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Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread

08-06-2010 , 07:22 PM
+1 to the album draft. I was thinking about that a couple days ago.
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08-06-2010 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by TheUntouchable
I'm not arguing the importance of a producer. I'm arguing that the gap between #1 and #10-20 over the past 50 years isn't really all that big
Okay, I guess we just disagree then. I think the gap between Spector (unquestionable #1 producer) and pretty much everyone from like #4 on is huge. He was streets ahead of everyone.
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08-06-2010 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
Spector's value is that he could some no name girls, give 'em the wall of sound treatment, and make a #1 hit out of it. He did t countless times. And they're damn good songs (I love that era of pop).
And this warrants him being picked so early in this draft how? There will be no no-name artists.

Well I shouldn't say that given how lol some of the picks have been thus far.
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08-06-2010 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
And usually, when people discount the impact of a producer on a given record, that's usually the extent to which they don't really understand what a producer does.

Granted, some producers are more creatively involved than others, but for the GOATs like Spector, Eno, etc., they were tremendously valuable.

It might make sense to think of a music producer like a movie director. When you see Taxi Driver, it's not really De Niro's vision, even though he is the chief performer of the work. It's Scorsese driving the bus and creating a world in which De Niro can operate. Now pretend that, instead of Paul Schrader, it was De Niro and Scorsese collaborating on the script to Taxi Driver -- then you have an idea of how music records are made with great producers and musicians.
Movie production is not really analogous with music production. Generally the chief creators of movies are not the actors. Its the guy who wrote the screen play, the producer, the director, the costume people, etc. Then an actor/actress is tasked to carry out their vision/plan.

Music is different in most cases. The artists involved normally write their own material, they create the melodies, they play the instruments, etc. A producer can be valuable here, I agree, but when you have musicians who can also produce, then a pure producer is less necessary. This draft is full of people like that.

If you want a label filled with pure singers, Spector seems awesome. But why would you want that? Why not pick musicians who can create their own material first, then find producers later who can help them?

I've been saying throughout this draft that if people really want specific people, ****ing take them regardless of the hate. If thats the case here, then fine. If it wasn't, then this strikes me as a pick that someone is making because they are over thinking things.

Originally Posted by kidcolin
Spector's value is that he could some no name girls, give 'em the wall of sound treatment, and make a #1 hit out of it. He did t countless times. And they're damn good songs (I love that era of pop).
Okay fine, but this draft is filled with NAME artists, who can create on their own and have done so with success. With how deep the draft is, it seems like the value of pure producers are reduced quite a bit.
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08-06-2010 , 07:26 PM
eh, in kidcolin's defense, imagine what could happen if he had awesome talent.

It's kind of like the when people complain about XXX not being that great because he got to play with AAA, BBB, and CCC but XXX drafter says that he'll be playing with great players anyways.

Or not, I'm grunching this entire thing except TuT and TSC's post. I don't even know what we're talking about.
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08-06-2010 , 07:32 PM
k, definitely won't be around long enough to make my own pick. Who wants it as backup incase Nath isn't here?
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08-06-2010 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by ThaSaltCracka
Okay fine, but this draft is filled with NAME artists, who can create on their own and have done so with success. With how deep the draft is, it seems like the value of pure producers are reduced quite a bit.
I don't know, guys like Spector produced records for first rounders in this draft, and I think some highly regarded undrafteds might not have their work be considered as classic if not for the production.

There's been a lot of argument about draft picks who were a member of a songwriting team, and their potential lesser value because you're taking them apart. I think the same can be said for production, and the reduced value of some of these greats when they don't have their legendary producers in the room during recording.
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08-06-2010 , 07:35 PM
Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread Quote
08-06-2010 , 07:35 PM
Geddy, PM me your pick.

Pick fooooooohhhhhhhooooooohhhhhhhhhhhoooooohhhhhhhr






**** yes.

Jon Bon Jovi - the lead singer of Bon Jovi. Four #1 albums, two #2 albums, Four #1 singles. + a #1 single and #3 album as a solo performer.

We all know who he is, he does the singing and some of the song writing for the band that was named after him, and does some of the biggest vocal performances in rock, on some of the iconic songs of the 80's (but also doing hits right through to the present day).

