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Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread

03-08-2012 , 07:21 AM
Such an epic choke job..

SL complete this chase 80+% of the time if it isn't the 3rd final.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-08-2012 , 06:41 PM
This test is pretty compelling.

NZ innings adjusted SA are 15/2

Think NZ need to restrict them to 250 to have a chance though.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-09-2012 , 10:49 PM
lol at that appeal by SA, one of the worst I've seen.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-10-2012 , 12:50 AM
lol NZ gonna give India so much toruble when we tour there later.

They beat Aussies in a test and are competing well against SA. Both things urrent indian side is incapable of doing outside India.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-12-2012 , 02:04 AM
It was sad day 5 was washed out. Was looking like an epic day

Great article imo written by Dravids wife on his retirement:

My husband, the perfectionist

I've been married to Rahul for almost nine years now and we have always been very private people. So I'm sure he will be astonished to find that I have written at length about him.

This is not meant to be a song of praise for him on his retirement; that is up to the rest of the world. I am his wife, not a fan, and the reason I am writing this is to give you an insight into the role cricket has played in his life, and to take that in for myself at the end of his 16-year international career.

Just after we got married, I remember him saying to me that he hoped to play for "the next three or four years", and that he would need me there to support him in that time. Now that he has retired, I think: "Not bad. We've done far better than the three or four years we thought about in May 2003."

The last 12 months were special for us for more reasons than the runs or centuries Rahul has scored. After the 2010-11 tour of South Africa, our older son, Samit, suddenly developed a huge interest in cricket. When he watched Rahul score his centuries in England last year, it was as if in the last year of his career, Rahul had found his best audience.

I was with the boys at Old Trafford when Rahul played his first (and last) Twenty20 international and then also travelled to every match of the one-day series. After the last ODI, we went into the Lord's dressing room and showed Samit and Anvay their baba's name on the honours board. It was a huge thrill for the boys to see Rahul play live in front of so many people, to see him at his "work", which kept him away from them for months.

Cricket has been the centre of Rahul's world and his approach to every season and series has been consistent in all the time we have been married. Methodical, thoughtful and very, very organised. When I travelled with him for the first time, in Australia in 2003-04, I began to notice how he would prepare for games - the importance of routines, and his obsession with shadow practice at odd hours of day or night. I found that weird. Once, I actually thought he was sleepwalking!

Now I know that with Rahul's cricket, nothing is casual, unconscious or accidental. Before he went on tour, I would pack all his other bags, but his cricket kit was sacred - I did not touch it; only he handled it. I know if I packed only two sets of informal clothes, he would rotate them through an entire tour if he had to and not think about it. He has used one type of moisturising cream for 20 years because his skin gets dry. Nothing else. He doesn't care for gadgets, and barely registers brands - of watches, cologne or cars. But if the weight of his bat was off by a gram, he would notice it in an instant and get the problem fixed.

Cricket has been his priority and everyone around him knows that. On match days Rahul wanted his space and his silence. He didn't like being rushed, not for the bus, not to the crease. All he said he needed was ten minutes to himself, to get what I call his "internal milieu" settled, before he could go about a match day.

When we began to travel with the kids - and he loved having them around during a series, even when they were babies - we made sure we got two rooms. The day before every game, the boys were told that their father had to be left alone for a while, and Rahul would go into his room for his meditation and visualisation exercises. On the morning of the game, he would get up and do another session of meditation before leaving for the ground. I have tried meditation myself and I know that the zone he gets into as quickly as he does - it takes lots of years of training to get there. It is part of the complete equilibrium he tries to achieve before getting into a series.

Like all players, Rahul has his superstitions. He doesn't try a new bat out for a series, and puts his right thigh pad on first. Last year before the Lord's Test, he made sure to sit in the same space Tillakaratne Dilshan had occupied in the visitors' dressing room when he scored nearly a double-hundred earlier in the season. Rahul scored his first hundred at Lord's in that game.

Once the game is on, at the end of every day he has this fantastic ability to switch off. He may be thinking about it, his batting may bother him, he will be itching to go back and try again, but he can compartmentalise his life very well. He won't order room service or brood indoors, he would rather go out, find something to do - go to a movie or watch a musical, which he loves. He will walk out to the sea to wind down or go to bookstores, or find something else to do.

