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*** Check your leg yourself before you wreck yourself! February LC/NC NSFW *** *** Check your leg yourself before you wreck yourself! February LC/NC NSFW ***

02-13-2020 , 05:02 PM
Thatøs is not a frog.

02-13-2020 , 05:03 PM
Funk you!
02-13-2020 , 06:55 PM
Eat a duck!
02-13-2020 , 07:11 PM
...something something Sauerkraut in Lederhosen
02-13-2020 , 07:17 PM
Hope you have been wearing your facemask sammie. This coronavirus is serious. Also put lots of $ on Wellington Phoenix every week and you can't go wrong.
02-13-2020 , 07:18 PM
Franko we need new food and drinks pics of these establishments.
02-13-2020 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Sheep86
Oops, Sheep almost forgot what day it is today.

Let's not forget this beautiful gifmoller
02-13-2020 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Morph's hair
Thatøs is not a frog.

Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
Spunk you!
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Eat a Spunk!
02-13-2020 , 08:23 PM
Hello Mr Folding. How are things?
02-13-2020 , 09:04 PM
I think I like *** Check your health yourself before you wreck yourself! February LC/NC NSFW *** a little better. It's not quite a rhyme but it's in the ****ing ballpark.
02-13-2020 , 09:15 PM
Seems reasonable
02-14-2020 , 12:21 AM

My corner store now and then has base buffalo trace and is really good for the $. Way better than anything at that low a price point
02-14-2020 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by Corona_Virus
Seems reasonable
The LC/NC thread has been infected!
02-14-2020 , 03:44 AM
Sammy I'm coming for you. Your weak danish immune system cannot cope. I also enjoy nice white fleeces for my breakfast.
02-14-2020 , 06:07 AM
02-14-2020 , 06:53 AM
RIP Sammy
02-14-2020 , 08:11 AM
RIP Sammy. Happy weekends
02-14-2020 , 02:25 PM
RIP Sammy

Today's action on pokerstars
$5.50 deep stacks
$5.50 bounty builder series 6 max
$4.40 PKO deep stacks

02-14-2020 , 02:43 PM
good action
02-14-2020 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus

My corner store now and then has base buffalo trace and is really good for the $. Way better than anything at that low a price point
hard to argue with that. I think the best value in bourbon is eagle rare 10 for ~$30 if you can find it, buy the whole lot of it
02-15-2020 , 09:36 AM
Played online pokers for first time since Black Friday last night. Single tabling $.25/$.50 on stars (PA only.)

Made ~$350. You people still suck at poker.
02-15-2020 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by Natamus

My corner store now and then has base buffalo trace and is really good for the $. Way better than anything at that low a price point
Buffalo Trace was a great value at $20. A Good value at $25. Over $30 tho and I’ll pass.

It mixes very well, and pairs exceptionally with peach.
02-15-2020 , 12:11 PM
02-15-2020 , 07:51 PM
Mowed the lawns today. Cut my finger on the bark of a tree, then cut my leg on a rose bush. I am a goof.
02-15-2020 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by King Fish
Played online pokers for first time since Black Friday last night. Single tabling $.25/$.50 on stars (PA only.)

Made ~$350. You people still suck at poker.
Hope u will pay ur taxes on your winnings.
