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[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) [BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included)

02-08-2010 , 01:16 PM
wow, OP you might almost be as good as chiren at exposing the ignorant.
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:21 PM
What do you mean by that Alobar? Calling us ghey?
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:22 PM
sick level man
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:27 PM
I am going to be honest i didnt really want to know what a level meant in the forum section but this has really forced me to figure it out..

Terrible day at POker yesterday but this made me laugh. THanks OP

To all you haters.. Make the best of the life you have been given... that is the message here!

[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:27 PM
This it what happens when you eat kraft dinner for 45 years.

Also, poor dog.
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:28 PM
Let me clear something up. While the OP is almost certainly a dupe, not the real Ripptyde, the video is NOT A level, it's as serious as a heart attack. Jewdy recently broke away from his NWP/DD roots, and has branched out into the the world of internet foruming himself at, and I swear to god here, "" .... here is the thread where he originally posted that HOS vid.

As strange as it may seem, martin isn't leveling. He's just really, really crazy.
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by OverRated TV Stand
The first nerd shows up. Watch the video again and think about what fairy stuff you were doing yesterday and then start thinking about improvements.

Wait... where were your friends?
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:34 PM
Wow, ugliest person ever ITT
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:37 PM
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by frankvdg
lol second video is amazing

[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:40 PM
sick life!
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by HopelessHousewife
whoa dude, u have 2 monitors, are u from future or something?

i bet u use one of these when u go to store:

that's a cassette tape on the bottom of the board....
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by LoginNameExists
that's a cassette tape on the bottom of the board....
well done, sherlock
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:45 PM
this is god
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:45 PM
lol, good thread
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:51 PM
OP > Peyton Manning
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 01:51 PM
OP plz redeem yourself with badass tales of exotic beaches and gooey encounters
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by DrDonkout
OP plz redeem yourself with badass tales of exotic beaches and gooey encounters
Allow me to assist..

South america by land and sea (part 1)

Back in the early 1990’s I was employed by an international shipping company known as “Crowley American Transport” on a 5 month contract aboard the MV Sea Wolf. Crowley is still in business but now they run a fleet of tugs and got out of the deep sea cargo business. My title was ‘Chief Steward’ which meant I was responsible for ordering provisions, menu planning etc, managing a crew of 12, for all intents and purposes an acting ‘Hotel Manager’ aboard a 900 foot container ship.

I was fresh out of an 18 months training course at our unions maritime training academy in Southern Maryland, and hit the jackpot landing a semi-permanent department head position bound for South America not even two days after I graduated the final course in culinary management. This was a truly dream come true. The money was fantastic, and I had always wanted to go to South America. It all fell in my lap so seamlessly it was as if God himself was smiling down upon me. Jumping in my jet black RX7 with a **** eating grin from ear to ear, I sped off for Philadelphia to join the Sea Wolf and embark on a new chapter in my life as a merchant marine.

We sailed out of Philadelphia on a balmy Fall Saturday afternoon headed down the Eastern coastline. The route was a 42 day round trip heading down the East Coast from Philly, on to Norfolk Virginia, then Jacksonville Florida and finally leaving Port Everglades headed for Venezuela. We had five scheduled stops down the Brazilan coast and then made a u-turn in Buenos Aires, heading back to Philly on a 12 day straight shot through the frigid Atlantic waters.

I’d already done extensive traveling at this point in my life. Five years in Hawaii, a year in Australia and all over the Middle East, Europe and Southeast Asia, but South America always held a certain undeniable mystique, so suddenly my excitement and sense of anticipation was flowing like a river as we sailed out of South Florida en route to Venezuela and beyond.

After three short days on a calm Atlantic sea, we pulled into ‘Puerto Cabello’ for our first scheduled ‘overnighter’ of the trip. Puerto Cabello is a city on the north coast of Venezuela. It is located in the state of Carabobo about 50 miles West of Caracas. The city has a population of around 200,000 people and is home to the largest port in the country.

As the Sea Wolf was tying up at the dock, I quickly changed into my summer gear climbing into the first taxicab into town, eager to enjoy the sights and sounds (and women) of this new and exciting place. Getting to know the crew of the Sea Wolf after leaving Port Everglades, we had all talked about all the ‘perks’ of Venezuela and Brazil, or specifically the gorgeous women and raw night life and other surprises that lay in store. There were a few regulars on board, but the majority of the crew of 35 had never laid eyes on South America, and we were all pumped up to make the best of our short time in this exotic port.

When our driver pulled his rusted out late 70’s Cadillac into the club parking lot, we couldn’t help but notice all the hot latina bar bunnies all turning their heads, much like a flock of birds changing course in mid air with perfect synchronized movement. Imagine if you will, the hottest bleach blonde bimbette you can possibly imagine, with enormous breasts on a petite hourglass frame, strutting into a sports bar packed full of recent parolees. Well, that’s the type of reaction beautiful Venezuelan mamacita’s tend to give to visiting American merchant marines with cold hard cash burning a hole in their pocket.

The time passed so quickly. The women were absolutely beautiful and and the ice cold beer flowed into the night. The streets of the city were alive with activity as the sun set, and it was quickly obvious we were all in for the time of our lives with gorgeous Venezuelan girls all over the place and cold beer flowing. The music was festive and there was something really special about being in a foreign country surrounded by so many amazing girls. It was a magical night in so many ways and we all just lost ourselves in the experience

Carmen caught my eye as she got off of a taxicab. Wearing a skimpy black dress that barely covered her slender physique, she moved across the street like a panther on the prowl with flowing jet black hair when suddenly she glanced my way and our eyes locked. I didn’t speak a word of Spanish nor did she understand English, but one of the other girls interpreted some small talk for a while, and we quickly agreed to find a hotel room. Carmen led me out of the bar hand in hand to a taxi that seemed to be waiting for us, and we were whisked off into the Venezuelan night.

Now, I am not naïve enough to think that there was anything more to this encounter than what it was. I was a merchant marine making a lot of money and she was a bar girl in a South American country. Nevertheless, we spent the entire night in a shabby 3rd world hotel room but it might as well have been the Four Seasons. I kissed her goodbye as the sun was coming up and explained that I would be back in 6 weeks, then headed back to the Sea Wolf with only a few minutes to spare before we sailed for Recife’ , Brazil.
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 02:01 PM
part 2 is here, if anyone is still awake..
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 02:07 PM
this has to be the best level ever

and OP has to be the ugliest poster ever
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 02:09 PM
cool story bro

and lol @ his random googled pictures in pt II
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by xd777
cool story bro

and lol @ his random googled pictures in pt II
Sick life yo

[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 02:16 PM
looks like he took the videos off exept the one in op
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by pohlr96


thx for the cliffs
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by cds0699
Sick life yo

not really

Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 250
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
