3 or 4 times for 200+ he gives me a blank stare. I decide to stick around and watch him play while sucking down more drinks. At this point im beyond wasted, haven't eating anything in 2 days, and maybe running on 45 mins of sleep in the last 48 hours.

He ends up winning a big double down split and is almost even. I decide 200$ is ok for me and put the 75$ down on one hand. The next few hours almost cost me my life. I get 5/6 with dealer showing a 4. My friend goes you HAVE to double. I listen and get a 7. Nice 18!

Dealer 4/5 > Jack for 19. FML what just happened. Friend "it happens like that sometimes". Next bet 50$. Don't remember the exact hand but I busted.

Enter degen mode. A mode that I know all too well now 6 years later.

ATM for max 500$. I just want to win my 100$ back. I decide roulette is the game. I put 50$ on red and lost. 100$ on red, loose, 250 on 1-18. red 19... I'm livid at this point. I got 1$ chips with my last 100 and within 3 spins its all gone. I had no idea WTF I was doing but I end up going to the bar and taking 2 double shots of Jack. I haven't counted but I assume based on friends stories I'm at about 20-25 drinks for the day. Stumble over to the cashier and do a POS since I've hit my daily limit on my debit card and take out 1k. I don't even realize it cost me almost 100$ in fees to get this money.

I'm stumbling around the casino thinking how I can win my money back and decide im going back to Blackjack. This is where things get kinda fuzzy. According to my buddy who was gambling with my I took the 1000 and spun it up to around 4k. I wouldn't leave to table for some drunk reason. Long story short I lost it all AGAIN. Went to the bar, more shots, blacked out at some point and slammed my head into a wall.

I wake up 2 days later in the atlantic city ICU. MY BAC was .38 and I was beyond dehydrated when the admitted me. They said one or two more drinks and that would have been it. I did recover and most of my friends felt bad except my GF who was with my at the time. She just kept saying how stupid I was for doing what I did.

Summary- Lost 2100 in less than 3 hours first time gambling. Got so drunk I passed out and ended up almost dead in the hospital.

Brag- never did throw up once

Ahhh the wonderful Atlantic City... I do have so many other degen gambling stories but that's for another time.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-16-2013 , 11:38 AM
the last 3 stories have all been good.

thanks for getting this thread back on track!
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-16-2013 , 01:23 PM
yesterday i went to the casino, played 2/2 and this happend:

Hero: 44

Board (~€200): 4d 2x 6d Kx

Hero bets 118 (w/ ~240 behind), villain (has hero covered) tanks for 5 minutes and shoves and flips JJ.

Board: *brick*

Degen Stories.... Quote
07-16-2013 , 07:54 PM
Wow you won a pot at live poker and got excited and posted it on 2plus2

Wow boom mother****er that so cool can

not degen when win few bucks live and think your the man
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-16-2013 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by ReversedAngleShot
yesterday i went to the casino, played 2/2 and this happend:

Hero: 44

Board (~€200): 4d 2x 6d Kx

Hero bets 118 (w/ ~240 behind), villain (has hero covered) tanks for 5 minutes and shoves and flips JJ.

Board: *brick*

Degen story [ ]
Perma ban [X]
Other story's were nice [X]
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-16-2013 , 08:02 PM
after a couple good stories, reveredangleshot drags the thread back to Moronsville.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-17-2013 , 12:19 AM
Talking about posts that derail the thread, derails the thread even more! Stahhhp
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-18-2013 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by Cavallo Italiano
Degen story [ ]
Perma ban [X]
Other story's were nice [X]
Still mad? Hihi
Menneke toch

Originally Posted by Eifersuchtig
Talking about posts that derail the thread, derails the thread even more! Stahhhp
Who's levelling who?
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-18-2013 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Land Of The Free?
You are, but it's ok, don't want to traumatize you guys any further..

GTFO and EAD you cancerous sore.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-18-2013 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by DrawNone
my girl saw Land of the Free at yoga class. asks him "Why are you here?"
he says "I'm trying to get flexible enough to suck my own ****."
she asks "but i saw on 2p2 your girlfriend is perfect. Why doesn't she do it?"

his reply: "Because I do everything better."
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-18-2013 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by MrAmazing
I thought I would post another........

