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2007 SEC Football Thread 2007 SEC Football Thread

12-31-2007 , 07:20 PM
Word is that CB Patrick Johnson has de-committed from Miami, and is now considering LSU, UF and FSU in that order. This kid is supposed to be the real deal: 5*s, #3 recruit overall in the nation, a lockdown corner and an absolute stud, who could come start for us as a true freshman.

God I hope we get this kid!
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 11:17 AM
SEC teams and 4 and 0, and are huge favorites in four of the last five. I can hear the off-season bragging ringing in my ears already....
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by BigSoonerFan
SEC teams and 4 and 0, and are huge favorites in four of the last five. I can hear the off-season bragging ringing in my ears already....
"Help us're our only hope."
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 04:38 PM
Well, the Hogs sure took a dump on that record.

Sorry, y'all.

Go Gators, nice job Vols.

2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
That was just one of many. I could fill two or three pages.
Yeah, and other people have posted stories of their experience with fans who were classy in both victory and defeat and had some social grace.

Guess what? It's the South. You have some people who still believe in old-fashioned standards of courtesy, conduct, and southern hospitality, and you have some angry, ignorant, racist rednecks. You don't think the exact same stories about each kind have been told about Alabama fans?
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 06:06 PM
Florida's defense was a joke
Florida's o-line was a joke

Not even really debateable, just a shame to watch the defense get torn apart and the o-line fail every single play

I know we are young and have great potential, but I just don't really see how we are going to improve significantly for next years season. Pretty disappointing day for a lot of reasons
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by ASPoker8
Florida's defense was a joke
Florida's o-line was a joke

Not even really debateable, just a shame to watch the defense get torn apart and the o-line fail every single play

I know we are young and have great potential, but I just don't really see how we are going to improve significantly for next years season. Pretty disappointing day for a lot of reasons
I agree with this. I don't see how the same guys on D are going to magically improve enough for a NC.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse
Never knew AJ was a chick, hm.

There's a reason anyone in the midwest can hear "Chicago girl" or "Chicago ass" and know immediately what it means.
He meant what I said; I'm a duder, duder.

And I live 3 hours from Chicago and have no idea what a "Chicago girl" or a "Chicago ass" is. This might be because I go to Illinois State (and went to Illinois) where Chicago girls are in clear abundance and in the former are frequently huge party sluts that actually can look really attractive (in a relatively dirty pound her all night sort of way).

Unless I am just misunderstanding what you meant. But either way, I've never heard the term in my life.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by ASPoker8
Not even really debateable, just a shame to watch the o-line fail every single play
You could rewatch some games from Rex's final year if you want to see more of that going on. I was having flashbacks today.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 06:18 PM
"Chicago ass" is an ass roughly the size of a battleship.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by barryc83
I agree with this. I don't see how the same guys on D are going to magically improve enough for a NC.
The same way that players improve all of the time.

I don't know. I'm not saying that UF is going to be a high caliber defense, but surely they will improve a good amount, and they already are a really good team overall. I don't know if NC is in the cards, but I think the hope is still easily there for next year.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by TruFloridaGator
Please Tennessee, for the love of God, don't embarrass the SEC for once, this bowl season.
How ironic this post is in hindsight.

**** you Florida...way to fail to do what Appalachian State did at the BigHouse. What an embarrassment. And against Michigan of all teams and this year of all years.

Rather than play defense, they should just give the other team 7, go back on O and try to win with 2-point conversions.

Good thing Hawaii drew UGA, cause they would have torched UF.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by bills217
How ironic this post is in hindsight.

**** you Florida...way to fail to do what Appalachian State did at the BigHouse. What an embarrassment. And against Michigan of all teams and this year of all years.

Rather than play defense, they should just give the other team 7, go back on O and try to win with 2-point conversions.

Good thing Hawaii drew UGA, cause they would have torched UF.
lol as a UF fan I can't even really defend this, which is sad

Our defense was..
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 08:06 PM
I was surprised at how Florida crapped the bed against Michigan. I guess as an LSU fan I am used to seeing teams play at or near their absolute best (as they seem to have done all season against LSU). I must have yelled "why couldn't you have played like that against us" at Tebow four or five times.

Hey, maybe this helps us land Patrick Johnson!
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by TruFloridaGator
Please Tennessee, for the love of God, don't embarrass the SEC for once, this bowl season.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
The same way that players improve all of the time.

I don't know. I'm not saying that UF is going to be a high caliber defense, but surely they will improve a good amount, and they already are a really good team overall. I don't know if NC is in the cards, but I think the hope is still easily there for next year.
Yeah they might improve, but people are talking about UF and NC next year. How many times did Mich score 41 this year? Look Tebow is a great player, but he's not great enough to overcome a D like UF's every game. They'll be good for sure, but I'm not sure they'll dominate like some might think.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Gregatron
I was surprised at how Florida crapped the bed against Michigan. I guess as an LSU fan I am used to seeing teams play at or near their absolute best (as they seem to have done all season against LSU). I must have yelled "why couldn't you have played like that against us" at Tebow four or five times.