He has dealt with all that goes on in cricket because he can separate the game and the rest of his life and put things in perspective. No matter what was happening in his cricket, at home he is husband, father, family man. He has never said, "Oh I've had a bad day." He wouldn't speak about his work unless asked. Other than dropped catches.

Only once, I remember, he returned from a Test and said, "I got a bit angry today. I lost my temper. Shouldn't have done that." He wouldn't say more. Many months later, Viru [Sehwag] told me that he'd actually thrown a chair after a defeat to England in Mumbai. He'd thrown the chair, Viru said, not because the team had lost but because they had lost very badly.

One of Rahul's great strengths is his ability - and he has had it all along - to accept reality. He believes you cannot complain about anything because there is no end to complaining. And he knows there is no end to improving either. He always looks within, to gain, to learn and to keep working at his cricket.

In the last few years he worked doubly hard to make sure he played the game in his best physical condition in the toughest phase of his career physically. He tried to understand his body and work on his limitations - he was able to hold off shoulder surgery despite a problem in his rotator cuff because he found ways to keep it strong. When I was pregnant with Samit, we spent two months in South Africa to work in a sports centre that focused on strengthening Rahul's shoulder. Because he sweats profusely, he has even had sweat analysis done, to see how that affects his batting. He found that Pat Cash had a similar problem.

To get fit, he went on very difficult protein diets for three months at a stretch, giving up rice, chapatis and dessert altogether - even though he has a sweet tooth. He wanted his batting and his cricket to benefit from his peak fitness, even heading into his late 30s. He has been to see a specialist in eye co-ordination techniques, for eye exercises for the muscles of his eyes. If there was a problem, he always tried to find answers.

Outside cricket, Rahul is a man of no fuss. If he's on a diet, he will eat whatever is served, as long as it fits the diet. Even if the same food keeps turning up on his plate for days in a row, he will eat it without complaint. If he drops a catch, though, it bothers him enough to talk about it on the phone when we speak in the evening; during matches, it is the only part of cricket that he will talk about without me asking him about it. In 2009 he lost his old, faded India cap, when it was stolen from a ground. He was very, very upset about it. It was dear to him and he was extremely proud to wear it.

People always ask me the reason for Rahul being a "normal" person, despite the fame and the celebrity circus. I think it all began with his middle-class upbringing, of being taught to believe in fundamental values like humility and perspective. He has also had some very old, solid friendships that have kept him rooted.

He is fond of reading, as many know, and has a great sense of and interest in history of all kinds - of the game he plays and also of the lives of some of the world's greatest men. When he started his cricket career, he had a coach, Keki Tarapore, who probably taught him to be a good human being along with being a good cricketer.

All of this has given Rahul a deep understanding of what exactly was important about his being in cricket and what was not. It can only come from a real love for the game. When I began to understand the kind of politics there are in the game, he only said one thing: that this game has given me so much in life that I will never be bitter. There is so much to be thankful for, no matter what else happens, that never goes away.

Cricket has made Rahul who he is, and I can say that he was able to get the absolute maximum out of his abilities as an international cricketer.

What next for him? I know he likes his routine and he's in a good zone when he is in his routine, so we will have to create one at home for him. Getting the groceries could be part of that. A cup of tea in the morning for his wife would be a lovely bonus, I would think, particularly now that he doesn't have to take off for the gym or for training at the KSCA at the crack of dawn.

More seriously, though, I think he will spend time relaxing and reading to let it all sink in a bit. He has loved music and wants to learn how to play the guitar. Then perhaps he would like to find something that fills in at least some of the place that cricket occupied in his life, something challenging and cerebral.

Rahul has lived his dream and he thinks it's time to move on. Retirement will mean a big shift in his life, of not have training or team-mates around him, or the chance to compete against the best. The family, though, is delighted to have him back.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-12-2012 , 02:41 AM
Really nice article.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-12-2012 , 05:37 AM
Great read, wish I had the determination of someone like Dravid at times...
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-12-2012 , 01:08 PM
Always believed Dravid had super human concentration, focus and WIM.

Talent wise there are probably a lot of better cricketers but only 1 or 2 stronger mentally.