Hopefully this will make everyone feel better about themselves.
This is 100% true story.

5 years ago I stated playing home games with a group of approx 6 friends.
We were all donks but enjoyed our $10 buy-in games.

I deposited $20 on "pokerroom"
1 week before xmas I ran my $20 to $3600 in a few hours.
I cashed out full amount and bought a nice couch.

After that I started depositing $20 - $50 at a time to various sites.
Zero bankroll mngt and deposited approx 50 + diff times, zero cashouts.
I worked full time, so I just used my money to play, no real savings.
Over a 1 year period I stopped talking to ALL my friends, stopped seeing a nice girl and really had zero money except my $1000 check every 2 weeks.

I played a "freeroll" tourney I qualified in and won $45k.

Over a period of 2 years I blew the $45k on eating out, poker deposits, and lost 10k in stock market. I took 6k to vegas and played 1.5k wsop tourney.
I got sucked out on in the tourney, got tilted and took 4k to caesers and put on roulette hit. I only had 10 bucks to my name in vegas for 3 more days....then flew home.

I would go play 2/5nl at local poker room....take a bad beat, then take all my money to blackjack and lose....happened 20+ times.

Various times I would rush my $300 stack to 2k plus and then go to blackjack table to blow it....then go to bank machine and take out all my money for blackjack.....i would lose....then I would go home, get a payday advance...go to blackjack....i would lose....i would go home and count my change....i would live on $20-$60 in change til my next paydate....

Then I stated depositing via "echeck" would lose and bounce my echeck.
I did this on 4 different sites and obv got banned.
I owed apporx $1500.00 and never paid, went on my credit report.

After blowing thur my 10k savings with pokerdeposits I only really had a few hundred bucks with no savings and zero credit. Only my 1k every 2 weeks from work.

My mother got sick, so I moved to my parents upper level apartment they could not rent out and now help out with $$$ by paying them rent for there mortage of today......

I am 33yrs old, I have exactly $200 cash to my name, I owe a payday loan place $500.00, zero online money, I live with my parents, I have ZERO friends, I put on 100lbs in 2 years and am up to 300lbs, I eat like crazy, I'm starting to get chest pains daily so I think I have another major problem.

Over the last few weeks, I will sometimes take a 10min break from work and go to the bathroom to cry about my life and my situation.

But I get paid next week so I can make another deposit online...ship it!
charging my ipod as I read this and about to go for a run...
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-18-2013 , 09:30 PM
wh1 can we have more aggressive modding of this thread? It's too good to let it get tarded up.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-18-2013 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by wombat4hire
wh1 can we have more aggressive modding of this thread? It's too good to let it get tarded up.
Sure. I take care of the obvious ones on my own, report the ones you all find substandard.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-19-2013 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by welfareiscool
Well I ran out of gas and had $15 on me. I didnt know what to do because i havent had anything to eat either. I was still a long way from where I was heading (to hopefully get a job in a new city) and knowing I had to live in my car until I got a job and my first paycheck I knew I was borderline screwed.

I walked for ages and finally got a ride from a guy who dropped me off at a gas station. The problem is Ineeded to buy a gerry can for gas. I was so screwed. I looked across the street and saw the casino calling my name. I thought well what the hell $15 isnt going to get me anything anyways.

I go into the casino and put the $15 on black and let it spin. Thank Jesus it hits. Now I have $30 and thats still not enough at all. It makes me feel comfortable that I have more than $15, Now I can afford a gerry can, a small meal and a little gas. BUt in an hours time id be screwed again.
I say ok one more time but lets bet on the rows of numbers. I have 33% chance to hit or I guess less because of the zero's. I put the $30 on the first row of numbers. I walk away and my heart is pounding I feel like im gonna be sick, I dont even want to go back. I start to walk over and I see the dealer tripling my bet. So now I have $90! I scoop up the money and get out of their as fast I can. I survived on this $90 for 16 days until I get my first paycheck.

Now I am head accountant at a huge company and make over $150k a year.
All thanks to the casino.
this sounds like some Will Smith Pursuit of Happiness ****
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-19-2013 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by jnukem
Anyone know WTF happened to Sweat??
My apologies, did not intend to leave my story unfinished. Bad timing, had to drop it s a little event came up. You may have heard of.