Hey, maybe this helps us land Patrick Johnson!
At some point you have to give MICH some credit for making FL's D look the way they did. Urban Meyer did without coming out and saying it when he went for it on 4th and long deep in his own territory, with 3 mins and 3 timeouts left.

The way MICH was clicking I don't think anyone in CFB was going to stop them today. Besides themselves, which almost happened.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by TruFloridaGator
In honor of LSU's upcoming National Championship, I present the LSU girl from the Girls from the SEC Playboy Edition:

I cannot properly rate this girl without proper comparison with the rest of the SEC playboy ladies.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-01-2008 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Annulus
At some point you have to give MICH some credit for making FL's D look the way they did. Urban Meyer did without coming out and saying it when he went for it on 4th and long deep in his own territory, with 3 mins and 3 timeouts left.

The way MICH was clicking I don't think anyone in CFB was going to stop them today. Besides themselves, which almost happened.
Oh mos def give UM credit. This is a great foundation for a new beginning with RR for them. I would not be surprised if RR were holding up the crystal ball within the next five years.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-02-2008 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by nath
Yeah, and other people have posted stories of their experience with fans who were classy in both victory and defeat and had some social grace.

Guess what? It's the South. You have some people who still believe in old-fashioned standards of courtesy, conduct, and southern hospitality, and you have some angry, ignorant, racist rednecks. You don't think the exact same stories about each kind have been told about Alabama fans?
No, that's impossible. There are no obnoxious fans outside of LSU.

Are you always this much of a nit? I never made any claims of universal sainthood among other team's fans.

Oh, and BTW, what does this being the south have to do with it? There aren't angry, ignorant, racist dip****s elsewhere? Just letting your irrational unfounded prejudice show?
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-02-2008 , 02:24 PM
Florida's defense is awful. There is no way they win a national title or even their own division next year without significant improvements on defense. Who is UF's def. co-ordinator anyway?

Arkansas vs Missouri was a joke match up anyway, Missouri should have been in the BCS and Arkansas should have been playing Hawaii or Illinois or something.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-02-2008 , 03:42 PM
i could write a ****ing book on that game yesterday. purely disgusting. never before had i been to a more disturbing and disappointing game. as a UF fan, i apologize for embarressing the SEC this year to a sickening extent.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-02-2008 , 04:35 PM

It's not "irrational, unfounded predjudice". I know there are angry racist rednecks in the South because I GREW UP AMONG THEM. And yes, it IS different in the South than other places; it's a product of history. There are bigots everywhere, but in case you forget, racism was extremely institutional in the South until the last half-century or so.

Call me a nit if you want- it's funny to me because I know if our roles were reversed in this argument, or if it were in politics, you would be like "sample size FTW, go back to statistics 101 son" and then Borodog would high-five you before you tongued his ballsack. And then you'd insist you weren't trolling.

I don't care enough about this argument to continue it- and in fact, one of my favorite CFB memories involves a couple of Alabama fans - but for you to say "LSU fans are by far the worst" and then, when called out, counter with "well, who says there aren't obnoxious fans everywhere?" as though it supports your argument is extremely lol.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-02-2008 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Annulus
At some point you have to give MICH some credit for making FL's D look the way they did. Urban Meyer did without coming out and saying it when he went for it on 4th and long deep in his own territory, with 3 mins and 3 timeouts left.

The way MICH was clicking I don't think anyone in CFB was going to stop them today. Besides themselves, which almost happened.
I love Michigan but this same D gave up 37 to Kentucky, 42 to Georgia and 31 to South Carolina and 31 to Troy. This isn't a good D. Michigan O was clicking but Florida D wasn't anything special probally way below average in the SEC.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
01-02-2008 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by nath

It's not "irrational, unfounded predjudice". I know there are angry racist rednecks in the South because I GREW UP AMONG THEM. And yes, it IS different in the South than other places; it's a product of history. There are bigots everywhere, but in case you forget, racism was extremely institutional in the South until the last half-century or so.

Call me a nit if you want- it's funny to me because I know if our roles were reversed in this argument, or if it were in politics, you would be like "sample size FTW, go back to statistics 101 son" and then Borodog would high-five you before you tongued his ballsack. And then you'd insist you weren't trolling.

I don't care enough about this argument to continue it- and in fact, one of my favorite CFB memories involves a couple of Alabama fans - but for you to say "LSU fans are by far the worst" and then, when called out, counter with "well, who says there aren't obnoxious fans everywhere?" as though it supports your argument is extremely lol.
I used to live in a small town in Southern Georgia for a few years. It definitely had more racists than anywhere I've ever been in my life. After we bought a house, a neighbor commented that she was surprised it sold so fast since there where *whispers* "black people"*end whisper* next door. They were a doctor and a lawyer if I remember correctly.

We also were treated like complete dirt since we were "Damn Yankees". Neighbors would have their dogs **** in our yard and they would purposely leave it because it was the "Damn Yankees" yard.

Racists exist everywhere, but it is a lifestyle in the south, especially in smaller towns.
2007 SEC Football Thread Quote
