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[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) [BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included)

02-08-2010 , 10:05 AM
how nobody took this joke for face value is beyond me. some of you guys are really bad at comprehension, and should probably stop posting.
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 10:25 AM
His tv suck ballz hard...
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 10:27 AM
Hi pujols.
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 10:35 AM
lol nice tv stand
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by OverRated TV Stand
Listen up geeks,

I just want to give all you robototron nerds who sit on on your fat asses all day grinding .50/$1 trying to make 15k a year a glimpse into the life of a recreational pro WITH a social life (something you know nothing about). You all think you're gods gift because you play 80 hours a week to barely meek out a yearly salary equivalent to that of a minimum wage fast food employee. The sad part is the majority of you are young and SHOULD BE out getting laid and doing something with your lives. I'm 45 years old and have been there and done that, AND I'm still DOING THAT at my age so SMD. I've been making cash at poker and living it up for the last 20 years while most of you were getting your zit faces rejected by the hot girls in your low education middle & high schools.

First of all, I've traveled the world delivering facials to exotic beach bunnies for 20+ years so don't even for ONE ****ING SECOND try to compare your uneventful micro nerding to ANYTHING i've ever done. I can already feel the nerdery and spiteful posts that will follow in this thread because jealousy always breeds haters.

As we all know the superbowl was yesterday and I had just decided to purchase a dual monitor set up, get completely plastered, kick back at home playing some rebuy tourneys and watching the game. I know most of you were busy holed up in Mommy's basement furiously clicking "call"..."call"..."call" and wishing you had friends to hang out with on the biggest Sunday of the year. Here's a rare glimpse into my life filled with all the necessities and making you dorks feel worse about how you spent your Sunday.

I feel bad for you all and sometimes upload some videos of myself living it up in Vegas as a MOTIVATOR to get your **** in order and your life back on track. This is what we call tough love kids and if you're reading this and seething with jealousy, then I know I got through to you and helped with possible improvements in your trainwreck existence.

i didnt see any friends yo.
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 10:43 AM
crappy tv, crappy room, crappy monitor, crappy notebook...

Dunno where is the brag man?
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 10:47 AM
is that a 27" crt television?
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by pohlr96
I can tell you what I wasn't doing: Drinking Jim Bean alone, smoking shtty weed, watching the superbowl on a TV sitting on the floor or masturbating to my awesome thread plus vid I made because I have no girl to call up when I'm wasted.
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 10:57 AM
if this isnt an intentional level, OP has a trash life..
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:00 AM
nice monitors

[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:02 AM
Hi MSPaint & Photoshop heroes!

some pics to make things easier for you ...

[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:03 AM
dont listen to the haters u even have a glass to drink ur booze out of
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by xd777
Hi MSPaint & Photoshop heroes!

in b4 mspaint
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by fish491
in b4 mspaint
im so excited ... i hope Gullanian shows up
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:10 AM
Jesus christ for a guy who thinks he's such a cool dude he sure writes like he's on edge. It's your third post and you already have such hatred for what you consider the stereotypcial 2p2er? Is this your second account and you had your first one banned or something?

Edit: After seeing the video this has got to be a level haha
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by OverRated TV Stand



This guy is loony.
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:20 AM
he is almost as good as niche =DD
i mean, cmon... check out these lines

"delivering facials to beach bunnies"
"o ooo, what s that .... A new monitor !!! 20 inch baby!"
"F KKK i m a badass!!"
"until then, .... **** you ! "

I love his voice =DDD

cant dicide whether he was a serious douche , or he s an excellent actor w a rly good sense of humor

Last edited by Whage; 02-08-2010 at 11:26 AM.
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:22 AM
are you kidding me!!??

You come here talking shat and then post a "brag im a baller my life is grand" while watching the Superbowl on a 19" t.v. and playing on a crappy poker setup while drinking cheap whiskey and smokin mexican brick weed off a red bull can???!!!???

[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Whage
he is almost as good as niche =DD
i mean, cmon... check out these lines

"delivering facials to beach bunnies"
"o ooo, what s that .... A new monitor !!! 20 inch baby!"
"until then, .... **** you ! "

I love his voice =DDD

cant dicide whether he was a serious douche , or he s an excellent actor w a rly good sense of humor
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Whage
he is almost as good as niche =DD
i mean, cmon... check out these lines

"delivering facials to beach bunnies"
"o ooo, what s that .... A new monitor !!! 20 inch baby!"
"until then, .... **** you ! "

I love his voice =DDD

cant dicide whether he was a serious douche , or he s an excellent actor w a rly good sense of humor
I think it's bad acting and an obvious level. Noone is this ******ed. Oh and his username is a dead giveaway haha.
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:24 AM
read OP and instantly clicked last page.

Why? Im not sure. but OP, you are one cool mofo..


ill keep original just too show how much of a doosh i am...

OP = 45, virgin. the little nervous cough/clearing throat thing you have, says quite alot... Was that REALLY your tv? looked about as big as your "dual 20' monitors". you get all excited about showing off a bottle of White label Jim and a bottle of coke... WOWOWOWOWWOWOWOWOWOW

Last edited by Kid_Bris; 02-08-2010 at 11:31 AM. Reason: better not be levelling me
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Kid_Bris
read OP and instantly clicked last page.

Why? Im not sure. but OP, you are one cool mofo..
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:25 AM
i can tell op is fat by his voice
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:25 AM
whoa dude, u have 2 monitors, are u from future or something?

i bet u use one of these when u go to store:

[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
02-08-2010 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by kylephilly
i can tell op is fat by his voice
[BRAG] My new dual-monitor set up and why my life is better than yours (Youtube video included) Quote