Their biggest album - Slippery When Wet - went 12x platinum and is the 21st best selling studio album ever made.

Like my second round pick, Jovi is known for his live performances, even to the extent that Thundercat thinks that he kills kittens:
In the band's Behind The Music special, he notes that his vocal cords were given steroids to help him sing.
Jovi is also considered extremely attractive - he's won like a bajillionty sexiest human to be ever born awards, or something. He was People Magazine's sexiest rock star of the year three times running. Bastard.

In this draft I think that really good frontmen and really good voices are kind of like starting pitching in baseball - you can never have too much.

Brian Wilson
Freddie Mercury
Nina Simone
Jon Bon ****ing Jovi


Last edited by Jamee999; 08-06-2010 at 07:36 PM. Reason: WOOOOAAAAHHHH WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAH
Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread Quote
08-06-2010 , 07:40 PM
Just so y'all are clear, as we go further in this draft my write-ups are going to be more and more ridiculous and have less and less content.
Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread Quote
08-06-2010 , 07:42 PM
jeez.....not a fan of this pick at all even though I like some of their songs.
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08-06-2010 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Jamee999
Just so y'all are clear, as we go further in this draft my write-ups are going to be more and more ridiculous and have less and less content.
well i guess we'll have to hold on to what we've got
Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread Quote
08-06-2010 , 07:44 PM
The signing of JBJ might accelerate Brian Wilson's descent into madness
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08-06-2010 , 07:45 PM
JBJ + Freddi Mercury = Brian Wilson going postal and shooting up the studio.
Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread Quote
08-06-2010 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by nyc999
The signing of JBJ might accelerate Brian Wilson's descent into madness
Mercury will probably have a perma boner when ever JBJ shows up. Might get in the way of things....
Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread Quote
08-06-2010 , 07:45 PM
I have Geddy's pick.
Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread Quote
08-06-2010 , 07:47 PM
Yeah, I can't say Bon Jovi is worthy of the 4th round. He certainly has some significant value somewhere here, but this is too early for a guy like that. Plenty of much bigger and more talented names on the board.

I also can't really see a connection between Wilson, Nina Simone, Freddie Mercury, and Bon Jovi. Just kind of a bizarre jumble of talents.
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08-06-2010 , 08:10 PM
I love how quickly Eno followed Spector. Also, not the producer I'd have picked there.
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08-06-2010 , 08:16 PM
wait i'm up?
Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread Quote
08-06-2010 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
wait i'm up?
Unless the SS is wrong, yes.
Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread Quote
08-06-2010 , 08:22 PM
Damn ok I just woke up and wanted to read thread first but I guess I can pick. Might take me some time to do a non crappy writeup but I'll just post song + picture/name and full writeup later I suppose
Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread Quote
08-06-2010 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
I know who undrafted I now, and I agree it's lol for Tyler to go ahead of him. However, it's dishonest calling petty much more of a musician than Tyler. Tyler is a crazy talented multi-instrumentalist.

Not really sure why I'm putting this much time into defending Tyler; I'm not a big fan of his music. But I do think biases are selling him short.
This is basically what I get for going off of memory and drafting from my phone. Didn't want to hold things up and I could have sworn Jagger had already gone. If I had access to the spreadsheet I would have taken him.

That said...Tyler is still a pretty awesome asset. Wrote some awesome songs like Dream On (and many others), instantly recognizable figure and voice, frontman of the most successful band in American history. Can do the rap/rock thing. Eminem sampled him so they obv love each other. He's good stuff.
Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread Quote
08-06-2010 , 08:25 PM
This is going to require an explanation
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08-06-2010 , 08:30 PM
Here is a list of major songs Tyler wrote:

Dream On
Dude (Looks like a lady)
Just Push Play
Last Child
Livin' on the Edge
Rag Doll
Same Old Song and Dance
Sweet Emotion
Walk This Way

There are some real classics in there.
Music Label Draft Picks and Discussion Thread Quote
08-06-2010 , 08:33 PM
It might be a decent pick, but man I hate the **** out of Bon Jovi. Like borderline pathological hatred.
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