Indias greatest Test bat for me.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-12-2012 , 01:51 PM
I just hope he stays in cricket somehow.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-12-2012 , 03:49 PM
Yeah Dravid's a champ and one of a handful of players who could consistently beat Australia's bowling attack when they were good.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 08:27 AM
I woke up to see India had made 304/3 - so I figured Sachin must have made his 100th 100. Nope, still waiting.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 10:57 AM
Man of the series gets a ****ing airconditioner. What kind of a broke ass series is this?
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 11:27 AM
Haha, what did Yuvraj get for the World Cup man of the series?
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-13-2012 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by exec771
Man of the series gets a ****ing airconditioner. What kind of a broke ass series is this?
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 02:54 PM


Dravid writeup is excellent


Windies tour starts for us very soon. I expect no-one over here to really give a damn, because AFL (Aussie Rules) season starts for real next week, and NRL (Rugby League) started a few weeks ago, as did Rugby Union (Super 15).

It was a relatively long summer, and the Windies arent the team they were even 10 years ago, let alone 20 years ago back to the heyday of Ambrose, Walsh, Richardson, Hooper and BC Lara...


Ashley12 indoor cricket update.

We had a bunch of players out (most of the team apart from me play competitive laser tag, and a few had flown interstate for the National Titles that start next week.

We batter first, I opened with a bloke who is basically a slogger. I batted pretty much my worst ever, and made pretty close to my individual top score of 23. This was mainly because I had one absolute sitter dropped at mid-off, which was spooned into the side net for a 3, was caught behind from a no-ball (was off the back net and caught at about 3rd slip lol) and ran out my partner twice (he loses runs, not me) along with a few other classy play and misses, and almost chopping on. The rest of the team batted well and we made ~150.

I actually hurt my back turning for two on a misfield, and had to keep for the first 8 overs, which was complete hell for me. I kept fairly atrociously and missed a legside stumping, as well as clocking one of our fill-ins square in the nuts on a backhand flick attempting a run out from side-on.

Bowling I bowled the two "last" overs of each skin, where wides have to be rebowled etc... My back was pretty seized, i ended up bowling right arm pies, and took something like 1/20 after adjusting for the wicket from two, though I could have had 3 had catches been held. There was one LOL delivery where my outdoor experiences came to the fore. The bowler creamed one back at me, I tried to get a hand down (This shot was 4 all the way against a usual mid-on and mid-off field) and ended up spooning the ball past our backnet fielder for a 5 (four + 1 run)

We still won by about 20 runs, and dont have a game next week, which is good because I can hardly move at the moment.

Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 03:02 PM
Oh, and I came across this today

China set 359 to win, rolled for 9

Dont feel quite as bad about our match last week, even though 9 >>> whatever negative score we finished on.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 03:07 PM
I hope the chinese don't read that headline, else we'll have 19 yo Chinese World champions by 2015 :/
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 03:11 PM
They should've let Afghanistan play in the Asia cup. It's a short little tournament, they're spirited, and it would've given Sachin a chance to make his 100th ton.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 03:16 PM
T20 World Cup qualifiers are going on now though, and Afghanistan are involved in that even though they are already assured a spot in the final tournament.

I agree that Afghanistan should have been involved, though trying to organise 5 teams is a bit more of an effort then 4 (10 prelims vs 6)
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 03:21 PM
LOL typo, they are assured a spot in the qualifier but not the final "T20 WC" tournament.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-14-2012 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by exec771
They should've let Afghanistan play in the Asia cup. It's a short little tournament, they're spirited, and it would've given Sachin a chance to make his 100th ton.
Afghanistan and UAE played in the last Asia cup iirc. They don't bring enough TV revenue though. So we are stuck with another boring India/SL/Pak series.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2012 , 12:13 AM
Last 20 balls

SA 5 wickets
NZ 0 runs.

2nd test at Hamilton.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2012 , 12:36 AM
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2012 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by muttiah
Last 20 balls

SA 5 wickets
NZ 0 runs.

2nd test at Hamilton.
Was funny watching this live. It looked like NZ were on top and looked like the wicket was flat. But never underestimate old the Kiwi habit of collapsing.
Cricket:  Random Discussion Thread Quote
03-15-2012 , 06:09 AM
Youtube live streaming of the Asia cup: (does not work in US/Canada/Australia/Africa) :
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