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Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what?

10-15-2008 , 10:44 PM
What's wrong with you????? I hate these kind of over everything...
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-15-2008 , 10:53 PM
Posting in the business and investing section of 2p2 (yes 2p2 has a business and investing section) will probably be more helpful than BBV. Here is Xylems post from a while ago about inheriting 80,000 pounds in england.
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-15-2008 , 11:05 PM
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-15-2008 , 11:16 PM
Put 2-3k into playing poker part time. If that manages to grow over a significant sample, great, you can move up a bit faster than some because you got money behind.

Keep the job. Since your day to day is now cool for a while, you can pretty openly look for a new one that you like more. Some careers that you might like take professional certification, think about spending on the classes that'll get you there.

Depending on your part of the country, think about taking 10k or so and investing in a condo or small house. I know it seems like it's hard getting a loan, but it's not really that hard and you have plenty of cash. Buying in a depressed market is how millionaires are made. It's important to learn the whole process. The happiest people I know invested early and often and have all this passive income from buying early in life.

Blow 2k on something fun/ridiculous/profound/silly/soul-enrishing and get it out of your system.
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-15-2008 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by kiwi
AAAAHAHAHAHA, thats gold...
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by skylynesr
What's wrong with you????? I hate these kind of over everything...
The question is - What is wrong with you? Did you think you were on the Focus on the Family website or something? Maybe he should build a shrine to his grandmother? Send it to poor kids? He wasn't doing a jig over his grandmother's death or gloating about being a baller. I hate judgmental ******s like you. Shut the **** up.

OP - send 2000 to this guy to cover the cost of his shrink.
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 05:31 AM
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 05:38 AM
Jump into 10-20 razz games on Stars please.
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 05:40 AM
youra sck ****
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 06:00 AM
put 1k online, start small, and just work your way up. use 10k to invest, and stake me with the rest.
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 06:08 AM
1k online. Rest in a shoebox.
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by makemecool
go comfort your parents you bastard
This made me laugh (guiltily)
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 06:36 AM
1. Put some of that money into a savings account
2. Deposit a healthy amount
3. Get some quality coaching
4. Don't quit your job untill you are a proven winner at the stakes you intend to play
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 07:18 AM
Only use 1k as a BR
Grind your ass off and in 2-3 years you should have ~30k BR.
Only then should you quit work and go full time.
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 12:55 PM
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 12:58 PM
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 01:52 PM
10k into an ING
10k into an IRA
10k into a CD
5k to be spent foolishly
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by deesnuts
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 04:10 PM
deesnuts, I cant stop watching your avatar

fkn hilarious
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 04:18 PM
1) Keep your job.

2) Pay off debts.

3) Put 3 months of savings in the bank.

4) Make sure you are maxing your 401k and taking advantage of any employer benefits like stock purchase plans, etc. that give you free $. You can afford this now and it is free money.

5) If you are ready you could use some of the $ towards a down payment on a house/condo. Not a bad time to buy right now in most markets. Be careful not to over-extend yourself obviously.

6) Put $1k online and play NL25. Do not move up too fast. You will busto for sure. Your poker skills have to keep up. $1k should be enough to get started and your bankroll will grow from poker as you learn. If it doesn't grow then you aren't good enough to move up anyway. It seems like people think it is easier to make $ online rather than live in general.

7) Join Cardrunners. Watch Verneer's 'Crushing the Micros' and SBRugby's 'I Like to Move it Move It'. Follow.

8) If there is money left get it into the stock market. Index funds like SPY, VFINX, etc. Stick to well established ETFs (SPY) or low-fee index funds (Vanguard). Leave the money alone.

Financial security is awesome. Don't pass up this chance to get on the right path.
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by deesnuts
Kill your parents to Martingale
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 04:59 PM

ship invitation kthxbai!
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 05:02 PM
Haha, you essentially won a bad beat jackpot and now you want to go pro with $35k. Lmao, can't fail!
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by deesnuts
I'm doubled over in pain. Epic
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
10-16-2008 , 05:13 PM
How the **** is he suposed to invest in real estate with $35k? Here's what I would do:

1. Spend $8-12k on a new computer, 30" monitor, mid-end stereo, 42" LCD TV, a new desk etc (total bedroom hi-tech remake)
2. Deposit $2k on full tilt and start playing 50nl
3. Save the rest

Oh yeah - and keep your job!
Beat/Brag: Grandmother passed away; just inherited ,000 - now what? Quote
