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software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars)

06-10-2010 , 12:43 PM
Hi guys, i just finished reading this thread. it seems like there is A LOT of great information on how to import tournament summaries from PS to PT3. However there are also A LOT of different scripts and methods, and different upgrades to the script which is where i am getting a bit confused ~_~. Which script will allow me to automatically request 60 IDs per 60 minutes? And which script will allow me to automatically load these requests into PT3? (if this is possible..). I have over 10k tournament summaries needed to be imported and there's no way in hell i'm typing in each ID manually to request the summary and then manually import it =/. If this process is now all automated with scripts, please tell me which ones. If not, I guess I'll just have to wait for a PT3 update for this.

Please note I am also using Windows 7.

Thanks for your help in advance,

software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
06-10-2010 , 02:30 PM
ok sorry i guess i was a bit lazy. i figured it out for the most part. i got the list of TIDs that are required and i put them all in the script. they are currently being sent to my gmail account as we speak! thank you all very much for this! However, now that i have all the summaries in my email, how do i get them into PT3?

Thanks again!
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
06-10-2010 , 03:03 PM
ough dunno y i cant edit my post... scratch the 1 above, i figured that out also lol.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
06-10-2010 , 03:11 PM
as u guys no, u can only request 60 trnys in 60 minutes. however, the script keeps running and passes through the TIDs, even though the TIDs arent been sent. does this matter? can u just leave the script running all day, and it will start sending summaries automatically after the 1 hour is up? at the end of the day, can you just run the script that will show which TIDs PT3 needs, copy those IDs and start doing the requesting script again?
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
07-11-2010 , 06:01 AM
Sorry for my ignorance, what kind of script is this?
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
07-11-2010 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by lgwong
Sorry for my ignorance, what kind of script is this?
I believe its and AutoHotKey script, its a free program that you can download from the internet.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
07-11-2010 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by lgwong
Sorry for my ignorance, what kind of script is this?
There are a couple of scripts talked about in this thread. Mark1978 created the 1st one that requests tounament info from PS show up in your email. PT3 can then be used import the details. I took Mark's script and played with the code to more tightly couple responses from PS to requesting the next tournament. Mark further modified his original code to incorporate an SQL request to get the list of tournaments needing data. Previously, it was a manual step to get that information. (I made that change to my script, but never posted it... no one ever asked for help making that change). PS limits requests to 60/hour. So this method is not the best for people with large amount data to fill in.

Radub adressed this with breaking the requests into 60 requests per hour. he has compiled his into an exe rather than being an AHK script.

EDIT: Oops... After reading Genl Smit post... I think I answered the wrong question !

Last edited by dengland; 07-11-2010 at 08:44 AM. Reason: Maybe answering the wrong question....
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
07-11-2010 , 10:42 AM
took me like over 2-3 weeks to get all my 12k summaries with the script =/ only being allowed to request 60/hr is a bi4tch
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
07-20-2010 , 03:22 PM
How about a script or an exe ala Radub that requests Hand Histories for tourneys played before PT was installed?
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
07-20-2010 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by bdamages
How about a script or an exe ala Radub that requests Hand Histories for tourneys played before PT was installed?
And where would the tournament numbers come from?
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
07-21-2010 , 03:20 PM
I requested my last 100 tourney summaries from PS.

I imported the resulting email into PT3.

I exported the list of tourneys into a csv file.

I imported the csv file into a spreadsheet.

I copied the tourney ID# column into the clipboard.

I pasted the column of ID#s into a script gui.

I tried to adapt Mark's scripts for HH instead of TS, but I can't get the loop of tourneys IDs to work -- it will do one number then quit.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
07-28-2010 , 06:15 PM
I used Mark's script but no tournaments are showing up in the AHK list box. I have imported all the HHs using PT3. Any ideas?

Argh, I just opened PT3. When I click "Only Tournaments Needing Results," it's blank. Yet when I uncheck it, there are clearly tournaments that have many players with Finish = 0 in the STT list.

Why this isn't easier or incorporated into PT3 boggles my mind and infuriates me at the same time.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
07-28-2010 , 06:29 PM
This SQL script returns no values:

SELECT id_tourney from tourney_holdem_results where val_finish = 0 and id_player = (SELECT id_player from player where player_name = 'MY SCREENNAME');

But there are very obviously many tournaments where my finish is, in fact, 0.


