Originally Posted by KingOfFelt
Bodog had the Canucks -1.5 line at +105. I was like loleasymoney. We'll see.
so far so good. except for the whole 4 D thing.
for those not watching, like the 1st shift of the game scumbag Milan Michalek tries to slew-foot Ballard long after the puck is gone, then pulls him down with like a horse-collar move, and falls on his leg as they go down. somehow no penalty on the play, Ballard down a while before limping off in pain. will probably be a Malkin deal, as the Canucks have a history of losing all their D-men just in time for the playoffs.
then when it's 2-0 Chris Neil starts trying to fight people. Aaron Rome says no, bc, what's the point for him? plus he's not much of a fighter. Neil says ok, and next shift takes a run at and drills Henrik with his head down. so then Rome comes over to fight, and gets 2 for instigating, 5 for fighting, and 10 for not having his jersey tied down (for some unknown reason). brilliant! so yeah, down to 4 D-men for a period, unless Ballard miraculously comes back.
5 shots in the period, 2 goals. lol Elliott/Sens!