I got home a couple days ago. Let's just say this little trip was rather successful beyond my wildest dreams.


I will finish soon. I think I need two more parts though. Prob start writing it tomorrow.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-19-2013 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by SweatOnMySkin
My apologies, did not intend to leave my story unfinished. Bad timing, had to drop it s a little event came up. You may have heard of.


I got home a couple days ago. Let's just say this little trip was rather successful beyond my wildest dreams.


I will finish soon. I think I need two more parts though. Prob start writing it tomorrow.

you're semi-forgiven

sorry you ranbad in wsop
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-19-2013 , 05:26 PM
Nice, looking forward to that gold.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-19-2013 , 09:15 PM
Is that you in the spoiler? if so dude you like you have been tied up and are ready to be abused by some real shady dudes.

Surely there is better ways to pay back your makeup?
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-20-2013 , 02:27 AM
Wrote a longer story of my degen trip but for some reason decided not to post it.
But I guess the following short story is the most degen I have ever felt in my life.
Took a degen trip with my friends to Asia and was at Macau.

Decided to play some live poker, but the lowest we could find was 25/50 HKD (bout NL500) and the waiting list was insane long so I decided to play 50/100 (€5/€10).
Highest live game I have played before that was €1/1€ and tbh don't really like live poker.
I was super drunk after drinking gin tonic all night and managed to lose €3k which was the highest ammount of money I have ever losed in one session. So I go back to the hotel and take erotic massage for relaxing after that crap.
During a massage this girl asks me if I would like to get prostage massage as well, I didn't know what it was but said yes.
So she takes out a condom, puts it around her fingers and shove it into my a$$ and starts to jerk me off at the same time.
Still laugh about this concept, making the biggest losing session of my life and on top of that getting a$$fked.

Last edited by J0hny; 07-20-2013 at 02:43 AM.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-20-2013 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by J0hny
So she takes out a condom, puts it around her fingers and shove it into my a$$ and starts to jerk me off at the same time.
Still laugh about this concept, making the biggest losing session of my life and on top of that getting a$$fked.
I'm uncomfortable with the idea that some hot girl would shove her fingers in my azz, but I've hear this is ****ing godly.
Your thoughts?
Might have to try it out once. Wonder if they do prostate massages combined with blowjobs as well...
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-20-2013 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Cavallo Italiano
I'm uncomfortable with the idea that some hot girl would shove her fingers in my azz, but I've hear this is ****ing godly.
Your thoughts?
Might have to try it out once. Wonder if they do prostate massages combined with blowjobs as well...
in my experience, asian women are all about this. I have had two different asian girls try this out on me and never had it from any other race.

First time i freaked out and got upset, second time i ran with it while maintaining a certain level of reluctancy to appease my own homophobic thoughts about the entire ordeal.

If you can get over the fact that you are being penetrated and just let it happen it actually feels really good.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-20-2013 , 10:46 AM
degen story... just read this whole tread loading a bowl every time someone mentioned getting high
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-20-2013 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Cavallo Italiano
I'm uncomfortable with the idea that some hot girl would shove her fingers in my azz, but I've hear this is ****ing godly.
Your thoughts?
confirmed good
confirmed Asian specialty
confirmed nohomo
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-20-2013 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by SweatOnMySkin
confirmed good
confirmed Asian specialty
confirmed nohomo
confirmed im gonna do this

Now please get dat magic on paper Mr. Sweat. Been waiting on your next part for ages. Can't even recall what the last parts were about. Something with a girl stuffing an enormous meal in her face and you thinking you kicked the **** out of a guy, while really you were just hanging onto his back like a cape.

Chuckled so bad I thought I was going mad. Def. gonna re-read them before reading your next part.
Hell, I might even order me a prostate massage while reading dat stuff.

confirmed h0mo.
Degen Stories.... Quote
07-20-2013 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Cavallo Italiano
I'm uncomfortable with the idea that some hot girl would shove her fingers in my azz, but I've hear this is ****ing godly.
Your thoughts?
Might have to try it out once. Wonder if they do prostate massages combined with blowjobs as well...
As ghey as it sounds, I actually liked it.
I'm sure you can get it combined with BJ, everything is possible there.
Degen Stories.... Quote