SELECT tourney_holdem_summary.tourney_no FROM tourney_holdem_summary WHERE tourney_holdem_summary.id_site in (100) ORDER BY tourney_no DESC LIMIT 60;

This correctly returns all the tournaments in my database. Going to fiddle with it and see what the "Finish" column is set to. God this is annoying.

Last edited by anononon; 07-28-2010 at 06:35 PM.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
07-29-2010 , 05:55 AM
Did you just recently update to v3.07.02? I think PokerTracker changed something to accommodate the new info in the Stars HH showing the player's place of finish and cash, if any.

I'm having the same problem so instead of using the script I'm just requesting the "last X number of tourneys" from Stars. Not elegant, but working.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
07-29-2010 , 08:00 AM
The query I am using still works fine:

SELECT tourney_holdem_summary.tourney_no FROM tourney_holdem_summary WHERE ((SELECT sum(val_finish) FROM tourney_holdem_results thr WHERE thr.id_tourney = tourney_holdem_summary.id_tourney) = 0) AND tourney_holdem_summary.id_site in (100) AND tourney_holdem_summary.amt_buyin != 0 ORDER BY tourney_no DESC LIMIT 60;

Site ID=100 gets you PS
buyin != 0 skips freerolls
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
09-24-2010 , 02:21 AM
ty dengland, so far your script is 100x better than the old one. staring at my computer clicking the mouse for 30 minutes was painful
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
09-26-2010 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Downbylaw11
ty dengland, so far your script is 100x better than the old one. staring at my computer clicking the mouse for 30 minutes was painful
Thanks for the kind words, butMark1978 did all the hard word. I just made a couple of small tweaks. Incorporating the postgres functions Mark did makes it even better. If you haven't done that, it is worhth the effort. If you run into problems, send me a PM.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
10-17-2010 , 06:17 PM
Can anyone post the historymaker.exe? The link in this thread is dead.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-24-2011 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by runhot
i am using the ahk from denglands most recent post (as quoted), and having some trouble...

i have a text file of thousands of tournament numbers that require a summary. there is one tournament number per line (8 or 9 digits) immediately followed by a carriage return.

i run the ahk, and it pops up a text box, with a 'go' button. i copy/paste my tournament numbers into the box, click 'go'.

it seems to hang, then gives the following error:
"WinWait timed out inside of waiting to set tournament ID after 3 seconds"

can anyone help me out?

edit: i have also tried to run the ahk on ~1,000 tournament numbers, ~100, and 5 numbers. i get the same error each time.
I had the same problem. You need to run AHK as administator.

Start menu/all programs/autohotkeys/right click over autohot key and select Compatibility then check the box in the Privilege box.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
12-07-2022 , 02:40 PM
Ok, bumping this thread. Over the last month, there was a bug in the client and you couldn't import any tournament summaries. As a result I have close to 3000 summaries I need to find a way to import. In the past, I was using a script I think I found in this thread, but it's no longer working, probably because it was meant to be used with the Pokerstars 5 or something.

Here's the script:

#SingleInstance, Force

; Create the gui
Gui, Add, Edit, H200 W200
Gui, Add, Button, w56 h20 gGo, &Go
gui, show,, Tournament Summary Requester



; Get list tourn from text box
ControlGetText, Tourn_List, Edit1, Tournament Summary Requester

; Loop through tourn list
Loop, parse, Tourn_List, `n, `r
; Select the Tournament History Requests menu item
WinMenuSelectItem, PokerStars Lobby,, Requests, Tournament History...
; Wait for the Tournament History Requests item to popup
WinWait, Tournament History ahk_class #32770,

; Click the radio button for Tournament ID. Repeat until selected (ControlClick is unreliable, probably a better way of doing this)
Enabled = 0
ControlGet, Enabled, Enabled, , Edit2, Tournament History
IF (Enabled == 0)
ControlClick, Button2, Tournament History
sleep, 1000

sleep, 1000
; Enter the tourn ID into the text box
ControlSetText, Edit2, %A_LoopField%, Tournament History
sleep, 1000
Click the OK button
ControlClick, Button4, Tournament History
sleep, 1000
; Wait for the message box
WinWait, PokerStars ahk_class #32770,,PokerStars Lobby History
sleep, 1000
; Click OK on message box
ControlClick, Button1, PokerStars ahk_class #32770,,,,PokerStars Lobby
MsgBox, Done!
Can anyone update it to work with the current client?
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
